Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 95 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 95 The CouncilNôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Mallory’s POV

My mates all looked devastatingly handsome in their black, perfectly tailored three-piece suits. Aware that I was openly staring, I bit my lip as my stomach did a little flip. They were gorgeous and they were all mine.

Unfortunately, the reason for their more formal attire put a damper on my otherwise raging libido. We were headed to a preliminary hearing at the Council headquarters in relation to the murder conspiracy charge leveled against us. It was completely ludicrous but apparently the Council didn’t see it that way.

Nathan would be bringing Darcy from Hazelwood and meeting us there. With overwhelming evidence that Quade died by her hand, she was being charged with his murder but we had no explanation for why we were being accused of colluding with her. I supposed we would find out soon enough.

“Stop that!” Cary chided, pulling my pinky fingernail from between my teeth. “Everything will be fine, darling. This is all just a big misunderstanding. One we will clear up with the council today.”

“I don’t know. Something feels off.” I shook my head, clearing away the thought. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I felt that way.

“Maybe once we meet with the council we’ll have a better understanding of what’s going on.” Clay interjected.

A few minutes later, we were all loaded into one of the pack SUVs and on our way to the city where the Council headquarters were located. Today was just a preliminary hearing to discuss the charges and would hopefully be short-lived. Now that my heat was over, the triplets were anxious to have Dr. Diaz check on the pups while we were in the city if time allowed.

I’d rolled my eyes when they’d announced that plan to me. Their heartbeats were strong and I’d even started feeling little flutters of movement. Emily was going to fire me as a patient if they didn’t get their first- time dad jitters under control.

Within the hour, we were walking into the cavernous space that housed the Council headquarters. My heels clicked on the tile floor, echoing through the halls as we walked to our appointed courtroom. My palms were sweaty and I couldn’t help wiping them on my tight, black pencil skirt.

“The sexy secretary look is really doing it for me. Maybe when we get home we can meet in the office for a little role play.” Colton leaned in and whispered in my ear.

Clay snorted next to him, obviously having heard his comment. My cheeks flushed, part embarrassed, part intrigued by the idea. I reminded myself it wasn’t the time or place for such thoughts before my arousal perfumed the entire building.

It did help me relax a bit to know my mates were unfazed enough by our current circumstances to tease me. There was an undercurrent of worry through the bond but it wasn’t overpowering. I wasn’t as optimistic as they were that our case would be dismissed but I appreciated their attempts to calm my nerves.

“Nathan.” Colton shook his hand when we entered the room to find him already there with Darcy and her mate.

“What do you think this trumped up conspiracy charge is all about?” Nathan talked quietly with him while my other two mates led me to our seats and sat me between them.

The room was set up like a typical courtroom where the Council would be seated on an elevated platform while we, the defendants, were seated facing them at a long table that stretched almost the entire width of the room. Darcy was seated at the end of the table with her ever-present mate standing guard behind her. I sent her what I hoped was a reassuring smile and waved.

Darcy looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks. Her hair was lank, her skin sallow, and she had dark circles under her eyes. Her hands rested in her lap under the table but it did nothing to hide the way they trembled.

Braden her mate, put a steadying hand on her shoulder and she peeked up at him with, if not a smile, at least a grateful nod.

I was just rising from my seat to go sit by her when the council members filed in. Cary squeezed my thigh to keep me still, but I couldn’t stop the shudder that rocked through me as the energy in the room suddenly felt stifling.

There were four of them, two men and two women. Both women and one of the men appeared to be middle-aged while one of the men seemed to be a bit younger. He also seemed to have a permanent sneer etched on his face while the other three wore polite but professional expressions.

“Thank you for joining us today.” The older gentleman greeted us.

“Like we had a choice.” Clay scoffed under his breath.

“My name is Arthur Owens. To my right is Roselyn Martin.” He nodded to the woman with a blonde pixie cut and cat-eye glasses. “Next is Nora Connely and Miles McIntyre is at the end.”

Darcy sucked in a sharp breath at Miles ‘introduction. Whether it was coincidental or the name meant something to her, I wasn’t sure.

Nathan leaned in to whisper something to her but she shook her head curtly and looked away. I would have to ask him about that later.

“We are here to review the charges and determine how the trial will proceed.” Arthur seemed to be the Council head although he hadn’t introduced himself as such.

“If I might interrupt, Arthur.” Miles broke in, earning a look from Arthur that clearly said he could not interrupt but Miles was undeterred. “Given the severity of the charges and overwhelming evidence, I would like to suggest we forego any subsequent hearings and rule on the matter today.”

“That’s ridiculous!” Colton was on his feet, his lips turned up in a snarl. “We haven’t even heard the evidence, let alone had a chance to prepare a defense. You can’t do that!”

“I assure you, we can.” Miles smirked.

“That’s enough!” Arthur barked. ”

Alpha Collins, please take your seat.

Miles, you will have a chance to put forth your recommendation AFTER the charges have been read and the accused has had a chance to rebut them, as is our process.”

Miles looked like he’d tasted something sour but didn’t argue further. The charges were read and the evidence against Darcy was listed. None of it was a surprise. The only thing missing was for her to present a motive, something my testimony could help corroborate.

“Not guilty.” I added my plea to my mates’ when we were asked how we would respond. “We didn’t conspire to murder Alpha Quade. We were shocked to hear he was dead though I won’t hesitate to say we’re all better off for it.”

“So you deny that you were conspiring to depose Alpha Quade before his death?” Miles questioned. “That you were working with Alpha Nathan Richardson to infiltrate his pack and petitioning allied packs to lend their warriors for an attack?”

“No! I mean, that’s not-” He had me flustered and my words were getting all jumbled.

“So you don’t deny it?” Miles attacked again.

“Miles! You will give the defendant a chance to speak.” I offered Arthur a weak smile but he just nodded for me to continue.

“Thank you sir. While parts of that statement hold some truth, it was woefully misconstrued.” I took a deep breath before proceeding. “It came to my attention that Alpha Quade may have been mistreating the members of his pack. As Hazelwood had been my parents’ pack before Quade murdered them, I felt a responsibility to investigate.

“Alpha Quade is not on trial here!” Miles boomed.

“Maybe he should be!” Clay growled, but backed off when I squeezed his hand.

“I’m only explaining why I felt invested in what was happening in Hazelwood. We had no desire to take over his pack and if we had found the rumor unfounded, would have left him in peace. Unfortunately, he had me kidnapped and tried to force me to bond with him before our investigation was complete.”

“That’s hearsay, Ms. Edwards.” Miles interjected again. I wanted to punch him in is stupid face. “You have no proof.”

“Actually she does.” Darcy spoke up, surprising us all. “While being held as Quade’s prisoner, I overheard him planning it with a few of his men.”

“Forgive me for not putting much faith in the word of a murderer.” Miles scoffed.

“He deserved to die after what he did to me!” I was shocked as hell but so proud of Darcy for sticking up for herself.

“Again, I must insist we get back on track.” Arthur sounded exasperated at having to admonish us again.

“I for one would like to hear the rest of what Ms. Edwards has to say.” Pixie cut said.

“Indeed.” the other woman, Nora, agreed.

“Of course. Um, while captive at another of Quade’s properties, he attempted to forcefully bond me. I was able to fight him off and ultimately, my mates found me.” I elaborated.

“He was being held for trial and we were actively tracking witnesses for our case. Why would we do that if we planned to kill him? Though after what I witnessed him do to Darcy, I’m not surprised she snapped.”

“Are you alleging Ms. Norris acted alone?” Arthur requested clarification.

“I’m not alleging anything! We did not conspire to have Quade murdered! People do terrible things to escape their abusers. But given Darcy’s mental state the last time I saw her, I would not have deemed her capable of conspiring with anyone. She was little more than a broken shell and nearly catatonic.” I argued.

“Thank you Ms. Edwards. Ms. Norris will be given a chance to plead her own case separate from the conspiracy charge.” Miles sneered.

“It’s Mrs. Collins now, actually.” Cary butted in, pulling aside the collar of my blouse to bare my marks, then looked at me and shrugged. “I just thought if he was going to accuse you of something so heinous, the least he could do is get your name right.”

I glared at him. Not that I wasn’t proud to be bonded to them but he only said it to ruffle Miles’ feathers and that wasn’t what we needed at the moment. The man was hateful enough as it was. Cary wasn’t the least bit daunted by my glare though, flashing me a beaming smile in return.

“Congratulations.” Miles responded dryly.

“I apologize, Mr. McIntyre.” Anyone who missed the sarcasm in my voice was not the brightest bulb in the box. ” As there is no question she murdered him, I simply thought her state of mind was relevant in that she wouldn’t be a viable choice for a co-conspirator.”

This guy obviously had it out for us. I just couldn’t understand why. The other three members seemed to be genuinely interested in hearing our side of the story but Miles took every opportunity to condemn us without cause. I had to wonder if he was just a genuine asshole or if he had other motives.

Arthur and the coucilwomen asked a few more clarifying questions but Miles was completely uninterested in what we had to say or anything resembling justice in the case. He was chomping at the bit for his turn to speak so he could ask for our heads on a silver platter. Finally, Arthur nodded his direction, the signal for him to speak.

“As I see it, the facts in this case are clear. We have witnesses who will testify to firsthand knowledge of Black Moon and Winter Woods intent to mobilize against Alpha Quade. They will also testify that Ms. Norris and Mrs Collins,” he emphasized my mated name snidely, “were found together in Quade’s property after attacking him.

“When that attack did not result in his death, Ms. Norris finished the job per their plan so as to gain them access to Hazelwood pack. In other words, they conspired together in order to avoid a direct challenge that Mrs. Collins had no hope of winning.

“I move to pass sentence here and now as any further trials would be a waste of this council’s valuable time.” Miles concluded.

“We will take a fifteen minute recess to discuss and return with our decision.” Arthur announced.

As soon as they left the room, I moved to Darcy’s side, impatient to speak with her. My mates all followed me, curiosity zinging through the bond.

“I heard you gasp when Miles was introduced. What do you know, Darcy?” I took her hand, offering her strength.

“I’m not sure.” She shook her head. “I remember overhearing Quade on the phone with someone he addressed as Miles. And I know I heard his men mention a Miles McIntyre. Quade knew him. That much I do know.”

“If he was close to Quade, it could explain why he is gunning for us after his death.” Colton suggested.

“Quade didn’t strike me as the kind of person to have particularly close ties with anyone.” Clay observed. “We need to investigate their relationship.”

“If we get a chance. If Miles gets his way, we’ll all be in a Council prison, unable to investigate anything.” I reminded them, shivering at the thought.

“We won’t let that happen!” Cary was seconds away from wolfing out. “No matter what happens, we’ll make sure you and our babies are safe.”

They all wrapped their arms around me, holding me close until the Council returned. When they finally re-entered the courtroom, we all took our seats to await their verdict. Miles’ face was lobster red and he appeared to be fuming. It was the only thing that gave me hope this would go our way.

“After considering your testimony, we believe further investigation is warranted. You will be given two weeks from today’s date to build your case and protect witnesses.” Arthur announced and my heart thudded in relief. “If you fail to appear, we will assume guilt and you will be arrested on sight.”

“We understand.” Colton acknowledged their decision.

Court was adjourned and Miles stormed from the room. We may have been given a two week reprieve, but something told me that man wouldn’t rest until we ended up in prison or dead.

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