The billionaire’s true love


Part 40ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

Sleep came with a lot of trouble, I was surprised it even came considering what Trent had done to me. I never knew sex could be so brutal and pleasureable at the same time. I always thought that rough sex came with pain and more pain, but Trent brought me pleasure like no other man had ever done.

But he was angry. He was rough because he was furious, and I wasn’t sure for how long would he punish me for a past he was never a part of and had no right to punish me for. I was starting to see just how different Trent was from the other men, but I was worried, just how far and deep this difference went?

Trent groaned lowly from where he was sleeping right next to me. His arm on my waist tightened, and if it was possible, he pulled me even closer to him, until every inch of my naked body was touching his warm, solid one.

“Bumblebee, you woke up early, I thought you’ll be sleeping until noon because of what I did last night,” he mumbled, kissing my clevicle.

“I-I’m not tired anymore,” I answered, trying to remove the thick, corded arm from my waist only to fail. Struggling against Trent was utterly useless.

“Well that’s good to hear.” With a chuckle, Trent tugged the blanket off me and pulled me down under him. He bit my neck harshly before plunging two of his thick fingers inside me. “Then I can spend time making sure that you don’t leave my bed today.”

Trent pumped in and out in slow, torturous strokes until my sex was dripping. I was just about to reach my orgasm when he pulled out and replaced his fingers with his thick shaft. Before I could gather my bearings, Trent thrusted inside me, filling me completely, the head of his length touching my cervix.

“Trent,” I moaned his name as I tried to adjust to his thickness.

My moans and whimpers only seemed to power him on, as his thrusts deepened and he touched corners that no one ever did. Trent was relentless as he pounded into me, his hand holding my wrists captive above my head.

“Feel that, shady,” Trent said as he thrusted hard enough for the headboard to hit the wall. “Do you feel me inside you, owning you?” He pulled out before pushing back in, causing me to moan louder as pleasure hijacked my nerves.

I could feel him, I could feel only him. It felt like Trent was not only fucking my body, he was fuckin my very soul. Every thrust, every hard pound was a sensual torture. I wanted him to stop because my mind was awashed with the overwhelming onslaught of pleasure but at the same time I wanted him to keep fucking me like there was no tomorrow. With the way he was pounding in me like an animal, I doubted he would ever be gentle with me.

But gentle was not what I needed. Gentle would not have pushed me closer and closer to the ultimate high like this brutal fucking was doing to me. I moaned louder as Trent pushed me higher and higher until he allowed me to fall, and I came with a scream. I was lost to sparks as my orgasm washed over me, bathing my soul in a warm glow. I forgot to think, forgot everything except for the mind numbing pleasure that stroked every nerve ending. It was bliss. It was heaven. It was all Trent.

“I love the sight of you coming undone beneath me, bumblebee,” Trent said before he stilled on top of me and a second later I felt him coming inside me.

I had barely come down from my high when he started moving again, massaging my tender insides when his hard length. My breaths started to come out in short pants as erotic pleasure diffused in my bloodstreams once again.

“Trent, no more, please. I’m too tired,” I mumbled, losing my ability to think and speak as he pumped into me with renewed energy.

“Yes, more, lots more. I’ll make sure your legs are unable to support you. I will not let you leave this bed, my wife.” The last two words pushed me under once again as I was forced to ride another orgasm that left me feeling weaker, my bones turning to jelly.

“Enough. Enough,” I breathed out, my eyelids getting heavy.

“One more. I’m sure you can take one more,” he stated before he started pumping inside me for the third time. My sex was tender, sore, making my orgasm quicker. Once the third tidal wave washed over me, I was afraid I died and went to heaven, becasue the intensity of the pleasure was uncanny, heavenly.

With a loud grunt, Trent came inside of me for a second time before rolling off me. He pulled me over until I was lying on his bare chest. I couldn’t even fight him even if I wanted to; Trent had successfully disconnected my mind from my body, leaving me helpless. At his mercy.

“You are my beautiful wife,” Trent said, as he begun stroking my hair, soothing me.

“Too tired.” The words were the only thing I could manage.

“Good, that means I’ve accomplished my mission. You won’t be leaving my bed anytime soon, shady,” he replied, I could hear the arrogance in his tone, but I was too worn out to get angry over it.

“Why?” God, what had he done to me? I had lost my ability to speak. Damn you, Trent!

“You should get used to it, bumblebee; because I don’t do gentle and soft. When I love someone, I love them with all my intensity. And you are the woman I love, I will fuck you hard enough until you’re sore every night, and then I will fuck you until your legs turn to jelly every morning; and then I am going to fuck you some more, just for good measures. I will fuck you until all you think and know will be me. No one else. Just me.” His fingers begun trailing over my naked back in slow and lazy motion.

“Don’t do that.” I tried to snuggle deeper, he was so comfortable.

“I’ve waited too long for you to not take you in any way I want. So get used to it, sleeping beauty,” Trent replied.

“Don’t you have anything to do? Go talk to Tamara.” I told him, but at the same time wished for him to stay with me forever.

“My appointment with Tamara is tomorrow. I wanted to take a day off and love my wife,” he responded.

“You’re angry with me. You hate me. So don’t lie and say that you love me,” I grumbled, half asleep.

“Why would I lie about how I feel, shady? How can you even say that I hate you. And as for being angry with you, well now that I’ve made you mine, I am no longer angry; but I would be if I see you with Jose ever again,” Trent stated, his voice taking on a hard edge.

“Jose is my friend, you can’t keep us apart. If you have a problem, you can divorce me and we will go our separate ways, but don’t tell me to leave my friends, I will not do that under any circumstances,” I replied, glad to have my speech back.

“See, this is why I get angry. You provoke me. I’ll only let you meet Jose as long as I’m with you. If I find you alone with him, I’ll kill him slowly and painfully and will make you watch it. So be careful about who you challenge, because I don’t like threats and I make quick work of eliminating them.” He told me.

“I hate you,” I said, but I wasn’t going to admit to my lie. Why couldn’t Trent be normal? Maybe he needed a therapist. Okay, scratch that, he definitely needed to see a therapist.

“No, you don’t, but it’s cute how you try to lie to me.” His chuckle caused his chest to vibrate, and the sound to reach all the way to my sore sex which suddenly wanted to be reunited with Trent’s thick, shaft.

“Go away, let me sleep.” My words didn’t make sense as half of my body was on top of Trent’s.

“You can sleep. I’ll hold you while you let your body rest,” he replied, kissing the top of my head.

“You’re really comfortable,” I mumbled.

It was after some time that Trent spoke. “Bumblebee?”

“Hmm?” I had just about fallen asleep, but his voice woke me up.

“I’m sorry I can’t make you happy. I try to, but it doesn’t work,” he said.

“Trent, where is this coming from?” We had just gotten married the night before and he was already worried about not making me happy.

“I’m just saying that I’m a horrible and selfish person who does not care about anyone; but I will try my best to be considerate of your feelings and wishes. I don’t want you to think that you can’t talk to me or tell me how you feel. Whatever you need, you come to me first, shady, no one else, but me. Is that clear?”

“If I say yes will you let me sleep?” I questioned.

“Yes, you can sleep all you want after you say yes to me,” he replied.

“Alright fine. Yes, yes, yes. Now let me sleep.” The sleep which was nagging at me finally took over, and I slept with my husband’s arms around me.


I yawned as I woke up, but frowned when I didn’t find Trent in bed. I was lying on top of him when I went to sleep, where did he go? How did he manage to push me off him without waking me up? And why did he not hold me while I slept like he promised to do so?

However, I had more pressing worries than my errant hushand. My bladder was threaning to explode if I did not run to the bathroom right this second. So without giving Trent another thought, I donned on my silk robe before dashing inside the bathroom.

Once I was finished, I came out feeling relaxed yet sore. Walking was difficult, but I managed as I left the room in search of Trent. But when I spotted a phone, I remembered Jose and decided to call him. He picked up after three rings.

“Hello?” He said.

“Hello, Jose? It’s me, Amanda,” I said.

“Amanda?! What in the actual fuck? Where the hell have you been? Are you safe? Did that asshole hurt you? Tell me where you are and I will come to get you,” he replied.

“Jose, calm down. I’m fine, everything is fine. Where are you? I got back to my apartment to find a note telling me you were out of city? Where are you and when will you come back?” I enquired.

“I told you about my step-brother, right? So I just had to deal with him,” he answered.

“Is everything alright? I asked.

“Yeah, I guess. I’ll tell you everything when I see you, but for now, tell me where you are,” he answered.

“Uh…if I tell you something would you promise not to explode?” I said.

“Oh no, what did you do now?” I rolled my eyes, why did he talk like I got myself into trouble all the time, even if it was true as of lately?

“Nothing really, just that…Trent and I got married.” I waited for the explosion that didn’t take too long to happen.


“I told you not to explode,” I said.

“How can I not explode when you drop a bomb on me like that? Do you even realize what you’ve just said, what you’ve just done?” Oh God, it would he difficult to calm him down.

“Jose, it was my decision. I chose to marry him,” I explained.

“Oh no, I am not having this conversation with you over the phone. I’m coming back in two days and then you’ll tell me everything.” He hung up without waiting for my response. Asshole!

Sighing, I put the phone down and resumed my search for Trent. I looked into every room but did not find him. Strange, he was here a few hours ago. Where did he go? And why didn’t he leave a note for me?

Every room I checked was either locked or empty. Every time I checked a room and did not find Trent, I grew more anxious. Where was he? Why would he leave me here all alone? Did he not realize that I would wake up soon? And then, a sudden horrifying thought struck me: did he go to visit Tamara? I banished the thought as quickly as it had come. No, Trent would not do this to me. He knew how much I hated Tamara; and we got married simply because Trent did not want to marry her. No, there was a reasonable explanation for this. There had to be.

Returning back to the living room, I picked up the phone again and this time I called Trent. With every ring, anxiety constricted my heart tighter and tighter until I thought it would stop working. But thankfully, Trent picked up after fifty rings.

“Bumblebee, I see you’re awake, did you sleep well?” Trent said as a way of greeting.

“Where are you? And don’t you lie to me. Why didn’t you tell me that you were leaving? You were supposed to be in bed when I woke up,” I scolded him.

“Calm down, shady, I am just out shopping. I’m buying some gifts for you,” he replied. I could hear the smile in his tone.

“Gifts? Shopping? Trent, are you out of your mind? This is no time for shopping, get back here right now!” I shrieked.

“On the contrary, sleeping beauty, it is the perfect time for shopping. I’ll be home soon. Are you hungry? Do you want me to bring home some dinner?” He questioned.

“Yes, food. Bring that. And hurry up; if you don’t come back in an hour, I’ll kill you,” I threatened.

“You can kill me, bumblebee; it is better than you leaving me.” With that, Trent hung up, leaving me slack jawed and my heart in a puddle.

Once my hormones were no longer ruling me and I had gotten my senses back, I glared at the phone. How dare he hung up on me?

Before I could think about it any further, the door bell rang. Throwing one last glare at the phone, I put it down and went to answer the door. Without asking who it was, I opened the door.

Shock paralyzed me momentarily as I saw who it was standing outside of Trent’s penthouse.

“Hello Amanda,” Tamara said, a ridiculous smile on her evil face.

Fuck my life, the bitch has arrived.

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