Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 91 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 91 A Boost

Mallory’s POV

“You’re okay! I’ve got you, love. Everything will be okay!” Colton lifted me from the ground and held me close to his chest.

“It hurts, Why does it hurt?” I cried out when another sharp pain stabbed me in the gut.

Distantly, I heard footsteps pounding the ground, growing louder and louder as they drew nearer. But all I could focus on was pain and the panic for my babies. Then Cary’s cinnamon scent and Clay’s leather mixed with Colton’s lime, surrounding me with a heady fragrance that reduced the agony to a dull discomfort.

“Fuck! She’s burning up! Come here, darling.” Cary reached for me and I fell into his arms, wrapping my arms and legs around him.

“Find a fucking doctor!” Clay thundered.

“We have a doctor on staff at the infirmary. He doesn’t have much equipment to work with but it’s the best we can do for now.” Charlie had arrived with Nathan and offered to take us there.

I buried my face in Cary’s neck and took deep drags of his scent. It eased my distress somewhat but not enough to stop the whimpers escaping me. All three of them plied me with soothing words as they practically ran with me to the clinic.

“Here! Lay her down over here.”

Nathan directed when we burst through the doors of what was really no more than a house, fitted out as a doctor’s office.

Cary laid me down on the cot and I caught his hand as he went to stand, pulling his face to mine.

“The pups, can you still hear them?” My voice broke as I considered what I was really asking. Are my babies alive?

His face was somber as he held perfectly still. My ears were ringing and my head swam so I relied on him to be honest with me. But the longer he listened without answering me, the deeper my heart sank. Finally, a tentative grin stole across his face.

“Loud and clear, darling. Their heartbeats sound stronger than ever.”

“Really? Aah!” The question melded into a scream as another wave of cramps hit me.

“Where is the fucking doctor?” Colton blared, seeing my face contort in anguish.

“I’m right here.” An elderly gentleman entered the room.

He had white hair and a white beard. His jeans were worn with holes in them and his flannel shirt was threadbare. The only indication he was medically inclined was the stethoscope around his neck.

Colton and Clay stood on either side of me, each holding a hand, while Cary stood by my head, stroking my hair. As the man approached, three low growls sounded a warning.

“Your mate is obviously in distress. If you’ll step aside, I will see if I can help her.” He boldly stared them down.

One by one, they stepped back to let him move closer but none of them removed their hands from me. The doctor, who apparently found it unnecessary to introduce himself, leaned over me, shining a light in my eyes.

He took my temperature and asked me a few questions about the quality of pain, which oddly enough, had mostly subsided. Then he straightened, his gaze flitting back and forth between my mates and me.

“These are your mates?” He queried and I nodded.

“Is she going to be okay? What’s wrong with her?” Colton’s gravelly tone belied his quickly dwindling patience.

“I don’t go in for gossip, but word is you were held captive recently by that sorry excuse for an Alpha lying in my morgue. Is that true?” He raised an eyebrow in question.

“Y-, yes.” I managed, shuddering at the reminder.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Cary snarled.

“Everything.” He replied calmly. “The four of you aren’t marked, you were separated from each other under traumatic circumstances. Your mate doesn’t need a doctor, gentlemen, she needs you. She’s going into heat.”

“But-, no-, I mean, that can’t be right. I’m pregnant. It’s not possible.” I argued.

“I assure you, my dear, it is.” He countered.

“I’m calling Emily.” Cary was already dialing the phone but amended his words quickly when I growled at him. ” I meant Dr. Diaz.”

What the fuck was wrong with me? I didn’t get possessive, growling and snarling at people. That was my mates’ M.O. not mine.

“Dr. Diaz, it’s Cary Collins. I’m here with Mallory. I have you on speaker phone. We’re having an emergency of sorts.” He explained as soon as she picked up the call.

He explained my symptoms and the doctor, who had the professional courtesy to introduce himself as Dr. Poling, added his exam findings. Emily listened closely then confirmed the diagnosis.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mallory,” She addressed me directly. ” It’s entirely possible for you to go into heat while pregnant. Just like some human women have periods throughout their pregnancy, some she- wolves still have heats. Especially unmarked ones.

“As Dr. Poling stated, it’s even more likely when separated from your mates during pregnancy coupled with anxiety inducing events. As your pain has subsided, I would assume what you experienced was pre-heat, but the real deal probably isn’t far behind.”

“No! I don’t want to have a heat here. Please!” I looked at my mates with beseeching eyes. “Please take me home.”

“Doctor, do we have time to make it back to Black Moon?” Clay asked, though I wasn’t sure which doctor he was speaking to.

“It’s not an exact science, but I would guess you have a few hours at most.” Emily answered.

“We can make it in two.” Colton consulted his brothers who both nodded in agreement.

Having made a silent decision between them, Colton scooped me off the bed and ran for the car. I could hear Cary still speaking to Dr. Diaz as he and Clay jogged behind us. In less than ten minutes we were headed home.

“Understood.” Cary said into the phone before hanging up.

“What did she say?” Clay asked from the driver’s seat.

He and Cary’s eyes connected in the rearview mirror. Something passed between them and I wanted to ask them about it, but before I could open my mouth another pang hit me. A needy whine slipped past my lips and a gush of slick ran down my thighs.

“Fuck!” Colton’s nostrils flared at the scent of my arousal.

He palmed his cock through his pants and the sight sent a wave of need straight to my pussy. Cary groaned next to me, diverting my attention from Colton to the massive bulge in his pants.

Where the initial wave had been nothing but agony, this time was definitely painful but accompanied by a level of lust I never knew possible and an overwhelming need for my mates. I licked my lips and reached for the button on Cary’s ridiculously tight jeans.

“No!” He grabbed my wrist to stop me. “Let me take care of you. This is about your needs, not mine. Besides, I’m not fucking you in the backseat of a car.”

“Letting me put your cock in my mouth, tasting your cum, is what I need!” I pouted. “And don’t tell me you never fucked a girl in a car before, Carrington.”

My raging hormones were getting the better of me. My wolf was feeling possessive and territorial. We didn’t like the thought of our mate doing something with another she-wolf that he wouldn’t do with us.

Cary growled at my comment, twisting my hair around his fist and forcing me to look at him.

“What I did or didn’t do with anyone else has nothing to do with us, little mate.” His tone was gruff as he and Roan spoke together. “You are mine! And I will treat you like the precious treasure you are, not a quick fuck in an uncomfortable car.”

“But,” my lower lip trembled at the thought of not getting the relief I was desperate for, “I need you. I need-”

“Colton and I will help take the edge off until we can get you home. Right brother?”

“Whatever you need, little Omega.” Colton rushed to assure me.

I flashed him a huge smile and crawled into his lap. I rocked my hips over his iron hard cock as I undid his pants. Clay groaned in the front seat as my arousal flared again.

“Can I suck your cock? Please, Colt,” I breathed the words over the sensitive flesh of his ear.

“Fuck. Me.” He muttered, then nodded aggressively. “Of course you can, baby.”

I crawled off his lap to kneel on the floor between his legs. He lifted his hips to let me shimmy his pants down and I wasted no time reaching in to grip my prize. He was long and thick and dripping pre-cum from his tip. Mouthwatering.

“Oh no.” Cary reached over and grasped my chin just as I was lowering my head to lick Colton’s cock. “Bring that pretty little ass over here, darling. I’ll let you suck Colt off as long as you give me a taste of that sweet pussy of yours.

“Fucking hell!” Clay cursed, making me giggle. “You think this is funny, little wolf? Just wait til I get my hands on you. We’re going to be locked in a room together for days. We’ll see who’s laughing then.”

A delicious shiver ran down my spine at the thought. Clay might not be my Dom but he definitely knew how to take control of my body. I winked at him in the mirror, letting him know I was looking forward to it.

Now on all fours in the seat between my mates, I grasped Colton’s cock and gave it a few teasing strokes before cleaning the head with a few kitten licks. He hissed between his teeth and bucked into my hand. I teased him some more, licking him from root to tip, tracing the bulging vein along his thick shaft.

“Enough teasing!” Cary pulled my pants down to my knees and smacked my ass, “Get to work showing your mate how good he tastes.”

A deep moan rumbled out as I swallowed him deep, gagging when he hit the back of my throat. I breathed in through my nose as I pulled back, then lowered my head again, taking him even further. That time I swallowed, letting my throat constrict around his plush head.

“Fuck! So good!” Colton grunted, threading his fingers through my hair.

He stroked my hair but didn’t force me, letting me set my own pace. Cary ran his fingers through my slick drenched folds then made sure I heard him slurping them clean. When his warm tongue replaced his fingers, I moaned loud and long around Colton’s cock.

Cary’s enthusiasm for eating my pussy matched my own for swallowing Colton’s cock. I hollowed my cheeks, sucking him hard on every withdrawal, swirling my tongue around his tip. Finally, when he could no longer help himself, he gripped my hair tight, guiding me as he fucked my face.

A steady stream of semen leaked from him and tasting it settled a deep- seated need inside me. A string of expletives and nonsensical words spilled from him and his cock thickened as his orgasm built. Cary was fucking me with his tongue in time with Cotlon’s thrusts, rubbing his thumb back and forth over my throbbing clit. Pleasure burned in my core until it felt like I would explode.

“Fuck! I’m gonna-” Colton gritted out.

I whined when he tried to pull me off his cock. Tightening my grip on his shaft, I stroked what I couldn’t swallow. Cary increased the pressure on my swollen nub and we all came together in a moaning, grunting chorus of bliss.

Colton let me lick him clean then pulled me up for a filthy hot kiss. Once he released me, Cary pulled me onto his lap, devouring my mouth, letting me taste myself on him. My wolf purred in ecstasy within me.

“Feeling better, darling?” He murmured as I cuddled against his chest.

“Mmhm.” Was all I could manage.

“Good. because we need to talk about your heat, love.”

“Mkay.” I muttered sleepily.

“Dr. Diaz said that while heats during pregnancy were known to happen, they could also be more dangerous. She said it would be a good idea for you to have a little extra boost to get you through.” He recounted.

“How do I get a boost?” I asked, suddenly curious.

“By letting us mark you. All three of us.”

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