The Killer Queen (Noella Briony)

Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Mizar rose to his feet, drawing the room's attention.

“Everyone here knows me from Polaris Star Lab. I've been attending these meetings in place of our boss, Miss Noella Schnabel. Yes, she’s the head of our lab!"

The room went silent, stunned.

Those who had been accusing Noella moments before now stared at her, wide-eyed.

They had just demanded an apology from Noella to Loadstar... and now they were learning that Noella was Loadstar?

"This... Don't get me wrong, Loadstar has always been my hero! I didn't mean anything by it. Miss Hero, could I maybe get your autograph later...?" Mizar waved them off. "Our boss doesn't do autographs, but given today's special circumstances, catch me after the meeting!"

"Wow, yes, yes! Haha, this is going to be legendary!"

For those who idolized Loadstar, getting an autograph was more thrilling than winning an award for their research

It was a moment that would be talked about for decades!

The jaws of the Schnabel family members practically hit the floor.

Beckett Schnabel was the first to regain his composure, though his eyes were wide with shack.

"Noella, you're saying... you're Polaris Star's Loadstar?"

Noella nodded. "Yes, Beckett.”

Garrick was visibly shaken by Noella's admission.

“You're insane! Your success is all because of Polaris Star! Noella, you're biting the hand that feeds you!"

Garrick's outburst only served to confirm Neoella's identity further.

The founding and current leaders of Polaris Star locked eyes, each refusing to back down.

Noella replied calmly, “You're wrong. Without Polaris Star, I would have been better off.”

"If it weren't for the Polaris Star Project, my sister and I could have grown up in our own families, and my friends wouldn't have been left orphaned!" Garrick was livid, his face turning a shade of red.

“If it weren't for me, none of them would have their 'today'!"

Mizar scoffed, "Thanks to you, my entire family was wiped out, leaving me the sole survivor. What good is being a genius then?” The other members of Polaris Star looked at Garrick with cold indifference:

"What's the use of having a family? That's the most useless burden! Only by severing all ties can one fully utilize their brain and stand at the pinnacle of humanity! Why would anyone choose to be ordinary when they could contribute so much more to society and the nation?”

Garrick was lost in his delusion

When Noella's gaze met with her family's, she saw their worry and compassion.

The Schnabel brothers had guessed what atrocities the children involved in the Polaris Star experiment had faced, and what their sister had endured Revealing this was like pouring salt an Noella's wounds.

They had originally thought that Noella's worst days were behind her, suffering at the hands of Vincent Lambert and his shameless wife. But her actual suffering was beyond their worst imaginations.

Noella offered a reassuring smile to her family. Turning to the audience, her voice was firm and clear. "Isn't everyone here just an ordinary person?"

"I used to think that emotions were unnecessary, that they only slowed down my reaction time. But Garrick, without those emotions, whe would ever choose to fight?”

At least Noella's battles were fought to protect her loved ones.

"Garrick, your project might have found many geniuses, but what you've lost is humanity. Or perhaps, it's your insatiable greed that led to this experiment!"

"I, as Loadstar, on behalf of everyone involved with Polaris Star, including those deemed ‘failures, formally” denauince Garrick’s Polaris Star Project. It deserves condenination."

Noella clapped her hands, and the screen switched to show a group of cheerful people at a community gathering, smiling goofily at the camera. Their stories were displayed on the screen.

Most of the "failures" had ended up brain-dead, buried under a simple gravestone.

A few, after undergoing brainwashing, were left with the minds of children.

Tears were silently shed by some in the audience.

These were people who should have been living ordinary lives, some even born into wealth, meant to be cherished by their parents...

Yet because of this experiment, they were left in this state.

On the screen, one of the few coherently aware individuals gave the camera the middle finger.

"Garrick, may you rot in hell! There's a special place down there with all the children you've destroyed waiting for you. They won't rest until you join them."

Their hatred for Garrick was palpable. Noella's voice grew louder.

"Most of their families have passed away, all because Garrick wanted geniuses unburdened by ties. Even after Garrick left Polaris Star Lab, the experiments continued."

"Now, with Garrick seeking to restart this project, I hope everyone here will join me in opposing him.”

There was no need for further persuasion: the horrors revealed by Polaris Star were enough to shock anyone Palmer was the first to stand. gripping Noella’s hand with a firm resolve

"The Pollack Group will always support Noella. Garrick's actions are inhumane."

The Schnabel brothers, along with Elara, stood together.

Beckett took a deep breath

"If it weren't for Garrick's scheme, my sister would never have left home. As a victim's family, the Schnabels will hold Garrick's research accountable!" Loadstar's fans echoed the sentiment, rallying behind the statement.

Garrick's hands trembled uncontrollably, experiencing for the first time what it felt like when everyone turned against him.

He couldn't understand, where did his plan go wrong?

It was supposed to be a flawless plan!

For a world ruled by geniuses, he had sacrificed his entire life. Where did it go wrong?

At the entrance of the hall, Helen, dressed in a vintage floor-length evening gown, gracefully made her entrance.

“Your biggest mistake over the years," she said, "is that you've always seen yourself as superior, while failing to see others as human beings.”

“Helen Barth! Are you also looking to burn bridges? Don't forget, your Pollack family rose to prominence because of me!”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Helen scoffed, "On your grandmother's spinning wheel! If: > Sexton feeded you to succeed then must've been blind, marryingyhim instéad of falling for a piece of smoked brisket." “

Helen spoke with poise and composure.

"I'm here today to have a little chat over tea, with some evidence in hand.”

"Years ago; my daughter-in-law, Lavinia Richardson, stumbled upon the core secret of the Polaris Star Project due to an experimentat error. You-forcefully brainwashed Ker, nearly costing her life!” Content bélongs to ~

"My other daughter-in-law, Kendra Fowler, was killed under your orders, Garrick. You know, there's such a thing as an eye for an eye." These incidents had happened so many years ago.

Garrick had almost forgotten them himself!

He never expected Helen to dare bring these things up in public!

With these revelations, Garrick knew his life's work was essentially ruined

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