Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Eighty: Burdens and Choices

Chapter Eighty: Burdens and Choices

Melody gasped as she felt his tongue force its way into her mouth, her own tongue fighting against his,

her body tensing up as he tasted her.

"What are you doing?" Melody whispered between kisses. Jacob's hands were now on her waist,

pulling her closer to him, their bodies pressed together, her breasts squished against his chest.

"I'm not going to let you go," he growled, kissing her again. Melody moaned as she felt his cock harden

against her stomach. Her hand moved down his back, feeling his muscles tense under her touch.

"Mmmm," Jacob groaned into her mouth as he felt her hand brush against his erection through his

pants. He pulled away from her, breathing heavily, "You're so beautiful." he said, looking at her with

desire in his eyes.

"Jacob", Melody sighed, "we can't do this."

She tried to pull away from him, but he held onto her tighter, his hands sliding up her sides until they

reached her breasts.His thumbs brushed over her nipples making them hard and erect. "I want you," he

said, leaning forward and kissing her neck.

Melody shivered, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through her body. "We can't do this," she

repeated, trying to push him off.

"Why?" Jacob asked, his fingers brushing over her nipples again, causing her to gasp.

"Because I'm waiting for my mate," she replied. "And I can't fall in deeper with you. It would just

complicate things when I eventually find him."

She finally managed to withdraw herself from his hold, "And we are in the open. You need to stop."

Jacob's wolf growled in irritation not liking the she wolf's words, "I want you Melody."

Melody let out a sigh, "I'm sure there are other she wolves that will satisfy your needs."

"I don't want them. I want you."

Melody's gaze remained steady, conflicted emotions playing across her face. "Jacob, you don't

understand. This isn't just about desire or attraction. There's a connection I've been waiting for, a bond

that runs deeper than anything physical."

Jacob's expression softened, his eyes searching hers. "I get that, Melody. But what if the bond you're

seeking isn't what you've imagined it to be? What if it's right here, between us?"

Torn between her instincts and her growing affection for Jacob, Melody's eyes filled with uncertainty.

"It's not that I don't feel something for you too, but I can't let myself fall fully when there's a chance I

might find my true mate."

He looked straight into her eyes, "Know this Mel—I'm not going to stop trying."


In the heart of the chamber, the members of The Order had gathered. Alaric stood at the center, his

presence commanding attention. His eyes, a piercing blue, held the weight of centuries.

"My fellow immortals," Alaric's voice echoed through the chamber, his tone resonating with authority.

"We are gathered here again to discuss the prophecy that has recently come to our attention. A

prophecy that speaks of a child, a child who could hold the potential to reshape our realm, for better or

for worse."

As he spoke, the assembled members exchanged glances. The room was hushed, a profound silence

underpinning his words.

Alaric continued, "I knew when I stood in front of you the last time, I said the child will not be brought

into this world."

He looked straight at Isolde, "But it was brought to my attention that that decision was rather rash. It is

not my intention to make rash decisions based on mere predictions. We have seen prophecies twist Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

and bend, often revealing only fragments of the truth. Therefore, I have made a choice—a choice to

wait and observe. We will not take action until this child, this pup as it is referred to, is born and its fate

becomes clearer."

Alaric's gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each member. "Let it be known that we will

not interfere unless it becomes absolutely necessary. And should the need arise, we will be prepared to

act decisively and protect the realm from any potential threat."

With that, he concluded his address, and the room gradually filled with a low hum of discussion. The

members broke into smaller groups, exchanging thoughts and opinions on the matter at hand. Among

them, Isolde stood at the periphery, her thoughts a tumultuous sea.

As the others engaged in conversation, Isolde found herself stepping away, her footsteps carrying her

to the corner of the chamber. The room was a symphony of voices, each one eager to contribute their

perspective, but Isolde felt distant, detached. Her mind was elsewhere, consumed by the choices that

lay ahead.


The voice pulled her from her reverie, and she turned to see Kael approaching her. His presence was

commanding, a testament to his status as the lead wolf within The Order.

"Is something troubling you?" Kael's voice held a note of genuine concern as he regarded Isolde, his

keen eyes studying her features.

Isolde offered a faint smile, attempting to mask the turmoil beneath. "It's nothing of consequence, Kael.

Just lost in thought, that's all."

Kael's brow furrowed slightly, his instincts picking up on the turmoil beneath her words. "You've always

been a careful thinker, Isolde. Your decisions carry weight, and your thoughts matter to us all."

She sighed softly, realizing that Kael's perceptive nature left little room for evasion. "It's just… the

prophecy, Kael. The child, the pup—it's reminded me of decisions I've made in the past, ones that still

haunt me."

Kael's gaze held understanding, his voice softening. "We've all made choices that we later question,

Isolde. That's the burden of immortality. But remember, the past doesn't define us. It's the actions we

take now that shape our future."

Isolde's lips curved into a rueful smile. "You always have a way of putting things into perspective, Kael."

He chuckled lightly, his eyes warm. "It's a skill I've honed over the centuries. But seriously, Isolde, if

there's something you need to share, something you're carrying alone, don't hesitate to confide in me."

Isolde's gaze dropped to the spell book in her hands, the pages that held centuries of wisdom and

power. She took a deep breath, her decision solidifying within her. "Actually, Kael, there is something I

need to talk to you about. Something I've kept hidden, even from myself."

Kael's expression remained patient and attentive, his presence a steadfast anchor. "I'm here to listen,

Isolde. Whatever it is, you can trust me."

Isolde's fingers tightened around the book as she began to speak, her words a mixture of vulnerability

and determination. "There's a spell, an ancient spell I cast years ago. A spell born out of a moment of

raw emotion, of confusion and longing."

Kael's gaze held hers, his unwavering support evident in his eyes. "And what does this spell do,


"It's a spell of connection, Kael. A bond that links two souls, two beings, in ways that transcend time

and distance. It's a spell that I've never fully understood, but as I cast it, I felt a pull—a connection to

another that was both undeniable and overwhelming."

Kael's brows furrowed, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern. "And who is this other person,


Isolde's gaze met Kael's, her voice tinged with a mixture of regret and longing. "It's Malachi, Kael. The

connection is with Malachi."

Kael's eyes widened, surprise evident in his features. "Malachi?"

Isolde nodded, her eyes reflecting the storm of emotions within her. "Yes, Kael." She looked down at

the spell book, apprehension building up in her, "I just wanted to feel him close to me even though he is

not." She paused for a moment, "I have done something even more stupid."

Kael's gaze held steady, his concern deepening. "Isolde, what did you do?"

Isolde took a shaky breath, her fingers tracing the edges of the spell book as her heart raced. "I… I

renewed the spell, Kael. It had weakened over time, but I… I just wanted to feel some kind of

connection again, to have a glimpse of what we once shared."

Kael's eyes searched her face, his expression a mix of understanding and worry. "Isolde, renewing a

spell of such magnitude, especially one that involves a connection of souls, is not a decision to be

taken lightly. Do you realize the implications of what you've done?"

Her gaze dropped, a heavy sense of dread washing over her. "I know, Kael. I didn't fully comprehend

the consequences at the time. I acted out of desperation, out of a longing that I couldn't ignore any


Kael's voice was gentle yet firm, "Isolde, if Malachi is indeed connected to you through this spell, if his

soul found a way to sync into this realm, it means he might be able to return."

Isolde finished his sentence, her voice a whisper laden with the weight of realization. "I have given

Malachi a pathway to return to this world."

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