The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Chapter 72


I woke up early the next morning, excited for my visitors. It was going to be a great day. Molly, Melissa, Colby, Braxton, and Gina were set to arrive around 10:00. Rowen said he, Jax, Dimitri, and Alpha Joseph. would arrive around 12:00. The street fair was set to happen in the Dark Moon pack town to start around 10:30. I was excited for it as I had never been to one before, and I was even more excited to share this experience with some of the people I cared about. It was going to be a fun day. I just knew it.

After showering I put on a pair of denim shorts, and a green t-shirt. Once my hair was pulled back into a ponytail I was ready. I made a quick trip to the cafeteria then went to get Lexi up. She was grumpy at first, but thankfully that didn’t last long. She dressed pretty much the same as I did, just with a pink t- shirt instead of green. By 9:30 she was laughing, and calling me Norm Junior because I was bouncing with excitement over my plans for the day, and my guests.

We went down to the parking lot to meet everyone a little before 10:00. Colby had barely put the car in park when Molly, and Melissa jumped out and ran to us. We got into a big, happy, squealing hug that made everyone laugh. Once the greetings were done, we headed off to the street fair. Molly, and Melissa linked their arms with mine, and pulled me to walk at the back of the group.

“I’m telling you Lexi, and Colby are mates.” Molly whispered quiet enough that only Melissa and I could hear her.

“Even if they are, we need to stay out of it Molly.” Melissa whispered.

“I know. I never said I would get involved. I’m just pointing out the obvious.”

“Or maybe you just think you know.”

“How could they not be? Look at those two.”

I looked to see what she was talking about. Lexi, and Colby were at the front of the group, walking close, talking quietly. They weren’t touching, but they were definitely comfortable with each other.

“For all we know they’re just friends. Let them be Molly. They’ll figure it out one way or another.” I finally said after watching my brother and my friend for a few minutes.

“I know. I’m just saying…..” Molly started.

“We know you’re just saying, but you won’t shut up about it.” Melissa grumbled, “She talked about Lexi the whole way here.”

“Molly!” I gasped.

“What?” Molly questioned, trying to look innocent.

“Leave it alone please. I don’t want Lexi or Colby to end up being uncomfortable with each other because you’re talking too much about them to the other.” I said firmly.

“I know. I just……I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.”

“Oh. Chastity, did you get to watch the video of the queen’s meeting?” Gina asked as she turned to me.

“No. Not yet. I haven’t had time. I’m hoping to watch it tonight though.” I responded.

“The queen is so amazing, and she really cares. She spoke so well, and with a lot of feeling.”


“Oh yes. She wasn’t rude or demeaning to any one. She talked more about how she worried for the women then she did about how they had been behaving.”

“Rowen told me it was pretty bad for the first couple of days.”

“I did hear that from dad.” Braxton stated.

“Yeah. Jax said the same thing.” Colby said as he, and Lexi slowed down to join the conversation.

“Rowen told me girls even got into Alpha Joseph, and dad’s rooms.” I informed them.

“Ewwww! Not my daddy! That’s gross!” Gina wrinkled her nose.

“Yeah. I kind of felt the same way.” I admitted with a laugh.

“Oh come on girls. Both men are older, and lost their first mates. There is nothing wrong with finding a companion or second chance mate.” Colby protested.

“When the girls are the same age as me, there kind of is.” I admitted.

“I guess I can see that.” Colby agreed.

“Could you imagine having a step mom the same age as you Colby?” Braxton joked.

“Hell no!” Colby grunted.


“We’re here everyone. Marcus, and Norm are on their way to us now. If we want to wait.” Lexi said.

“Oh. How did their mating ceremony go?” Molly asked.

Lexi, and I told them all about it. Of course the girls gushed over the ceremony, and Marcus wearing a suit just for Norm. They all laughed at Luke’s antics, and him claiming he was my mate. Molly swore we were going to find picture frames, and albums for the photos taken. She wanted to get special ones as a gift for Marcus, and Norm though. She was a woman on a mission. Once she knew exactly what she needed to buy, that was all she focused on it until she had it.

“Don’t worry Molly. There will be plenty of vendors with options.” Lexi said.

“Oh good because I will not rest until I find the perfect frames, and album for them.” Molly stated firmly.

“Hi everyone!” Norm called out as he bounced over to us, in typical Norm fashion.

We girls giggled as hugs were given all around. When Norm, and Marcus were introduced to Braxton, and Gina, Norm gushed over how handsome Braxton was going to be when he hit adulthood. Of course this made Braxton blush, and Marcus growl. The rest of us laughed.

“Congratulations to you both, by the way.” Molly said to Norm, and Marcus.

“Yeah. We heard it was a beautiful ceremony.” Melissa stated.

“Thank you. It really was perfect.” Norm responded as he looked lovingly up at Marcus.

“Alright. Are we ready to check this out?” Marcus asked as he put his arm around Norm’s shoulder.

“Yes! Lets go!” Gina said excitedly.

“Remember what you’re dad said Gina. You have a limit.” Melissa said gently.

“Yes, yes I know. “Gina grumbled.

We set off toward the first row of booths. We quickly discovered it was mostly games. We played one or two then decided to come back to them later. The next row were mostly businesses doing sales


A few of them caught my attention so I grabbed fliers for them. Just thoughts for Moonlight later.

I hadn’t realized how long we had been in just those two rows when we saw Rowen, Jax, Dimitri, and Alpha Joseph walking toward us. Molly squealed, and ran to Jax. He laughed when she collided with him, and almost knocked him over. She squealed again when he picked her up, and spun her around before giving her a huge kiss. Rowen slowly walked up to me, with a huge smile on his face.

“Hi sweet girl. I missed you.” Rowen whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek lightly, making me


“I missed you too.” I whispered to him as we walked over to Dimitri, and Alpha Joseph.

I hugged both of them hello then gave Jax a hug as well. It was good to see them. I almost laughed at the look of surprise on Alpha Joseph’s face when I hugged him. Dimitri gave me an extra long hug.

“Ok. What’s good to eat here? We’re all starving?” Alpha Joseph asked as he clapped his hands together. “I’m not sure. We haven’t made it to the food yet.” I answered.

“Well lets get a move on.” Alpha Joseph answered, and we all followed Lexi to the row of food stands.

Rowen held my hand the whole walk. It felt wonderful to hold his hand, and be with all the people I cared about. I was sad Ross couldn’t be here, but his dad needed him at Moonlight to run things until Joe, and Dimitri got home. I almost tripped over my own feet when I thought of Alpha Joseph as Joe. I had never done that before. I took it as a good sign though.

“You ok baby?” Rowen asked me as he helped me right myself.

“Huh? Oh yeah.” I responded.

“What tripped you up there?”

“Honestly, a thought I had caught me off guard.”

“What was the thought?”

“It’s kind of stupid, but I was thinking about how it would be nice if Ross was here. I knew he couldn’t because Gamma Peter needs him home until Joe gets home. Not Alpha Joseph, but Joe. I’ve never thought of Alpha Joseph as Joe before. It caught me off guard.”

“That’s not stupid at all. It’s a good thing.”

“I know.”

Once we all found food we wanted we found a couple of picnic tables to eat at. I smiled as Marcus pulled Norm onto his lap. They were so cute together. Rowen pulled me close to him as we sat, and ate together. We were just starting to decide what we wanted to do first when an older couple walked up to us. They didn’t look too nice, and I heard Lexi groan quietly.

“Still embarrassing our family by not giving up on this rebellious phase, I see.” The man sniffed at Marcus.

“Hello father.” Marcus growled.

“Why do you insist on continuing on with this farce? What ever the problem is get over it.” The male snapped

“This is not a phase. I am gay! I always have been, and always will be. If you can’t accept that then it’s your problem, not mine.”

“You are not gay! No son of mine is gay!”

“I am, and this is my mate Norm! We had our official ceremony yesterday! He is amazing, wonderful, and loving. He makes me happy, and accepts me for who I am. His whole family does. If you can’t do the

same then you don’t need to be part of either of our lives. I will NOT hide who I am or who I love just to please you! I refuse!” Marcus stated firmly as he moved Norm off his lap, and stood up.

I leaned more into Rowen as I watched Marcus step up to his father, and look into his eyes. I wasn’t scared, but I was shocked as I had never seen Marcus behave like that. I was glad he was standing up for himself, and Norm. I watched as Norm stood up next to Marcus, and threaded their fingers together. I smiled at the sight.

“No son of mine will be gay! I won’t have it! Neither will I accept some insignificant little fairy as his mate! You will find a proper female to mate or you are not my son.” The male growled.

“First, don’t you EVER speak of my mate in such a manner again! He is twice the man you will EVER be! He is everything you are not, and never will be. As far as being your son! I have not been your son in a long time! You made sure of that. I’m ok with that because I do NOT NEED YOU! I have EVERYTHING I COULD EVER WANT OR NEED IN THE MAN STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO ME! He loves me, accepts me, supports me, cheers me on, makes me smile, and makes me happy! I don’t need you when I have him, and all he has to offer. You are NOTHING and NOBODY to me, but a bad past that needs to remain there! Now we are spending the day with our friends. You may go on your way. You’ve caused enough drama.” Marcus stated firmly as he glared at his father.

“You will regret this! When you finally wake up from your delusions, and come crawling back to me you WILL do as you are told! There will be no more of this nonsense from you ever again!”

“That’s what you don’t understand. Loving Norm, and being mated to him is not a delusion or something to regret. It is something I am proud of, and thankful for every day of my life. The person

who will regret walking away one day will be you. One day you’ll wake up old, gray, and without a son to sit with you or talk to. One day you’ll find yourself wondering why he moved on with his life without you, and it’s then you’ll realize what you’ve done. What you missed out on. I pity you for that day. Now if you don’t mind. We are busy. Goodbye.”

Marcus turned back to us, dismissing his father completely. I glanced at his mother, and saw tears in her eyes. My heart went out to her. She was caught in the middle of a tough situation. She was losing her son because of his father. She would lose her mate if she went against him for her son. She was in a no win situation.

“I’m pretty sure the young man asked you to move along. It is best you do so.” Alpha Joseph said quietly, but firmly. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?” The man growled.

“Alpha Joseph of Moonlight back, and Luna Clair’s cousin in law.” Alpha Joseph responded with a raised eyebrow.

“I…I’m sorry you had to witness our family quarrel sir. It’s just my son won’t see reason, and put an end to this phase. He needs to realize that this is unacceptable.”

“I think the one that won’t see reason here is you. Your son is happy, and in love. That’s all we, as parents want for our pups. If you’re not willing to accept Marcus for who he is, and who his mate is then you really do need to move along.”

“How can I accept something so unnatural?”

“There is nothing unnatural about loving another. There is nothing wrong with loving another, no matter their gender. What is wrong is judging a person for who they love. It’s wrong to try to force your ideals, and expectations on another in such a way. It’s also wrong to berate someone for loving another, no

matter their gender. Now as stated, move along, unless you plan to treat your son, AND his mate with the respect they deserve.”

“No. I can never accept this.”

“Then have a nice day, and enjoy the street fair. Your time disrupting us has come to an end. Remember one thing in your prejudice. You’re not only hurting your son, but also your mate by making her choose. Have a good day.”

The male narrowed his eyes at Alpha Joseph for a moment before looking to his mate. She had tears streaming down her face as she looked at Marcus’s back. It was clear she wanted to reach out to her son, but wouldn’t defy her mate. With a growl the male grabbed his mate by the wrist, and walked away. “Thank you.” Marcus whispered to Alpha Joseph as he sat back down, pulling Norm onto his lap. Norm cuddled Marcus close as Alpha Joseph said, “No need to thank me for speaking the truth.” “I know, but it’s nice to have someone stand up for me like that.” Marcus responded.

“I understand. So what are we doing now?”

“I want to go check out the sales tables.” Gina giggles.

“I second that.” Molly chirped.

“Um. Shopping? Definitely!” Norm squealed.

“I guess we’re going shopping.” Alpha Joseph chuckled.

With a few male groans we all cleaned up our trash, and headed toward the shopping row. I slid my hand into Rowen’s and gave it a small squeeze. He looked at me, and smiled then pulled me close to him. We quietly wandered together for a bit. The first couple of stalls appeared to be toys, and none of us were really interested. Right after the toy stalls we found a stall that had beautiful porcelain pieces

all of us females, and Norm were interested in. I was looking at a little cat statue when I caught Norm out of the corner of my eye.

He was holding a beautiful white frame that had gold, and silver inlay intertwined around the edges. I walked over to take closer look. It was a larger frame, and beautiful didn’t even begin to describe it. I could also see that Norm loved it. I notice Molly watching from a distance. When Norm turned it over to look at the price tag, I saw his face fall a little, but he showed it to Marcus any way. I saw the look of sadness in Marcus’s face, and the small shake of his head. I knew that meant they couldn’t get it right now. I looked to Molly, and she winked at me. They were getting that frame. They just didn’t know it yet. Once Norm set it down, and walked away, Molly swooped in and grabbed it.

With a smile I went to look at a little jewelry box that had porcelain rose petals attached to it. It was pretty, but not really my style. I didn’t have much jewelry any way.

“Do you like that?” Rowen asked me quietly as I set the box back down.

“It’s pretty, but not my taste. If I ever needed a jewelry box I would want a wood one.” I admitted.

“You don’t need one?”

“Well no. I only own three pieces of jewelry. The necklace you gave me, that I never take off. My baby ring that was given to me by my mom, and family when I was born. I never take that off either. And a cuff

bracelet I got at the barbeque last week.”

“That’s all you own for jewelry?”

“Well yes. For a long time wearing jewelry would have gotten in the way or messed up doing chores. Now, I don’t really need to wear much. I wear the two pieces that are most important to me. I don’t

need much more than that.”

“That necklace in one of the most important pieces to you?”

“Of course it is. You gave it to me.”

A smile spread across Rowen’s face quickly at my words. I gasped when he pulled me against him, and kissed me hard on the lips. It was a quick kiss, but I could tell how much my words meant to him by that kiss alone. When he released me I smiled up at him.

“The one you gave me is very important to me too. I always wear it. See.” Rowen said as he pulled the necklace I gave him out from under his shirt.

“I’m so glad you like it.” I responded with a smile.

“I love it sweet girl. If you look close I had a small engraving added to it.”

I took the charm in my hand, and pulled it close to my face. On the side with the two wolves together I saw our names etched on it. Seeing that made my heart flutter, and I smiled up at him.

“When did you have that done?” I asked, smoothing charm back against his chest.

“The day after the barbeque.” Rowen answered, putting his hand over mine on his chest.

“Psst. I’m going to sneak this out to Jax. I’m going to wait to give it to them until I find the album I want. Are you going to get them any frames?” Molly whispered to me, making me jump as I hadn’t realized she had come up to us.

“Gesh Molly you scared me. Yes I am going to get them frames. Norm loves all of the photos I’ve hung up. He keeps talking about hanging pictures on their walls.” I whispered back.

“Sorry to scare you. Good. Mel, and Lexi are getting them some too.”

I nodded as I watched her rush out of the stall. With a shake of my head I took Rowen’s hand as he led me out of the stall. We came to a knife makers stall, and all of the males decided they needed to go there. Well expect Norm of course. Right next to that stall was a stall of metal worked trinkets. We went in there instead.

I watched Norm carefully as he went to a collection of frames. There was only one he seemed to like, but he didn’t buy it. Instead he moved on to look at some cuffs near Lexi. I wandered over to the frames to look at the one that caught his attention. It was fairly basic, with a wide rim that had hearts etched

around it.

“I can engrave that with names if you like.” An older female said as she came to me from across the table.

“Really?” I questioned.

“Definitely. I etched all of the hearts.”

“How long would that take?”

“If you give me about a half an hour I can have it done.”

“Oh definitely. I think they will love that.”

I followed her to a pad of paper, and a small work station. I wrote out Norm and Marcus names with the date of their ceremony, paid for the frame, and went in search of the rest of the girls, and Norm. They were all with the cuff bracelets. Norm was looking closely at a silver cuff bracelet that had hammer markings all along it.

“I think Marcus would like this, and I didn’t get him a mating gift. I know it will fit him. I can afford it too.” Norm seemed to say to himself.

“Would you get something engraved on it? The sign said they could do that.” Molly asked.

“…um…yes I think I would. I want to get the date we met on the inside.”

Norm walked over to the older lady, paid for the bracelet, and wrote down what he wanted added to it.

Thankfully she hadn’t started working on my frame yet, and it wasn’t sitting where he would see it. Once he was done he came back over to us.

“She said to come back to get it in an hour.” Norm said happily.

“Then we’ll do just that. Lets go see if the others are done checking out pointy things.” Gina said with a giggle.

When we walked out of the stall Rowen, Jax, Colby, Braxton, Marcus, Dimitri, and Joe were still in the knife stall. We all decided to move onto a leather working stall. I didn’t find anything I liked there, but Ginal did. She found a purse, and wallet set she just had to have. Molly, Melissa, and Lexi also found the perfect photo album for Norm, and Marcus.

I never thought of a leather bound photo album, but it was definitely perfect. The leather was worked until it was soft, and flexible with lots of pages for photos inside. They weren’t the cheap plastic pages where you slide the pictures behind the clear one. The pages actually had little tabs the corners of the pictures went into. Each page also had blank lines that they could write things on next to each picture. We all decided to purchase it together as a combined gift from all of us. The leather worker agreed to put Love in Pictures with both of their names on the front of it for us. We decided I could pick it up when I came back to get my frame as well.

Once we were done we found the rest of the males outside the stall waiting on us. I laughed when Marcus looked up at the stall then snuck inside as Norm drug us girls over to a clothing stall. We all

giggled at his antics over all of the pretty clothes. It took awhile, but we all finally left the stall, and walked

some more.

We all ended up going into a very large wood working stall. I spied Melissa, and Lexi picking out some frames for Marcus, and Norm. I stifled a giggle when I saw Lexi had a decent stack of them in different


“What’s so funny, sweet girl?” Rowen asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

“Lexi. Molly, Melissa, Lexi, and I have been on a mission to get frames, and a photo album for Norm and Marcus today. Norm always talks about wanting to hang pictures on their walls. Lexi just took a stack of them to the register. They’re all in different sizes.” I explained as I looked at a hand carved checkers set.

“That’s nice of you girls. Did you pick one yet?”

“Yes. At the metal shop. I have to go get it shortly. I had their names, and their ceremony date etched into it. The four of us also split the cost of a leather bound photo album for them. I’m picking that up too.”

“Ok. I’ll go with you when you go.”

“Great. Thank you.”

“I wanted to show you something.”


He walked me over to another table that had hand carved boxes on it. There was a slightly larger one near the back of the table. It had flowers, and petals carved all over it. It was really beautiful. Rowen picked it up, and handed it to me. The inside was purple velvet lined with small compartments.

“Do you like it?” Rowen asked, nervously.

“I do. It’s beautiful” I answered, still inspecting the box.

“Then it’s yours. I know you said you don’t have much jewelry, but you will, and you need a nice box to put

it in.”



“Thank you.”

I tip toed up, and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled, and returned my kiss with a light one on my lips. I smiled as he took the box from me, and walked up to the register. While he paid I went in search of Molly. She was easy to spot as she was looking at some little wood learning toys.

“Is there something I should know?” I asked her jokingly.

“Huh? Oh. No. I was thinking of getting a few of these for my classroom.” She answered as she picked up a puzzle that had letters on it to look at it closer.

“That’s not a bad idea. Maybe something like that can help them with learning to spell.”

“That, and math. I’ll get one of each for now, and if they do well I’ll get some more at home.”

“Good idea. I’m going to go get my frame, and the album.”

“Ok. Is Rowen going with you?”


“Ok. We’ll probably still be around this area for a bit. I want to look at the book stall over there.” “Alright. See you in a bit.”

Rowen, and I snuck away without Norm seeing us. Once we were back on the street Rowen put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me close to his side. I wrapped my arm around his waist, and smiled. We walked quietly for a bit.

“I’m glad you guys got to stop by today.” I said.

“I am too. It’s been great to spend time with you.” Rowen stated.

“Yes it has been.”

“Once we’re done this maybe we can go play some games before we have to head home.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“I thought so too.”

Once we reached the metal working stall I quickly went in to grab the frame. I looked it over before it was wrapped up. It was perfect, and I knew Norm would love it. She gift wrapped it for me, and put it in a pretty bag as well. Next we picked up the leather album which was also wrapped up nicely. By the time we reached the group again Norm, and Marcus had disappeared. Everyone else was sitting at picnic table drinking water, waiting for us. After about 10 minutes Norm, and Marcus reappeared.

“Game time!” Braxton whooped, and we all laughed.

We made our way back to the games. We all looked around until every one started picking games. I stopped at a balloon dart game. I didn’t really care about the game so much, but there was a purple stuffed unicorn that I thought was adorable.

“You want that, don’t you?” Rowen whispered in my ear, making me jump, and giggle.

“It’s really cute, but it’s probably hard to win.” I answered looking at the unicorn.

“Do you want it?”

“Kind of.”

“That’s all I need to know.”

“Really? But it’s going to be hard.”

“I doubt that. I’ll make a bet with you.”

“What’s the bet?”

“I bet you two kisses that I can win you that unicorn.”

“If you don’t?”

“I’ll do whatever you want.”


I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. He paid the game runner, and he picked up a small stack of darts. I laughed when his first two missed, and he started making faces at the balloons. He hit the third balloon, and did a little dance that made me laugh. He was so goofy. When he hit the fourth balloon he

bounced a little like Norm would. I was laughing so hard my stomach started to hurt a bit. The sixth balloon popped, and he shook his butt. I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes at his antics. After the game runner handed Rowen the unicorn, he turned to me, and smirked.

He acted like he was going to hand it to me. When I reached for it he pulled it back, and I fell into his chest. With a chuckle he wrapped him arm around my waist. I giggled, and looked up at him.

“I love hearing you laugh. It’s one of my most favorite sounds in the whole world.” Rowen said quietly.

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say. Rowen lowered his lips to mine. At first brush of his lips. against mine, I melted into him. At the prodding of his tongue against my lips I opened to him. I brushed. my tongue against his, and followed his movements. I moaned softly into his mouth, and I felt him tighten. his arm around my waist holding me against his chest. I slid my hands up to his neck, and clung to him as I melted into the kiss. His kisses always made me feel so good. I was starting to get that pressure feeling in my core again when Rowen slowed than ended the kisses. After kissing me on the forehead, he smiled.

at me.

“As much as I want to keep kissing you, I have to stop.” Rowen said quietly.

“Why?” I questioned.

“Because I want to do a whole lot more than just kiss you.”


“Yeah. Even if you were ready, here is not the place.”

“Uh….yeah….it’s not.”

“I also hate to say this, but we need to be heading home.”

“Oh. Yeah. I guess you do.”

“I wish I could stay longer, but next time ok?”


“Come on sweet girl. Lets find everyone, and head back to the cars.”

“Where did you park?”

“At Cloverland. Right next to the SUV actually.”

“Oh OK.”

“By the way. Here is your unicorn.” He chuckled as he handed me the stuffed toy.

“Thank you.” I giggled as I hugged it.

Taking my hand in his, we went searching for everyone else. It didn’t take us long to find them, and start heading back toward Cloverland. Rowen, and I walked at the back of the group talking quietly about little. things, and the things we enjoyed the most about our afternoon. The closer we got to school, the more I didn’t want him to go. I enjoyed our time together. It was a lot of fun.

When we got back to the school, Norm, and Marcus were about to walk away when Molly stopped them.

“Hang on you two. First, I want a picture of everyone together. Then we girls all have something for you two.” Molly said as she pulled them back to us.

She quickly found someone to take the pictures. Rowen wrapped his arms around my waist, and put his chin on top of my head. With my hands on his forearms, I smiled big for the pictures. I felt him kiss the top of my head while a few pictures were snapped as well. After the pictures were done, we broke apart, and Molly moved Norm and Marcus to stand in front of us. I took my gift bags from Rowen.

“Now this is kind of a tradition I started for Chastity when she left for school. We’re carrying over to you two, but they’re not complete because we don’t have everything we need. I have no doubt you’ll be able to take care of that part.” Molly explained.

“Ok.” Norm said, pinching his brow in confusion.

“Norm we were watching you while we shopped, and we know you’ll love these. These are our mating gifts to you two.” Molly said as she handed Norm her bag.

Still looking confused, Norm reached into the bag, moved the tissue paper, and pulled out the first frame he saw that we knew he loved. His eyes lit up as he showed it to Marcus who smiled.

“Thank…..thank you so much.” Norm stuttered.

“You’re welcome. Enjoy it.” Molly said.

“I saw you look over these, and knew you had to have them.” Melissa said as she handed Norm her bag.

Norm let Marcus open that one. Marcus pulled out two oval shaped wood frames, and he smiled.

“Thank you.” Marcus said.

“My turn.” Lexi said with a Norm squeal, making us all laugh.

Norm pulled out six different size wood frames that had different color stains on them. They were pretty.

“You can hang them lengthwise or width wise.” Lexi explained.

“That’s awesome. Thanks Lexi.” Norm said happily.

“You’re welcome sugar pop.”

“One even says sugar pop.” Norm giggled.

“Here you go. This one is from me.” I said softly handing them the smaller bag in my hand.

They pulled out the metal frame I got them. The smile on both their faces made me happy.

“Thank you Chastity.” Marcus said.

“There is one more. Now this is from all four of us, and can be used for years to come.” Molly explained as the four of us put our hands on the bag handles, and gave it to them.

The looks on their faces as they pulled the album out made my eyes tear up with happiness. They opened it together, and checked out the pages.

“You can write little things about the pictures next to each one. They can be names, dates, any thing.” I explained.

“This is really great. All of this is. Thank you.” Marcus said as he held a happily crying Norm.

“You’re welcome. Enjoy them.” Melissa said, and we all agreed.

After they said their goodbyes, Norm, and Marcus went inside. Lexi, and I took a little longer. My last goodbye was the hardest though. It seemed to get harder each time. Rowen pulled me behind the SUV, and leaned against it, pulling me into his arms. I placed my hands on his biceps, and looked up at him, smiling softly.

“I’m going to miss you sweet girl.” Rowen said quietly.

“I’m going to miss you too.” I whispered.

Before I could say anything else he was kissing me, and I eagerly kissed him back. When he finally pulled back his kissed my forehead.

“I hate goodbyes.” He whispered against my forehead.

“Me too.” I whispered.

“It’s not forever though.”

“No it’s not.”

“I’ll be back to see you again soon.”

“I hope so.”

“I will.”

I only nodded against his lips.

“Well I better go. I’ll talk to you soon, ok?” He said standing back up straight.


I walked him to his car door, he gave me one last kiss then got in the car. I watched as they left the parking lot, and disappeared in the distance. Taking my unicorn, and my new jewelry box, I went to my room. Lexi, and I had dinner in my room that night, and did more schoolwork. I didn’t get to video chat with Rowen that night, but we did text, and had one quick phone conversation before I drifted off to sleep. Happy for another amazing weekend with my loved ones.

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