Stalked by the Mafia Boss

Chapter 8

Korina wore her mittens immediately she heard the timer go off, she opened the oven and brought out the tray of brownies.

The aroma wafted through the air and she did a dramatic sniff, her mouth watered at the sight of the brown pastries. She set them down on the counter, took a knife and proceeded to cut them into shape when she heard a knock on the door.

“Coming.” She yelled as she quickly made her way to the door.

There was no one in sight when she answered the door, even when she peeped at both sides of the hallway not a single soul was found. She was about to step out further when she hit her foot on something.

Korina looked down to find a white box and bouquet of flowers.

She picked them up and took them into the apartment silently praying that a bomb wasn’t implanted in them.

She dropped them on a coffee table and took a whiff of the flowers, they smelt heavenly, yellow roses, her favorite, opening the box she found a dozen of chocolate covered cup cakes and her sweet tooth got excited , the sight of the cakes was delightful.

“I am so sorry you got shot love, get well soon.”

Her heart quickened as she re-read the note over and over again. She recognized the handwriting, neatly written as always, it was the same handwriting on all notes that she had received from the Anonymous stalker, she knew it was him, as always.

Oh lord, she palmed her face, another thing to worry about aside healing from my injuries.

Korina munched greedily on the cupcake she held in her left hand as she typed furiously on the Google search engine ‘how to deal with an Anonymous stalker’. She couldn’t actually believe she was eating the cakes for all she knew they might have been poisoned but her weakness for pastries won this time.

The search result loaded and she clicked on the first one and began to read.

“The best way to deal with a stalker is not to react. Collect as much information as you can about this person and get anything that links them to you…

But nothing links, She thought.

Document absolutely everything and if you can take video recordings and pictures all these can be used as evidence when you report them to the police…

And here you are eating the evidence like a glutton, Her subconscious pricked her.

She finished reading the whole post and closed the laptop in exasperation, definitely not what she needed.

” so you ate all the cakes?” Daniella asked watching Korina, her eyes were glued to the menu.

“Yes, I did.” Korina answered still not taking her eyes of it.

They were at a restaurant, it was a new place that just opened up and they have been frequent there.

The girls loved their food, customer service and some of the hot waiters, which Daniella always made an effort to comment on.

“What ever happened to ‘what if it’s poisoned? what if he’s trying to kill me?” Daniella asked imitating Korina’s voice and frightened face while swinging her arms dramatically.

“First of all, I look and sound nothing like that.” She pointed out offended by Daniella’s mimicry of her,”and second, I didn’t die.”She said in defense.

“Why do you keep studying that damn menu anyway? We both come here almost at all times.”

“It’s of proper etiquette to study a menu when one is handed over to you.”She replied with a raised brow.

“Yen yen yen yen.”Daniella mocked,” You study the menu all the time and pick the same damn thing all the time.”

“You are childish.” Korina huffed before looking around and hailing a waiter.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Good morning ladies.” The waiter greeted flashing a bright smile on getting to their table.

“Morning, I would have some fries with ketchup, a tuna sandwich and a glass of orange juice please.”He jotted down Korina’s order and turned to Daniella,” and you ma’am?”He asked

“I… uhhhmm… i would love a plate of scones with chocolate finishing, two king sized burgers, your largest pack of fries with extra ketchup, two medium sized sandwiches, some waffles with honey, a bowl of salad and a diet coke.”

The waiter jotted it all down and went off with an amused look on his face.

“Nah girl… you didn’t just do that.” Korina laughed.

“Do what?”

“Do that.” She said trying to control her laughter.

Daniella looked perplexed,”what is so funny?”

“You didn’t just order a diet coke and a bowl of salad to satisfy your guilty conscience of your unhealthy eating.” Korina said and laughed a little too loud.

“I did actually.” Daniella said with a haughty look on her face,”it’s not called ‘satisfying my conscience’it’s called uhm…”She suddenly couldn’t find her words.

“Called what uh?”

“It’s called maintaining the balance between unhealthy eating and healthy eating.”

Korina looked at as if she had grown horns trying to read meaning to the words she just said.

“You get dumber with each passing day.” Korina remarked shaking her head pitifully.

“You are lucky we are at a restaurant I swear, I would have lifted this table and smashed it on your head.”Daniella said gritting her teeth, Korina just waved her words away and kept her attention on the vase in a corner of the restaurant that held black roses.

Their meal arrived soon and they concentrated on gobbling down the food with less conversations.

Daniella took a bite of her burger, she put it down to chew,” So Korina…”She started with her mouth full.

“Oh don’t talk to me while your mouth is full.” Korina warned.

“Oh please! would you just listen.” Daniella said and she rolled are eyes at her.

“So… what are you doing about him?”Daniella asked.

” who is this ‘him’?” Korina asked knowing fully well where the conversation headed.

“The hot doctor, I want you both to get together.” Daniella winked,”you know cole smith.”

“You never told me you owned tinder.” She remarked rolling her eyes wondering why are cousin still hasn’t given up on this.

“Well, forgive me for trying to make an effort to lighten your life.” Daniella huffed, She was offended.

“Look Dan.” Korina began,”I am sorry, I know you care about me and want me to be happy, but having a man isn’t what I need right now, I just want to heal completely in peace.”

“What has it been now? A year and a half, you have had enough time to heal you wouldn’t want to end up a spinster now would you?”

“Really Dan, I am 21, not 50.” She rolled her eyes, took a piece from the fries and put them in her mouth.

“Still dosen’t matter, I know what I am saying.”

“Tell you what.” Korina said,”If the doctor shows up again and makes a move I would give in to it and I will also try to meet up with the people you set me up with, without my consent of course.”

“Great.” Daniella said excitedly,”I love you babe and you also have to make some new friends.”

“Fine I will.”She responded waving her palms in affirmative,” But if anything happens, I am having your head for it and would never take your advice ever.”

“I cross my heart that nothing bad will ever happen.” Daniella said placing her hand on her heart.

“Now can we get back to eating?”

“Yes of course.” Daniella said,”And we have to hurry up, I got a date planned out for you tonight.”She winked at Korina.

Korina forced a smile but groaned internally, what the heck have I gotten myself into?

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