The billionaire’s true love


Part 15

I slammed my apartment door shut and stormed in my room. How dare he? How dare he come back after two years and act like nothing had changed? Just who did he think he was? Just because he was rich and handsome he thought he was the king of the world, that arrogant bastard. I’d show him, there was no way I would let him win. He hurt me in the worst way before leaving for two years, and now I would show him how I was not the same Amanda that he left two years ago. I was better, I was stronger. I would try my best to stay away from him; he was nothing but my boss now.

“Hey Manda, are you alright?” Jose asked, entering my room.

“I’m fine, Jose,” I lied. I did not want Jose to be a part of my problems.

“And you are also a terrible liar.” He came and sat next to me on the bed. “Now tell me, what is bothering you?” He enquired.

“I told you, I’m fine,” I persisted.

“Amanda,” he warned. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he commanded.

I sighed audibly. “Trent is back,” I answered.

“Oh.” Was all he managed to say. I swear, if that was all he could say, why did he bother asking me what was wrong? Jose was weird sometimes.

“I need to talk to Hailey,” I said. Right now, I really needed my best friend. Jose was amazing, and he was quickly becoming my best male friend, but right now, I needed my girl friend. She was the only one who could understand the emotional turmoil I was in.

“Okay. Would you like something to eat or drink?” Jose asked, a soft look in his eyes.

“I-I don’t know,” I muttered. Right now, all I could think about was the fact that Trent was back. And I had to be strong, I had to keep my heart and mind in check, because two years ago, he had almost stolen my heart…almost. I could not let him steal it again. No, I would never give my heart to Trent; he did not deserve it.

Jose wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. He rested his chin on my head and for a while we just sat there, in companiable silence. Jose could never be what Hailey was, but he tried, and I loved him for it. He really was my best friend.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” He queried, his voice dripping with concern.

I smiled. “Yeah. Keep him away from me. Don’t let him in our apartment. Please,” I requested.

“Done. I’ll keep that arrogant boss of yours out of this apartment. I’ll go down and inform security to not let Trent Benson in our apartment,” he replied.

“Thank you. You are the best,” I responded. His words helped ease my worries slightly. Now, once I talked to Hailey, I was sure to feel like my old self again.

“I know.” He chuckled, causing me to smack him lightly on the chest. Jose’s arrogance was annoying yet it was nice, but Trent’s arrogance made me wish he either kissed me or allowed me to slap him.

Stop! Don’t think about him. He is nothing. He is nothing.

Trent coming back was difficult than I had expected. I didn’t know I would react so strongly to his presence. However, I wasn’t the only one who had changed over the last two years. Trent had changed as well. He was more dominating, more arrogant, and just…more.

“I didn’t want him to come back,” I uttered the words to Jose.

“Are you sure about that?” Jose queried.

This time, I had no answer for him. Did I want Trent to come back? Was I happy that he was back and was just pretending to be upset? Or Trent coming back was really bad for me, and that was why I was so angry?

God, what was wrong with this man? He made me question myself and made me unsure of my feelings and thoughts!

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Let’s talk about something else. Or maybe I should talk to Hailey,” I stated.

“Talk to Hailey later. I want my friend to myself for a while. Come, let’s go and watch a movie; it’s been so long since we watched a movie together,” Jose stated, standing up and pulling me along with him.

“Oh come on! I just got back!” I whined, but allowed Jose to drag me out of the room.

“And I don’t care. We are a going to watch a movie, and hopefully we’ll get your mind off that douchebag boss of yours,” Jose argued.

“Fine.” I huffed. “What are we watching?” Jose let me plop on the couch before heading over to the kitchen.

“Since you’re in such a foul mood, I’ll let you decide. But next time I’ll pick,” Jose answered from the kitchen.

“Jeez, thank you so much for this honor,” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I forced myself to get up from the couch, then dragged myself all the way to the shelf that housed our movie collection. We didn’t have that many movies, which was why Jose was always complaining about going to the mall to buy some more, but he never did.

After looking at all the DVDs, I sighed in frustration. There was nothing that we hadn’t already watched at least fifteen times. With another audible sigh, I shuffled back to the couch, without a movie in hand.

Jose came back with a large bowl filled with popcorn. But when he saw me sitting there with a black T. V. screen, he frowned then placed the bowl on the table.

“What’s the matter?” He enquired.

“There is no good movie,” I replied sullenly.

“Well I keep telling you that we have to go and buy some more,” Jose said.

“Yes, but right now, we don’t have anything to watch,” I muttered.

“That’s all right, we got Netflix,” he announced.

My eyes widened. “You got Netflix? When? How? And why have we been watching the same movies again and again if you already have Netflix?” I threw at him.

Jose shrugged, the mischevious glint back in his eyes. “I like surprising you. And I also like annoying the hell out of you.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” This man was annoying, but dammit, he was my best friend.

“Well that is why I haven’t told you that we have Netflix,” he explained, sauntering over to grab the remote which was lying on the cushions on the floor. He turned on the T. V. before coming to sit beside me.

“To annoy me?” I asked.

Jose gave me a funny grin. “Yes.”

“And how long have you had Netflix?” I queried.

“Since I moved in to your apartment,” Jose replied.

A string of colorful profanities fell out of my mouth as I glared at Jose while he just chuckled. This man forced me to watch all those boring movies again and again, when all this time he had access to Netflix! The man knew how to piss me off. Well, I believed every man knew how to piss me off, Trent Benson being on top of the list.

“I hate you.” I told him.

“No you don’t,” Jose replied.

“Well maybe I didn’t hate you before, but after what you did, after what you put me through, I definitely hate you,” I hissed.

“You’re just tired and angry and you’re taking it out on me. But that’s alright, once you’ll watch the movie, you’ll feel better,” Jose cooed.

“What do I look like, a baby?” Damn it, what was happening to me?

“Oh no, you, most definitely are not a baby,” Jose disagreed.

“Uh huh.” I eyed the screen with something close to disapproval.

“So, which movie do you want to watch?” Jose questioned.

“I don’t know. Just pick one,” I replied drily.

“Animated?” Jose turned to look at me.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care. Just put something on,” I groaned.

Jose picked up the bowl of popcorn and placed it on my lap. “Here, eat something, you’ll feel better…more human,” he stated.

“I am human!” I exclaimed before shoving a bunch of popcorns in my mouth.

The buttery flavor exploded in my mouth and I reveled in it. I loved popcorn, but since I was hungry, they tasted extra good. These popcorns were delicious. I would tell Jose to get his own popcorn, because I was not sharing.

Jose settled back, his eyes glued to the screen. I didn’t bother looking at the name of the movie, too busy munching on my popcorn. As soon as this movie was over, I would go and call Hailey. I missed my best friend, and my niece and nephew. The twins were adorable, and now, everytime I went to the mall, I made sure to buy something for them. I really wished that someday I would be happy and in love with my own kids. But I guess, happy endings weren’t for everyone. Maybe, some of us were destined to be alone.

Halfway through the movie, my cellphone decided to ring. With my eyes glued to the screen, and one of my hand busy with transferring popcorn from the bowl to my mouth, I answered my phone without checking the caller ID.


“Amanda?” Trent spoke from the other line. The shock had me nearly choking on my popcorn, but thankfully nothing like that happened. Why was he calling me now? What did he want? I swear if he was going to throw any ridiculous demand at me, I would tell him to take a hike.

“Yes?” I picked up some more popcorn.

“I want you to be at the studio at 6:00 am sharp,” Trent stated, his voice leaving no room for argument.

“Why?” I asked with a frown. I always went to work around 8:00 am, and now he wanted me to come two hours early, this man was my sleep’s enemy. Why couldn’t he just let me sleep in peace?

“You don’t get to ask questions. Just do as I tell you and be at the studio at 6:00 am.” Trent told me, his words dripping with arrogance.

“And if I don’t?” Man, I wish I had something on him. Now that he was back, I would show him just how much I had changed. He would regret messing with me.

“Like I said, you don’t get to ask questions. But, if you don’t do as I say, then trust me, you won’t like what’ll happen next.” With that he hung up, leaving me speechless.

Did he just threaten me?

I stared at my phone’s screen for a few minutes, my mind processing Trent’s words. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, the threat in those words could not be mistaken for something else. Trent meant what he said, which meant I had to be at the studio at 6:00 am sharp, otherwise God know’s what he would do.

“Is everything okay?” Jose enquired, lowering the volume.

“Trent called.”

“Oh. And?” He prodded.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“He wants me to come at 6:00 am.” I told him.

“Why so early?” Jose was now giving me his full attention.

“Because he is an ass,” I seethed.

“That he is,” he agreed. “So, are you going to go?”

I sighed. “I have to. Like it or not, he is my boss, and pays me at the end of every month. I have to go, even if I don’t want to,” I said.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jose questioned.

I grabbed his hand and gave it light squeeze. “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. How about you cook me dinner or something.” In these past two years, Jose had learned to cook, and now, restaurant food no longer appealed to me. Jose had spoiled me just like Mrs. Benson had spoiled her family.

True to her words, Mrs. Benson taught me how to cook. But since Jose was constantly in the kitchen with us, he ended up learning as well. Now, he was a much better cook as compared to me; and I was sure Mrs. Benson enjoyed teaching him more than me.

“Okay. I’ll cook dinner for you. What would you like to eat?” Jose smiled at me.

“Surprise me.” I smiled back.


When I entered the studio the next day, I was met with silence. Sighing, I headed inside, trying to spot any signs of human life. But no one was here. Shaking my head, I sat down on one the chairs, wondering where everybody was. I mean, coming at four in the morning and finding this place empty was understandable, but coming at six and still finding it empty was weird.

But when I saw Trent, I did not know whether to scowl or sigh in relief. He looked sexy in his jeans and polo shirt, and his attire had me thinking that why in the world was he dressed so casually.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Trent said as soon as he saw me.

“Why did you call me here so early?” I stood up, straightening my dress.

“I have a very important business meeting, and I want you to accompany me,” he informed me.

“Shouldn’t your PA do that?” Why did he want me to accompany him? And if he was going to a meeting, why was he dressed so casually?

“Yeah, but it’s not that kind of a meeting. It’s a…different kind of a meeting,” he stated.

“Care to elaborate?”

“No. You are coming with me, that’s it.” Trent gave me a once over then shook his head. “You need to change. I can’t take you like this.”

“How about you don’t take me at all!” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Quit being difficult. There is a dress for you in the changing room, go. You only have ten minutes,” Trent commanded. He took a hold of my wrist and dragged me to the changing room.

“What the hell?!” I shouted once Trent slammed the door shut, leaving me staring at the dress which he wanted me to wear.

The dress was navy blue and looked to be made of satin. There were a jewels scattered all over the left side. According to the length, the dress would fall just an inch above my knees. It was one gorgeous dress and I really wanted to steal it from my boss.

“You have eight minutes left,” Trent announced.

Not wanting to waste any more time. I took off my dress and put on the satin one. And just like I had expected, the dress fell just an inch above my knee. I eyed myself in the full length mirror. I loved this dress, maybe Trent would let me keep it. The cap sleeves went perfectly with the whole dress.

“Where are the shoes?” I asked.

“In the corner,” he answered.

Spotting the bag in the corner, I pulled out the stilettos and put them on. Then, taking a deep breath, I emerged from the changing room.

Trent smiled and a cryptic glint entered his eyes as he gazed me. He stepped forward and gently took my hand in his. The tenderness in that small gesture surprised me, making me question his motives.

“Ready to go?” He said it like a question, but I knew it wasn’t. So taking another deep breath of courage, I nodded.

I had no idea where he was taking me. But I was ready to face it.

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