The Lycan King

Chapter 5. Delicious

Chapter 5. Delicious


"Why were you late? I have told you I hate waiting, pet!" He snapped at me. I crawled and kneeled next

to his feet.

"I'm sorry Master, I was cooking for your guests." I whispered, my eyes trained to the floor.

"You were cooking, eh? You kept me waiting for two minutes, pet. The first part of your punishment is

that you will not have food for two days." He chuckled sardonically.

"Yes Master, thank you Master." I trembled, willing myself to not cry or he will extend my punishment.

Not having food for a couple of days was normal, what feared me was the other half of the punishment.

He picked up my leash and started walking, I crawled behind him, trying to keep up with his pace. The

other housekeepers looked at me in pity. No one said a thing, no one could say a word to him.

He brought me in the living room, I could see a lot of expensive looking shoes, they were his guests.

He never let me wear clothes, saying he couldn't deny him the pleasure to look at me, yet he called me

ugly. He also said it was for easy access. The only thing I wore was his collar and leash, to show

everyone that I belonged to him. He found new ways to break me everyday. He abused me, broke me,

humiliated me in the worst ways.

It was to the point that I couldn't even feel my wolf. I had not even shifted yet!

"Gentlemen, let the show begin. Punishment position five pet." He ordered me. I quickly crawled to the

table and stood up, extending my legs to touch the table legs and bent the upper half of my body to

lean on the table. I knew what was going to come and I was terrified of it.

I could hear the sound of the whip snapping in the air, the tears were already forming in my eyes. Soon,

the whip met my ass with a searing sting.

"One, thank you Master." I always had to thank him for the punishment.

More lashing met my back, ass and thighs, the sound of leather meeting my skin engulfing the room. I

was sobbing badly and I couldn't take it anymore. His werewolf strength was no match for me. I was

stronger than a human for sure, but I was also weaker than an omega.

"Please, no, please, Master, stop, no..." I was sobbing but he did not stop.

He stopped after a couple of more hits. I took a harsh, shuddering breath in. Thank god!

"Okay who wants to go next?" He asked.

Oh no! Not anymore!

"I'll go." I heard someone say. More tears leaked from my eyes. I didn't dare move from my position or

else it would be even worse.

This time I heard the 'swoosh' of the cane. My trembling and sobbing grew. It was the most painful.

He started beating me with the cane, first on my left ass cheek, then the right, then between my cheeks

at which I cried out.

"Red, Master, pleasee, no, no, it hurts, please, Master Red, no!" I begged, using my safe word to make

him stop, but like most times I was ignored.

"Nice work Adrik, you haven't lost your touch yet." I heard him laugh, the others joining him. I was still

begging him to stop, sobbing hysterically.

"Avalyn, get up!" I heard a strong voice command and I jerked up, my eyes snapping open to see a

worried looking Master, my Master.

"Are you okay? Was it a nightmare, Ava?" He asked, looking all over my face. I knew I was all sweaty

and my hair was a mess and I looked filthy.

It was not a nightmare, it was my past, the one which Master had saved me from. He was my saviour,

he was mending me slowly, making me feel like whole again, he never hurt me, all that he had done

was for me, for my betterment. I wanted to serve him, to please him, I wanted to stay with him but I was

scared that he would leave me once he gets tired of me. I would be the perfect slave for him, but

Masters usually didn't want perfect slaves, they wanted someone they could punish But Master hadn't

even touched me yet, except from a few kisses, I was the one to touch him...he also didn't like me

calling myself a slave but I didn't know what else to call myself. It was all very confusing. But I decided

to do what I do best?? submit. If he makes all the decisions for us, then I'll be saved from thinking and

taking responsibility.

"Yes Master, it was just a bad dream." I lied.

I didn't want to worry him more, I wanted to be the one to do things for him from now on, it was my duty.

Also, I was scared to tell Master my truth, afraid that he would be disgusted with me and then leave


"Why is it that you only get these dreams when I'm not next to you?" He asked, wiping my tears away.

It was true, I had nightmares, it had started two weeks ago when he had sold me to the men in that

hotel but when Master was with me, I didn't get them. Maybe because he somehow saved me in my

dreams too.

"Let's go take a shower." He said and gave me a small smile when I didn't reply. I had no real answer to

his questions.

We went into the washroom and bathed each other, just like we have been doing till now. I loved every

part of him, I loved when he took gentle care of me, when he allowed me to take care of him. I wanted

to give his cock the release it seemed to need but again, Master had told me no, so I would wait.

"I will be going out now and I'll return in the evening, you can do whatever you want, remember the

rules about going out. Also, no need to be scared of anyone here, my Love, they are here to protect

you, they will lay down their lives for your protection if needed." He said softly and caught my lips in a

bruising kiss before I could reply. The kiss is intense, making me all tingly and leaving me breathless.

"See you later, Love." He said against my lips and left the room, leaving my mind in a disarray because

of his kiss.

I followed him down the stairs to see Dimitri, Andrei, Vladimir and Mikhail joining him and they left

through the main door. I saw Sofiya leaving the foyer too, I quickly followed her, determined to talk to

her, I didn't want to lose the only friend I had. I saw her enter the kitchen and I went behind her.

"Sofiya, can I talk to you?" I asked desperately.

"Leave us." She said and my eyes widened. Did she want me to leave? Suddenly, all of the maids left

the kitchen and I released the breath I realised I had been holding.

"If you are just some slut who wants Nikolai for power and money then I do not want to talk to you."

She said firmly, looking me in my eye.

"I don't want anything from him." I told her softly. I decided to tell her the truth, the necessary parts of it

at least, I don't want to base our friendship on lies.

"My father was killed when I was thirteen by someone who was very close to us, he made me a captive

in my own house. But his son was the worst. He raped me for the first time when I was sixteen. He

trained me, tortured me, to become his personal slave, his 'pet' as he would call me, make me do

whatever he wanted. He hurt me when I did something he perceived as wrong. After eight years, he

sold me when he thought I had become 'old' and 'boring'. Nikolai had bought me when he had come to

help his friend. So you see, I don't want anything from him, he has freed me and already given me

everything." I told her quietly, my tears flowing freely down my cheeks. I kept my eyes lowered while I

spoke, I didn't want to see the disgust in her eyes or worse, pity.

Suddenly, I was in her arms. "I'm so, so, so sorry Avalyn!" Her shoulders were shaking.

She is crying for me.

"You shouldn't be, anyone could have assumed the same thing." I whispered as I rubbed her back. It

was true, from what I understood, Master was very wealthy and very powerful, even more than the

Devil. Master was also a dangerous man but he had a good heart.

"I can't believe you have been through so much, Goddess I was such a bitch to you. I am so sorry, for

what you have had to go through." She whispered in my ear. "You can live a normal life here now, well

as normal as a life in a werewolf world can get but it will be good, I promise."

"It's okay Sofiya, after living like that for almost eight years has left its mark on me. It is what I want,

what I need now, it has been the only constant in my life since Papa died." I whispered brokenly. I then

realised that all the things that came out of my mouth were absolutely true and that made me cry more.

She just nodded at that. We talked some more while we had lunch. She told me stories of when she

and Dimitri were young and used to play with Nikolai and Max, another of their friends. She also told

me Andrei and Mikhail had joined the pack late. Both of them had dark pasts but they were good men

and that's why they were in this pack now.

That was something Master always did, he didn't allow just any rogue, he held a court once a year for

any rogue that wanted to join. He had to state his reason for being a rogue and then show that he was

a good wolf now. Master gave his judgment and the were would either be allowed or be killed if he was

proved to be a fraud.

I was in awe of Master's system.

Vladimir was a vampire and since his mate was a werewolf, his Kingdom didn't like it and majority of

them voted for him to be cast out so he joined the pack. He was still in contact with a few of his old

friends though.

As for why Master was a rogue, it was because Master's dad was not a kind man but because he was

the heir, he was treated nicely. But then something happened that changed Master and made him the

man he is.

"Can you tell me what had happened?" I asked her. I wanted to know everything about him.

"It is not my story to tell. You should ask Nikolai himself about it." She smiled. I nodded at her, Master

was the only one who should be telling it to me.

"There is still some time before the men come, what do you want to do?" She asked me.

"Can I cook dinner for them?" I asked excitedly. I have loved cooking ever since I was little, my father

used to say that I was the best cook ever and I could be a chef when I grow up. I didn't really cook at

the age but I helped the chef at our home.

"You can do whatever you want." She smiled at me.

"Thank you." I grinned at her.

"The sl-maids cook for all the people in the mansion, there are a lot of them, you will need help." She

said and called the staff back in the kitchen.

"Avalyn wants to cook the dinner tonight, so you don't need to do much but just assist her." She smiled

at them. Everyone murmured in agreement.

Sofiya had told me that she was the one to manage the entire estate and handle the staff. I spent the

next few hours in the kitchen, cooking and giving the three maids directions, telling them what and how

to do it. It was an odd feeling- telling others what to do, it felt very weird and very new. Sofiya was

sitting on one of the bar stools of the counter with an ipad in her hand. She had assigned herself as my

designated food taster, but I knew she just wanted to eat everything right away.

"I swear to god, this mousse is delicious." She moaned and I laughed at her.

"That is enough for tasting, you will ruin your appetite." I frowned, I wanted her to enjoy the dinner.

"I can eat a lot, Avalyn, when you will start training like me, you will too." She mumbled, still finishing

her cup.

"Training?" I squeaked.

"Training to learn how to fight. We don't leave women defenceless in this pack. I'm sure Nikolai will

start your training once you are settled." She said, giving me an understanding smile. I sighed in relief

at that. I should train to make myself stronger.

"They just entered the gates." Sofiya muttered, as she typed something on her phone."Are you done

with dinner?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just need to set the table and serve and-"

"You don't need to do everything, you know? I don't think Nikolai brought you here as a maid. Sit back

and relax Avalyn." She said with a small smile.

"Yeah." I nodded. I wasn't in my old house, I didn't need to do everything.

"Sasha, set the table." Sofiya asked a girl who was cleaning the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am." She nodded.

"Lets go." Sofiya said, dragging me out of the kitchen to the main foyer. She dashed towards Vladimir

and kissed him. I just stood meekly in front of them, Master hadn't told me to do anything, I couldn't just

kiss him like that, how much ever I want to.

He strode towards me and kissed me like he hadn't seen me in years. He had missed me, just like I


"I expect you to kiss me like this when I come home, Ava." He whispered softly against my lips and I

nodded, smiling widely, effectively breaking our kiss.

"You have a beautiful smile." He said quietly, his thumb brushing my dimple.

"Thank you." I grinned wider. I would smile all the time for him if he liked it so much.

"Let's go have dinner, I'm starving." He said, taking my hand in his as we walked to the dining room.

Everyone was in their seats.

"Avalyn has made the dinner." Sofiya announced as one of the maid was serving us the food.

"I had help." I said shyly.

"The food looks delicious, just like I'm sure you would be." Master whispered in my ear, smirking. I

blushed at that.

"This food is amazing." Dimitri moaned and winked at me. Everyone murmured in agreement.

"Thank you." I replied blushing. No one had complimented my food like this, it felt so good to be


After dinner we went to our room.

"Let's have a shower." Master said as we entered our room. I nodded excitedly at that, I loved having

showers with him, in fact I loved doing everything with him.

"The dinner tonight was delicious, Ava." Master smiled as I was washing his leg. I was kneeling in front

of him and I loved this position. It felt...intimate.

"Thank you." I looked up at him and smiled. His cock was hard, demanding attention, I wanted to help

him, I looked in his eyes pleadingly.

"No, tonight is about you, I shall reward you for the amazing dinner. I also have to check if the dinner

was as delicious as you, don't I?" He smirked, pulling me up to my feet. After drying ourselves, he

picked me and walked in the room, throwing me on the bed. I looked at him with wide eyes, my breath


"I want you to be honest with me. Do you want this?" He asked me, looming over the bed. I nodded


"Use your words Ava." He said.

"Yes Master." I breathed, looking deep in his eyes.

"Say 'stop' whenever you do not feel comfortable. I don't touch women against their will." He said, his

eyes turning a pitch black meaning his wolf was on the surface. It turned me on more for some reason.

"Yes Master." I whispered, my voice breathless. He had so much effect over me just by looking at me. I

could feel myself getting wet.

"Good girl." I loved it when he called me that, a deep feeling of satisfaction washes over me whenever

he says that.

I smiled up at him. He lowered himself on the bed, above me and kissed me lightly, teasing me, one

hand in my hair and the other going to my breast, moulding it, giving it a gentle squeeze and I moaned.

"So beautiful." He murmured as he trailed kisses down my neck, sucking there, my head tilt back at the

sensation. His hand was now on my nipple, squeezing it gently. He went lower, his lips not leaving my

body for a second, I was breathing so hard. His mouth latched on my other nipple, sucking and biting

and then gave it a flick with his tongue. My back arched, pushing my breasts more in his hand and in

his mouth. More heat pooled in my belly, all these new sensations were sending my mind in overdrive.

"Please..." I begged. I didn't even know what I was begging him for.

My hands gripped his hair tighter as he gave my nipple a hard squeeze and twisted it, then switching

positions with his hand, giving my other nipple the same attention. My moans were growing louder and

I was embarrassingly wet by now.

"So responsive." He said huskily, giving me another hard squeeze and I cried out.

"Please, Master." I begged again. I didn't even know what I was begging for.

"Patience, Kroshka." he chuckled, coming up and kissing my lips again.

He went lower this time, passing my breasts, towards my pussy. I closed my legs, embarrassed for him

to see me so closely.

"It's just me, Ava." He said, looking at me.

Yeah, it was just him, my saviour, the one who had taken gentle care of me. I opened my legs for him,

giving him a shy smile. He ginned before going down again, kissing the lips of my pussy, my very wet

pussy. A shiver raced through my body and a loud moan left my lips at that sensation.

"So wet." I heard him whispering, licking me, eating me. My moans were getting louder and louder...

"Please...." I begged breathlessly.

His tongue dived in my hole at my plea.

"Oh god..." I screamed, my hands gripping his hair harder.

His tongue was relentless, making me feel things I had never even dreamed of feeling, his tongue was

practically fucking my core. When he reached a specific point, I gasped, my belly clenching.

"What...What's happening to me?" I moaned breathlessly, I felt like I will die or I will... it was the point of

no going back.

Master thumbed my clit and I felt like I was riding it off, a feeling of euphoria washed over me, my

moans not stopping, I could feel Master lapping up the juices that exited me.

I then opened my blurry eyes and focused on him. "What was that?" I whispered.

"I just gave you your first orgasm." Master looked at me in awe, wiping the remaining juices on his chin

with the back of his hand as he grinned at me.

"That...that was amazing. Thank you, Master." I whispered, my voice thick. I can't believe Master put

his needs aside and gave me the honour to cum. My body was feeling tired and lazy but I forced myself

to get up, I had to thank Master properly. I kneeled at his legs and started peppering kisses over his


"Thank you." Kiss! "Thank you." Kiss! "Thank you." Kiss! Master was so kind to me, he deserved all the

kisses in the world!

"That's enough, get up Ava." He said softly, pulling me up by my arms.

"You don't need to thank me like that." He whispered looking lost in my eyes.

"Of course I did, Master, you gave me an orgasm, I also like kneeling at your feet, worshipping you, you

are my saviour." I whispered the truth looking in his eyes. I have never had the honour to cum in my

entire life. I never knew what it felt like. Only Master has given me this gift, reminding me that he has

saved me and given me the gift of a new life.

His lips parted at that, his eyes widening and darkening further.

"Say that again." He whispered hoarsely.

"I like knee-"

"The last part." He cut me off.

"You are my saviour." I breathed.

"And you are my salvation." He whispered and captured my lips in a bruising kiss. I kissed him back

just as hard, letting him know that I was speaking the truth. His reply was what caught my breath, was I

really his salvation?

I believed him instantly and savoured in the depth of his words. I never wanted to be apart from him,

never wanted him to leave me. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

He smiled at me after breaking the kiss, motioning me to lie on the bed as he disappeared in the

washroom. I did as he told and quickly lied down, waiting for him. Maybe we would have sex now, that

thought excited me yet scared me. I didn't want to get hurt but it was very pleasurable for men, from

what I knew. But I would do it if it made Master happy, his happiness is more important, it is my


My eyelids were drooping but I forced myself to be awake, I had to wait for Master!

Master came and kneeled on the bed, washing the area in between my legs with a cloth which was wet

with warm water. It felt good.

"Thank you." I whispered sleepily.

"Your welcome." He smiled back. "Go to sleep." he told me.

"Aren't you going to fuc-"

"I told you I would taste you and I did, that was it. The first time, I'll make love to you Ava, and then I'll

fuck you, hard." He smirked and I blushed.

"Go to sleep, I know you are tired." He kissed my forehead and disappeared in the washroom again. I

did as Master said and slept quickly, I really was tired.


When I returned back to the bedroom, Ava was already asleep. She looked so innocent in this moment

that I wanted to lock her in my room and keep her all to myself. The fucked up part was that she might

even willingly stay locked up. Just because it would please me. And that made me want her even more.

She was truly exquisite. Her taste was earthly and chocolatey. It was an addictive combination. It was

unique but exactly like her scent. But I felt something when I tasted her. It was her wolf. But it felt like

her wolf was trapped and trying to escape, trying to reach out to me. I had brought out my wolf forward

and he ran up to her wolf but there was an invisible barrier of some sort that he couldn't cross. But

seeing the wolves mingle, even through the barrier only strengthened my resolve that we were mates.

I just needed solid evidence first.

I walked out of the room and mind-linked Vladimir to meet me. I told him what I felt of Ava's wolf and he

seemed confused too.

"You need to start training Avalyn. Maybe with physical strength, she will become strong mentally too.

Then her wolf can break the barrier. I have an inch that she is the one that created the barrier.

Unknowingly maybe, but she did. And she is the only one that can break it." He said thoughtfully.

"Is that even possible?" I asked him. He was almost a century old, I am sure he must have seen or

heard about something like this.

"When a pup has been through too much grief, the wolf sometimes recedes back. The wolf will stay

back and channel its energy to the human to survive. All this channeling of energy makes the wolf too

weak to shift. It's like when the weather is harsh, it is difficult for a flower to bloom. Sometimes, it

doesn't bloom at all." He clasped my shoulder.

Her wolf may never come out.

My fist collided with the wall besides me.

I may never know if she is truly my mate.

I punched the wall again.

"Is there a way?"

"I am not sure. But you just need to make her feel safe and happy. Her wolf might stop channeling once

she feels that the human is strong on her own now. Then she might come out on its own. Both your

wolves are bonded, we know that. It might not be a mate bond for sure but this bond is enough. Use

that bond and keep pushing her to come out. The bond is your biggest advantage brother." He said.

I nodded. It made sense but I wasn't entirely sure of what to do. I guess I just had to keep trying.


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