The Lost Luna Is In Our Midst (Moon Goddess)

Angel’s house

The sun’s gentle rays streamed through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow on Ella’s face as she expertly flipped pancakes on the stove. The tantalizing scent of sizzling bacon intertwined with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, promising a delightful start to the day.

Cory entered the kitchen, his tousled hair reflecting the morning sunlight. His eyes lit up as he inhaled the breakfast symphony.

Cory: “Good morning, my love. Something smells delicious.”

Ella, her hands busy at work, greeted him with a playful smile.

Ella: “I thought a hearty breakfast might brighten our day. And you, sir, are my assistant today.”

Cory chuckled, enjoying the banter. “I’m at your service, Chef Ella.”

As they worked in harmony, the kitchen became a stage for laughter and shared moments.

Cory (teasingly): “Do you think the world is ready for Chef Ella’s culinary masterpieces?”

Ella (smirking): “Oh, they better be. I’m about to revolutionize breakfast as we know it.”

Their playful exchange echoed the genuine affection that bound them together.

Amidst the cooking banter, Ella’s thoughts drifted to her workplace challenges, a man was trying to toast her into dating him. But, she just couldn’t tell Cory, because their pending conversation with Cory lingered in her mind like a shadow.

Ella’s Inner Thoughts: *I need to tell Cory about the workplace tension. I can’t carry this weight alone.*

Cory, sensing a shift in Ella’s demeanor, decided to address the unspoken tension.

Cory: “Is everything okay at work, Ella?”

Ella hesitated, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, with a sad voice, she decided to lie.

Ella: “It’s just been challenging, especially with Dennis away. And Emma, his fiancée, is making things difficult.”

Cory, concerned, gently held her hand.

Cory: “We’ll figure it out together, Ella. You don’t have to face it alone.”

The reassurance in Cory’s words provided a momentary comfort, but Ella felt really sad for lying.

Back to the breakfast preparations, Luna’s infectious laughter echoed from the living room.

Luna darted around the house, singing a playful tune. “Mama, Papa, look at me!” she giggled, her energy infectious.

Ella smiled, “Our little songbird is in high spirits today.”

Cory nodded, “She’s our ray of sunshine, isn’t she?”

Cory and Ella shared a knowing glance. Luna’s presence was a source of joy, a reminder of the family’s strength.

Cory (whispering to Ella): “Our little one brightens even the toughest days.”

Ella nodded, grateful for Luna’s innocence that softened the edges of their adult challenges.

With breakfast ready, they gathered around the table, creating a tableau of togetherness. The lively chatter masked the underlying tension, a quiet promise to deal with it when the time was right.

As they enjoyed the morning meal, the aroma of coffee filled the air, intertwining with the anticipation of a day that held both promise and challenge.

Cory (raising his coffee cup): “To new beginnings and the strength of family.”

Ella smiled, clinking her cup against his.

Ella: “To family.”

Amid the joyous chaos, Cory held a piece of news close to his chest, eager to share the exciting development.

Cory: “Guess what? I got a job at a company as a business manager. The pay is good, and I think it’s the fresh start we needed.”

Ella’s eyes sparkled with delight, a radiant smile spreading across her face.

Ella: “That’s fantastic news, Cory! I’m so proud of you. A new chapter for us.”

Cory wrapped his arms around her, a tender embrace filled with shared dreams and aspirations.

Cory (whispering): “We make a great team, Ella.”

Luna twirled around them, her innocent laughter mirrored the joy that bubbled within the family. The prospect of Cory’s new job brought an added layer of excitement, signaling positive changes on the horizon.

Ella, her heart brimming with pride and happiness, kissed Cory on the cheek.

Ella: “To new beginnings, my love. This calls for a celebration!”

Cory chuckled, “Absolutely. Maybe a family dinner to mark the occasion?”

Ella nodded, her mind already buzzing with plans for a special evening. The promise of fresh starts and shared accomplishments wrapped their home in an embrace of hope and optimism.

However, amid the celebration, Ella couldn’t shake off the lingering workplace tensions between her and Collins, her colleague, and the unresolved conversation with Dennis.

As they continued their lively breakfast, the aroma of fresh coffee and the sizzling bacon added a touch of warmth to the atmosphere. Plates clinked, and cheerful chatter filled the kitchen as the family discussed their plans for the day.

Ella, dressed in her professional attire, sighed with a mix of excitement for the day ahead and the realization that she had to leave her cherished family behind.

Ella: “Cory, love, I have a big presentation today. I’ll need to leave early. Luna, my darling, you’re going to have so much fun with Angel today. Be a good girl, okay?”

Luna, her eyes wide with enthusiasm, nodded energetically. “Yes, Mama! Angel and I are going to play princesses.”

Cory, ever the supportive husband, chimed in, “And Daddy will pick you up later, pumpkin. We’ll have a special evening to celebrate.”

Luna’s face lit up with a radiant smile, the promise of a magical day with Angel, and the anticipation of a joyful reunion with her parents later.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Ella (inner thoughts): *I wish I could take Luna to work with me. But Angel’s house is the next best thing.*

With Luna’s morning excitement dancing through the air, Cory took charge of the morning routine, ensuring Ella had everything she needed for her workday.

Cory: “Don’t worry, Ella. Luna and I have a fantastic day planned. I’ll drop her off at Angel’s, and then we’ll tackle the day together.”

Ella, touched by Cory’s unwavering support, planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “You’re the best, you know that?”

Cory grinned, “Anything for you and Luna. Now, go rock that presentation.”

As Ella headed out the door, the weight of the day’s responsibilities on her shoulders, Cory turned his attention to the whirlwind of energy that was Luna.

Cory: “Okay, my little explorer, are you ready for an adventure at Angel’s house?”

Luna, bouncing with excitement, exclaimed, “Yes, Daddy! Adventure time!”

Cory winked at her, “Adventure time it is!”

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