The Alpha’s Mate

Alpha’s Dilemma

After bidding Oliver farewell, Elena retreated to her dorm room, anticipating a quiet evening ahead. However, her plans took an unexpected turn when she received a call from her friend Cassie. As the phone conversation unfolded, Cassie revealed an enticing proposition – her roommates had recently moved out, leaving their dorm room empty. Now, they could gather for a spontaneous pyjama party and enjoy an evening of fun and laughter.

Elena’s face lit up with excitement. The idea of being surrounded by friends and revelling in their camaraderie appealed to her adventurous spirit. She quickly changed into comfortable clothes and gathered her belongings, ready to embrace the night’s festivities.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Upon reaching Cassie’s dorm room, Elena was greeted by the cheerful faces of her friends. Cassie and Milley stood by Cassie’s side, while an unfamiliar girl stood beside them. Smiling warmly, Cassie introduced the girl as Piru, a fellow friend and their distant relative. Elena’s curiosity was piqued, eager to forge a connection with her newfound friend.

The trio wasted no time in whisking Elena away to their dorm room, their shared excitement and laughter filling the air. Settling onto plush cushions and strewn blankets, they enveloped Elena in a comfortable cocoon, eagerly asking about her date with Oliver.

Cassie, Piru, and Milley sat in awe as Elena recounted the details of her evening with Oliver. As werewolves themselves, they understood the intense bond between mates and the challenges of being separated for long periods. Their werewolf instincts whispered to them, prompting questions as to why a strong alpha like Oliver, the leader of the second-strongest pack in the world, would agree to such arbitrary conditions.

The notion seemed contradictory, considering the common understanding that stronger werewolves were often more possessive and fierce in their protection of their mates. Yet, they chose not to dwell on these thoughts for long.

Instead, they hypothesized that Oliver must have had a calculated plan or reasoning behind his agreement. Uncertainty lingered, but they trusted in Oliver’s strength and intelligence.

Meanwhile, Oliver struggled to contain his wolf within him. The powerful creature yearned to roam free, exert its alpha dominance and force his human to go with his plan or to take over his body to do what his human failed to do. That is to claim and mark his mate. Oliver knew he had to find a way to quell the restlessness before it consumed him.

Parking his car near the edge of the forest, he ventured into the dense foliage, ensuring that no prying eyes witnessed his transformation. Once he felt confident in his solitude, he shed his clothes and draped them over a nearby tree. Embracing the primal energy coursing through his veins, he shifted into his formidable wolf form, releasing his inner beast while retaining a firm grip on his control

Oliver’s senses heightened as he ran through the forest, the earth beneath his paws empowering each stride. The moon, a guiding beacon overhead, served as a reminder of his connection to his wolf lineage. He revelled in the freedom of his wolf form, the wind rustling through his fur as he navigated the familiar landscape. From the deepest recesses of his mind, Oliver summoned forth his iron will, firmly commanding his wolf to remain restrained, ensuring he didn’t succumb to any destructive impulses.

After confirming that his wolf was calm, Oliver shifted back to his human form. He glanced at his reflection in the river near the forest, silently assessing the damage. His eyes were bloodshot, evidence of the inner turmoil that had consumed him moments ago. As he dressed himself in his clothes, he mustered the courage to speak to his wolf, Roy.

“Have you calmed down now?” Oliver asked, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Roy, still struggling to contain his anger, growled in response. “Why did you agree to a long-distance relationship with her, human? Did you forget the suffering we endured when she ran away?”

The remainder sliced through Oliver’s already frayed nerves, causing him to flinch. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” he replied, his voice laced with regret.

“Then, why did you do it?” Roy’s growl shook the air, nearly knocking Oliver off balance. They stood together in the forest, Oliver on the verge of collapsing as the weight of Roy’s displeasure bore down on him.

Desperate to defend his decision, Oliver found himself struggling to maintain his composure.

“What did you expect me to do? Kidnap her, forcefully mark her, and lock her up? Is that what you wanted? Do you think she would forgive us and love us if we did that? No, she would hate us. Is that what you want? For her to hate us?” His words poured out with fervour as he fought to reason with his wolf.

Roy fell silent, his growling subsiding. Oliver took a moment to catch his breath, the realization of his vulnerability hitting him like a punch to the gut. He stumbled forward as he walked out of the forest and toward his parked car.

As Oliver started the car, Roy’s question still hung unanswered in the air. “Then what do you think we should do now? Do you truly believe we can endure an entire year without her? It will drive us both to madness,” Roy huffed, pacing anxiously within Oliver’s mind.

Oliver sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. “I know, Roy. Give me some time. I promise I will come up with a solution.” With that, he drove toward his hotel, the silence between them palpable.

After reaching his hotel room, Oliver walked towards his suite where his friends were waiting for him. They looked at him curiously, sensing that something was amiss. Oliver ignored their questioning gazes and made a beeline for the mini-fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine and pouring himself a glass.

“What happened Oliver you look stressed?” Reece inquired worry visible on his face.

Oliver took a deep breath and began recounting the events that had unfolded between him and Elena. As his friends listened intently, shock etched across their faces, they couldn’t help but express their own disbelief.

“How could you agree to her conditions?” Sky asked incredulously, his voice thick with concern.

“Don’t you understand how difficult it is for a werewolf, especially an alpha like you, to stay away from his mate?”

Oliver swallowed hard, the bitter taste of regret mingling with the wine in his mouth. “Do you think I don’t know that?” he replied, the frustration evident in his voice. He took another long sip from his glass, the wine providing a temporary solace.

The questions kept coming, another friend adding to the chorus. “How did you manage to convince your wolf to agree with you?” Nick asked, his brow furrowed with genuine curiosity.

Oliver set down his glass, running a hand through his hair. “He didn’t agree with me,” Oliver confessed, recounting the fierce battle of wills that had raged within him. “After dropping Elena off at her dorm, he gave me a pounding headache the entire drive here. It was only when I finally let him out in a secluded forest that he settled down.”

Concern etched itself onto Reece’s face as he considered his alpha and best friend. “What are you going to do now?” he asked, his words heavy with worry.

Before Oliver could formulate a response, his phone abruptly interrupted the conversation with its persistent ring.

Oliver answered the phone with a hesitant “Hello,” his mind was already clouded with thoughts of Elena and the future ahead. As he listened to the voice on the other end, his concerns only amplified tenfold.

As the conversation carried on, Oliver couldn’t help but feel a twinge of apprehension snakes its way through him. It wasn’t long before he excused himself from the company of his friends, walking towards the balcony to continue his conversation in private.

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