Chapter 71: Ghost


The whole building exploded, it’s sound shaking the whole place.

The impact of the explosion threw everyone outside the building across the place.

Douglas, Shikita, Jeff and the rest of Alfred’s men slowly stood up with widened eyes.

“Don’t… tell me Alfred was in that building when it exploded.” Douglas muttered as the building burned in front of them.

“Alfred” Douglas muttered, the reflection of the burning building appearing in his eyes.

In all his years as a mafia, he has never felt fear, not even for one day…. but now, the fear in him can kill the frail.

He never thought he was going to loose his best friend this soon.

“Alfred…. no” Shikita muttered, her eyes are still wide.

“Lord Alfred…. He can’t be gone.” Jeff whispered, staring with wide eyes too.

“Alfred!!!” Douglas screamed falling on both knees with tears rolling down his cheeks.

“No.. someone tell me this is just a fucking dream and I’ll will wake up soon!!!” He screamed, looking up at the sky as tears streamed out of his eyes.


Tiger let out a shrill laughter as the building exploded. He was watching everything on his laptops with Theresa.

“No.. Fre.. Freddy isn’t in that building.. ri.. right?” She stuttered as she slowly moved her gaze from the laptop screen to Tiger who had a victorious smile on his face.

“Yes, he is.” Tiger replied, and Theresa gasped. ‘Your sweet boyfriend is gone. He is now history.” He bursted into a fit of crazy laughter.

Theresa’s heart shattered into a million pieces when she heard Tiger’s statement.

Even though she watched as the building exploded, she still didn’t want to believe that Alfred was inside the building when it exploded.

The man who meant the whole world to her just died a cruel death.

“Freddy… No.” She muttered, tears rolling down her cheeks as she returned her gaze back to the laptop screen to see the building burning gloriously.

She folded her fists angrily and she clenched her jaw, then she landed a heavy punch on Tiger’s face before he could ven blink his eyes.

“Fuck!!” Tiger cursed painfully as a tooth flew out of his mouth.

“You’re a monster!! You’re a beast!!, a bastard!!!!, you deserve to die you heartless monster!!” Theresa yelled and landed another punch on his face.

She was about to punch him the third time when one of his men held her from behind and covered her nose with a drugged handkerchief.

Theresa struggled to free herself but the drug took over her body system, making her fall unconscious.

“Jeez! Was her hand made of iron or what?” Tiger groaned in pain as he rubbed his chin.

It took him a lot if self control felt not to shoot Theresa dead.

“Here boss.” Tiger’s right hand man handed Hinata white handkerchief to wipe of the blood on his lips.

Tiger angrily collected the handkerchief and he wiped off the blood on his lips, then he threw the handkerchief out the window.

His phone started ringing and he brought it out of his pocket to check the caller.

Marco was the one calling.

A grin formed on his face and he swiped the green icon on the screen, then placed the phone over his ears.

“Hey client.”

“How did it go?” Marco asked impatiently. Everything went as planned. The leader of the Gilberto family is dead.”

“Yes!!” Marco screamed excitedly and Tiger moved the phone away from his ear.

“Do you wanna damage my ears?” Tiger groaned.

“Sorry man, I was just too excited.” replied Marco, “is Theresa with you?”

“Yeah, what should we do with her?” Tiger asked, moving his gaze to unconscious Theresa. “Should we finish her off since she is of no use?”

“Don’t laying a fucking finger on her. She’s mine, so bring her to the Marcels empire asap.” Marco replied.

“Alright.” Tiger disconnected the call and he tucked the phone inside his pocket.

“Let’s move boys!!” Tiger ordered, and they drove speedily out of the bush.

They took another route so that Douglas and the rest of Alfred’s men won’t notice them.

“Man! I still can’t believe I just took down the leader of the strongest mafia organization in the world.” Tiger said with a wide grin on his face.

He was feeling proud of himself.

“Did you record the video of how Alfred Gilberto exploded in the building?” He asked his right-hand man who was seated in the backseat.

“Yes boss.” He replied, and Tiger’s grin widened.

“Send it to our client.” He instructed.

“Done.” His right-hand man replied. “Every Mafia organization will surely bow at my feet once they watch the video of I took down the Gilbertos leader. The Tigers empire will be feared and…”

Tiger’s statement was cut short when the van suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

“Why the fuck did you suddenly stop?!” Tiger yelled at the driver.

“Boss…. we’ve been double crossed.” The driver replied in a panicking tone.

Tiger looked out the window to see five black jeeps in front of them.

His eyes widened when he saw the eagle logo on the jeeps.

“It’s the Gilbertos!!” Tiger shouted. “Reverse immediately.”

The driver tried to reverse but four more jeeps suddenly blocked them from behind.

“Fuck!” Tiger cursed, bringing out husbgun. “Get ready for battle.” He cocked his gun and came down from the van with his men.

His men were up to fifteen and they all had various types of guns in their hands.

Some his men faced the jeeps that were behind them while the rest faced the ones in front of them.

Tiger stood in the middle of his men with his gun pointed at the jeeps in front of them.

He was wondering how they knew the route his and his men took. He purposely instructed his men to take a different route so that they won’t be spotted.

So how did they find them?

Hefty men dressed in black tailored suits alighted from the jeeps and raised their high-graded guns at Tiger and his men.

Tiger shivered when he saw the guns they were holding but he composed himself. He was the leader after all so he had to act bold and fearless.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

But the little boldness he had in him fled off when a man stepped out of one of the jeeps.

The eyes of tiger and his men went wide when they saw the man who just stepped out of the jeep.

The looks on their faces was like they had just seen a ghost.

Tiger was the most shocked person. His face was as pale as the belly of a fish and his hands were shaky, making his gun fall from his hand.

“Ghost… Alfred GilbertosGilberto’s ghost!?” He screamed in fright, peeing on his pants at the same time.

Alfred had a broad smirk as he walked towards Tiger and his men who were beyond shocked.

Tiger and his men kept shifting back as Alfred walked towards them with a gun in his left hand and his right hand buried in his pocket.

Alfred cocked his gun and before anyone could blink their eyes he shot all of Tiger’s men dead.

The gunshot echoed throughout the place, send multiple waves of shiver down Tiger’s spine.

He fell on his butt when his leg hit a stone. He had a frightened look on his face, and his heart kept banging hard and fast against his ribcage like it was gonna pop out of his chest.

Alfred finally got to him and he crouched to his level, sending more waves of fear throughout his (Tiger) body.

“”Y.. You’re a… a. .. Ghost.” Tiger stuttered with shaky breaths.

The air was a bit tensed with the place falling silent as Alfred bore his raging brown eyes into Tiger’s frightened gaze. Then his face lightened up with a smirk of mischieve before saying,

“Do you like my surprise, Tiger?”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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