Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Shela was grinning; she had got the thorn removed from the heart!

“Letitia,” Elgin sensed something was off, “why are you bleeding?”

Even in excruciating pain, Letitia didn’t spill the beans about her pregnancy.

She nearly bit through her lower lip, “I-I’m just on my period…”

Elgin scrunched up his face in disgust

“Mr. Ramirez, should we take her to the hospital?” Shela asked, “She looks like she’s in a lot of pain.”

The kid’s gone anyway Once we get to the hospital and Mr. Ramirez finds out she was knocked up, I can smear her name, saying she had slept with some other guy!

Two birds, one stone!

“It’s just her period, Elgin said with icy indifference. She won’t die. Leave her be.”

He walked past her without a shred of pity, not even a glance..

Shela followed him, smug and satisfied.

Letitia, propping herself up on the ground, dragged her body toward the exit, “Help… help me…”

“Madam! The butler was horrified at the sight. “What in the world is…”

Letitia grabbed the butler’s hand like it was a lifeline, “Take me to the hospital, now!”

There might still be a chance to save the baby if there’s time!

“Right away!” The butler sprang into action!

At the hospital, the doctors wasted no time and rushed Letitia into the OR!

The second she hit the operating table, Letitia couldn’t hold on anymore and blacked out.

Two hours later.

“Thank goodness, the doctor emerged, taking a deep breath, “Mother and child are safe!”

The butler was gobsmacked. Mother… and child? Mrs. Ramirez was pregnant?

Nurses wheeled Letitia out of the OR

Just then, Shela’s father, Mark Ward, happened to pass by wearing a mask.

He glanced over casually, then realized the woman on the bed was Letitial

So, the ‘mother and child safe’ the doctor mentioned was her!

She… was carrying Mr. Ramirez’s babyl

Mark immediately ducked into a corner and called Shela, “Shela, we’ve got trouble!”

“What could possibly be wrong, Dad?” Shela thought she was home free, “You’re getting all worked up over nothing.” “just passed by the OR and heard the doctor say… Letitia and the baby are safe!”

Shela’s phone slipped from her grasp.

What?! Despite the danger, Letitia’s baby was saved! Unbelievable!

When Letitia came to, It was already dark.

She stared at the ceiling as tears slowly streamed down her face.

Leba, me to pay and pick up your meds, do you have any family with you?” the nurse came in, “We’ll do an ultrasound

Chapter 20

“Meds? Ultrasound?”

“Yeah, you’ve been prescribed medication to stabilize the pregnancy”

Letitia bolted upright in bed, “My baby…”

“Your baby is fine,” the nurse replied, “you should really thank our head doctor.”

Her tears fell even faster, yet she managed a smile. She was crying tears of joy, she felt blessed by the heavens!

“Thank you, thank you all.. Letitia kept repeating, “I thought… I’d just learned of this child’s existence, only to lose it…”

After getting her meds and finishing the check-up, Letitia didn’t dare linger and left in a hurry.

She couldn’t afford to stay in the hospital, with no excuse to offer!

She couldn’t let anyone find out she was pregnant!

Back at Ivory Towers, the living room was back to its pristine condition, not a trace of blood in sight

Letitia lay down on the makeshift bed, her face pale as a ghost.

“Baby mommy’s putting you through so much…”

But Letitia didn’t have the luxury to wallow, because she had to go to work the next day.

She had to act like nothing was wrong.

No matter the pain or discomfort, she had to stick to her story about it being her period!

The next day.

Just as Letitia reached her desk, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps at the door.

She looked up and saw Shela! Letitia naturally thought, “What’s she after this time, itching to kick up more drama?”

“Letitia, come out! Shela bellowed arrogantly, “come out right now!” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Letitia stood up, “What do you want?”

“Heh, you’ll find out soon enough.” Shela called over her shoulder, “That’s her, take her!”

Two brutes burst forward and grabbed Letitia by the arms, dragging her out.

Letitia struggled, “What are you doing. Let go! Hands off! You can’t just take people in broad daylight!”

Her colleagues were stunned.

“Call the cops,” Letitia pleaded, or get security, please!”

Shela declared, “Nobody help her! Or I’ll make sure you lose your job and get kicked out of the Ramirez Group!

And just like that, Letitia was hauled away. She couldn’t believe it. Shela had the gall to come to her workplace and snatch her away in front of everyone!

How much power did Elgin give Shela?!

“Letitia, stop wasting your energy. No one’s coming to save you, Shela said venomously, “You’re nothing but trash.”

“What are you up to?”

Tm in a bad mood and feel like blowing off some steam on you.”

Shela took Letitia to an alley and had goons guard both ends

Now, Letitia had no way out, and no passersby would interfere.

“Blowing off steam? Letitia scoffed, “Shela, you’re not even worth my breath!”

“The way you talk, it seems those lashes from the other day weren’t painful enough, and you didn’t hit your belly hard enough either

Mentioning this stuff got Shela riled up. She thought for sure the baby was gone, but somehow it survived!

After much thought, Shela still couldn’t let it go.

If one scheme fails, there’s always a second try, and this time it’s bound to work!

She refused to believe Letitia could always turn misfortune into a stroke of luck!

Letitia spat right at her.

“Ah!” Shela screamed, “You spit at me! Gross!”

Letitia spat again, “I don’t know what you did to make Elgin let you get away with murder. But don’t think just because he can humiliate and torment me, you can too!”

“Of course, I can! I’m going to be his wife!”

“I’m his wife right now!”

Shela was livid, “Not for long!

“Heh, you don’t have a clue about Elgin, Letitia said. “You better let me go now. Otherwise, once Elgin gets wind of this, you’re done for! You think he actually bought that crap about me tripping you yesterday?!”

“Believe it or not, he’s got my back, not yours!” Shela snapped back. “So, it’s the same deal today. Plus, I won’t leave any marks. Elgin won’t find a thing…”

She started moving closer, and Letitia quickly stepped back.

She might have to suck it up and take a bit of pain, but she was pregnant now! She had to protect her baby; she couldn’t let Shela win this round!

Letitia clutched her belly, looking around for an escape route.

Shela grabbed her hair, yanking her back, “Stand still, don’t move! This will be over before you know it.”

With that, she was about to land a ferocious kick to Letitia’s midriff.

Catching sight of this, Letitia used all her strength to shove Shela away and then took off running.

“Stop her, quick!” Shela yelled at the people standing at the end of the alley. “Stop her!”

Letitia didn’t look back, she ran like she was running for her life.

If Shela’s kick landed, the baby couldn’t take another hit like that!

“Move it! What are you doing just standing there?” Shela shouted as she chased, “Are you just gonna take the money. and do squat?!”

Letitia found it odd, too why were those two men frozen in place?

She mustered all her strength and dashed out of the alley, but upon seeing the scene outside, Letitia’s steps halted abruptly.

Shela, cursing under her breath, caught up, “Letitia, you bi-… Mr Ramirez?”

Seeing Elgin, Shela was dumbstruck.

Outside the alley, Elgin stood with his hands in his trouser pockets, straight as an arrow, not saying a word, but his presence alone was chilling.

The two tough guys were being held down by professional bodyguards, knives pressed against their waists

The two men didn’t dare to make a move.

Elgin… Letitia didn’t hesitate and ran towards him, never before had she felt such a sense of security upon seeing Elgin

Even though he loathed her, he wouldn’t take her life, not just yet. And he certainly wouldn’t harm her baby!

Elgin pursed his lips, looking at her.

Jyst as she nearly reached him, Letitia’s legs gave way, and she fell straight towards the ground.

Chapter 20

“Clumsy woman.”

Elgin, expressionless, reached out, scooped her up, and held her close.

Letitia clung to his sleeve. “You came… thank goodness you came…

Chapter 21

She cracked a smile while cleaning the tears at the corner of her eyes

Just moments ago, Letitia was hell-bent on getting the hell out of there and protecting her baby. It wasn’t until now that she realized her body was sore all over, her back was soaked, and she was drenched in sweat.

Now that she saw Elgin, her heart finally settled down She was safe.

“Why is it that every time you’re out of my sight, you find trouble? Elgin frowned, looking down at her. “Can’t you just stick by me and behave?

He had returned to his office after a meeting when Ranen asked him what he wanted for lunch so he could place an order. But his mind went straight to Letitia.

Turned out, after Ranen did some digging at the Jewelry Department, he found out Shela had barged into the company and took Letitia away

Elgin had rushed over immediately.

“This isn’t my fault, really.” Letitia responded. “I was just doing my job at the company, minding my own business.” Elgin’s eyes were icy as he looked up at Shela.

“Mr. Ramirez Shela quickly put on a pitiful and innocent face, “Letitia called me a mistress, trashy, a whore… I just lost it and wanted to teach her a lesson.”

Letitia couldn’t believe how this woman could twist the truth like that! Those words were exactly what Shela had hurled at her! And now she was playing the victim card!

“I didn’t!” Letitia protested, “Elgin, I…

“Zip it.”

Hearing it, Letitia bit her lip. To be unloved meant being disregarded.

Seeing this, Shela puffed up with confidence. “Mr. Ramirez, she started it. If you heard what she said, you’d be pissed too!”

“You zip it too!”


“Marching into the company and snatching someone? You’re the first.” Elgin scolded. “If I hadn’t gotten here in time, the ones standing here would be the cops!

Shela shot back, I know you wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

Letitia looked down at her toes, feeling a bitter knot in her stomach. She didn’t even know why she felt heartbreaking…. she should have been used to it by now.

Elgin’s favor was never hers to have; all he offered was hate and pain.

“Take these two away, Elgin ordered coldly, ‘and keep them out of AquaCity from now on!”

“Yes, Mr. Ramirez.”

Shela was reluctant, “Wait, they’re with me. Getting rid of them would be a slap in my face.”

Even now, she was concerned about preserving her dignity.

Letitia thought, this woman must either be too dumb or too wicked!

Sure enough, Elgin’s expression turned even uglier, “You too, get out of my sight!”

He stopped just short of telling her to scram.

Who Mr. Ramirez, Shela rushed over, clutching at his sleeve, “are you mad at me…” Elginc temples throbbed visibly. One more second and he was about to blow his top

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