Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 27: Ch.26/ Trouble Is On The Way

Chapter 27: Ch.26/ Trouble Is On The Way

Alessandro's POV:-

What the fuck those ill-minded women have done to my Cara? They have been harassing her all the time under her father's nose and that father of her doesn't care about anything. I want to destroy every single person who is responsible for the pain my wife has to go through, but I will let her do the honor. Yes, my cara will be the one to avenge everyone who has done wrong to her, and when that's happened I will be the one to clap in her victory.

"Do you want to complete your study?" I ask Anhuphama who gives me a look of surprise.

"What are you talking about?" She asks averting her gaze from me.

"You know very well what I am talking about." I reply sternly.

She heaves a sigh before looking at me with a sad expression.

"But that's not possible anymore. It's been five years that I have to stop my study, moreover I don't even remember anything about my course so I don't think it will be great to start studying again." She answers calmly but I won't budge out of my decision.

"I am not taking any no from you. You are going to start your education again and if you need, I will help you with your study. Although I know a lot of colleges around here but still, I will talk to Marco because he has more knowledge about the educational system here. So he will be the best person to recommend the best college for your admission. But till then, you have time to think, if you want to do your course online or you want to attend college." I can barely complete my sentence before she throws her arms around my neck making me stumble a little but I regain my balance before wrapping my arms around her waist breathing in her scent that has become a habit of mine.

"You are my savior, Mr. Bianchi." She mumbles in my neck making me smile.

"You are my savior too Cara." I reply while kissing the side of her head. If it's possible then I will always keep her in my arms because she is the reason behind the feelings that have started to grow in my heart and for me, her happiness matters the most. From now on, I will make sure that no harm can touch her ever.

"Do you want to go home?" I ask without releasing her from my arms. She pulls away but keeps her arms around my neck. Suddenly she kisses my left cheek before running away from there leaving me in complete shock. I touch my cheek feeling it's tingling from the touch of her lips before a smile takes over my face. I chuckle to myself and follow my running wife. Before she can reach the car I lift her off her feet from the back and spin her around making her burst into a fit of giggles.

I put her down when I feel she is struggling to breathe because of the laughing fit she is heaving. I turn her around however she is not looking at me instead she is staring at the ground.

"Why are you looking at the ground?" I ask her but she only shrugs her shoulders in response.

"Hmmm, so you can kiss me but can not look at my eyes properly. Why?" I ask making her look at me with a frown as if I have offended her.

"I didn't mean to kiss you. It's just happened." She replies as if she has done something wrong.

"Oh okay, then I think this non-thinking kiss should happen more from now on." Saying this I give her a wink earning a slight shove from her. I wrap my hand around her waist before we start walking towards the car to go home.

Throughout the car ride to the mansion, we talk about everything we can find. However, my mind is on those witches who are enjoying their lives without a care that they have stirred up a bad person like me. I wanted to scream, break things, kill anyone who would come in front of me the moment Anhuphama told me about her Grandma and Aunt's doing but I have refrained myself from doing

anything harsh because I don't want to scare Anhuphama. She has suffered a lot already and she doesn't need to deal with my anger so I have kept my cool in front of her although I am fuming inside.

I don't know why I have become so protective of her, why this woman's well-being matter so much to me. However, the very moment I have seen her in the Sengupta mansion, I have felt drawn to her. The deep pain in her eyes is enough for me to comprehend the smiling facade she has been wearing in front of others and how much care this innocent soul needs to be healed from the trauma. Although some people around her have tried very hard to kill her willpower and maybe they have succeeded a lot but I can feel that there is still a little bit of willpower has left in her. She just needs some motivation to break the barrier of the hallucination that she is worthless, that she doesn't stand any chance to win over her fear. Because I have belief in her that one day she will rise as a completely new person who will not be taking any shit from anyone. She will show the world that a woman can win against any difficulties that life throws at her.


After one week

I have been quite busy with a new project for some time and because of that I am not getting time to spend with my family. My princess is getting fussy day by day however Anhuphama is doing a great job in handling our princess. Currently, I am going through some papers on the new project that I am working on. I have decided to hand over this project to Mr. Ganguly to see his style of work. Although I have seen his brilliance when it comes to big projects but still I need to know more about his capabilities.

Suddenly, Bianca burst through my cabin's door as if someone is chasing her. I stand up from my chair in an instant before going in front of her.

"What happened Bianca?" I ask her.

"Mr. Wilson is here and asking to see you." She replies nervously.

"Then let him in. What's the deal with this?" I ask her while sitting down on my chair.

"But he is not alone, Mr. Sebastian White is also here with him." I slam my hand down on the desk making her jump in fright.

"What the fuck is he doing here with my business associate? Who gives him the right to come here in my company?" I ask her calmly this time.

"I don't know but they are sitting in the waiting area. What should I tell them?" She asks.

"Tell them to come inside. I will deal with them." I tell her in which she nods her head before scurrying away from my cabin. Soon I hear the cabin door is opened by none other than my biggest rival, Sebastian White who is walking inside as if he owns the place. Mr. Wilson is walking behind him but he is not looking as confident as Sebastian. I don't stand up from my place because these men don't deserve to be respected. Sebastian gives me his hand for a handshake but I only scoff in response. I can see that hurts his ego by the way his jaw is clenching and Mr. Wilson is shaking in his place.

"How are you doing my dear friend? I hope you are enjoying your life." Sebastian comments after he takes a seat across from me while Mr. Wilson sits beside him on the vacant chair.

"I was having a very good time till an unwanted person come to show me his ugly face." I reply looking directly in his eyes. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"When are you going to stop calling me your enemy Alessandro? I haven't done anything bad to cause problems for you. Also, you should not talk to your business associate like this. It can harm our partnership." My fist clench hearing his words so I look at the old man sitting beside him.

"What is he talking about Mr. Wilson?" I ask making him more scared.

"He has bought my company so all the deals I have signed is his now." The old man replies with a frightened voice. Sebastian has a smug look on his face as if he has won a very big game.

"You can not just sell your company to anyone without notifying me beforehand because I don't have any intention to do business with this vile creature." I say in which the fucker chuckles.

"Mr. Wilson can do whatever he wants and if you don't want to do business with me then you can back out of the deal. But remember one thing that the loss will be yours." Sebastian declares before standing up from his place. He gives me a last smirk and gets out of the cabin with Mr. Wilson following behind him.

Fuck, I can not believe that the old man has the nerve to sell his company to Sebastian knowing very well how much hate we have for each other. But the real problem is not hating each other, it's completely different than that. I have an idea as to why he has bought Wilson's company, he is not so brave to fight me but his wife is a different matter. She had once been a very good friend of mine but when I got to know her real motives I distanced myself from her before she could harm anyone close to me. I can not let her succeed in any of the nasty planes going through her crazy mind.

But how? If I cancel the deal with Wilson's company then I will face at least 300 million's loss. It's not like I will be losing everything but the cancellation of this deal can put a dent in my reputation in the business world.

"Fucking hell. I need to do something before that crazy woman can fulfill her fantasies." I run a hand through my hair trying to think of ways to stop them but nothing is coming to my mind. I need to calm down first to think straight and for that I need to go home to my peace.


Anupama's POV:-

I am feeling much better after telling Mr. Bianchi about some parts of my past. He doesn't pressure me but encourage me to share my deep secrets with him. However, he surprised me by staying calm because I was thinking that he would get very angry after knowing everything.

Also, he has already enrolled me in a very prestigious college in California to complete my study. He has told me that if I want, I can study further after getting my B.Tech degree. To show my gratitude for the care he has shown to me, I have cooked his favorite foods, and he loved the food very much.

I have decided to do online classes because I want to help with the household works. Also, dadabhai is showing me the ropes of business-related stuff so by doing online classes I can easily learn the basics of business before I join the new branch of the Sengupta Enterprise. I was reluctant at first but then Jasmine di and Bianca told me that nowadays a woman should be financially stable and to do that, I need to focus on my study as well as learning new things on the other side.

My classes are going to be starting from Wednesday and today being Monday, I have two days in my hand to get ready for the new phase of my life. Currently, I am writing some notes that have been described by dadabhai in the morning.

"Anupama, are you busy my dear?" Mama Melody asks coming to seat across from me. I am sitting on the bench in the garden while writing my notes. I smile at her and shake my head in denial.

"I am just writing some notes, nothing very important. You tell me, do you need some help?" I ask her gently.

"Ummm, I didn't want to disturb you but Alessandro is back from his office." She replies with a smile although there is panic in her eyes so I put my pen and copy down.

"But it's only 4 PM and he usually comes back by 7 PM." I tell her.

"He is looking extremely pissed for some reason. When I asked him what happened, he told me that he wants to be alone for some time. I don't know what to do so I come here to tell you about it." She replies looking worried about Mr. Bianchi whom she thinks as her son. I also get worried so I decided to go to him. When I get in front of our room I notice that the room is not locked making me sigh in relief. I get inside before closing the door lightly. I see that he is staring out of the window in deep thought as if there is a big turmoil going on in his mind.

I am thinking if I should disturb him or not, but decide to talk to him. So, I get near him before putting my hand on his shoulder making him turn around. When he realizes that it's me he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him. He lays his head on my shoulder before nuzzling around my neck. I run my hand through his hair trying to soothe him.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask him gently.

"No." He replies without lifting his head from my shoulder. I don't say anything more and let him hold me as much as he wants. After some time he lifts his head and looks at me with worry-filled eyes. I give him a small smile before putting my head on his chest.

"Cara, can you help me with something?" He asks.

"Hmmm, tell me and I will try to help you." I answer.

"What will you do if someone tries to harm your reputation or try to get under your skin?" I am surprised by his question but I decide to answer him truthfully.

"First, I will calm down because being calm is the only way to think properly. Also, if someone is trying to get under my skin then I will try to find some evidence against the person that can help me to defend myself." I answer making him hum in response.

"But why did you ask me this?" It's very unusual for him to ask something like this but I am completely sure that something must have happened in the company.

"I will tell you soon Cara but now I just want to hold you in my arms." He replies making me nod my head. Soon he leads me to our bed before he motions me to sit down in the middle of the bed. I get confused but still do as he tells me to do. When I settle down on the bed he lays his head on my lap and closes his eyes. I smile seeing his sweet gesture and runs my hand through his hair. It will be better if he sleeps for some time and then he will be able to think properly without getting impatient.

After sometime when I am sure that he has fallen asleep, I carefully untangle himself from me before getting out of bed. I look at his peaceful face and kiss the top of his head.

"I am always here for you." I whisper before turning around to go away from the room. I close the door and take out my phone from my jeans' pocket before dialing Bianca's number. However, she doesn't receive my call making me groan.

Now what? I don't want to pressure Mr. Bianchi into telling me anything but how can I help him if I don't know what is bothering him. I think I should wait for him to wake up and if he wants to share his problems with me then that's okay and if not, then I will wait for him to tell me.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing so I look at the caller ID to see that it is an unknown number. Shrugging my shoulder I receive the call however, the phone slips from my hands in shock not believing what I just hear.

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