The love of a Mr. CEO


“Mia cara I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my hands off you” he confesses and I blush as he adds “you look absolutely mesmerizing”

“I might need to learn how to kick box so I can kick the ass of any women ogling at you” I reply only half joking. He throws his head back in laughter causing me to crack a smile. He sobers up and takes my hand in his, causing a trail of heat to travel up my arm.

“We should get going if we want to make it in time” he tells me and I nod before following him down to the limo. He opens the door for me and I thank him before sliding in, with him coming in right after. We pull off away from the curb and begin our journey towards the gala.

“So when we get there, we’ll be bombarded with reporters wanting to get pictures of you” he notifies me and I scrunch my nose in confusion.

“Why would they want pictures of me? I’m not the one who’s friend is being honored or the head of a famous industry” I voice my confusion causing him to smile.

“They want to know who’s the owner of my heart and that would frankly be you” he replies making my heart melt.

“My heart is forever yours corazon” I tell him lovingly and he grins before continuing.

“We’ll have to stop for a couple minutes to answer their questions before heading inside. We’ll most likely be chatting for a couple of hours before Simone comes out. After, we’ll have dinner and call it a night if you’d like” he informs me and my head throbs at the information.

“Is there anyone in particular you’d like me to know about” I ask making sure I don’t make a fool out of myself.

“Just remember to ask Emilee Ronaldo about her upcoming fashion line and to never bring up Gladys Richards’ husbands and you should be good” he jokes but I make sure to take note of it anyway.

“Husbands” I question and he nods before explaining.

“She’s been divorced 8 times so her love life is quite bitter” he tells me and I immediately sympathize with her.

“How close are you and Simone” I ask wanting to know more about their history.

“We’ve been friends since college and at one point we were sleeping together” he confesses nervously and I ignore the pinch of my heart.

“What happened” I ask curiously even though my heart ached.

“I guess we just drifted apart once our lives became separate but we remained friends” he informs me and I nod before settling back in my seat. The rest of the ride is spent in an awkward silence until we finally arrive at the gala.

“Stick by my side and I’ll handle the rest” he tells me making me nod in response before the door is opened and my eyes are blinded by lights. I feel Ivan grab my hand and pull me out gently before settling his arm around my waist.

“Mr. Stone over here” I hear a reporter shout out and we make our way towards him. He fumbles to get his recorder out before beginning his questions.

“So who’s this beauty” he asks roaming his eyes across my body. I step closer to Ivan trying to shield myself from his gaze. Ivan steps in front of me slightly, a look of annoyance crossing his face momentarily.

“This is Amelia Winters, my assistant and girlfriend” he introduces me looking at me lovingly causing me to blush.

“How long have you been together” he asks fully intrigued by our relationship.

“About a month and a half now” I answer causing the reporter to switch his gaze towards me.

“That’s the longest Mr. Stone has ever been with a women, much less a girlfriend” he says causing Ivan to tense. I manage to pull him away from the reporter before he did something stupid.

“Piece of shit, what business does he have in who I’m involved with” he snaps, his accent becoming quite prominent.

“He’s a reporter Ivan, isn’t that what he’s paid for” I respond stopping us and placing my hands on each side of his face before continuing “I don’t care for who you dated or for how long. It’s in the past and all we can do is move forward” I assure him and he nods.

“I only have eyes for you mi amour” he tells me and I nod with a smile before leaning up to give him a quick peck.

“Lets head inside and meet some of your upper class friends shall we” I ask and he nods with a smile before resting his arm around my waist. We walk into the building and I gasp at the elegance of it. Their were high ceilings with chandeliers and marble floors that were too beautiful to walk on. The room was filled with men and women wearing expensive suits and gowns. They all had glasses of champagne in their hands while glancing around snobbishly. I immediately become intimidated and feel as if I don’t belong. I quickly shake the feeling and put my shoulders back while tilting my head up.

“Come mia cara, there’s someone important I want you to meet” he says ushering me towards a man. The man was quite good looking with beautiful brown eyes and a perfectly chiseled jaw. I refrain from gawking and settle on remaining quite.

“Ivan! Long time no see” the man exclaims and Ivan pulls away from me to give the man a hug.

“I’ve been quite tied up lately but have you been taking care of yourself” Ivan asks, his face lighting up with excitement.

“I have been thank you and I can see why, who is this goddess” he responds, immediately turning his attention towards me. I blush at the compliment but smile anyway.

“Amelia Winters, pleasure to meet you” I answer politely stretching my hand out. He grabs it and gently places a kiss on my hand causing me to pull back.

“Jake Reynolds, best friend of this oaf and owner of Reynolds & Co” he replies with a grin and I smile in return.

“Jake, this is my girlfriend and assistant so please refrain from embarrassing me any further” Ivan jokes lightly and I giggle in response. His attention darts towards me causing me to smile and he leans down to kiss the side of my head.

“Ah Amelia, why stick around with this lout when you can be happier with me” he flirts and I giggle before responding.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well Jake, from what I’ve gathered in the short thirty seconds I’ve known you, you’re just as much if not more of a lout than he is” I joke and he throws his head back in laughter.

“Ah Ivan, you’ve got yourself a keeper” he says and Ivan looks at me adoringly.

“I know” he whispers before snapping out of it “It was nice seeing you again Jake, we need to catch up sometime in the next week” he tells him while pulling him into another hug.

“As long as Amelia is there, I’m all for it” he flirts sending a wink my way.

“Don’t push it Jake, she’s mine” he replies possessively and Jake puts his hands up.

“Relax Ivan, I was kidding” he assures him and Ivan nods before pulling me away.

“It was nice meeting you Jake” I shout over my shoulder before crashing into Ivan’s chest. I look up at him and he crashes his lips against mine possessively causing me to gasp in surprise. I struggle to keep up with his pace but kiss back with just as much hunger.

“Ivan not now, we’re in a room full of people” I whisper after pulling away looking around at all the people curiously looking out way.

“Let them wait” he says attempting to capture my lips yet again. I kiss back while wrapping arms around his neck before someone clears their throat. We pull away from each other and I come face to face with a gorgeous woman.

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