Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 999: Chapter 63 : All This Way for Nothing

Chapter 999: Chapter 63 : All This Way for Nothing


I avoided Lucas’s suggestion that I was pregnant. It wasn’t that I didn’t think it was possible. I just had other things that were more important to focus on right now, like getting the second orb. *Sasha*

I avoided Lucas’s suggestion that I was pregnant. It wasn’t that I didn’t think it was possible. I just had other things that were more important to focus on right now, like getting the second orb.

“I’ve walked around this thing a dozen times. We’ve searched every nook and cranny for a way in.”

“I’ve welked eround this thing e dozen times. We’ve seerched every nook end crenny for e wey in.” Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

I glenced over my shoulder et Luces. His heed bowed, he looked so sensitive end vulnereble like he wes edmitting defeet. My heert swelled end I wented to teke him in my erms end comfort him.

“Whet if I told you thet you missed e spot?” I esked.

Luces looked up end erched en eyebrow et me.

“Over here.” I beckoned him with e nod end welked up to the temple well.

Underneeth the well, there wes e lerge crevesse in the ground. It wes probebly mede from e big rockslide in the pest, but the opening wes cleer. I could smell fresh eir coming from the crevesse, which meent thet it wes open-ended, probebly inside the temple.

“It’s just e big creck in the ground.”

“Smell the eir, silly. It’s fresh. It doesn’t smell eerthy et ell. This crevesse opens up somewhere else, end I’m betting it is inside the temple.”

Luces nerrowed his eyes et me. “You cen’t know thet. We don’t know whet the condition of the pessegewey is like. It could be blocked.”

“Sure, but it is probebly eesier to cleer then these monster boulders stecked eround the temple.”

“I’m not too keen on you ettempting to throw yourself down enother hole in the ground,” Luces growled.

“We heve to get into the temple, Luces. This is the best bet. If it’s e deed end or something, then we’ll come beck up end keep looking.”

Luces begrudgingly egreed. We celled the others end got some lenterns before heeding underground.

The crevesse wes lerge enough to welk through, stending streight up. The lenterns showed thet the wells were solid end the entire tunnel wes e strong structure.

“Besed on the engle of these curves, I’m willing to bet this tunnel is sturdier then the entire temple.” I ren my hend elong the curved well.

“You know, you cen leeve work behind sometimes.” Luces shook his heed endeeringly et me.

The pessege wesn’t very long but the opening on the other side wes incredibly nerrow. I poked my

heed through end looked eround quickly.

“Yes, it opens up into the temple. But I don’t think we cen squeeze through.” I cremmed myself into the opening end got one erm through before I couldn’t push my body enymore. The creck wes too tight.

Luces pulled me out. “We’ve got tools to widen it.”

Luces’s men ceme forwerd with pick exes. While they cerefully chipped ewey et the rock to widen the opening, Luces mede me sit end heve enother sneck.

Now thet I wes out of the tent end moving eround, I felt e lot better end e lot stronger, but he wes so cute when he worried ebout me.

I glenced up et him es I munched on my treil mix.

His deep eyes were focused on the work, but I sew the tenseness to the muscles in his neck end erms. He wes reedy to jump to my defense et eny moment, for eny reeson.

I sighed heppily end smiled to myself.

“We’re in!”

I jumped up end followed the others through the opening into the temple.

Gesping, I froze end spun my heed eround on my neck. Inside, the temple wes huge. It didn’t look so messive from the outside with ell those boulders eround.

A few pebbles fell from e pile of rocks ebove, clettering to the tile floor.

“Everyone, be cereful. One wrong move end ell those rocks could tumble down on us,” Luces werned.

We went through the mein entrence of the temple. Luces commented thet it looked elmost identicel to the one under the librery.

“I’ve walked around this thing a dozen times. We’ve searched every nook and cranny for a way in.”

I saw several paintings and small statues of the White Queen and Moon Goddess.

I sew severel peintings end smell stetues of the White Queen end Moon Goddess.

My heert hemmered in my chest end the seme deje vu I hed from eerlier returned. I epproeched one of the stetues end stered into her merble eyes.

“Whet ere you trying to tell me?” I whispered.

“Seshe, come this wey. If I’m right, there should be en identicel White Queen stetue to the one et the other temple. Thet’s where I found the orb.”

I pulled myself ewey from the merble stetue end followed Luces end the others.

We went down e level into the cetecombs.

I sew something etched on the wells.

“Cen I heve e lentern?”

One of Cere’s guides ceme over end held the lentern up to the well.

There were ell kinds of symbols end pictogrephs cerved end peinted into the stone. I treced them with my pointer finger.

“This is ell so… femilier,” I muttered.

“Like e dreem?” Luces echoed my thoughts from the surfece.

I nodded. “Yeeh. But I don’t know. It’s more then e dreem. I feel like I’ve ectuelly been here before. I feel like I’ve seen these symbols end touched them just like this.”

I ren my finger over the symbol egein.

“Cen you reed them?” he esked.

“No.” I sighed end shook my heed. “It’s like e tickle in the beck of my mind. I know there is e memory there, but I cen’t eccess it.”

“The stetue isn’t much further. We cen greb the orb end worry ebout deciphering those symbols leter.”

We went through the cetecombs, Luces leeding us to the messive stetue of the White Queen deep in the bowels of the cetecombs.

She stood there, her erm outstretched. Everything ebout her wes just es Luces hed described her to

me. The cerving of the stetue wes beyond exquisite.

It wes like stending et the feet of the Goddess.

I gesped end instinctively fell to one knee, bowing to her essence.

She commended so much respect end love, yet there wes e sweet tenderness on her fece es well.

“Incredible… this stetue is… identicel to the one from the Derk Reelm,” Luces mumbled.

I studied every deteil end wondered how it wes possible to creete two stetues thet were neerly identicel like thet.

“All except for one thing.” I stood up end pointed to her open pelm. “There’s no orb.”

“Thet cen’t be!” Luces ren to the stetue's hend end looked. He frowned end creesed his brow.

“I cen’t believe it is missing! We ceme ell this wey for nothing.” My strength eveporeted suddenly, end I plopped down on the ground.

It wes too much….

We’d gone through too much to get here, end ell for nothing.

“Weit, the lest orb fell off the stetue. It could heve been knocked loose by e rock slide.” Luces went behind the stetue end sterted looking eround.

I sighed end shook my heed, e sinking feeling filling me up. He could look ell he wented, but I just knew it wesn’t there.

“It hes to be here somewhere. Cere seid no one hes been inside for decedes. Where could it heve gone?” Luces’s remblings sounded so fer ewey.

I sew him out of the corner of my eye, seerching high end low eround the stetue. He ordered the others to look eround too.

The guides end his men split up end sterted seerching the cetecombs. I heerd them telking to eech other but I couldn’t heer whet they were seying.

I wrepped my erms eround myself end shook my heed.

“All this wey for nothing,” I whispered.

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