The billionaire’s true love


Part 37

Wiping my tears with a crumpled tissue I tried to take in a deep breath but my blocked nose forbade me. Breathing became a chore that I really didn’t want to do because it became too difficult for me.

How could he do this to me? Was this what love was? I knew Trent was different but this…this was too much. This was way too different if that’s how he was planning to express his love and devotion to me.

I didn’t ask for the impossible. I just told him to fire the one woman who did everything she could to make my life a living hell. I didn’t ask him to buy me a whole continent; I just told him to fire one woman, a woman who told the whole world that Trent and her were getting married.

Thinking about Trent marrying some other woman caused my heart to constrict painfully. It wasn’t just my eyes that were leaking tears, my heart was weeping blood as well. If only he would show me an ounce of love he so sweetly told me about, then I would move mountains just so I could marry him. But no, he told me he was not going fire Tamara. Was she that special? Was she that important that instead of giving explanations about her, he outrightly said that he was not going to get rid of her?

I told you not to fall for him. Now deal with the consequences!

Why did I have to fall for him? He didn’t even do anything to make me fall for him. He just had to flash that sexy, arrogant smile and my heart turned to putty. He insulted me, pissed me off more times than I could count, and still my heart fell for him. I wished my heart would get some brains in the future because at this rate there would be nothing left of the organ that was keeping me alive right now.

My phone buzzed, indicating a text message. The vibration caused more tears to fall from my eyes because I knew who was texting me right now. The man who was responsible for my tears: Trent Benson.

He had been calling me since I left his beach house a few hours ago. When I refused to accept his calls, he started sending me text messages and voicemails, neither of which I checked because it hurt too much. My pain was too raw, and Trent’s messages would only cause my heart to bleed more.

“Why did you do this to me, Trent,” I said no one, since I was alone in my apartment. It took me three hours to get back home, only to find my apartment empty with a note taped to the referigerator from Jose saying that he was out of city for a couple of weeks. I had no idea why he left me a note when there was no guarantee that I would come back. I would have to ask him why he wrote that note when he would return; but for now, I was glad that Jose was not here, I just wanted to be alone right now.

Flinging the used tissue paper to the side, I grabbed another from the box that was nearly at its end. Clenching my eyes shut, I tried to block out all the memories my mind was cruelly conjuring, stabbing my heart with shards of Trent and his complicated yet alluring personality. The man was a monster through and through. Even though I tried to resist him, he still made me fall, only to never catch me.

The ringing of my phone threatened to make me scream out in pain. Why did he keep hurting me like this? Did he not understand that I did not want to see him anymore? How was I even going to face him again? I was so stupid, I told him I wasn’t quitting. Fuck my life!

Grabbing the pillow, I pulled it over my head to block out the incessant ringing of the phone. But even a stuffed pillow covering my ears, the music kept penetrating through, driving me to the edge of sanity. I needed to get out of here, Trent would kill me if he kept this up.

To make matters worst, a loud knock interrupted my melodious torture. Flinging the pillow to the side, I glared at the closed door. I did not expect Jose to be back so soon. I had no idea how old that note was, but I really did not want Jose here, I needed to be alone.

My anger turned into surprise when the door opened and Hailey entered. I had no idea how long it had been since I’d seen my best friend until she stood in front of me wearing a pretty blue dress and a look that told me she knew everything that was going on in my fucked up life.

“Hey, how are you?” Hailey asked, coming to sit on my bed.

“I’m fine.” I sniffled and wiped my tears with my fingers, only to fail miserably. My fine was clearly not very fine.

“You’re a terrible liar, Mandi. But it’s alright, I’m here now, and I will make you stop crying,” Hailey stated, throwing me one of her famous smiles that always succeeded in making me feel better. It was probably because of this smile that Theodore fell for her.

“You can’t make me stop crying. You can’t stop the pain that is burning in every part of my body. You should go home to your husband and kids, leave me alone.” I told her.

“Hey, stop that! You are my best friend and I’m not leaving you alone,” she replied, getting angry.

“Theodore is a possessive man, he will want you home, and your kids need you. Go, I’ll be fine,” I responded, glaring at my phone which lit up with another message from Trent. Damn him for ruining my life!

“Mandi, I said I am not leaving you, not until you’re smiling and dancing like you normally do,” Hailey stated. Her tone told me she meant business, and I would not get rid of her no matter what I did.

“Don’t tell me to talk about what happened because I don’t want to,” I said, pulling out another tissue, crushing it while imagining Tamara. I really hated that bitch!

“I won’t tell you to talk about it because I already know everything,” Hailey said, taking me surprise.

“H-How?” I questioned.

“Trent called a while ago, he told me you were upset and that the two of you had a falling out, so I came here,” she answered.

“Then he would’ve also told you the reason for this ‘falling out’.” I air quoted the words.

“He is not firing Tamara, that’s why, right?” Hailey gave me a knowing smile, and I cursed myself once again for falling for Theodore’s sexy cousin.

“What I’m asking for is not too much,” I defended myself.

“I know. But Trent has his reasons,” Hailey replied.

“Oh please, his only reason is that he loves her but was too much of a coward to tell me. He lied to me and told me he loves me. Who does that, Lee?” Fresh tears emerged anew as those three words echoed in my mind in Trent’s deep voice.

“He doesn’t love Tamara, he loves you, he did not lie about that,” Hailey said.

“Shut up, Lee! You’re suppose to be my best friend and you are defending him! Unbelievable. Theodore has brainwashed you,” I grumbled.

“I am telling you the truth, I am not defending Trent. He only loves you, and there are reasons why he can’t fire Tamara right now,” Hailey argued.

“What reasons? Tell me what are these reasons, and they better be good Lee, like someone dying, good,” I demanded.

“Trent will tell you himself when you are willing to listen to him,” she stated.

“I am not asking Trent, I am asking you. You tell me,” I responded.

Guilt flashed in Hailey’s eyes before she spoke. “I can’t. I promised him I won’t tell you.”

I thought Trent had broken my heart completely, but Hailey just crushed it even further. She was my best friend, or at least I thought she was; but she wasn’t going to tell me Trent’s reasons because she promised him. She was siding with the enemy.

“Get out of here, Lee. I don’t want to see you, leave me alone,” I said, looking away from her.

“Mandi, I said I’m not-” I didn’t let her finish.

“I said, get the fuck out of my room! Do you not understand?! Leave me alone! Go to Trent and Theodore since you are loyal to them and not me. Leave, I don’t need you!” The last part was a lie, but I needed Hailey to leave so I could cry in peace. This was getting too much for me to bear.

“I am not loyal to Trent. I am your best friend,” she insisted.

“No, you’re not. If you are my best friend then you will tell me whatever Trent told you. Best friends don’t keep secrets, Lee.” I told her.

“I am only keeping this secret because of you,” Hailey replied.

Now this just made me furious. She was the one betraying our friendship and now she was blaming me for keeping secrets. There was something about these Bensons, they took over your mind and changed it until it was unrecognizable, until the person himself was unrecognizable. Theodore had done this to Hailey, and now Trent was doing the same to her.

“And why is that? What did I do that made you keep this a secret from me?” I asked her, barely keeping my temper in check. I was having a strong urge to slap her.

“This will give you two a reason to talk. Trent told me not to tell you because he needs an excuse to talk to you. He knows you are angry and will not listen to him, so this is the perfect excuse to make you listen to him,” Hailey explained.

“Don’t you get it? I don’t want to listen to him. I don’t even want to look at him. Tell him to keep his secrets because I do not care about him or that bitch Tamara. He can go marry her for all I care. I am done,” I stated.

“Well I want you to talk to him,” Hailey responded.

“Get out of here. You have lost your mind. You are not my best friend, she has been kidnapped. I don’t know who you are. So leave. I don’t want to talk to either of you.” I gave her my deadliest glare, but she shrugged it off.

“You will talk to him. He makes you happy, Mandi,” Hailey argued.

“Yes, I am crying tears of happiness right now. I am so fucking happy because of Trent,” I spat, making sure to make my words as venomous as possible.

“Stop that. We both know he makes you happy. And you make him happy as well, Mandi. That is why he is so upset right now. Give him a chance, talk to him.”

No matter what anyone said, I was not going to speak with Trent. I gave him a chance to explain but he did not take it. And now, I was done. I was done giving him any more chances.

“No. And why are you so insistent? Don’t have a husband to fuck?”

“Shut up, Mandi. And as for Trent, listen to him. You love him and he loves you; don’t let a petty bitch like Tamara destroy what you two have.” Hailey was getting irritated, I could see that, but I did not care. I was not going to speak with Trent.

“Tamara might be the catalyst for all this shit, but Trent is the real culprit. He chooses to keep secrets. You don’t keep secrets from the one you claim to love,” I stated.

Hailey opened her mouth to argue, but the opening of my bedroom door beat her to it. My irritation turned to rage as I saw Trent entering my room. Why the hell couldn’t he stay away from me?

“What the hell is he doing here?!” I had no idea who I was addressing.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

“He is here to talk,” Hailey answered my question.

“Did she eat anything?” Trent asked my best friend. I really should call her my ex-best friend.

“Look at her, do you think she ate anything since she got back?” Hailey threw at him.

Trent ran his eyes over me, making me feel all hot and bothered. I should be angry with the way he was looking at me so shamelessly, but my traitorous body loved it, causing my sex to heat up.

“No, she didn’t. Such a careless girl. She knows exactly how to worry me,” Trent said after two minutes.

“She is pretty good at that. I’ll go and bring her something to eat. Do you want something?” Hailey asked Trent. What was wrong with these two? Why were they talking like I was not present in the room?

“Excuse me, I am right here!” I shouted so they would hear me.

“We know, Mandi. Why don’t you relax, I’ll go and bring something for you to eat,” Hailey replied.

“I am not hungry. And even if I was, I can eat by myself. Tell him to leave, Lee, I don’t want to see him.” I told her, trying my best to ignore Trent, the elephant in the room.

“Don’t listen to her, she does not care about herself. Please bring some food for her,” Trent stated.

“I’ll do just that.” Hailey stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. “Keep an eye on her, don’t let her run off,” she said to Trent before stepping out of the room.

“Don’t worry, we both know I won’t let her run away.” With a smile, Trent closed the door, trapping me inside with him.

“You know being mad at me is one thing, but don’t take it out on your body,” he said to me. Even though I was not looking at him, I could feel his eyes on me. Those dark eyes that made me forget everything. Those damn, beautiful eyes.

“You do not get to dictate my life. Get the fuck out of my apartment, Trent, I don’t want to see you,” I snapped.

“Your body needs nutrition, so don’t skip meals.” Did he not hear what I just said?

“I’ll do whatever I want. You worry about Tamara and her health, afterall, she will be the mother of your babies.” Those words left a bitter taste in my mouth.

“You never make anything easy, do you, bumblebee?” Trent crossed strong arms in front of his chest, causing his biceps to bulge. Fuck me, they looked delicious.

“Why are you here, Trent?” I asked, trying to ignore the sight of his drool worthy biceps.

Trent leaned back against my dresser. “We are going to talk.”

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