The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59


I watched as lycan king Dante left the ballroom.

My eyes did not want to leave his figure until he could not be seen again.

I had already said I would leave the fate of both of us to the moon goddrss. If I meet him again, that would be great and if I did not encounter him again, I won’t be affected too much.

Still, I never expected that I would meet him in Zera city.

The chances of meeting him was very low. I knew he was a busy lycan king.

He must have something to do. That is why he came to Zera city.

Our meeting was a twist of fate.

I knew the moon goddess was behind this. This coincidence would not have happened otherwise.

She had always wanted me to let go of my traumatic past and embrace the things the future hold in store for me.

She wanted me to accept my second chance mate.

I left the decision of the city I was going to teleport to in the moon goddess’s. hands.

It seemed she had great plans for me.

Although I experienced some bumps, my time in Zera city was still good.

No random person would get adopted by a rich family.

My mind could not help but stray to my second chance mate’s passionate eyes. When he said I should give him a chance to court me, I was stunned.

Every part of him was attractive to me.

I knew it was all the work of the mate bond. The mate bond highlighted his good effects.

I don’t know why but my impression of the father of my pups is fading away. All my thoughts seemed to be occupied with my second chance mate.

The thoughts of him filled me with giddiness.

Still, I did not lose my cautiousness.

Even till now, the pain of rejection was still as fresh as ever in my mind.

The more I wanted to see how he would win me over, the more I am afraid of the consequences of him rejecting me.

Being with him would bring me to an unknown territory. Everything would be

new to me.

It was why I was a little cold to him when he asked me why I was running away from him.

I wanted to raise my kids myself if I can.

I would have loved to be a single mother but my kids were my reverse scale.

I knew rumors would be a constant thing that would appear anywhere I go.

I do not want my children to be hurt by rumors.

In this new society, people are not still very tolerating of single mothers.

I don’t know what their imagination conjures up.

When Dante did not appear, I felt like I was strong. I would be able to bear with the rumors. I would be able to stand in front of my pups as a guardian.

Now that Dante had barged into my life, I can not help but think of other possibilities.

Having my pups grow up with a father was not bad.

Although my body was reacting positively to Dante, I still want to see him win me over with his courting.

I wanted to see his personality and character.

I don’t really believe in the mate bond anymore. I believed in myself and my vision instead.

I was not the Avery of the past that had illusions of love.

Now, I was more practical.

My kids were the priority.

I saw that when Dante saw my kids, he was not adverse to them.

I could even see that he adored them.

That was enough for me to give him a good point in my book.

Unknown to him, he had already passed the first step.

I was budding with anticipation for the future.

His bearing and charisma was branded into my mind.

The banquet was coming to a close.

Aside from introducing me to society, this party was a way for forging


The people that came benefited. They would be able to speak with who they will not normally encounter.

Malicious gazes settled on me.

I looked at the sources.

It was the young ladies that attended the banquet. The gazes belonged to them.

I did not really recall what I did that made them lash out like this.

It can not be the adoption Mrs Barrington did.

Their gazes was not as intense as it is now. Previously, everybody had kept their thoughts on me inside their minds.

Then, I realized the reason they were looking at me like prey.

It was because of Dante Romanos, the lycan king.

I felt stunned.

Dante did not spend much time with me.

He only said a few words.

Still, his few words caused enmity to settle on me. This was ridiculous.

Dante Romanos was very woman’s dream.

He was rich, charismatic and most importantly, he was very strong.

Being his partner can be considered the pinnacle of life. Anybody that is his partner can forget about the meaning of poverty and suffering.

All these are enough temptation to the girls and women present in this banquet. In these people’s eyes, I was obviously a weak omega woman with three kids that was born outside of an official relationship. To them, I was not deserving of Dante.

I liked my outward facade of a weak woman. I believed that it would let my enemies let down their guard but its effect was too good.

There is a possibility of me being with Dante in the future. I wanted the public to acknowledge our relationship when the time comes.

I did not like the fact that these people might feel like I did not deserve him.

They should try having a mate bond with him!

Then we would be able to discuss if I deserved to be by his side or not.

For now, I ignored their gazes.

They can not do anything to me. They would be lucky not to get injured by me instead.

Still, I knew I had already given a new fuel to the rumors surrounding me.

People started leaving the banquet little by little.

Mrs Barrington was by my side before. She had come when Dante approached.

1. me.

It was a protective gesture that I appreciated.

Since the guests she invited were leaving, she was seeing them out with greeting. Nina and her family came to me.

I had been expecting them for a long time.

I want to see the greedy family that wanted to emulate leeches.

My adoptive father’s younger brother was a middle aged man with narrow eyes. I could see some resemblance between him and my adoptive father.

The difference is that my adoptive father looked more upright.

His wife was by his side and his son’s eyes stayed glued to my face.

His son’s action was rude but I chose not to comment for the time being.

My father’s adoptive younger brother was looking at me arrogantly. I don’t know if he felt like him approaching me was an immense favor to me.

“Hello Avery, I am Rodney Barrington. This is my wife, Gina Matteo and my son, Paolo. You have met my daughter Nina. We are here to congratulate you.” Rodney, my adoptive father’s younger brother said.

Mrs Barrington hurried to my side.

My heart warmed at her action.

Rodney and his wife began to talk to Mrs Barrington.

My mother could not leave them hanging so she had to reply. Still, it was clear as day that she did not want to interact with them at all. It showed on her face.

It is just that the family of Rodney Barrington is too thick skinned and shameless. They pretended like they did not see it.

Paolo’s eyes were still on me. I glared at him.

“Don’t you know it is rude to stare?” I questioned but he did not even stop. His action became more unbridled.

It seems like these family thinks nothing of me.

They might have been thinking that I was a soft persimmon that they can knead as they want.

I don’t know if they thought I was the soft spot in the Barringtons‘ mansion. If that is their thought, I was happy to tell them that they were severely mistaken.

If they think I would be easy to deal with, they would fail in their plans. “Paolo, stop it.” Nina said.

At her words, Paolo restrained his lecherous gaze.

I was wondering why she helped me when she said the reason.

“Avery, I just want to ask. How did you know the lycan king?” She asked.

I sneered.

I knew that good intentions without a price was hiding impure motives behind it. If she thinks that because she helped keep her brother in check, I would begin to sprout the information about the entanglement between I and the lycan king, she

was mistaken.

She was saving her brother from trouble but she thinks it is something she can use to ask something from me.

She would only gain nothing from me.

Nina was very rude.

She was already dissatisfied with me for snatching the position of the Barrington’s daughter.

I could feel that her intentions to me were still malicious.

It is just that the lure of my second chance mate was so high so she put aside her schemes to ask about him first.

I was a very possessive woman.

I can not tolerate any woman thinking about my man.

Even the stranger I spent a passionate night with was implicated, not to talk less of a man that had the potential to be my future partner.

I remembered that I was tormented by the thoughts of a shewolf appearing by the side of the stranger I had a one night stand with.

I would not be able to stomach any impure thoughts other women have of my future partner.

I was not that tolerant.

The stranger I had a night of passion with was still far from my reach. Dante. Romano was in my clutches.

How can I let other women think about him?

My line of thought was unreasonable but this is how I am.

“Maybe he liked my face and charms.” I answered her.

It was obvious that I was perfunctory.

Her face changed as she glared at me. I returned her gesture.

“If you do not want to tell me, just tell me the truth. Don’t deceive me with halfhearted answers. She said angrily.

“Okay then, I will say the truth. I think your subpar looks and charms aren’t enough to draw his attention.” I said as I stared at her.

I did not want to miss any changes in her facial expression.

It is a type of amusement for me.

“You!” Her anger was still mounting and increasing.

I smiled at her, “Besides, there is no need to pretend in front of me. Mrs Barrington had told me all about your family. Just be your true self, it would save you the energy of pretending to be what you are not.”

Her face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Her displeasure was evident but I did not care about her.

If she likes, she can get angry enough to summon the rain and wind. It is none of my business.

I just don’t want her to waste her efforts to pretend to be something she is not and will never be.

She was already trained to be spoilt and arrogant. Trying to hide her true colors. was awkward.

“You whore! After giving birth to three bastards, you have set you sights on the venerable lycan king. You don’t know that you are the worm on the floor and he is the sky! There is no way he is interested in you.” Nina’s voice turned into a screechy whisper, “You must have used your bewitching face to tempt him.”

My face cooled.

I did not mind that she called me a whore. It was not a new thing.

I have heard worst insults..

What infuriated me was that she called my precious kids bastards.

She was not enough to exchange for my kids‘ fingernail. She did not have the right to insult them.

“I dare you to repeat that again.” I said with a growl.

My fingers began to itch.

I wanted to give her a dressing down.

“Oh, you want me to repeat my words. Is it the part about you being a whore or about your kids being fatherless bastards? I don’t know the ones you want me to repeat.” Her face was a mixture of hate and glee.

My anger gave her a rush.

I smiled coldly.

She must be thinking that I can not do anything to her.

Nina was the same as her sibling. Paolo did not take me seriously too when I warned him.

It seemed they would not stop provoking me if I did not show them the depths of my power.

I would not stop them if they wanted to be scapegoats. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

It was a little inconvenient to try to attack with the two kids in my arms but I would make do.

I did not want to drop them on the floor like I did when I wanted to fix up Gary and his crew when they wanted to harm me.

If I tried that, Nina and her brother might do something bad to them.

I did not trust their family at all.

I was about to attack when Mrs Barrington’s voice stopped me.

She must have seen my agitated state.

“Avery, let us leave.” Mrs Barrington said.

It seemed she was fed up with the two adults that were trying to keep her for a conversation.

I glanced at Nina and her brother.

They were saved by Mrs Barrington.

If they can, they should thank the moon goddess for saving them from the death seeking pain they wanted.

Some of the guests that had not left were watching us like they were seeing at show.

It seemed like the frictions between the Barringtons was well known in the upper societal circles.

Thankfully, Mrs Barrington stopped me from teaching Nina a lesson.

If I attack, I don’t know the levels of the rumors that would be spreading tomorrow. I did not want the Barringtons to be attacked my gossips so soon. The Barringtons were my saviors. It is the least I can do for them.

The rest of the guests that remained began to take their leave.

I walked out of the banquet hall with Mrs Barrington by my side. This party was a rollercoaster.

I have had enough of the experience it brought. It would last me for a long time.

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