The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I couldn’t tell how long I was unconscious or how long whatever drug they injected in me lasted, but I woke up to realize it was enough to keep me lying there up until this late in the night.

My whole body was weak, and for some moments, I couldn’t tell where I was. There was dead silence, and even the birds and frogs seemed to have buried themselves in fear, making no noise.

The wind stood still, and every tree and shrub around me appeared like ghosts in my eyes, warning me of an impending danger about my presence outside a pack house.

What could be the time now?

Is the Lycan in our pack already? Where is he? Will he find me if I sneak my way back home, or should I just lay back here and wait till dawn?

I had several questions for which I sought an answer, but silence was all that surrounded me. The night was blank and ominous in a way I couldn’t understand.

This was the plan the whole set-up was to keep me outside at this deadly hour, and it all worked out. I have disobeyed the powerful Lycan king, and I don’t even know if I would get a few minutes to explain to him that it wasn’t fault.


After thinking through it, I decided to lay low here and wait till dawn. It would be better than trying to sneak home only to get caught en route.

Just as I made to sit back on the ground, I began to hear footsteps, slow but heavy enough to let me know who was coming- someone huge and full of strength.

My eyes fixed in the direction I was hearing the steps wide open, as fear kept me frozen. I couldn’t move, so I wouldn’t draw the attention of whoever it was, but it was as if the person was coming for me. His footsteps kept growing louder.

It was the curfew hour, so I needed no soothsayer to know it wasn’t a pack member but someone from the Lycan kingdom.

As the person drew closer, I went to my knees, tears in my eyes. I was going to plead for mercy and explain it to whomever it was so the person wouldn’t take me to the Lycan king. I was ready to do anything he or she requested.

At that moment, I was so sure it wouldn’t be the Lycan king. He can’t come to a thick fores, like this at this time of the night. Clearly, he was here to meet with my father, so I was sure he would be in the castle.

The person coming must be one of his guards, who are keeping watch to make sure Lycan’s order is kept.

“It’s better you form out your claws and pluck out your heart before I get to you. Just kill your filthy self and don’t stress me into doing it for you..” His voice was really deep and the most dreadful one I had ever heard.

The venom and rage in every word were enough to make my bladder full, and every hair on my skin rose as horror left me. frozen.

What he said pounded in my head with so much terror that I found myself shaking uncontrollably.

He just ordered me to kill myself and stated how it should be done. The voice was that of no one else, if not the Lycan king.

“You heard me loud and clear, pig!” He growled, sounding p i s s e d that I was still alive. I still couldn’t see where he was yet. It was as if he were moving through the shadows at night.

Tm…I’m…I’m…..” My voice kept hitching, and I was finding it hard to breathe as every word kept choking me. I don’t want to die. I was still too young to die off like this-no mate, no experience of the first shift as a werewolf, no child of my own.


17:10 Mon, 29 Apr

Chapter 6

No. I can’t die!

Finally, he came into view, standing a few meters away from me, so suddenly that it was as if he appeared like a ghost. I cringed, recoiling in great fear. Right from my kneeling position. I ended up losing balance and crashing to the ground from behind

I rose back quickly, and my eyes met with the famous monster for the first time in my life after reading a lot about him in several books in our library.

My jaw dropped, and the pace of my heart beat accelerated at the dangerous aura that surrounded him, adding to the fierce eyes boring at my face.

You disobeyed me twice!” He spat angrily.

“…I.. I can’t kill myself with my claws. I don’t even have the ability to form claws from my nails because I haven’t shifted yet.” I struggled as I spoke, flinching at every slight movement.

“You haven’t shifted and are brave enough to disobey me. My letter was clear. I said no one should be out at this time! So my words mean nothing to your” He seethed as his face grimaced.

“It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t do it intentionally. I..

“No need for those talks. People like you are the reason I came. To fish you all who are disobedient and use your skulls to design my palace!!” He scoffed and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, four Lycans jumped out from nowhere.

“Bring her.” He ordered and began to walk away while the men came for me.

“I was tricked and drugged. No way I would disobey you!” I shouted in tears as the men held my shirt and hair, pulling me

like an animal

“As the Alpha’s daughter, it is enough reason to disobey me. I’m sure you are fed up seeing your father and every other Alpha loyal and respectful to every one of my words. I love stubborn girls like you because I use them to exercise my strengths and prowess.” He replied coldly without even looking back at me.

“Where are you taking me, please? I swear, I was drugged. Please don’t kill me. I beg of I will do anything you want me to do. Anything!”

I had told you what I wanted you to do, which you adamantly refused.” He scoffed.

“What was that?” I asked in confusion, not remembering his request.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kill yourself. I love watching people kill themselves; that’s why I told you to do so, but you are strong-headed and want to stress me.” He hissed, and I just couldn’t understand what kind of person this was.

How could this be his request? And who the hell loves seeing people kill themselves? Psychopath! Devil!

I was brought out of the forest and led to the village square. There I saw three men and a girl, their hands tied behind them.

“They are just like you. Disobedient and daring. The Lycan king laughed sinisterly as he moved his gaze toward me.

“The only difference is that they agreed to kill themselves and not bother me into doing it for them. Let’s watch and learn, so you don’t tell me you don’t know how to form claws!” He chuckled briefly and then gestured at his men to untie their hands.

“Now let the show begin.”



Chapter 6

I really didn’t believe it was real, even when it was all happening in my eyes. Never in my life had 1 seen someone go from being alive to being dead, and now I was going to see it in a gruesome way.

“We really didn’t hear the announcement. We were out of town, and it just happened that we arrived here when 8 p.m. had passed. Can you please forgive us…” One of them begged in tears, and the others went to their knees as they cried bitterly.

“Please forgive us. We don’t want to die…” They all pleaded at once, bowing as their whole bodies trembled profusely.

“S h i t! I thought we all agreed that once I untied you, the show would begin! What’s all this pleading? 1. Lucian, don’t forgive or give a second chance! Haven’t you heard of that?!” He grunted, pi s e d off at everything.

One of the men stepped out first, and right in front of my eyes, he formed claws, tears in his eyes, l*ps trembling, and veins through his neck and arms as he breathed heavily.

Then, with full force, he stabbed the four long, sharp claws into his chest, a loud cry escaping his l*ps as blood gushed.

I shuddered, and my eyes widened in horror as I watched the man fall dead before he could pull out the heart.

“Next!” Lucian spoke happily, as if this were some kind of movie. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe there was actually a devil in human form living among us.

Another man came out and did the same. As werewolves, this was the fastest way to die, as the heart was the core of our lives. It comes with a very deep pain, especially when your claws cut through the heart.

All I saw in Lucian’s eyes was sheer excitement. He was loving every bit of what was happening.

The girl couldn’t do it. She tried, but didn’t have the mind. Lucian ordered for her to be brought to him, and it was done. Her hands and legs were held tight as he tore her gown into two parts, then personally struck her chest with his long, sharp, and strong claws.

He made sure to pluck out the heart even when she died earlier. He dropped it to the ground and smashed it with his boot.

The heart I will like to eat is hers,” He smirked, pointing at me.


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