Chapter 35: Mission Tokyo (3)

Kashmiri, Shikita’s uncle was organising an afternoon with a couple of geishas in a private tea house, of which he was the owner.

A white Benz drove outside Kashmiri’s chashitsu. Alfred came down the car and tossed the keys to a waiting grinning Japanese servant boy.

“Take care of her,” He said to him and adjusted his suit.

The boy nodded and bowed.

Alfred had now shaved and he had a new hair cut. He stared at Kashmiri’s Chashitsu. It was just as Rose had described it to him.

Chashitsu is a Japanese architectural space designed to be used for tea ceremony gatherings. Aside the teas, Shikita’s Chashitsu also has an onsen.

An onsen is a natural hot spring bath, and thanks to its plentiful volcanic activity Japan has lots of them.

Onsen water is geothermally heated beneath the ground and rises to the surface bubbling hot.

Kashmiri stood waiting for Alfred as he pulled up at the entrance of his Chashitsu.

He was all smiles, wearing a beautiful red kimono designed with dragon patterns.

One look at Kashmiri and you immediately get the idea of a rich potbellied businessman. He was a good-natured jolly man and successful too. He also has many wives.

“Nice seeing you again, Mr Donovan,” Kashmiri bowed slightly, beaming with a bright smile that threatened to split his fat face. “We’ve been expecting you.” He added.

Alfred bowed his head slightly and took his hand in a firm handshake. “Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Kashmiri.”

Donovan was the name of the man Alfred was impersonating. He was Kashmiri’s guest.

Kashmiri had never seen him before so this was their first meeting. It was so easy to fool him. Rose had given him a little information about Donovan.

Donovan was built in the same line as him and short haired. But Kashmiri doesn’t care about all that. He was only here to host a tea party.

He majorly entertains foreign guests and Donovan was one of those guests whom yearned to have a good night at the Chashitsu.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

Rose had laid an ambush and had attacked Donovan. Donovan was somewhere tied up while Alfred was in his expensive suit and car taking his place in the Chashitsu.

“How was your flight, Mr Donovan?” Kashmiri asked, searching Alfred over with his eyes at his expensive wrist watch and Italian shoes.

“It was fantastic, thank you,” Alfred answered. “I’m getting to love this place.”

“Of course, you should,” Kashmiri released his hand. “I can assure you, your afternoon will be splendid. Welcome back to Japan, Mr Donovan.”

Even though Kashmiri was a Japanese, he still spoke good and fluent English.

From behind Kashmiri, Alfred saw two women approaching them. They were his servants. They stood before Alfred and offered to take his coat.

“I’m having a tea party with some businessmen, Mr Donovan,” Kashmiri led Alfred away down the pavement towards a number of rooms. “I’m so glad you sent a message you were coming. It’s my pleasure to treat you to a wonderful evening. Consider it a token of my hospitality.”

Alfred followed him to a room. “You don’t have to. I’m only here to while away some time at the onsen. I’ll pay for every services I received tonight.”

“This would be your room for tonight,” Kashmiri said instead as if he didn’t hear what Alfred just said. “There’s a kimono arranged specially for you on the bed. You can change into that and join for the tea party after your visit from the onsen.”

Before Alfred could say anything, he bowed and left. Kashmiri was like Alfred. He was a man of few words despite his friendliness except Alfred was ruthless not friendly.

Minutes later, Alfred’s body was immersed in the bubbling heat of the onsen. It was the good stuff. One of a kind.

He was the only one in the onsen, practically naked. For the first time since he landed in Japan, he felt stressed free and light headed.

When Alfred returned back to his room, another kimono was waiting neatly for him on the bed.

Alfred was sure by now everything was set and ready. Each of his gang members were already performing their part of the plan.

Alfred haven’t seen Nagisa yet but he was certain she was in the Chashitsu.

Everything was set in motion.

Matilda must’ve infiltrated the Chashitsu by now. Once she poisoned the tea, they could proceed with the plan.

Alfred was getting nervous already and he desperately felt in need of a smoke but smoking wasn’t allowed in the Chashitsu.

Scowling, he wore his kimono and left the room.



A Japanese tea ceremony is about tea only on its surface. From the positioning of guests to the cleaning of the tools to the scooping of the loose-leaf tea, everything has significance.

Alfred was provided with slippers as soon as he arrived at the tea room. Shoes weren’t allowed in the tea room.

Kashmiri ushered him in as his host. Once inside a tea room, there were a few additional rules that apply. It was all centered on culture.

Alfred entered the room on his knees, avoiding stepping on the center of the mats. Instead of using his palms, he used his closed fists when touching the mats, (for hygiene).

It was then Alfred saw Kashmiri’s guests. They were all good businessmen. He recognized few of them.

One of the men was an advocate for a steel refinery in New York. The other guy owned a perfume brand in Paris, France. Alfred knew that because he uses his perfumes.

The other two were Japanese. Alfred don’t know who they were. Theresa was the last guest. She wore a lovely dress that highlighted her out of the party.

The guests welcomed Alfred warmly and they exchanged pleasantries.

Five of them businessmen sat round a table chatting and drinking sake. It was the way businessmen loved to be treated.

Their host served them well with traditional tea, good meals and entertainment.

Theresa and Alfred stylishly avoided drinking the tea because it was already poisoned by Matilda.

It was part of their plan.

But the best entertainment was when the geishas appeared. Each man had a geisha each. They made pleasant conversation.

Alfred’s Japanese wasn’t very good, but he managed to maintain a simple conversation with the women around.

Their job was basically to make one feel good. So all your jokes are hilarious to them, all your stories are fascinating, they think you’re just such an amazing person.

The geishas were very skilled at what they do – you know it’s fake, but it doesn’t feel artificial. They were in turns fawning, flirty, teasing – whatever they think is going to make their customer feel good.

As Alfred watched good-naturedly, this young geisha came up to Theresa. She was Theresa’s geisha assigned to take care of her.

Now it is true to say that not every geisha is traditionally beautiful. These geishas work much harder to get on the top of their art.

But this geisha, she was something out of a fairy tale. One could tell a lot about this geisha just by looking at her.

Instead of a regular kimono, she wore a geisha kimono that exposed her neckline.

In Japanese culture, this is considered the most sensual part of a woman.

Her kimono was very long, colourful and intricately adorned with beautifully hand-painted designs. Her collar was red, and her obi (darari obi) waa long and wide.

She wore high wooden shoes to keep her kimono from dragging on the ground. Learning to walk in this outfit without falling over is an integral part of her training and she did it in a way that made it look as if she was floating on clouds.

Her white makeup was painted with the uttermost care on her small oval face.

Her eyebrows were concealed and redrawn with pink eyeshadow that seemed applied to the corner of her eyes and jet black eyeliner which finished the look.

She had red lipstick applied to her lower lip. This showed that she was an apprentice.

Alfred didn’t need a prophet to tell him this geisha was Shikita.

She attended to Theresa in the most alluring way which confirmed Rose’s story that she was bisexual.

But it didn’t matter to Alfred. In his eyes, she was a wonder.

Alfred was most envious of her hair which was very long, silky and shaped into the elaborate hairstyles of a maiko.

They took a break while they did a traditional dance and played their instruments.

Alfred couldn’t take his eyes off her. There was something in the way she danced and played her instrument that set everyone’s heart racing and when she looked at Theresa, her lips curved into a seductive smile.

Her eyes evoked with desire and cravings and fire.

Her eyes intrigued Alfred greatly. They were sparkling blue. She looked so beautiful and attractive, drawing him in like a magnet and nails.

For a long time, Alfred watched Theresa’s geisha, studying her movements, listening deeply to her voice and the way she played her musical instruments.

There was no mistaking. This was Shikita, Dante’s front man.

A. K. A the White Cobra.

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