Emma laid still on the large queen-sized bed, but her mind wasn’t nowhere still at all. It was running off in all directions, and she couldn’t sleep.

When she had held the outstretched hand of the little girl, she had suddenly found herself at the gates of a huge castle. A type of castle she had only read off and seen in stories, and the internet. The castle was high and huge.

Keeping her silence, she had watched as the gates had opened, revealing a short, middle-aged man with long pointed ears.

An elf! She had screamed in her head, as she had stared at the man in front of her who belonged to a class of beings rumored to have had an affinity to strong magic.

“Elves are real?” She had bent a little and whispered to the girl, who consequentially nodded at her statement.

What else were real? She had thought, letting her mind bring out non-human characters from stories she had read all over the years; vampires, trolls, shape shifters, angels, demons, and dragons.

Were these all real? She had thought then, as she had walked with the little girl into the castle, the man leading the way.

He had paused in his movements as he had gotten to a huge door in one of the many passageways she had seen in the beautiful white castle, decorated with bands and colors of gold at some sections. She had thought that it was the most beautiful building she had ever seen. She had thought it heaven!

The elf had knocked thrice on the door, before pushing it open gently. He had gestured with his hand that they should enter the room, of which they had obliged, or rather, the girl had nodded at first before offering her thanks to the elf who had slightly smiled at her. She herself had just stood there, mesmerized by the golden carvings on the door. But she had gotten herself in time to follow the little girl into the room.

The room hadn’t been a room. It had been a hall, a very beautiful hall or rather a palace, and there had seemed to be a meeting going on the inner courts. She had heard distinct voices, some bordering on shouts, as she had followed the girl to one of the seats in the room. She had seen some other people in the outer courts of the palace; women, some males, some elves too. She had concluded then that they had also come to see the queen.

An hour had passed, before she had seen a group of people, not more than twenty, coming out from the inner chambers into the outer courts, and as they had passed, the people in the hall with her had been bowing, including the little girl with her, but she hadn’t, seeing no reason why she should have done so. She hadn’t bowed to anyone in her life before.

They had all ignored her, except for one, a tiny looking tall woman, who had come to a halt before her.

“Shouldn’t you be doing as you see the others doing?” The woman had asked her scornfully.

“I’m not the others.” She had replied, ignoring the tap on her knee by the little girl. She hadn’t cared who the woman was. She hated egotistical people. Hadn’t the others just ignored her? Why hadn’t the fellow followed their action too?

“I don’t care about that.” The woman had said, and she had shrugged, looking away from the long human.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you!” The woman had shouted, even as her companions had beckoned on her to let her be, and walk away with them.

But the woman had refused.

Proud bitch. She had cussed at her in her mind.

She had slowly and stylishly brought up her right leg and had hung it on her left thigh, while throwing a bored glance at the woman who had gotten even angrier at her gestures.

“Bow.” The woman had commanded her, trying to compel her into action. She had felt the wicked force, but had resisted it.

She had seen the shock on the woman’s face when she had raised her eyebrow rather in retailation, a smirk plastered on her lips as she had held her gaze.

Immediately, the woman noticed the little girl beside her, who for some reason was humbled under the gaze of the woman.

Of course, she had known that the woman was a higher authority, but seeing as she hated proud people, she had decided to ignore it.

“Who is she?” The woman had asked the little girl, but before her companion had been able to give an answer, another elf had found his way toward them and had sought for their presence in the inner court.

She had worn a victory smirk on her lips as the woman had glared at her in contempt, while she had walked behind the little girl and the elf in the direction of the inner courts.

When they had gotten to the inner courts, the elf had directed them to sit and wait on one of the chairs surrounding a very large table. She had thought then that it must be the place where the meeting had taken place.

After some minutes had passed, the elf had requested the little girl to follow him into another room, which she had just seen as the little girl had obliged. It hadn’t been there before.

But she had been too tired and hungry to deliberate on the issue. She had waited for a couple of minutes more before finally surrendering to the enticing embrace of sleep.

And when she had awakened after some minutes or so she had thought, she had found herself in the queen size bed, with a tray of food by the table nearby.

She had hurriedly left the bed, and sauntered towards the table, had collected the tray and had settled down back into the bed to eat.

When she had been done, she had returned the tray, and had picked up the note stuck to the table, which she had noticed at first but had ignored out of hunger.

‘Eat and sleep well. We will talk tomorrow. Zipfara.’

The note had read.

She had checked the time on her watch as she kept the note back on the table and returned to the bed, and had gasped. She had slept for close to four hours.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

She had been lying in bed ever since then; and sleep was far away from her eyes.

She thought of Derek and how he would feel with her gone. She thought of Maya, and college.

She wondered how long she was supposed to stay here and why they had brought her here. Whatever it was, should be over, before next tomorrow. She thought. She wouldn’t miss Derek’s birthday for anything.

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