Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 997: Chapter 54 : That's Enough

Chapter 997: Chapter 54 : That's Enough

*Sasha* Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

I blinked at Michael feeling that it wasn't possible that I heard him right.

“Um… you want me to be your Luna? But I already have a mate."

Michael shrugged casually. “It is easy enough to take care of a mate. You might grieve him for a time but in the end, you'll see it is best. You'll want me to take you once you don't have him."

“What!?" I gasped.

Was Michael seriously talking about killing Lucas just to get me for himself? A sick feeling filled my stomach. This guy was a certifiable whack job....

“You can't do that. I'll never agree to anything you want if you hurt him."

“Oh, such an empty head on that pretty body. You're fortunate that it is your power and not your intelligence I'm after. Otherwise, you'd come up lacking."

I clenched my fists under the table, anger boiling inside of me. Silently, I dared him to insult me again.

“If you think that's the way to my heart–"

“I'm not after your heart. I'm after your power. Therefore, it doesn't matter what you want or what you have. I will take what I want from you. I thought you would have figured that out by now."

I frowned, my heart sinking slightly. In this situation, I was powerless. There was no way I could stand against Michael and his entire pack.

“No!" I cried.

Anger raged inside of me, boiling my blood and I felt a cold darkness invade my mind. It burst out of me in a wave and the table shot across the room. It tipped over, scattering food and plates everywhere, before slamming into the far wall.

Wine glasses shattered on the stone floor, all the plates were smashed.

The servants standing against the wall yelped and cowered at the display of force.

What was that? Had I caused that? I looked at my hands curiously. I didn't even touch the table, right?

“What...." I shook my head.

“Well, well, it looks like you have a little more up your sleeve than you've been letting on."

“No… I mean, that wasn't me."

Michael arched an eyebrow. He looked at the table and the ruined meal smeared across the floor.

All I could do was shake my head over and over again.

When Michael turned to me again, I saw the fear in his eyes. There was no mistaking it, even though he masked his features well.

“Aren't you just full of surprises?" His eyes widened slightly when he spoke. The confidence in his voice faltered.

Yes, he was definitely afraid. He probably hadn't realized that my power was more than just something to possess and covet. My power could be used as a weapon, as a defense.

Honestly, I hadn't known that, either. My mind reeled in a million directions.

I'd never done anything like shooting a table across a room before. I stared at the table again as servants ran in and started cleaning it up. Their hands shook and I could see just how scared and nervous they were.

Were they scared of me?

I covered my mouth with my hands. I'd really done that. My power was strong, and I didn't even know how to use it. This time it was a table, but what if next time it was a person?

My eyes lingered on the red smears of meat that had been crushed by the table. It almost looked like blood.

“No matter. I will tame you and get what I want."

“That's not going to happen!"

A new voice entered the dining hall. I whipped around and saw a cloaked figure enter. He had an arm

raised like he was going to sweep us all away with one gesture.

My stomach twisted in knots. He was the one who was on the boat deck with me. He caused the storm that pushed me overboard.

“Who the hell are you?" Michael sneered. “How did you get past my security?"

“You may call me The Immortal," he shrugged casually. “Your security was no match for me. As for your plans with this one, I cannot allow it. Her power has grown too strong and she must be contained."

“Contained?" I squeaked. I shrank in my chair.

Man, I wished that big table was still in front of me. I wouldn't feel so vulnerable or exposed.

I saw Michael's eyes brighten with curiosity. He looked at me and back at The Immortal.

“Who are you? Why should I take orders from you?"

“I'm no one to be trifled with. I have powers you can't even imagine, and your security here is no good against me. Don't try anything or you will find out the hard way that I'm not bluffing."

Michael clamped his mouth closed. I got the sense he'd been about to call the bluff until The Immortal mentioned it.

Apparently, that was enough to convince Michael that this guy was serious.

The Immortal sighed and turned to me. He bowed his head like it was heavy with regrets or sorrows.

“There was a time when I helped your mother suppress your powers, your darkness. I thought that if it was hidden from you, it wouldn't be a danger."

My mind flashed back to the time when my mother held me down so he could pry my tooth out. Is that why she'd done it, to keep me from my dark powers? And now he was here to contain me because of them?


I pointed fiercely at him, all words escaping me. From the moment I saw him, I felt a dark sense of familiarity. He'd been there during one of the most traumatic moments of my life.

“Unfortunately, since she now has her wolf, she's growing into her power. It is becoming stronger and more dangerous. The only way to save us all is to end her!"

I wrapped my arms around myself, pushing the memories away from that day.

He was talking to Michael like I wasn't even there. From the look I saw on Michael's face, he was about a second away from obeying this guy and killing me.

“There is darkness growing around her and inside her. Eventually, her powers will become a danger to everything and everyone. It has to end here and now before she can become a destroyer."

I creased my brow, his words sinking into my head. Was it true? Was I dangerous?

I bit my lip and looked at the table I'd thrown across the room in anger. Any emotional outburst could cause that.

Maybe if I could learn to control it....

“You can't come to my home and make demands."

Alpha Michael's voice pulled me from my thoughts. He grabbed my arm and ripped me from the chair.

My shoulder popped and I groaned, getting to my feet to ease the tension.

“She belongs to me, as do her powers. If they are as dangerous as you say, I could use that to my advantage. The one who controls her will be all powerful to either protect others or destroy them."

My heart sank. Was I just a weapon now, a way for Michael to get more power? I saw a flash of an image of what that would look like. I didn't know if it was a vision of the future or my own imagination.

I saw Michael keeping me in chains, torturing me and starving me until I complied. He'd take me to another pack, offer my power to protect them. If they joined him, they'd be safe. If they refused, he'd use my power to obliterate them.

A shudder ran through me and I shook the images out of my head. I'd never let myself be used like that.

“And I will breed more children with her powers–an army of pure destruction at my back and call!"

Michael threw his head back, cackling like a crazy man, his eyes wild and bloodshot.

“Kill this intruder!" He ordered, pointing at The Immortal.

Michael's guards sprang to action. They jumped into the center of the room, swarming around The Immortal.

I watched, wide eyed with terror, as he used his powers to defend himself, sending the guards flying across the room. They hit the walls with such force, they broke bones and opened gashes.

Blood spurted everywhere, and the groans and yelps of pain filled my ears.

My pulse raced in my ears as I watched so many shifters getting hurt as they rushed in again and again, trying to take out The Immortal.

I looked down at my hands. Was this power of mine truly dark and dangerous? I could sense something dark and cold inside me shifting, growing. Ever since I got my wolf, I felt different.

Was that my power waking up? I had more questions than answers.

I wondered if I should even believe The Immortal. He talked about memories that I had, but I still didn't understand the context. I was too young at the time to remember everything.

Why should I believe him? He could be just as crazy as Michael, seeking to use me for his own good.

My heart clenched in my chest. I missed Lucas. He was the only one who didn't want to use me or

exploit me. Where was he?

“Ahh. Ahh!"

One of the soldiers was thrown against the nearest wall, a sickening crunch echoed through the sounds of fighting and he crumpled to the floor. I saw his fingers twitch, but the light quickly left his eyes.

“Michael, stop this! Your men are dying needlessly." I pleaded.

“We are defending our home from an enemy. I won't stop!"

“An enemy that is far more powerful than you and your men. They'll be slaughtered."

Michael sneered. “Then they've done their duty. It is about time you and I make our escape."

“I'm not going anywhere with you!" I pushed away from him and ran to the center of the room.

Maybe my power was dark, but I didn't have to use it that way. I wasn't going to let a m******e happen here. These people didn't need to die or get hurt.

I raised my arm into the air and focused on the same feeling I had when I threw the table across the room.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on it, imagining the force I'd need to stop the fighting without hurting anyone.

I took a deep breath, focusing on my thoughts and feelings. Inside, I felt the swell of my power rising like the tides.

I snapped my eyes open and threw my arms down. My power erupted from inside of me, shooting out in all directions.

Like a strong wind, it knocked everyone back–Michael, his guards, the servants, and even The Immortal all flew in opposite directions around the dining hall.

They landed on their backs with grunts and groans but I knew they weren't mortally wounded. I made sure to control the force I used.

“That's enough!" I shouted.

Silence filled the room as everyone stared at me with shock and awe. My power had never been this strong before. I felt the weight of it inside me, pulsing like a heartbeat.

It was a part of me, but I didn't have to let it control me.

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