The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 108

Ivy paced the polished marble floors of the Kendrick mansion, her phone pressed tightly to her ear as her heart raced.

The voice on the other end of the line was cold, indifferent, delivering a message that felt like a punch to the gut.”I’m sorry, Ivy, but we have no choice.

Effective immediately, you are relieved of your position with the agency. The accusations of stolen designs are serious, and we can’t afford to keep you on under these circumstances.”Ivy’s breath hitched in her throat.

“Stolen designs? That’s insane! I’ve been loyal to this company for years. I created those designs myself!” Her voice shook with disbelief, and her hands trembled as she struggled to maintain composure.

“Ivy, the evidence is all over the internet. We’ve received multiple complaints from other designers. You’re trending on every major blog and social media platform right now, and it’s not in a good way. Our hands are tied.”

The call ended abruptly, leaving Ivy staring blankly at the phone in her hand. The world around her seemed to tilt as her mind raced, trying to process the gravity of the situation.

Her hard work, her years of dedication to the fashion world-it was all unraveling before her eyes.

Frantically, she pulled up her email, hoping this was all some cruel prank. But as her inbox loaded, her worst fears were confirmed.

There were countless emails from other agencies, all terminating their contracts with her, citing the stolen designs scandal. Headlines flashed on every blog and social media platform: “Ivy Kendrick Accused of Theft! Stolen Fashion Designs Rock the Industry!”

Her vision blurred as tears welled up in her eyes. Ivy’s knees buckled, and she collapsed onto the floor, letting out a scream of frustration and pain.

She clutched her head, her fingers tangling in her hair as she rocked back and forth, trying to make sense of the chaos.”This can’t be happening,” she whispered hoarsely. “Not after everything I’ve worked for…”

Her phone buzzed again, but this time it wasn’t a call-it was a series of notifications from social media.

Her hands shook as she opened one of the apps, seeing comments flooding in, each one more vicious than the last.

“Ivy Kendrick is a fraud!”

“I knew her success was too good to be true!”

“She stole those designs and thought she’d get away with it.”

Each comment felt like a dagger to her heart, tearing away at her confidence.

The Ivy Kendrick, who once strutted through the fashion world with grace and power, was now crumbling into nothing. She screamed again, louder this time, the sound echoing through the mansion.

“No! This isn’t fair!”Just as Ivy was about to throw her phone across the room, the door creaked open. It was Luca, who had rushed to the mansion after hearing the commotion. His eyes widened at the sight of her on the floor, clearly in distress.”Ivy, what the hell is going on?” he asked, hurrying over to her. Ivy looked up at him, her face streaked with tears, her makeup smudged.

“They’ve destroyed me, Luca! My career… everything I’ve worked for is gone!”

Luca frowned, kneeling beside her. “What are you talking about? Who did this?”Ivy pushed her phone into his hands, her voice trembling. “Look. It’s all over the internet. They’re saying I stole designs-my designs!

And now every agency is blacklisting me.”Luca glanced down at the screen, scrolling through the headlines and comments. His expression darkened with each word. “This is ridiculous. You didn’t steal anything. You’re one of the best designers out there.”Ivy let out a bitter laugh.

“Tell that to the world. No one’s going to believe me now. My reputation is ruined.”Luca put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“We’ll figure this out, Ivy. There has to be a way to fix this.”

“How?” Ivy snapped, her frustration boiling over. “Everyone’s already turned against me! The media, the agencies, and even my so-called colleagues. They’re eating this up like vultures.”Luca’s jaw clenched as he thought.

“There’s something off about this. It’s too perfectly timed, too coordinated.

Someone’s pulling the strings behind the scenes.”Ivy’s tear-filled eyes met his. “But who? Who would want to ruin me like this?”

Before Luca could answer, Ivy’s phone buzzed again. She glanced down, and her heart sank even further when she saw the caller ID-her father’s lawyer.

With trembling hands, she answered. “Hello?”The lawyer’s voice was cool and professional. “Ivy, I’m calling to inform you that the Kendrick family estate will be undergoing some restructuring.

Due to the current scandal surrounding your name, your assets will be temporarily frozen until further notice. We’ll be in touch with more details soon.”

Ivy’s mouth went dry. “Frozen? What does that mean? I don’t have access to any of my money?”

“I’m afraid so. Until this scandal is cleared up, we need to take precautions to protect the estate’s reputation.”

The call ended, leaving Ivy even more devastated than before.

She dropped the phone, her body going numb. Her world was truly falling apart.

Luca’s eyes widened as he realized the magnitude of what was happening. “Ivy… we need to find out who’s behind this.”Just as he said that another notification popped up on Ivy’s phone-a headline that made both of them freeze.

“Bella Kendrick Inherits Major Shares in Kendrick Enterprises. A New Era Begins!”Ivy’s eyes narrowed as a dark realization dawned on her.

“Bella…”Luca grabbed her phone and quickly read through the article. “She’s claiming your father left her a substantial part of the company. She’s using this scandal to distract everyone while she takes control.”

Ivy’s hands clenched into fists, her anger now boiling over. “That bitch! She’s been plotting this the whole time.”Luca stood up, pacing the room as his mind worked through the possibilities.

“It makes sense. Bella’s always wanted power, and now with Ryan out of commission and this scandal hanging over your head, she’s swooping in to take everything.”

Ivy pushed herself to her feet, her eyes burning with rage. “She won’t get away with this. I’m not going to let her destroy my life.”Luca nodded in agreement.

“We need to fight back. But we have to be smart about it. Bella’s playing dirty, and if we go after her without a plan, she’ll bury us.”Ivy wiped away her tears, her determination hardening. “I don’t care what it takes. I’m going to expose her for the snake she is.”Luca’s eyes gleamed with approval.

“That’s the spirit. We’ll start by digging into her finances and her connections. There’s no way she pulled this off on her own.”Ivy nodded, her mind already racing with ideas.

“She’s been working with some of the media, I’m sure of it. I’ll get in touch with a few people I know and see if I can find out who’s been feeding them this garbage about me.”

As Ivy and Luca began plotting their next moves, across town, Bella was lounging in her luxurious office, sipping a glass of champagne. She smiled to herself as she scrolled through the news on her phone, the headlines about Ivy’s downfall bringing her immense satisfaction.

“Good,” Bella muttered to herself. “This should keep them distracted for a while.”Her phone rang, and she answered with a smirk. “Yes?”On the other end of the line was a well-known media personality. “It’s done.

The story’s everywhere, and Ivy’s name is mud. You’re officially in control now.”Bella’s smile widened. “Perfect. Keep the pressure on her. I want her to feel like she’s drowning.”

The voice on the other end chuckled darkly. “Consider it done. She won’t have a career left when we’re finished with her.”Bella hung up, leaning back in her chair with a satisfied sigh.

“Let them come for me,” she whispered to herself. “I’ve already won.”But as she toasted her victory, she had no idea that Ivy and Luca were already one step ahead, determined to uncover her secrets and take back what was rightfully theirs. And in the shadows, someone else was watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Back at the mansion, Ivy and Luca sat down with a plan in place. “We’ll start with Bella’s allies,” Luca said. “Find out who’s backing her. If we can expose her connections, we’ll have the leverage we need to take her down.”Ivy’s face was set in a look of grim determination.

“I’ll make sure she regrets ever crossing me.”As they plotted their next move, a knock came at the door. Ivy and Luca exchanged a wary glance. Luca stood and opened the door cautiously.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

A man in a black suit stood on the threshold, his face unreadable. He handed Luca a sealed envelope. “This is for Ivy Kendrick,” he said curtly before turning and walking away.

Ivy’s heart pounded as Luca handed her the envelope. She tore it open, her hands shaking slightly. Inside was a simple note with chilling words: “You’re not the only one with secrets.”Ivy’s blood ran cold, and she looked up at Luca, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Someone’s watching you.”Luca frowned, his instincts kicking in. “you need to be careful, Ivy. Whoever’s behind this is someone close “.

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