I had no idea my father organised such a grand birthday for me. He hates me, so I thought he wasn’t going to organise a party for me as always, but I guessed wrong. Father went a long to organise a grand ball for me and to say I’m shocked is an understatement. I am dumbfounded!

Everyone looked surprised when he announced me to them as his second daughter and they all have been nothing but nice to me. Everyone keeps telling me I look like my mum and it makes me want to cry because I’m the reason she’s no more. That’s why my father hates me, because my coming took the life of his mate. He has never forgiven me for that and I live with that guilt everyday of my life.

Last night, before bedtime, I was shocked to see my sister walk into my bedroom with a smile on my face after the fight we had earlier that afternoon. I had expected not to get a glimpse of her for months like always, but she showed up in my bedroom that night all smiles and even apologised for trying to force me into congratulating her. She even spent the night with me and had me cuddled up in her arms all night. It was a strange act, but it felt nice to be in her arms again.

This morning, she even asked to wear one of my clothes which I happily accepted. Now that I’m going into the world, I need her more than ever before and I’ll do anything to be on good terms with her.

“Reign!” A voice sounds my name from the crowd in the ballroom and I turn to look. A wide smile spreads on my face when I see my sister rushing towards me, with a guy following closely behind her.

“Hey, Wilma.” I call happily.

“How are you enjoying the party?”

“It’s great…” I scan around briefly.” Everyone seems so nice.”

“I’m glad you are having a great time. This is Drake. He’s our maternal cousin.” The introduces the cute guy standing before her and my smile widens.

“It’s nice to meet you Drake.” I stretch out my hand for a handshake, but to my greatest surprise, he pulls me into his warm embrace. I give Wilma a nervous glance. She winks and shrugs her shoulders.

“You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Welcome to the world.” He breaks the hug.

“Thank you very much.”

“We’ll take more after I have a word with Uncle Callan.” He pegs my right cheek and brushes past me. Wilma does the same.

The air in the ballroom is stuffed, so I walk out to the garden to take in some fresh air.

It’s already nightfall and there is still no sign of my mate. I know it’s possible that he didn’t attend the party, but did it have to be this way?

Why couldn’t it be so simple to find him?

I pace about the garden restlessly, not knowing what to do next. I have been locked up in this mansion my entire life, avoided like a plague by my father and played audience to all my sister’s endless talks about her romantic fantasies. All I wanted was a romantic fantasy of my own.

Sean always tells me mates are very protective and possessive of each other and that’s exactly what I want to experience, including the unbreakable mate bond. Why…

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a sudden sweet smell which is totally heavenly. I look around to see if I can locate what’s giving out such a sweet smell, but I don’t see anything. All I see is flowers and the smell I perceive cannot be emitted by these flowers. There’s got to be something else in here.

Suddenly, my wolf, Lyla, sprints up in my mind and starts skipping around in excitement. I get confused as to why she is acting that way. Soon, I hear footsteps approaching and as they come closer, the smell only gets stronger and sweeter and I’m trying very hard to keep Lyla still.

I swiftly turn around only to see the most handsome man I have seen so far today. I eye him from toe to head and swallow dryly when I realise just how tall and muscular he is. He has a great aura of dominance and authority around him that seems to intimidate me.

I don’t need a sorcerer to tell me that that’s Alpha Hardin.

“Mate!” Lyla screams in my head as she keeps jumping about in excitement.

Alpha Hardin stops on his tracks and looks at me long and hard. He creases his brows when he realises something. My heart is threatening to hop out of my chest. I can feel the mate bond. I can feel the connection. I can feel the love.

Saints! I am mated to the Supreme Alpha!

“Alpha Hardin.” I call breathlessly. My voice comes out as a whisper. “You are my mate!” I announce nervously. He frowns the moment those words reach his ears.

He takes a few steps closer to me, giving me an intense look. A look that is supposed to make me melt. It’s a miracle that I’m still standing on my feet right now.

“You do know that I’m in a relationship with your sister, don’t you?” He asks in a cold tone.

“Yes I do.” I gulp nervously.

“In case you didn’t know, I am very loyal to her and not even the fact that you are my mate will make me leave her. Reign Callan, I, Alpha Hardin Alonso, reject you as my mate and future Luna. You are free to go out there and find Love and protection in another man’s arms for you will never find it in mine.”

“No!” I flatly deny it. “You can’t do this. I deny this rejection.” I cry in agony. Ugly emotions tighten my heart, but I kick them down. This is not the moment for me to turn into a cry baby. I need to stand up for myself.

“Sadly, there is nothing you can do. Just accept the rejection and move on. I have chosen your sister over you.” He pivots and majestically walks away.

Tears spill down my cheeks. There’s a throbbing pain in my heart that feels like it’s going to get me killed.

I feel like everything is crashing down on me.

My mate just rejected me to be with my sister. How is this even possible?

Without warning, Lyla takes over me in rage and I instantly shape-shift into my snow white wolf, caring less about the clothes I’m shredding into pieces and start running as fast as I can away from the mansion, into the nearby woods.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.


Everything is ruined.

Past, present, future, totally ruined. My own mate rejected me to be with my sister. What am I supposed to do? Last night I stayed out in the woods so late that I got attacked by a wolf which I presume was a rogue but I managed to kill it. If there was one thing Sean always stresses about, it is the fact that I should never spare any rogue. They are nothing but mean and vicious creatures that only seek out to kill.

I walk out of the bathroom and head over to my mirror stand where I lifelessly stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look like a hot mess.

I have no idea how the party ended because I went into the woods and only came back home late at night.

Henceforth, I have to start accepting and living with the reality that my mate rejected me and chose my sister instead.

My room door suddenly flies open and my enraged father barges in.

“Dad what’s…” Before I can finish my statement he smacks me hard across my cheek and yanks my arm, pulling my petite frame closer to him. I stare at him in total confusion and fear.

“You wicked murderer! First you killed my wife and now you have killed my daughter. You are going to pay for this. I will make sure you pay for this!” He sneers and drags me out of my bedroom, along the long hallway and down the stairs where we meet other men.

“Dad please, what’s going on?” I ask in tears as he hands me over to the group of no nonsense looking muscular men who grab my arm tightly.

“Take her away, tell Alpha Hardin to do whatever it is he desires with her.” My father orders and the men drag me all the way to where I presume should be the Alpha’s Castle because of how enormous it looks. I don’t even have the strength to fight back as I’m confused about what is actually happening right now.

What did my father mean by killing his daughter?

Why did he call me a murder? And why have I been summoned by Alpha Hardin so early in the morning?

What exactly happened while I was asleep that I’m to be blamed for right now?

What exactly is going on?

The men drag me into the castle all the way to an enormous living room where I see Alpha Hardin, seated on his throne in all his glory with a deadly look on.

Someone please tell me what exactly is going on.

“What’s going on?” I demand the moment they throw me to the ground. Alpha Hardin rises from his throne and takes calculated steps towards me.

“You scheming hard hearted murderer!” He scolds with his deep Alpha voice and I quiver in fear. “You have the audacity to commit such an abomination in my land?”

“With all due respect Sir…”

“Silence!” He roars in anger and I see his ocean blue eyes change to yellow and his fingers begin to transform into paws, but he stops the action “I could end your miserable life right now, but I won’t pleasure you with an easy death. I will make you die slowly, painful…”

“Stop!” I scream and I can feel my wolf trying to take over me. I struggle to push her back because if she succeeds, I’ll rip everyone apart and that is the last thing I want to happen right now.

My fingers shape-shift into paws and I look up into Alpha Hardin’s blazing eyes, with mine blazing as well.

“What crime have I committed?” I ask giving him a deadly stare and he comes closer to me.

“You couldn’t bear the thought of me choosing her over you, that’s why you killed her. You killed your Sister, Wilma!”

“No!” I cry weakly as I fall to the ground “No, I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did. She was found in the forest with bites and scratches all over her body that could only have been inflicted by a werewolf as strong as you are. You couldn’t bear to lose me to her, so you attacked and killed her!”

“I did not kill my sister” I cry in agony “The only wolf I fought yesterday in the woods was a rogue who attacked me, why would I kill my sister?”

“I don’t have time to listen to your nonsense shenanigans. Just know this, your death will be slow and painful and when you’re dead, I’ll boil your bones and feed them to the dogs, I will make sure that this wicked soul of yours burns in hell’s everlasting Sulphur! Guards!” He orders and the same men grab me again by the arm and brutally lift me up. “Take her to the silver prison and torture her until your hearts content!”

This has got to be a dream.

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