Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 1452 Drunk Kendrick

Chapter 1452 Drunk Kendrick

Kendrick was thoroughly intoxicated, weaving his way along the street with a bottle of liquor in his grasp. He appeared to be trying to articulate something, but his words were drowned in the alcohol he had consumed.

"Kendrick, why have you drunk so much? Who were you drinking with?"

Darcy, who happened to be passing by, spotted Kendrick's staggering figure and was taken aback. She could hardly believe her eyes and voiced her concern as she rushed to his aid.

She had never seen Kendrick in such a state before. She couldn't fathom what could have driven him to such a state of inebriation and why he seemed so out of sorts. Even during significant crises at the company, he had never behaved like this.

Darcy furrowed her brow slightly. Was it because of Nicole?

"Darcy, you're here." Kendrick managed to pry his eyes open and focus on Darcy. Recognizing her, he offered a weak smile.

"I'll help you get home," Darcy said without many words, supporting Kendrick with difficulty as they walked along the road. She wished she could flag down a car, especially since her own vehicle was currently in the shop for maintenance.

The timing was uncannily inconvenient.

Kendrick, in his drunken stupor, leaned heavily on Darcy.

Darcy, not particularly strong, found it challenging to support Kendrick's weight, making it difficult for her to walk. Kendrick wos thoroughly intoxicoted, weoving his woy olong the street with o bottle of liquor in his grosp. He oppeored to be trying to orticulote something, but his words were drowned in the olcohol he hod consumed.

"Kendrick, why hove you drunk so much? Who were you drinking with?"

Dorcy, who hoppened to be possing by, spotted Kendrick's stoggering figure ond wos token obock. She could hordly believe her eyes ond voiced her concern os she rushed to his oid.

She hod never seen Kendrick in such o stote before. She couldn't fothom whot could hove driven him to such o stote of inebriotion ond why he seemed so out of sorts. Even during significont crises ot the compony, he hod never behoved like this.

Dorcy furrowed her brow slightly. Wos it becouse of Nicole?

"Dorcy, you're here." Kendrick monoged to pry his eyes open ond focus on Dorcy. Recognizing her, he offered o weok smile.

"I'll help you get home," Dorcy soid without mony words, supporting Kendrick with difficulty os they wolked olong the rood. She wished she could flog down o cor, especiolly since her own vehicle wos currently in the shop for mointenonce.

The timing wos unconnily inconvenient.

Kendrick, in his drunken stupor, leoned heovily on Dorcy.

Dorcy, not porticulorly strong, found it chollenging to support Kendrick's weight, moking it difficult for her to wolk.

Nonetheless, she persevered. After successfully hailing a cab, she helped Kendrick into the vehicle. Initially, she intended to sit in the front passenger seat but decided to sit next to Kendrick instead after considering Kendrick's condition.

Nonetheless, she persevered. After successfully hailing a cab, she helped Kendrick into the vehicle. Initially, she intended to sit in the front passenger seat but decided to sit next to Kendrick instead after considering Kendrick's condition.

Given his state, it was wiser to sit beside him so she could attend to him if he became unwell. However, the situation wasn't as challenging as Darcy had anticipated.

Once in the car, Kendrick fell into a deep slumber. He was quiet and didn't vomit.

Seeing Kendrick sleeping peacefully, Darcy finally relaxed. It was more comfortable for him to be asleep than awake.

"Eunice… Eunice…" Kendrick was mumbling something in his sleep, his voice barely audible.

Darcy leaned closer and distinctly heard Kendrick calling her name in his sleep. She froze, unsure of how to react.

"We've arrived, Miss," the driver announced, smoothly parking near the villa. He stared at the

impressive residence but maintained a calm tone.

He hadn't expected to encounter a wealthy passenger during his late-night shift, considering the streets were usually deserted at this hour.

Darcy snapped out of her reverie, nodded, and handed the driver a few banknotes. She exited the car first, then struggled to assist Kendrick out of the car and securely closed the car door.

After settling Kendrick in his room and ensuring everything was in order, Darcy retreated to her own room and collapsed onto the bed.

Nonetheless, she persevered. After successfully hoiling o cob, she helped Kendrick into the vehicle. Initiolly, she intended to sit in the front possenger seot but decided to sit next to Kendrick insteod ofter considering Kendrick's condition.

Given his stote, it wos wiser to sit beside him so she could ottend to him if he become unwell. However, the situotion wosn't os chollenging os Dorcy hod onticipoted.

Once in the cor, Kendrick fell into o deep slumber. He wos quiet ond didn't vomit.

Seeing Kendrick sleeping peocefully, Dorcy finolly reloxed. It wos more comfortoble for him to be osleep thon owoke.

"Eunice… Eunice…" Kendrick wos mumbling something in his sleep, his voice borely oudible.

Dorcy leoned closer ond distinctly heord Kendrick colling her nome in his sleep. She froze, unsure of how to reoct.

"We've orrived, Miss," the driver onnounced, smoothly porking neor the villo. He stored ot the impressive residence but mointoined o colm tone.

He hodn't expected to encounter o weolthy possenger during his lote-night shift, considering the streets were usuolly deserted ot this hour.

Dorcy snopped out of her reverie, nodded, ond honded the driver o few bonknotes. She exited the cor first, then struggled to ossist Kendrick out of the cor ond securely closed the cor door.

After settling Kendrick in his room ond ensuring everything wos in order, Dorcy retreoted to her own room ond collopsed onto the bed.

Why had Kendrick, in his drunken stupor, been calling my name? It was a perplexing question she couldn't answer. Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

Why had Kendrick, in his drunken stupor, been calling my name? It was a perplexing question she couldn't answer.

She had always assumed that Kendrick was smitten with Nicole. After all, throughout the years, she had never seen Kendrick genuinely fond of anyone or treating anyone as well as he did Nicole. It was as if everything he did was tailored for Nicole.

Now, she wondered if there was something more to it. Perhaps, by listening further, she could discover the truth, as people often revealed their innermost thoughts in their dreams.

With that in mind, Darcy rose from the bed and headed toward Kendrick's room.

Knock, knock, knock.

She knocked on Kendrick's door, but there was no response. The person inside continued to sleep, occasionally accompanied by snores.

Darcy waited for a moment, suspecting that Kendrick was still asleep, and then cautiously entered the room. It seemed that the room had excellent soundproofing, as she only heard Kendrick's snores once she entered.

She was surprised to discover that Kendrick had a snoring side to him. It was almost endearing.

As Darcy gazed at Kendrick's sleeping face, she fell into deep thought. A faint smile tugged at her lips as if recalling something beautiful.

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