The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)


Elena Pov I just woke up to see Roland sleeping. His face looked so peaceful; his curly jet-black hair tousled over his face. Last night’s events replay in my head, and I can’t help but smile. I’m sore, but it’s definitely a good kind of sore. I get out of bed using my wolf speed, so I don’t wake up Roland and go to the bathroom. I ran a nice hot bath and got in. This bathtub is huge, I thought to myself. I agree.. Relax; I’ll heal your body. I close my eyes and relax, and I smell berries, so I know Roland is awake. He comes behind me and rubs my shoulders, kissing me on my marking spot. “Good morning, little one,” he says, and he and I get in the tub with me. He had been still nude since last night, and my eyes zeroed in on his dick. Fuckfuck, that is big. I lick my lips as I recall how he felt inside me. I can hear him chuckle as he waddles through the water to get to me. The steam from the little bath pool is surrounding us, making a berry-scented smell fill up the room. He picks me up and puts my legs around his waist as I wrap my arms around him, kissing him softly. I can feel the kiss deepening and the tingling sensation between my legs. Roland takes a smell, smiling at me. “How are you feeling, little one??” he says, rubbing his hands along my back. “I’m okay; both the snow and the hot water have healed the soreness I had,” I told him. “Good, “he says, and I can feel his member back at attention. He grinds against my flower, and I can feel myself getting wet. One of his hands slid past my stomach, and he slid a finger inside of me. I let out a moan as I toss my head back, and he slips in another finger, followed by another one. I grab his massive member in my hands and stroke it, listening to him growl at the sudden touch. “Look at me,” he says, and I do. He smirks and keeps going faster, and I jerk at the same pace, knowing both me and him are about to orgasm soon. His eyes seemed to be staring holes in me, and I bit my bottom lip. At that point, an orgasm rips out of him, and he holds me while mine follows. After we come down from our big O, we finish washing and get dressed. I chose to wear black sweatpants with a sweatshirt since I wanted to start my training today with all the energy I have right now. I only have 12 days to get ready for my fight against Alpha Ned. “Are you ready, Luna?” he says, his eyes taking my body. “Yes, sir,” I told him, smirking. We go to the kitchen, and Roland meets up with Cole, leaving me alone with them. Some of the pack members are there eating breakfast. They all smile and bow to me as I put some fruit on my plate. I can tell they are a little uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. A little girl taps on my leg. Her blonde hair and big brown eyes widened. “Hello Luna,” she says shyly. “Hello, pretty, What’s your name?” I asked. “Miley, ma’am,” she says. I picked her up and let her sit on my knee. “Miley, such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl,” I tell her, and she blushes. “How old are you, Miley?” “I am this much,” she says, holding up four fingers. A few of the pack members laugh at her cuteness. “Well, Miley, I can tell you are very brave for your age. That’s a good quality to have. Be kind and always have courage, my beautiful girl,” I told her, and I hugged her. I feel her hands wrap around my neck, and she lets go, jumping down from my lap and running to a woman by the door. “Mama, I met Luna, and she called me beautiful and brave,” Miley said, holding her hands up for the woman to lift her. “I’m sorry if she bothered you, Luna,” the woman says, bowing her head. “Oh no, it’s not an issue; you are raising a lovely child,” I tell her, and she smiles. “Thank you, Luna. My name is Nina. I work in the gardens. If there is anything you need from me, please let me know,” she said, and I nodded my head to her. She walks away with Miley looking back at me, smiling. That girl is just the cutest. After I finish eating, I go to the training grounds. Some of the pack warriors are there running laps. I figured I’d be doing the same. Fortunately, I stretched. Hank and I will both come up to me. “Hello guys,” I told them. “Hello Luna,” Hank told me, bowing. “Hello Luna,” Will linked me. It was nice to finally hear his voice. “I need a trainer to prepare for my fight against Alpha Ned and was hoping I could get someone,” I told them. Luna, if you do us the honor, we would love to train you.” I will link to it. “Yes, I agree,” Hank said. No one here has as much experience fighting as Will and me, not even your mate,” he says with a smile. “I would be proud to have you,” I told them. We all walked out into the woods.

“I figured you would want your privacy, so we would come here for your training, Luna,” Hank says. “Perfect,” I told him. “First things first, we will teach you how to shift into your wolf, since it is your wolf that will be giving you most of your stamina and support. We will go for a run after and give you time to your wolf before we begin again.” Hank says. I’ve been dying to be let out. Finally I mentally roll my eyes at Snow, but I know she is right. I had to keep her cage so no one would find out I shifted. Okay, focus. The first time you shift into your wolf, it is very painful. With each shift, the pain will lessen. You will feel all of your bones breaking. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PAIN. The pain will not last. Focus on your wolf. Push your wolf out. The longer you focus on the pain, the longer it will take. Now get ready. I will link to it. I get down on the ground on my hands and knees and focus on Snow. I let out a cry as I felt my first *pop* in my leg, followed by another one. “Don’t focus on the pain,” Hank says, kneeling beside me and looking me in the eye. “Talk to your wolf.” I nod as another *pop* comes through my arm. This pain is almost unbearable. Snow, are you there? Yes, Elena, you will get through this. Hold on and breathe. Keep breathing, my love; the pain will pass, I promise. I can’t wait to see you again, Snow. Me too, Elena. I’m so happy to finally be let out. I felt like I had been caged for so long. We both were… *pop* The pain is temporary, Elena. Remember when you fell down the steps as a little girl and dad would come and wrap you up, telling you how strong you are? Yes, I do. Wait, how do you know that? I see all of your memories, Elena. Being a Lycan, rules don’t apply the same way to us. We are immune to silver. Wolfsbane won’t kill us, but it will make us very weak. We can also compel others using our will. That gift comes from my wolf line being fused with that of a vampire. That sounds awesome. So, wait, I’m a vampire? Yes, my love, but you have not accessed that part. It won’t be accessed until your first kill. Let’s hope it doesn’t ever come to that. So, how long will this shift take? It’s already done. I look down and see I am on four legs. Snow’s fur is so white, it’s almost blinding. I sat back and let Snow take full control. Snow POV The Hank and Will humans stare at me in a trance. I nod at them, and they shift into their wolves. They ran into the woods, and I soon followed, catching up to them and passing them in an instant. To Elena, it was 4 years since I was born and caged, but the truth is, I haven’t been let out since her past life, and damn, this feels good. My body is aware of all of my surroundings, from the lightest leaf falling 20 yards ahead of me to the spider 5 yards behind me, weaving its web in a tree. I decide to run back to the clearing after a while, and Hank and Will’s wolf forms follow me. I brought Elena back to consciousness. She can shift back. Will and Hank have both shifted back into humans and have put on some extra clothes someone brought. I see clothes for Elena as well. They must have linked to someone before we left. Elena POV Snow brought me back forward. It felt so good to be in wolf form, feeling the wind on our fur as we ran through the woods. Hank and Will are now dressed, and Will is on his knees, mind-linking me. “Picture your human form in your mind, and you will change. I did and felt my body change back to human.” “Good Elena”. Good. Hank turned his back as Will averted his eyes and handed me my clothes. I went behind a tree and changed. “I didn’t know Lycans still existed,” Hank said. “You are immensely powerful, and your wolf is beautiful. It explains how you linked us all last night.” “Yeah, it’s a long story,” I told him. “Your training will be twice as hard as what we originally planned from now on. You have a Lycan wolf. No one knows that Lycans still exist. During your fight with the Alpha, use this to your advantage. Do not shift unless it is necessary. We will train your human form harder than your wolf. Lycans carry the knowledge of all fighting styles, so there is no need to work with your wolf as much.” Hank links to me. He is correct. We spent the whole morning working in hand-to-hand combat. I kept getting knocked down at first, but by the afternoon, the techniques were easy for me. Ever since I shifted, all of my reflexes have been alert. Every time one of them attacked me, it was like they were moving in slow motion. I would easily gain the upper hand each time. It was like my body knew what to do, even if I didn’t. “Are you sure you haven’t trained before, Elena? You move extremely fast,” Hank said as we walked back to the packhouse. ” Positive. I don’t know what happened; it was like one moment you guys were kicking my ass, the next time time slowed, and I saw all of your moves. ” Amazing. It must be a power your Lycan has,” Hank said. I saw Roland on the training ground, fighting other wolves. “Thank you, you guys,” I told them as I walked to the training grounds.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Meet us at the same spot tomorrow, at 7 a. m., for your training,” will link to me. I nodded at him and walked to Roland. I watched Roland take down each person she fought. His moves are so graceful, you would think he was simply dancing. I could tell he was holding back his full potential. He spotted me when he was done with the last wolf and came over to me, his skin glistening in the sun with sweat. His muscles seemed to flex, and I bit my lip.

“Hey, babe,” “How was training?” he said to me, kissing me. “It was fine. I learned some new things about myself, and I shifted too.” I said it happily. He picked me up and twirled me around. “That’s an amazing little one,” he said. We spent the rest of the day helping pack members with issues and visiting the orphanage, and I hung out with the pack members while Roland attended some business meetings. Roland was nowhere to be found but nighttime. Someone told me I was still stuck in business meetings. I decided to go to bed without him. I couldn’t sleep, however, and my thoughts drifted to him. They drifted to the events of last night and this morning, and I felt myself getting turned on. Roland isn’t here, and I figured it would give me time to try something I’ve wanted to try for a while. I lay down on my back and lifted my hand from the side, sliding it down to my flower. I feel my lips. I push them apart using my fingers and touch my clitoral area. I feel a sensation that sends shockwaves through my body. It feels… oh my goddess! My back arches up, and my head falls back as I grip the pillow with my other hand. I felt a moan escape my lips. I start moving my fingers into a circle. I can’t help but think of Roland’s tight muscles and his berry scent. I’m rubbing myself, wishing he was here. I’m moving faster and faster with more pressure. This feels so fucking amazing. The pressure within keeps growing, and I know I’m about to orgasm soon. I think about Roland pushing me against the wall last night, and the next thing I know, my orgasm is ripping through as my body spasms. It stops only when I’ve come down with the feeling of my big O. I decided to go again and try to put myself to sleep. I sat up and spread my legs, leaning them back on the pillows, and touched my clitoral area again. I’m rubbing it, and it feels so fucking good, and I can’t help but want Roland to come in here and put his tongue between my legs again. Moans escape me. I closed my eyes. I hear the room door open, but it feels too good to stop. I hoped it would go away, but then his scent hit me, and I stopped.


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