The Killer Queen (Noella Briony)

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

"What's up?” Noella asked, her voice tinged with concern. Over the past few days since the scientific conference, Ulrich had been almost entirely absent from home.

Whenever he did come back, it was usually to pester Sienna into calling Malvina for him. According to Ulrich, Malvina's heart wasn't really his; it belonged to Sienna...

Faced with Sienna's gentle inquiries and warm demeaner, Malvina found it hard to push her away. It was like getting a hug from a mother figure. Unless Sienna sent her with some homemade goodies, Malvina wouldn't even let Ulrich through the door!

Puffing up with anger, Malvina complained, "Ulrich is a wolf in sheep's clothing! His promises are as empty as a politician's!” "What did Ulrich do this time?" Noella probed, sensing there was more to the story.

Malvina found herself at a loss for words, unable to confess that despite Ulrich's promises to stop, he had insisted on dragging her back into his life. leaving her with a sore back and aching limbs for days... Even to her best friend, these were not grievances she could easily voice.

After a moment's hesitation, Malvina shielded her blushing face with one of Noella's medical textbooks. "I went for a cardiac ultrasound recently."

Ever since that fire incident, Malvina had been experiencing minor health issues. At the clinic, she had bumped into Ulrich, and the nurse didn't hesitate to hand Malvina over to him!

Lying on the bed for her ultrasound, Ulrich peered at Malvina through his mask, his eyes twinkling with unspoken amusement. All he did was smile with those mesmerizing eyes. Was that all they were good for?

"Any symptoms?" Ulrich asked, all business. "The other doctor already checked me. You can just look at my file." Malvina retorted. "Who's the doctor here? Or do you think you don't need to follow medical advice?” Ulrich countered, not letting her off easy.

Reluctantly, Malvina described her symptoms. "Shortness of breath, chest tightness, and palpitations after exercise. It feels like my heart is being squeezed."

"What kind of exercise?” “Boxing.”

Regular visits to the underground boxing ring had become a part of Malvina’s daily routine. No one in the underworld had time for weaklings! Her goal was to one day match Noella in the ring, claim the championship title, and prove she was worthy of Noella's mentorship.

Ulrich, applying the gel to the ultrasound probe, asked nonchalantly as he worked, "You've been engaging in other ‘activities’ besides boxing, haven't you?"

The insinuation was clear, and it infuriated Malvina to the point of wanting to slap Ulrich.

Malvina remained silent, her heart betraying her feelings as Ulrich leaned closer. The atmosphere turned charged, yet Malvina didn't forget they were in the midst of an argument.

After the exam, Ulrich handed her some wipes. "Clean yourself up. or I can help if you want." Malvina snatched the wipes coldly. "No, thank you, Dr. Schnabel.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"The report will take a while. Want to wait in my office?"


Malvina dressed quickly and stormed out to find Noella at Imperial University.

"He's such a jerk, making me clean up myself!"

"And he knows I hate pumpkin, yet he keeps bringing me pumpkin pie, telling me not to be picky. Who even likes pumpkin?” Noella replied, "Actually, my mom made that pie, and she grew the pumpkins herself."

Malvina quickly backtracked. "It was delicious, the best I've ever had. Ulrich never told me your mom made it. He's such an idiot!”

Noella got the picture. Malvina and Ulrich... this was hardly an argument. more like a quirky form of affection between them.

"If Ulrich is such a jerk, would you prefer he treats other girls the way he treats you?" Noella teased

Malvina was taken aback, suddenly lost for words. Truth be told, Ulrich had been nothing but supportive, a stable partner who tolerated even I her mostfeurotic moments. He had taken herskydiving to cheer hekup during-her darkest times and had always been the one to smaeth tbings over with the Shadew Dragon Society. After numerous fights where she'd kicked him out, he'd simply sleep in his car, waiting to have breakfast with her the next morning...

Malvina, feeling a mix of indignation and affection, admitted, "That would be a disaster! He's better off with me... I guess I kind of like his attention." "Am I being too harsh?" she wondered aloud

Noella chuckled. "Ulrich knew what he was getting into. Maybe he enjoys your fiery spirit.”

That thought made Malvina reconsider her own actions

Noella added, "Whether you're being too harsh, why not ask Ulrich? After all, he’s the one dating you."

"But there's something you should know,” Noella said, checking Malvina's pulse and noting her dark circles. "Take a break from boxing and focus on your health.”

"What? Is something seriously wrong with me?"

Noella chose her words carefully,

not wanting to alarm her friend =~ unnecessarily. ' ‘You're just run-down. I'l talk to the boxing ring and tell thertyou're taking a break. Focus on getting some rest." Content belongs to“ <

Malvina's eyes widened with concern. “Am I dying? The kind of dying where I don't even need medicine? Don't scare me!"

"What's on your mind? There's nothing to worry about, the Gruber family has no history of genetic diseases. You're in perfect health."

Noella paused for a moment before speaking lightly. "Malvina, do you like kids?”

"Of course, I do. Although marriage kinda scares me. I still want to have kids. Someday, I'd love to have a whole soccer team of them to play with!" Noella couldn't help but feel a bit helpless. "Having that many would break Ulrich’s heart, though.”

"That's different. Marriage might end in divorce, but kids are always yours. Look at my mom. If it weren't for me wanting to make things right for her. she'd be so pitiful.”

Malvina leaned back, her eyes sparkling with longing

“Your mom would rather have you safe and happy, not seeking revenge for her.”

"I know, but to be loved by a child, to know they're always thinking of me, would make my life complete!”

Resting her chin in her hands, Malvina smiled and said, "Darling, you don't understand. People like me need babies to heal ourselves."

Though she longed for a child, having Ulrich by her side made her feel... complete.

Seeing the tears glistening in Malvina's eyes, Noella kept her thoughtso herself. To avoid ~ alarmingMalvina, she decided they should wait a while before doing’a thorgtigh check-up. After all, Gtrich is a déctor. He'd notice anything amiss right away! NovelDrama.Org

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