Seal of Light - Enlightened

Chapter 29: XXVIII Toll of War

Chapter 29: XXVIII Toll of War

It was more than four hours since the battle started.

Most of the lesser angel and demons already died and vanished.

A ki-blade swung into view, demon blood was trailing behind the tip of the weapon. Navi'Fang stood up

on top of the demon corpse raising his ki-blade and cried, "Let us finish this war! Carriers, regroup and

flank with the archangels!"

The head archangel Haiel raised his angel-blade and called the two other archangels to create a

formation with the other lesser angels surrounding them.

Most pseudo arch-demons were called back by their demonlords, in an instant, they appeared to be

teleported somewhere, no one has an idea where they went or what happened to them.

The battle closes to its finale, here is the summary of the matchup between the carriers and archangels

against the demonlords.

The heavily injured archangel Serenity won over Perdere, she was pulled back by the archangel Haiel

and was assisted by the other lesser angels as she ascend back to the portal to heaven.

Archangel Charoum lost and died to Casus'Lucem.

Archangel Haiel and Kuro Oni's fight was a stale mate. Kuro Oni flew away to have his wounds healed

by his pseudo arch-demon Satsu'Jin.

On the other end of the island, Karasu and his archdemon Corvus was still fighting against the squad of

carriers led by Navi'Fang. Karasu lost but he was able to bring heavy injuries to Master Prez , Seth and

Lily. Corvus was heavily dealing with Sai and Rain, later he was killed by Navi'Fang.

Navi'Fang, Master Prez, Seth and Rain decided to return the almost dying Lily to the human realm.

This difficult technique is very risky to an injured host who might die in the process of transporting back

to the other realm. With their seals lit up, they placed their open palms on top of Lily's head. Lily slowly

vanished into thin air.

A giant pillar of light was seen rising from the other end where the archangels and other carriers were.

"Let's go guys, war is about to end, we are needed there, it looks like we are about to reach victory."

Navi'Fang said.

With the seals still lit up, everyone made several long distance quickleaps heading to the white pillar's



The three demonlord Casus'Lucem, Karasu, and Kuro Oni found the perfect spot to open the portal

going to the human realm, the three of them must cast this altogether, but since they have lost Perdere,

this would take longer. All of their Archdemons and the remaining lesser demons surrounded them to

protect from any interference.

A gigantic black cloud started to whirl above the assembly of demons covering the area with darkness.

A thin purple pillar shoots up from the ground from where the demonlords gather round.

"It has begun, we must end this before any of them get pass thru that portal." Haiel yelled.

The congregation of angels and Carriers of the seal created two separate groups, one led by the

archangel Haiel and the other is led by Navi'Fang, flanked by Master Prez and the angel Kei'Sei, they

made two concentrated penetration to enter the wall of demons. They fought their way in from the

layers of the lesser demons to the archdemons and then finally to the demonlords.

"We could not pass thru this portal, it is too narrow, if non of us would get thru this then this mission is a

complete failure" Kuro Oni said to Casus'Lucem and Karasu.

"Let our archdemons get in first, send in some slave demons to accompany them." Karasu said. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Kuro Oni called his archdemon Satsu'Jin and instructed him to get in to the portal.

Karasu called Tenebris and Corvus and instructed the same.

Several slave demons followed into the portal.

Archangel Haiel faced Kuro Oni once again.

Karasu was surrounded by Navi'Fang, Master Prez, angel Kei'Sei and other lesser angels.

Casus'Lucem stepped back and raised his arms and controlled the black clouds to become a giant

barrier covering the battle ground. It created a total darkness all over, the angels and the carriers were

very visible with their seals lit up, but it was to their fighting disadvantage.

Archangel Haiel flew high and turned his body into pure light.

"Oh no, I was hoping we might not need to do this but, here goes..." Master Prez said.

"Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good." Navi'Fang said

All angels and carriers turned their body into complete light.

"Carriers of the Seal, it was an honor fighting for your cause." Haiel said

In a few moment each body of light burst, this living energy consume every demon inside the barrier.

The dark barrier turned into white and then exploded destroying even the very ground it covered.

Almost half of the island ground vanished, leaving a crescent shaped land formation in the aftermath.

Everyone inside the barrier died...


A young boy cough as the fog of war slowly fades away.

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