The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter Forty-One

Daphne's Point of View

I cannot believe that my sister is coming here today. I am excited, nervous, and truthfully a little scared. I have not seen Scarlet in so long. I wonder how much she has changed. Scarlet is almost thirty years old; does she have kids?

The thought of kids stops me dead in my tracks. Crap me and Caleb have not been using any protection. My hand floats down to my stomach, what ifI get pregnant? Would Caleb be happy or upset? I look over at Caleb as he is putting on his shirt.

“Caleb, we have not been using protection.” I feel dumb even uttering those words.

“Yeah, so?” Caleb just shrugs at my statement as he sits down to put on his socks, and shoes. How can he be so casual about this?

“Ok, um what if I get pregnant?” I can not believe that he is continuing to get dressed. Having a baby is a big deal. Caleb finally looks at me and realizes that Iam shook up at the thought of children. This is

not a subject we have ever spoken about before.

“Daphne, you are my mate. I assumed that eventually we would have children. Is this not something that you want?” Caleb finally stops moving, he is focused on me waiting for me to answer him. '

“I um I have never really thought about i t before. I mean I think I want to have one someday, but what if we already

made one?” Caleb and I have been having sex regularly and not once have we used protection.

Caleb is very still considering my words. “Sweetheart, I think I would be the happiest person in the universe if you already are with child.” Caleb gets up, and I have to laugh because he only has one shoe on. Regardless he walks over and gives me a hug. “Daphne, you would make a wonderful mother, and I look forward to when that day comes. I am not in arushat all, but if that time has already come than great. If it has not then also great, it will come someday. Stop worrying about every little step love, some things are better left in fate’s hands.” Caleb’s words do calm my fears. I am a little less anxious because at least now! know that he is open to children if it does happen. '

“Now hurry up and finish getting ready your sister will be here soon, and I know that we have a very busy day before us.” Caleb’s words snap me back into reality, and I finish getting ready. By now Scarlet should be getting closer to where we live, and I am very excited to see her.

Caleb attempts to feed me breakfast when we get downstairs, but my stomach is so unsettled I beg him for just some toast and honey instead. I hate that I know so little about my own sister, and I hate our parents more for helping to cause this distance between us. As we are eating, I keep seeing Caleb pause, as if he is in deep thought.

“What are you doing?” I finally had to ask him because he paused with food halfway to his mouth. Caleb glances at me completely clueless as to what I just asked him. “Caleb you keep pausing in the middle of eating, and you look like you are a million miles away.” I clarify my question for him.

“Oh, I was using the mind link to talk to the patrolling guards to see if Theo’s car has been spotted yet.” I am confused at his words.

“What do you mean you mind linked?”

“Daphne a mind link is formed with members of the pack you are in. It is like a telepathy. The closer two members are the stronger the link. I have even heard that there are links so strong that a person can feel when another person is hurting. You should try it sometime with me. You simply concentrate very hard and try to senda message to me using your mind.” I am blown away by Caleb’s explanation. I did not know that werewolves even had the ability to use telepathy. I do not think that mine and Caleb’s connection is strong enough yet, but I try anyways.

“Did you get anything?” I eventually asked him when I did not feel or hear anything in my head.

“No, but you are still relatively new here. Do not stress it will come with time love.” Caleb is reassuring and I love that about him. “I have had a room set up for your sister and her mate. I have also ensured that housing is available if any of their pack members come with them.” Caleb informs me, and I smile at his thoughtfulness. :

“Thank you for thinking ahead. I have been preoccupied with wondering over how my sister is doing that I did not even think about the fact that she is spending a few days here.” It is still hard to process that I will finally be seeing her. Caleb stands up abruptly from the table and wipes his mouth. -

“Theo’s car was just spotted; they will arrive in about five minutes. We should meet them out front, Iam sure you are anxious to see Scarlet.” Now I am super happy about this mind link business. I jump up and grab our plates, dumping them unceremoniously into the sink.

Normally, I would wash them and put them in the dishwasher but right now I am too excited to see Scarlet.

I feel like Hannah bouncing around on the front steps. Caleb seems nervous, but I am too excited staring at the road waiting to see the car.

“Daphne, please do not forget what I said about having a picture in your mind. It has been a long time since you two have seen each other.” Caleb’s words stop my bouncing for a moment, but I can not help

being excited. Just then I see Theo’s car coming up the road. I let out a small squeal, surprising even myself. It feels like it takes forever for Theo to finally pull in. °

Caleb pulls me close in a sideways hug. I know he is worried, but this is my sister. Soon I figure out why he was worried. Dorian exits the car first, not bother to help Scarlet out. He has a scowl on his face and is practically sneering at everything. My sister finally comes out of the car and! am in shock to say the least.

Scarlet was amazingly beautiful the last time I had seen her. She was athletic, but curvy in the right spots.

She had gorgeous crimson hair that matched her name, and the most emerald eyes anyone could ever want.

She had been a bubbly but mature woman, that instantly put people at ease. The woman standing in front of me was a far cry from the girl I remembered.

This Scarlet was skinny, skinnier than I could imagine her being. Her cheeks were sunken in, she had dark circles under her eyes. Her once flaming hair was flecked with silver in spots, it was thinning and looked greasy. Her bubbly personality had vanished, and she seemed meek. Even her bright shiny emerald eyes were dull now. She smiled but it was not the thousand watt smile she used to have, this was forced and barely turned up the corners of her mouth. Even Caleb let out a small gasp at seeing her.

Caleb recovered first, much to my relief. “Dorian, Scarlet let me welcome you to our home here. We have made all the arrangements to make your stay here pleasant with us at the Blue Mountain pack.” Caleb shoots them a big smile, and I am eternally grateful to my mate for pulling me out of my state of shock.

Dorian grunts at Caleb’s words, sneering up at our home. “It is Alpha Dorian if you did not know, and 1 am only here because my mate wanted to come.” Dorian practically snarls at the word mate. I cannot believe that this was the blonde tall gentleman that came so long ago to claim Scarlet. Back then I thought that Dorian looked like a knight in a fairy tale, now he appears to be nothing more than a villain.

“I will have Bradley show you up to your room Alpha Dorian, you must be very tired after your trip.” At Caleb’s words Bradley, one of Caleb’s elite soldiers comes around from the side of the house ready to help in anyway possible. Dorian does not say thank you, or even attempt to grab any of his bags. He walks up the steps ready to follow Bradley into the house. Caleb gives Bradley a knowing nod, indicating that even though Dorian was acting like a jackass, it was ok. °

Once Dorian is inside, I can no longer hold my excitement back, I bound down the steps. “Scarlet I cannot believe you are here; I mean it has been so long.” I reach out to hug her, but I noticed she flinched. “Um is everything ok?” I do not mean to pry into her life already, but after the display that Dorian just made, I am starting to get a clearer picture of the kind of life my sister is living.

“Oh, um yes everything is fine. I am sorry about Dorian; he is just tired from the traveling. We do not leave the house much, so this is new for him.” Scarlet is talking and using her hands. I cannot believe that she is making excuses for him, but I just got her back after being separated for so long I do not want to cause waves.

“Here let me help you get these bags into the house, and then I will make some tea and we can catch up.” I try to put on a cheery demeanor. Scarlet nods in agreement. I scoop up some of her bags, and Caleb gathers the rest, leading her into the house. Bradley is just coming down the stairs as we enter. He lets Caleb know that he will take the bags upstairs. Iam grateful as! lead Scarlet into the kitchen. Caleb excuses himself using work as a reason to give me and Scarlet some time to talk.

“Thank you for coming here for my mating ceremony. I know that it is sudden timing.” I start talking as I am filling the tea kettle. “I appreciate you being here since you are the only family that has ever acknowledged my existence.” I try to laugh a little at the end, hoping this will break the ice.

“It is really great to be here. I am sorry Daphne; I should have done more when we were younger. I should have never of left you in that place.” Scarlet’s voice breaks a little at the end.

“You were just a child Scarlet. I do not blame you for anything. I have come to realize that mom and dad are just broken people.” I want to reassure her. “

That is one of the reasons why I wanted to see you again. I wanted to thank you for being there for me when I was growing up. You were the only person that cared about me and I never got to thank you.” I did not plan on getting into the heavy conversation so quickly, but I needed to get it off my chest. “ Alright enough of that, now tell me all about you. Do you and Dorian have children? How do you like California?”

“No, I do not have any kids. California is alright, it is warmer than Oregon, but the trees do not grow as big there. I miss home a little. What about you, how did you meet Caleb?” Scarlet changes the subject quickly.

“Caleb purchased me from dad. I did not know that he was my mate at the time, but he did. I have been here about a month. He has been very patient with me as] had to learn everything I missed growing up.” Once again, we find ourselves back into heavy conversation.

“Did it ever get better?” I am a little surprised by Scarlet’s question.

“Truthfully, no it did not get any better. It got worse actually. There were a couple times that I thought he would kill me. Mother drinks constantly, and her hatred grew over the years. In the end I am grateful for it all. If 1 would not have gone through everything back then, I would not be so appreciative of what I have now.” '

“How does Caleb treat you, is he nice?” Scarlet is not leaving any opening for me to ask about her life.

“Caleb is amazing. He is patient and pushes me to be better. He encourages me to make friends. Sometimes I feel like he treats me like I am a glass doll, but overall, I could not have asked for a better mate. I think I am in love with him.” I have not said those words out loud to anyone, and I am surprised that I told Scarlet so willingly. Scarlet reaches across the table and pats my hand.

“I am glad that he treats you well, you deserve it.” I can see that Scarlet is fighting back tears.

“Scarlet I do not mean to be rude or intrusive but is everything ok between you and Dorian?” I hope that my question does not upset my sister.

“Well when Dorian and I were mated he was the Beta of our pack, then our Alpha passed, and Dorian became Alpha. After that he really changed.”

Scarlet lets a tear fall. “He is under a lot of stress and he does not handle it well.

He has a quick fuse. I do not seem to please him anymore, and I know that he is sleeping with other women.” I immediately get up and give my sister a hug. My heart breaks for her. How could her mate treat her so callously? Scarlet waves me Off. “It is fine really; I have come to terms with it. He is my destined mate, so what can I do really. We are not like humans; we cannot just divorce someone.” She

laughs a little at the end of her sentence. I am resolved to talk with Caleb about this. There must be something that can be done to help my sister. °

“Iam sorry Scarlet; I had hoped that Dorian would be a great mate for you.”

“Oh, he was at first. He used to take me for moon light walks on the beach. We used to run together as wolves and play in the forest. For a long time, I was happy, truly happy. Like I said he is under a lot of stress, and that changed him.” I do not know what I would do if Caleb ever turned like this. I would not be able to handle it. Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Hey, I have to go pick up the cake tomorrow. How about you come with me, and we can stop and get you a new dress for the ceremony?” I am hoping that she says yes. I want to spend more time with her.

“I will have to ask Dorian if it is ok, but I would like to go.” Scarlet seems nervous now.

“You do not have to ask him if you can go. Scarlet you are a grown woman. Your acting like I used to with mom and dad.”

The words are out before I can stop them, and it is like I dropped a bomb in the kitchen. The tension is so thick it feels like it is choking me. I wish I could go back in time and just shut up. I feel like I have ruined everything.

“Look Daphne, every pack has different rules. Dorian is not only my Alpha, but he is my mate. I have to play by his rules. I am sorry but I am very tired now. Can you show me to my room?” scarlet has not met my eyes yet. 1 want to cry. In less than ten minutes I screwed up my relationship with her already. I let her know that I can show her upstairs. *

Once Scarlet is in her room, I retreat to my room as well. I am glad to find Caleb is there. He takes one look at me and rushes over crushing me into his chest. I can not stop the tears, instead I let them flow freely clinging to Caleb like a life raft.

“Caleb she is so different, and I think he is hurting her. She acts like I did around our parents. She even said that he is sleeping with other women, but she cannot do anything about it. How can he treat her like that?” I need him to have all the answers right now.

“I do not know love; I truly do not know.” If Caleb does not know how this can happen, then how am I ever going to be able to make sense of it all. I want to help her, and there is a part of me that wants to hurt him badly. Maybe this is my time to stand up for her finally?

“Caleb there has to be something that can be done. Someone that can punish him for the pain he is causing or at least get him to understand that his behavior is not acceptable.” Iam desperate to find a way.

“I will see what I can do sweetheart.” Caleb is trying to comfort me, rubbing my back. What would I do if he ever changed like Dorian?

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