The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret)

Chapter 26

The Billionaire’s Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband’s Regret) Chapter 26

Chapter 261 


“Who is he, Mommy?” my son asks me, not taking his eyes off Kayden. 

“Ummm…” Oh, damn! I really don’t know what to say. 

I have not even decided whether I will tell Kayden about Kai. I’m not even sure if I should introduce Kai to his biological father. Maybe it’s better to introduce him to just one man, the one who will stand as his father figure for the rest of his life. Maybe I’ll do that someday when I get married. 

But right now? I’m not sure. 

Kayden is a powerful man. Doubtless, more powerful than I am Technically, Kai is his first-born son. And in the Steele family, it’s the first-borns that inherit everything. Kayden’s uncle stood to serve as his father’s right-hand man all his life. I am not sure if that’s the reason why Kayden didn’t have any sibling at all. Now, do I really want Kai to be part of that chaos? 

“Is this…” Kayden trails off, starting intently at Kai. 

“Damn it!’ Is he seeing their resemblance? After all, Kai is like a mirror image of his father. 

“Keep cool, Cassie. He won’t figure it out.’ I say to myself. 

I force a smile on my face, trying to maintain composure as Kayden’s piercing gaze bore into Kai. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Yes. This is my son.” 

To my surprise, Kai releases me and stands up in front of Kayden Looking up at the towering man in front of him, he extends his hand for a handshake. 

“Hello Mister. My name is Kai Carlisle.” 

Kayden looks down at my son’s tiny hand, as if he’s unable to believe that such a small creature could act so maturely. Suddenly, his face softens and he bends down to look at Kai at eye level. 

“It’s nice to meet you, Kai. My name is Kayden.” He takes Kai’s hand and shakes it 

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Mr. Kayden. Although, we just met. You should address me as Mr. Carlisle.” 

Kayden’s mouth curve into a smile. He is obviously amused by Kai’s statement. Kayden stands up straight. I saw him cringe for a moment, before his hand goes to his shoulder. It takes him a few seconds before he can compose himself and smile back at Kai. 

“Are you in pain, Mr. Kayden?” Kai asks. 

“How did you know that? Do you happen to be a doctor? Or a fortune-teller?” Kayden grins at the child. 

“I just turned four. It takes around 10 years to become a doctor in this country, right? So, it’s impossible even with a genius IQ like mine. And fortune-tellers are usually just scammers,” Kaireplies. “Plus there’s a stain of blood on your shirt. There on your left shoulder.” 



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Chapter 26 

My eyes immediately goes to Kayden’s shoulder, and there it is! A small red stain. Kai must have seen that when Kayden bent down to his eye level. 

“Kayden, you should go back to the hospital,” I said. “You shouldn’t have left in the first place!” 

But Kayden doesn’t even seem like he’s listening to me. He is staring at Kai intensely. 

“How old did you say you were?” Kayden asks him. 

“I turned four last month. Kai answers proudly. 

“You don’t sound four.” 

“I know.” Kai smiles. “I’m smarter than a regular four-year-old. My mother had my IQ tested last year and…” 

“Oh-kay!” I interrupt. The more Kai talks, the more we will get into trouble. It’s either Kayden will realize that the child is his. Or Kai would impress him so much, he would want him to be his. I put my arms around Kai. “Sweetheart, can you please go back to your room? Let Mommy speak to our guest in private?” 

Kai nods. “Alright, Mommy.” He reaches up to kiss me. Then he waves goodbye to Kayden. “It’s nice to meet you. Mr. Kayden. 

I watch him disappear into his room. When I turn to Kayden. I see that he’s still facing the direction where Kai went. 

“Kayden, I really think you should go back to the hospital…” 

“He’s mine, isn’t he?” Kayden asks in a low, guttural voice. 

“Excuse me?” I stare back at Kayden, pretty sure that the blood has drained from my face. 

“Kai.. he’s mine, isn’t he?” he repeats, his eyes locking onto mine both with determination and challenge. I feel my heart. skip a beat at the intensity of his gaze. 

I slowly shake my head. “N-no. You are gravely mistaken. He’s… he’s not yours.” 

Kayden’s jaw tightens as he takes a step closer, his presence is like a shadow looming over me, “Are you sure? He’s about the right age. You must have been pregnant with him already before our divorce. Why didn’t you tell me?” 

I start to panic. He’s getting closer to the truth. “Y-you got it all wrong. Kayden. You have nothing to do with Kail I got pregnant with him right after our divorce. He’s not yours!” I keep my face straight, trying my damnedest to look convincing. 

“What about the fact that he looks just like me? His hair, the way he carries himself… he…” Kayden lets out a desperate sigh. “He has my eyes, Cassie!” 

“He has blue eyes, which is not an uncommon eye color,” I point out. “So, you see? That’s not proof that he’s yours. want to argue about this, Kayden! You’re probably used to getting everything that you want, that you think you can just claim some random child as yours?!” I really hoped that lie was convincing. 

“What do you mean some random child?” he echoes, looking at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “My claim has basis! You were my wife! We made love regularly when we were married…” 

“Made love?” I blink back at him. “Do you mean when you used my body for pleasure?” 

He stares back at me for a moment. His face cringes, as if he’s in pain. “Cassie…” He takes a deep breath. “That’s not true. I know that I was mean to you when when were married…” 



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15:44 Fri, May 17 OC 

Chapter 26 

“Mean? That’s a huge understatement.” I roll my eyes. 

“Okay. I was an ass!” he agrees Again, I notice him cringing. His face looks flushed, and beads of sweat start forming in his forehead. “But believe me. I didn’t just use you for pleasure. I was making love to you. I just wanted you to think the worst of me because I couldn’t forgive you for blackmailing me into marriage. 

“I didn’t blackmail you!” I am slowly starting to lose my cool. “I told you several times, I didn’t force you into a marriage you didn’t want! But you 

you never listened to me.” 

In a few steps he is standing a few feet away from me. He reaches forward to cup my face between his hands. “I’m sorry… I. shouldn’t have taken out my anger on you. I should have listened to you. It’s just… your father gained so much from our union, I just assumed you were in on the plan.” 

A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheeks. Kayden is quick to wipe it gently with his thumb, “It’s all in the past now, Kayden. We’ve divorced, we’ve gone our separates ways and we’ve moved on! We shouldn’t be talking about this now.” 

Kayden looks at me sadly. “Do you know that that day you agreed to the divorce, I slept in your bedroom, in your bed? And I called you all night. But you never picked up.” 

Yes, I remember that he called me many times that night. “Why Would it have made a difference if I answered?” 

cheek It takes him a moment to answer. He heaves a sigh. “I don’t know. Maybe. He reaches forward to wipe my gently “One thing is for sure. I wasn’t happy when you left either.” 

“Kayden, stop it! Stop this nonsense now! Our marriage is over now. I’m no longer your wife, and Kai is definitely not your son! In desperation, I give him a hard push. 

Kayden Steele is done playing with my heart! And he definitely does not have the right to confuse my mind. Moreover, he cannot take Kai away from me. 

I am waiting for Kayden to retaliate, to argue back, but to my surprise, he falls back and doesn’t say anything. When I look up at him, I see that he’s sweating, his face looks white. 

“Kayden, are you okay?” I ask. Slightly, he shakes his head. I notice that the red spot on his shoulder has become bigger. “Kayden, you’re bleeding.” 

All of a sudden, he drops to his knees and collapses onto the flour. 






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