The Girl He Marked

Book 3 Chapter 11

Book 3 Chapter 11

Callie's POV.

We spend most of the day with Nate's family. After being invited to stay for lunch, we just don't leave…

We have such a good time, the hours fly by. Time passes so quickly and before I know it, it's late

afternoon. Nate and I realize that we've been here for hours and we should really be going.

I can't believe how fast time passed. Naevia is a lovely child, so endearing and polite. I can see why

Nate is totally besotted with his niece. She has him wrapped around her little finger.

She has all of us around her fingers, to be honest.

I love seeing the way Jayce interacts with his daughter. His eyes are so full of love and adoration. I

would be surprised if they don't have another child soon.

We return to Nate's house and make dinner together. During the meal, we arrange for me to go home

tomorrow and break the news of the move to my brothers.

I don't think Nate should be around for that.

Then, I'll spend the day packing and I'll bring it all over to Nate's. I haven't got that many things, so it

should only take a few hours to pack it all up.

Later on that night, Nate and I lie in his bed, cuddling.

'I wasn't able to plan it for today because it was short notice, but I'd like to take you to do something

tomorrow,' he mumbles against my hair.

I giggle as he nuzzles my neck. 'Okay. I'm guessing it's going to be a surprise again'

Nate chuckles. 'As always.'

I pout at him. 'You know I don't like surprises! I like to know!'

'I know,' he says and kisses my nose. 'But I love surprising you. The look on your face makes the

whining worth it.'

I raise an eyebrow at him. 'Whining'

Nate grins at me. 'Okay, not whining, adorable complaining.'

I roll my eyes at his attempt to appease me.

'You're going to have to do much better than that, Nathan,' I tease him.

He raises his eyebrows at me.

'Wow. Full—naming me Okay, I'm sure I can work something out.'

He doesn't give me a chance to respond to him. His lips press against mine and I'm not complaining. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling my body closer to his. He wraps his arms around my waist in

return. One hand slides to just above my butt, on my lower back, and the other tangles in my hair.

His tongue grazes over my bottom lip and I open my mouth to him. The moment our tongues touch,

desire courses through me.

Nate rolls us over, so that I am lying underneath him. I squirm against his body, rubbing myself again

him. It starts unintentionally, but I quite like the friction it creates.

Nate groans at the back of his throat and angles his head to the side, allowing him to kiss me more


Our kiss becomes more impassioned. We paw and caress each other in an almost frantic way as

things become more heated.

I feel him grow hard against my thigh, but the panic doesn't come. I slide my hand down his body and

boldly squeeze him through his pajama bottoms.

Nate grunts and quickly breaks the kiss. He is panting as he looks down at me.

'Callie.' He says my name in a way that makes it sound like both a prayer and a pained plea.

I pull my hand away, wondering if I've overstepped. Nate must see my reaction on my face, because he

quickly leans forward and kisses my forehead.

'I don't want to rush you,' he says gently. 'We can take our time. I'll wait as long as you need.'

His words make me smile. I put my hands on the back of his head and pull him down so that I can kiss

him again.

Our lips move in sync once more and I enjoy the feeling of his muscular body on mine.

When I struggle for breath, I pull back.

'What if I'm ready' I ask him, my voice barely above a whisper.

Nate's eyes widen and he swallows hard.

'Um, I'd need you to be sure. Why don't you sleep on it' He asks nervously, making me giggle.

'You're so cute,' I comment, and he grimaces.

'Don't call me cute, please,' he protests and rolls off of me. 'How about sexy Handsome Hunk I don't

know. Just not cute.'

That makes me giggle even more and makes him ten times more adorable.

'Okay, fine. You can be a stud, how about that' I concede and he scrunches up his nose.

'No! Now I feel like Danny Zuko from Grease.'

I can't help but laugh at that.

'Sorry. Not stud, okay. How about Sex—God'

Nate grins and nods enthusiastically.

'Much better. I like that one.'

I roll my eyes and cuddle into his side. Our heated moment may have moved into the cuter territory, but

I'm still aroused and wanting my mate.

I run my hand down his chest, feeling the muscles underneath his shirt. I lift the bottom of it up to his

nipples, revealing his abs.

'Well, hello,' I mumble to myself and Nate laughs.

'You really shouldn't hide these,' I tell him, still unable to tear my gaze away from his muscular

physique. 'They're made to be ogled.'

'You're the only one who gets to ogle them, baby. You can ogle me as much as you like.'

He might be joking, but that actually makes me really happy. I am the only one that gets to see him up

close and very personal.

I run my fingers up and down his washboard abs, tracing the dips and ridges. Nate's abdomen

shudders under my touch. When I glance at him, he's lying back with his eyes closed, enjoying my


I slowly lean down and press my lips to his stomach. He jumps and his eyes flash open. He looks down

at me with a heated gaze.

I kiss lower on his stomach before he can stop me, pausing at the waistband of his boxers. They're

peeking just above his pajama bottoms.

I hook my finger and under the material and lift it up, giving me a glimpse of the good stuff.

A gasp escapes my lips and Nate grabs my wrist, making me drop the band back to his skin with a

snap. I pout as his cock is hidden from view again.

'No, baby,' he says gently. 'You don't have to do that.'

I push my bottom lip out and tug my wrist free of his grip.

'I want to,' I tell him firmly.

Nate hesitates, looking intently at my eyes for a moment. I think he's trying to determine how serious

I'm being.

'Are you sure' He asks me.

I nod and he remains silent, waiting for verbal communication.

'I want to, Nate. Do you want me to' I ask him, needing his permission, too.

He obviously sees the unfiltered desire in my eyes, because he gives me an almost imperceptible nod.

I reach for the waistband again and, this time, he doesn't stop me. I slide my hand under his boxers

and wrap my hand around his cock.

I bite down on my bottom lip as I feel it. It is smooth and hard as a rock.

I run my hand up and down it, feeling how hot it is. Nate's hips thrust upwards involuntarily, and he

sucks in a sharp breath.

I think he likes that.

Filled with confidence now that he hasn't tried to stop me again, I push his boxers and pajama trousers

down, freeing his cock. It springs loose and bounces forward, almost hitting me in the face.

It falls back onto his stomach, reaching his navel. I stare at it, lying across his stomach. Involuntarily,

my tongue sweeps out across my lips, wetting them.

My eyes widen as I take in his sheer size.

Holy Moon Goddess, that's substantial.


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