The billionaire’s true love


Part 24

Staring at the studio while standing right outside made me feel queasy. I had to go in there and face my boss who forced me to wear a stupid promise ring. Not to mention the fact that the bitch who sabotaged my career was going to be working there.

Yeah, Trent hated me, and he wanted that bitch Tamara to destroy me. He could not handle the fact that I spoke up and defended myself against his stupid remarks, so that was why he was going to let his workers do his ugly work for him. Damn, I wish I was my own boss.

“You sure you want to do this?” Jose asked. True to my expectations, Jose now hated my boss to the core. He begged me to rethink my decision. He told me that he would get me a job in a better company. But I made a deal; even though it was a deal with the devil, but it was a deal nonetheless. But Jose was so adamant that he insisted we jump on the next train and get out of the state-go somewhere else altogether. He even started to search through the train schedule.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

And I was going to do that. If that bitch managed to get on a single nerve of mine, I was done. Fuck Trent. Fuck the deal. Fuck my promises. I would leave.

“Yes. I have to at least try. Trent promised that he won’t let anyone bother me-”

“Yeah, but don’t forget he is the same asshole who punched me and dragged you out of our apartment like a fuckin’ caveman! So I won’t take his promises so seriously,” Jose spat, putting emphasis on the word promise.

“But, if something happened. If that Tamara bothered me, then we would leave. I won’t say anything to Trent, I will just leave. Then we can go wherever you want,” I continued like Jose hadn’t interrupted me.

He sighed, clearly showing his disapproval, as if the frown marring his forehead was not enough. My best friend could be so dramatic at times. But I knew he was just worried; after what Trent did, I doubt Jose would ever trust him again.

“Well if you’re so sure, then fine. But if you need anything or that douchebag does something, I’m on speed dial,” he said.

In response, I hugged him hard, pouring my love and gratitude in that embrace. “I know. I love you. Now go, before I drag you to the cab.” With a smile, I waved Jose goodbye. Then took a deep, steadying breath to calm my nerves before I entered the studio.

It was exactly how I left it. Nothing was out of place. It was exactly as I remembered it. And somehow, it brought me peace. Seeing the odd colored couches and vases placed in random corners filled me with warmth. Although I had absolutely no idea why, but I was glad. Some things remained the same while other things changed rapidly. And those things were what kept us sane-gave us something to hold on to as the change threatened to take us down.

“Welcome back!” Now that was something I never heard.

Trent stood at the foyer, beaming as I came forward. His eyes were always glittering, but today, they had a new glint to them; one I had never seen before. And that glint made my heart dance a tango. Stupid heart. Always the weak one.

“Mr. Benson,” I acknowledged, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Immediately, Trent’s eyes landed on my left hand, the one with the bloody diamond ring on it. Truth be told, I had taken the ring off the moment I entered my apartment. I only put it on before I came here.

“I’m glad you’re on time. Tamara shall be arriving in a short while, meanwhile, why don’t you go and relax a little,” he suggested.

“Why should I care when Tamara is coming or not? Where is Madigan, I need to get to work,” I responded, looking around for my photographer, who was surprisingly absent today.

“Because Tamara and you will be working together. The next set of clothes are supposed to be modelled by you two. So you will be working side by side,” he informed me.

“What the fuck?! No way! I’m not doing it. No way. Nuh uh!” I crossed my arms across my chest and regarded my infuriating boss with rage. How could he do this?! After what that bitch did to me, how could he just decide to make us work together. I was right, the asshole hated me. I was out of here. I better text Jose to book us tickets.

“Amanda. Do not act like a child and make me repeat myself. You are going to act like a mature woman that you are, and you will work with Tamara,” Trent stated.

“And you should stop acting like an infuriating son of a bitch!” I got really close to Trent, close enough to see the flecks of dark gray in his eyes. “You promised me that there would be no trouble for me. And right now, you are not doing a really good job of keeping your word.

“I don’t care if I sound like an immature woman, but I will not, under no circumtances, work with Tamara. Not after what she did to me.” I told him, meaning every word.

“You do know that I do not like to hear the word no from you, don’t you?” Trent cocked his head to the side, regarding me coolly.

“And I don’t like it when people do not fulfill their end of the promise,” I countered.

“You will work with her. That is an order you cannot refuse. Not if you want to work here.” The man actually thought I was dying for his job. God, he was one narcisstic man.

“Well news flash, I don’t want to work here. I don’t want to work at a place where the employees are not treated right. And don’t forget, you were the one who forced me to accept this job, so don’t throw ultimatums at me, because I won’t take them,” I hissed.

“Yes, and you accepted the job. So now that you are here, I am your boss and you are my employee. So that means, what I say goes. Which means, you and Tamara are going to work together.” Now I really wanted to slap Trent. Slap him so hard, the map of his face would’ve changed.

“You know how much I hate her. You know what she did to me. You might not believe me, but I know what she did.” I told him.

“I know exactly what she did. But she is working here now, and I will teach you how to get along with people you don’t like,” Trent responded, arching his eyebrow in that overly sexy way.

“You have been teaching me just fine. I mean, I already know how to get along with you, and I don’t like you.” I was pleased at my response. Even though my heart was screaming at my for lying to him. But he would never know. Never.

“Very funny, shady. Now you are going to be a good model and get along with the model you don’t like,” Trent said in a way that told me our argument was over and I should get back to work. But I couldn’t do it, not unless I knew something.

“Trent?” I called out just as he turned around to go to his office.

“Yes?” He turned to face me, giving me his undivided attention.

“Do you still think I’m a junkie? Do you still think that Tamara is innocent and I’m the culprit?” I questioned, dreading the answer. I knew I wanted the honest truth from him, but at the same time my heart froze, fearing his response. If he responded in affirmation then it was over. He would crush the miniscule amount of hope I’ve had left.

“No Amanda. I do not think you are a junkie. I believed you when you said you never did drugs and would never jeaporidze your career like that,” Trent answered.

My heart deflated like a balloon with relief. He did not think I was an addict. He believed me. Despite being an utter asshole, he believed me when I said I was innocent.

“But then, why did you call me a liar? Why were you so angry?” I enquired next. If he believed me then why call me a liar? Why make me feel like the worst person on the planet?

Trent looked at me with something akin to regret in those beautiful, dark eyes. “I am a complicated man, bumblebee. And I don’t know if you can handle that. But I really wish you are strong enough to handle me,” he replied.

I didn’t know Trent Benson that well, and I did not claim to know him. But his answer comfused me. What did he mean by that? Complicated man? Handle him? What was he talking about? I asked him something else and he gave me a totally irrelevant answer. What was he playing at?

“What do you mean by that?” I queried, getting frustrated. Would it kill him to give me a straight answer?

Yes, it probably would.

“Be strong. That is what I mean.” With a soft smile, Trent Benson walked away from me, leaving me standing there with more questions and barely any answers. I wish things weren’t like this between us. I wish Trent was not a complicated man.


“Hello? Amanda right?” I looked up to see none other than the conniving bitch standing in front of me. Was it just me and my hatred or did she look more like a witch than an actual model?

Tamara stood there with a sweet smile on her face; a smile I was itching to slap off her face. In fact, I wanted to drag my nails through her skin. I was sure the sight of her blood would quench my thirst for revenge. But I couldn’t do that, because murder was illegal. So I would just have to extract my revenge some other way.

The royal princess arrived after two hours. Two hours of waiting for her. Madigan was so close to exploding. The way she was cursing, it was clear how she hated to wait for models to arrive. And it was in that moment that I fell in love with my photographer. She hated Tamara. And whoever hated Tamara was automatically loved by me.

“Hello, how are you? I’m sorry I don’t remember your name,” I said to her. Truth was, I couldn’t forget her name even if I scrubbed my mind and tongue with soap, but just for appearences I pretended I didn’t remember her name.

“I’m Tamara. Remember, we met at the meeting?”

Where you nearly destroyed me and my career? Bitch!

My eyes widened and my mouth formed an O as I acted like realization just dawned on me. Now I would have to go through the excruciating task of pretending to be her friend. Why was my life so difficult? What was Trent trying to teach me by forcing me to work with my arch enemy? An arch enemy who did not know she was my arch enemy, or maybe she was pretending like I was.

“Oh of course, how could I forget? How are you doing these days?” I enquired like Tamara and I were long lost friends; when in reality I wanted to gouge her eyes out.

“Oh nothing special. My job barely lets me breathe these days. I’m so glad I got transferred here. Trent is an amazing boss and I’m sure he won’t work me too hard,” Tamara stated.

Can I please kill her?

As much as I wanted to listen to my natural instincts and dance on Tamara’s grave, I knew I had to be smart about this. Tamara attacked me when I was vulnerable, but I would not let her do the same thing again. Now it would be Tamara who would suffer, I would make sure of it.

“Oh yes, he is an amazing boss. I have been working for him for over two years now, and I can tell you, he is amazing. He makes sure his employees are well taken care of,” I agreed.

“That is perfect. I would love it if he took care of me,” she responded, and I could clearly see how she was fucking Trent in her mind. There was something seriously wrong with her, and I did not know how I was going to work with her without stabbing her to death.

I was speechless after her response. I mean, what could I say to that; that it would be amazing if he took care of you, too? That she was right and now should go and make fuckin’ babies with him?

“Ladies, are you ready?” Madigan asked, sounding impatient.

“Oh yes, of course. But first, I have to freshen up. Can you bring me two bottles of room temperature water along with the freshest fruit that you have. I don’t do photoshoots without proper hydration. Now hurry, we have to get started,” Tamara said to Madigan in reply.

The look Madigan gave to Tamara had me doing a mental happy dance. “I am a photographer, not a waiter. Go and tell one of the waiters to bring you your water,” Madigan snapped, clearly at the end of the her patience.

“Why can’t you go and tell the waiter that?” Tamara eyed Madigan like she was an insect she wanted to crush with her six inch stiletto.

“You know what, I will just let my boss deal with you,” Madigan stated.

Tamara chuckled darkly. “Oh really? Do you not know who I am? I have been working as a model my whole life. Just because you got lucky and was hired by one of the top modelling agencies doesn’t mean you are someone special. I have been in this industry long before you could even imagine working here. So do what I say and get me my room temperature water. Because if you don’t, then I will make sure your career is over.”

Okay, now I wanted to slap her. Who the hell did she think she was? Just because she was experienced that did not mean she could make others feel inferior to her. This bitch needed to be taught a lesson. And now, I would avenge Madigan as well. No one messed with my photographer.

Just as I opened my mouth to defend Madigan, a strong, angry male voice spoke from behind me.

“That is where you are wrong.”

Oh my, Trent.

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