The Billionaire’s Pretty Thief

Chapter 2

Crystal stood in front of the big broad door that stood in front of her reluctant to hit on the door. Each time she raised her hand bringing it towards the door, she only ended up pushing it towards her side sighing.

“Come on, girl, you need to get a grip over yourself and knock, nothing can be so bad than arriving here and not knocking on the door,” she murmured to herself. It is obvious what Uncle Max was saying, he just wanted to tie her up with another person from whom she would steal money.

Sighing, she made up her mind to hit the door. “Come in,” the husk baritone answered from the inside.

Opening the door, she crossed her fingers tight. Popping her head in the office, she was startled by Max’s voice sweetly welcoming her.

“There you are Crystal I thought you would never show up, besides, you are five minutes late, but never mind, come here, buddy, have a seat,” he said motioning to the chair opposite his desk.

This is unlike the man she always calls uncle. His honey tongue and flowery voice caught her aback, something she couldn’t think about as being possible.

Well, Crystal’s relationship with her paternal uncle was purely business. At fifty, he tried his best to secure his late brother’s wealth, instead of fighting for his family, to build a life for himself, he was settled on managing the company, something that does not believe in him.

Crystal swirled her eyes through his office, looking at it. It was broad, and most of the time, Max sat here conducting business. It was more of a private office for him and every record concerning the company was kept here, where he could easily access it.

Crystal is always filled with grief because she doesn’t know where the documents are, and Max Always hides them with care, especially after knowing that his niece wants the documents too.

Maxwell noticed that Crystal’s eyes were pulled away from his attention, as she searched through the room trying to master things.

This room had once been her father’s office, he had always made sure she didn’t get in her because he feared that she might spread out some papers that were supposed to be placed on high security, something he would need in his business.

Although she is twenty-three years old now and several years have passed by, she doesn’t seem to forget those precious memories of her and her father.

Max who always seeks attention noticed that Crystal had now completely lost her focus on him, on why she was here, instead, her beautiful eyes had an instant dark cloud shading them immediately.

This caused him to lean towards the desk, tapping lightly on it as he tried pulling her attention towards it.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hey, Crystals, return to earth,” he muttered startling her. Squirming beneath his words, she blinked severally trying to fix her eyes on his chubby cheeks.

“I am on Earth,” she mouthed. Max rolled her eyes. He brushed that aside, not wanting to prolong the discussion because It would mean deviating from his main aim, but then, he had something to talk about already.

“I noticed that you didn’t seem fine during breakfast, you know you can always talk about it right? I am ready to listen, just talk it out,” Max said urging his niece to talk. Giving out a burst of fake laughter, forced her contours to brighten up as a silly smile painted on her face. “Ah! I am fine, Uncle Max, I have nothing bothering me, if I were, I would let you know,” she mouthed, lying true her truth. After these words, she slapped herself mentally, what she said where all lies, she wanted to talk about her father’s company, they belong to her, and she is big enough to manage her deceased father’s company. Besides, the sales from the company are enough to raise sales funds for her to enjoy her life with, she is just nervous to talk about it for nothing. Unlike the words that pout out of her mouth, she decided to reconsider it.

“No, totally fine though,” she let out.

Looking at her now, Max asked gently wanting to know the course of her discomfort.

“You know you can always talk about it, right? I’ll solve your problem if it is possible for me to do so,” he let out. Crystal didn’t feel good about this, especially when she knew who her uncle was and how he behaved. This is not going to be their first discussion about it, but then, it is worth giving it a go this time. Lifting her head, she paired her baby blue eyes with the man who sat comfortably on his office chair leaning in front of his desk.”Max, don’t you think it’s time for me to take over Dad’s company? like, I want to have it. I am twenty-three years old, and I am certain that the business is going to do well as it did while under your supervision,” she spat looking at him. Immediately as the words entered his ears, Max had a grim look, he didn’t seem good, of course, why would he be good when he had just heard his niece spit in his face that she wanted her father’s company back?

“Crystal I hope you know what you want. The matter is not about wanting to control the company, it is whether you will be able to manage it as well as I have done for the past thirteen years,” he let out trying to reason out matters with her.

Crystal suddenly grew mad at Maxwell, these were the lines she had heard for the past five years each time she wanted her father’s company.

“I know you’ve been managing the company for several years now. I am grateful you did, but let me be in charge now. Just like you, the company has gone into recession several times under your rule, I want to make my own mistakes too,” Crystal explained. Max wasn’t finding this funny anymore, so he said,

“What do you want?” he inquired.

“My rights, my father’s company, hand me the documents,” she shot. Max gasped in shock.

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