Scarred Alphas

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

“What do you mean?” I ask him as we walk towards the field. 

“I know I told you that you didn’t have to stay with me but now I think that you should,” Colt says. 

“No. Why?” As we walk towards Lauren, people around us stare. I am sure gossip has started. 

“Because Cass…when Ezra jumped at you in the war room, he was trying to mark you.” 


“And I don’t think he is going to stop.” 

I narrow my eyes at him. “Are you just saying this to get me to stay with you?” 

“No. I am not. I am really concerned.” I can see it on his face. He is telling the truth. 

“What is going on?” Lauren asks walking up to us. 

“People are talking about you two.” 

I sigh. “A lot has happened.” 

“Cass, I think I have to talk to my dad again. Don’t go anywhere by yourself. Stay with your sister until I come back.” Colt says. 

“Okay, okay. Go.” I tell him. 

“I mean it, Cass.” 

I give him an irritated nod. He is fussing a bit too much. After he leaves, I tell Lauren 

everything that happened. 

“What the hell?! Now Ezra wants you?! What a fucking prick!” she says. 

I nod agreeing with her but she looks at me with concern. “How do you feel about that?” 

“I feel nothing other than anger. I told you. I have no feelings towards him. No good feelings anyway.” 

“Are you sure? He is your mate.” 

“I am sure, Lauren. That ship has sailed. I want nothing with him.” 

“And with Colt?” 

At that question, I pause. “I don’t know.” 

“You seem comfortable with him right now.” 

“I am…I think I am. I like him but if I am honest, I am afraid. What if he changes his mind? Also I still don’t understand why he is even interested in me like that. He wasn’t before all those years ago.” 

“Well, he had a mate then.” 


As we talk, two girls whispering walk by us staring at me. 

“Come on. Let’s go home where we can talk in private. And I have some things I want to show you.” She says looking excited. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

When we get home, Lauren immediately gets something out from a bag. 


“Oh! That’s so cute! Did you make them?” I ask her. 

She holds small knitted baby booties. 

“Yes! Obviously, we don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy so I made them in yellow and greens but look how cute they turned out!” 

I clap with excitement. “I can’t wait till he or she is here! How excited is James?” 

“Oh my gosh! He won’t stop talking about it. He is already looking for names.” 

I laugh. “What does he have in mind?” 

Oh, Goddess! Don’t get me started. He wants to name her princess if it’s a girl. Like actually name her princess.” 

I start laughing. 

“It’s ridiculous!”

“And what if it’s a boy?” I ask. 

“James.” She says and looks unamused. I laugh even harder now. 

“Yeah, I get to push the baby out and he thinks he is going to name it? Nope.” 

“Name what?” James asks, walking in. 

“The baby,” I say and he smiles. 

“Princess and James!” He says with a cheer. 

“No! We have not decided on this!” Lauren points a finger at him. I laugh. 

He sprints toward her and picks her up, twirling her around. “We will see about this, boss lady!” 

I smile watching them. They are so in love. I always wanted something like they have but my own love story turned out to be a bit different. To have a loving mate is all a werewolf dreams about. My dreams were shattered a long time ago. 

They start kissing and I know that is my queue. I get up and go to my room where I stare at my stuff and debate whether Colt is being too rash. I don’t want to leave yet. And even more, I don’t want to just stay with him. 

We have had a few nice moments but I still don’t know the guy. As I am thinking this, I hear a commotion in the living room. I immediately come out and see Ezra and Kaecy. They both look out of breath. 

“I couldn’t stop him,” Kaecy says. 

“Listen to me…” Ezra says. 

I back away as he takes a step towards me. “Stay away,” I say. 

“Wait. Just, listen. Let me…let me…” We can all tell that he doesn’t know what to say. 

“What is going on?” James asks, looking at all of us. He is completely lost. 

“Alpha Ezra, let’s sit and talk,” 

Lauren says with a calm voice. She looks at me. “We can do that, right?” I can tell that she is concerned and so am I. If I say no, I feel like he might do something stupid. 

I nod. 

Kaecy holds Ezra’s shoulder and takes him to sit next to him. Lauren and James sit on the sofa in front of him and I do the same though I stay at the furthest side. Ezra’s eyes are on me like a hawk. 

“So, what brings you here, Alpha Ezra?” Lauren asks. 

He doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t say anything and just stares at me.I can’t help but wish that Colt was here.I don’t feel safe now.There is silence and it stretches for almost a few minutes until I can’t handle it anymore

“What do you want, Ezra?” I ask him with little patience.

“You. I want you.” He says. He doesn’t hesitate and he doesn’t care who hears now.

“Now? Now you want me?” I ask.


“Why? Why now?’

He doesn’t answer. I don’t think he even knows how to answer that.

I shake my head. “No. You hurt me, Ezra. You hurt me like no mate should never hurt the one that is meant for them. He finally looks away.

“You can’t even apologize, can you?” I ask.

“I am sorry,” he says.

I swing my head from left to right. “A hollow apology still means nothing.

He looks angry. Nothing in me tells me that he is truly sorry.

“Why can’t you just let me go? You never wanted me so why do you hang onto me? What did I do to you that was so horrible that made you do this to me?”

I look at Kaecy. “Do you know? Why were you all so mean to me?”

We..we were kids, Cass,” Kaecy says.

That makes me angry. “You haven’t been children for a long time now. The cruelty still continued.

Kaecy looks away with a shamed expression. “I…I’m sorry.

Now THAT is an honest apology. I look at Ezra who just stares at me. I know this is going to go nowhere.

“We are done here. Nothing is changing how I feel about you. I don’t want you as my mate anymore.

“Mate?” James asks with shock. 

“You really can’t keep up, can you?”

Lauren asks him.

“Keep up? I had no idea what anyone was talking about since the beginning.”

‘No!” Ezra gets up. “He will not have you!”

Kaecy quickly gets up and holds him by the shoulder but Ezra turns to him and punches him on the chest. Kacey flies crashing into a table. I immediately run to my room and close the door. I know this door is not going to hold. I move the small drawer to block the door and as I do, Ezra punches the door. His fist goes all the way through and it is half-shifted. His claws are out and I hear him growl.

“No James! He will hurt you!” Lauren screams.

“Get out of there Cass!” James shouts,

“It’s not going to hold!”

As Ezra slams on the door, I make a quick decision. Knowing that he only has one more try to get into the room, I jump out of the window without even opening it, crashing through the glass and shifting in mid-air. I feel the prickles of the glass cutting my paws but I ignore it and give my wolf control. She dashes through the wood in the direction of the pack house.

I need to find Colt. That is all I can think about. Colt. He is the only one I feel safe with. But soon we can hear Ezra crashing out of what is left of the window too.

My wolf and I run as fast as we can dodging pack members who get startled and jumpy as we pass them by. As I come out of the forest and to the pack fields, I look back and see Ezra quickly gaining on us.

Putting all my energy into my run and barely feeling my feet anymore, we make it inside the pack house through the kitchen, crashing to the wall unable to stop. Matilda and the others scream as I knock things over but I continue running inside. In the dining room, people also get up and start screaming. I try to make it to the door that leads inside the rest of the pack house but I am tackled before I can. My body is thrown to the dining table where I knock everything off. Ezra growls and jumps on the table. I quickly get up and start backing up but watching him. He lunges at me and tries to bite my neck but I dodge and try to bite him back. I am not backing out of this and I am not submitting. I will fight him and he will have to kill me because I am not going to let him mark me. My wolf and I fight and think as one now. I bite his shoulder but that doesn’t stop him. Being much bigger, he is able to clench his jaws on the back of my neck. I shake my head and body to get out of it and even though it hurts and I whine.

I do not stop until his teeth slice right through my skin and I get out of his grasp. I immediately attack and aim for his neck under his mouth. It is a move with the intention to kill but he is quick and dodges. I don’t have any illusion that I can defeat him. He knows how to fight and has training. I don’t. As soon as he dodges, he hits me with his body and I fall off of the table. I lookup and see him ready to jump on me but he is tackled by Kaecy 

“Stop Ezra! It is not our way! We can’t take someone by force!” Kaecy shouts.

Ezra growls and then jumps at Kaecy and bites him on the shoulder. While this happens, I get up and try to run out of the room to the hall area but Ezra is already on me. He bites my lower back as he tries to hold me in place. I try to keep going, dragging myself through the floor while Ezra continues to try and hold me down. I whine and howl. His teeth almost feel like they are reaching my bones. 

Suddenly, I am so exhausted that I can’t move anymore. He lets me go and immediately tries to get on my back searching for my neck again but I am suddenly yanked forward. I slide across the floor away from Ezra. When I look back, Ezra is pinned to the ground bythe back of his neck by Colt. 

“Colt! Don’t!” Kaecy shouts getting up.

Colt looks at him and then at Ezra who thrashes on the ground unable to get out of Colt’s grasp.

“Don’t kill him,” Kaecy says looking afraid. “Please!”

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