Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 81 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 81 Let Me Die

Mallory’s POV

Alpha Quade’s parting words came back to me, a warning or a threat to stay put. Fuck that! My wolf was awake now and almost feral with the need to protect her pups. There was no way she would let me sit here waiting for our would-be rapist to return, even if I wanted to. Which I did not!

Trusting that my wolf strength would be enough to get me through the door, I approached it stealthily. I could only assume there were guards outside, ready to haul me back from my escape attempt. It would be great if I could catch them off guard, but I lacked faith in that improbability.

I tested the lock, giving the knob a twist. To my surprise, it opened with a soft click. Quade must have forgotten to lock it in his haste to go “handle” my mates. I eased the door open a crack and sniffed the air. His faint scent remained but I didn’t smell any guards so I risked sticking my neck out, literally.

Finding the hallway abandoned, I slipped outside. I crept along silently, trying every doorknob I passed in hopes one would open to a room with a window or a phone. I would take whichever I could get my hands on first.

I was feeling particularly appreciative of the overconfident Alpha whose penchant for underestimating women was currently working in my favor. I didn’t encounter another soul on the entire floor and it made me smile to know my Alphas had Quade so rattled he took all his warriors with him to help devise a counterattack.

“Poor girl. There will be nothing left of her when he’s done with her.” Evelyn’s voice had me shrinking against the wall.

It was coming from the stairwell in front of me. I frantically scanned my surroundings, looking for a place to hide. All she had to do was go upstairs instead of down and my bid for freedom would be short-lived. Unless I made a mad dash for the room I’d just vacated, I had nowhere to go, and I couldn’t bring myself to willingly return to my gilded cage.

“Maybe now that he’s claimed a Luna, he’ll let the dear girl be. I tried to bathe her today and she hid under the bed. Hasn’t had a bite to eat in days. She won’t last much longer.” Another female replied to my assigned handmaid.

My blood boiled and my heart pounded in my ears. I had no idea who they were referring to but it was clear to me that whoever it was had been abused by the Alpha. Not to mention, Evelyn knew I was here against my will. How dare they turn a blind eye then talk about it like it was another day at the office and they were put upon by having to deal with it all.

Sure, they were probably terrified of the man. He unquestionably threatened them into submission one way or another. But that didn’t excuse them from doing the right thing. He’d all but admitted he needed me to settle the Hazelwood pack members. Surely there were people with no love lost for Quade that would help them if they asked.

“We can’t leave until we find this girl and any others like her.” I informed my wolf. “Either we take them with us or we find a way to call in the cavalry.”

“Pups.” Raven whined, reminding me of her priority. “Find mates. We can send help back for them.”

“Raven, we can’t leave them. He could move them before we could help them. I’m worried for the pups too but we would want someone to do the same for us if they could.”

Her fear for our babies seeped into me, sending ice cold dread through my veins. But I shook it away. I had to do the right thing no matter what it cost me. I couldn’t live with myself otherwise.

Since at least the upper floors seemed to be devoid of any impediments in the form of burly warrior wolves or Alphas, I decided offense might be the best defense. Two Omegas wouldn’t prove much of a problem with my wolf awake. Looking around for some means of causing a distraction, my eyes landed on a decorative vase on a stand at the end of the hall. I hoped it was expensive!

Sending the vase crashing to the floor was mildly therapeutic, but I didn’t have time to enjoy it for long. I slipped back through the Alpha’s unlocked bedroom door and waited for the women to come investigate the sound.As expected, two pairs of footsteps came dashing down the hall.

“What the hell happened here?” Evelyn wondered aloud.

“No idea. All these rooms are locked.” Omega number two replied.

“We should check on our Luna.” Evelyn suggested. “If someone was prowling around up here, they could have gotten to her.”

I snorted to myself at that comment. If she came through this door, she’d be the only one “gotten to.” Thankfully, she followed through on her plan. As soon as she stepped through the door, Raven unleashed her claws. I had her by the neck, ready to tear through her carotid artery at one wrong move. Omega number two shrieked at her conrade’s predicament.

“Quiet!” I hissed. “I’m sure we can settle this between the three of us with no harm to your friend. We don’t need to interrupt the Alpha’s important business now do we?”

She nodded her head but made no further sound. Evelyn was trembling in my arms and I felt encouraged that she’d be inclined to cooperate.

“Good. Who were you speaking about on the stairs just now? The woman you tried to bathe who is obviously terrified and doesn’t want to be here?” I demanded.

“Luna, I-”

“Don’t call me that! I’m not that monster’s Luna. My name is Mallory.

And yours is?” I paused, giving her a moment to collect herself and answer my question.

“Regina.” She replied shakily.

“Well, Regina. Let’s try again. Who is the woman and why is she here?” I pushed one sharp claw deeper into Evelyn’s flesh, no more than a scratch but enough to impress upon them both that I meant business.

“I-, I don’t know her name. Alpha never mentioned it and she refuses to tell us. He-, he brought her here. He brings them all here.” She stammered.

“What do you mean ‘all?’ How many women like us are being kept against our will in this house?” I growled.

“Ju-, just her. The others… he sends them away when he gets tired of them. If they, um, if they live.” Evelyn answered for her friend.

“And you stand by and watch it happen?” Renewed fury ripped through me. I needed to calm my wolf before she murdered these women. “Take me to her. Now!”

Regina moved like hot coals burned beneath her feet, turning on her heels and scampering away while Evelyn and I followed behind, my hold on the woman slowing our pace. After stumping down several flights of stairs, we came to a stop outside a nondescript door on a lower level.

Fumbling the keys before managing to find the one that fit, Regina finally pushed the heavy door inward. It was then I realized the door was actually a thick metal, only covered with a thin veneer of wood to make it look like all the others from the outside. This room was every inch a prison, despite its elegant appointments.

I had no time to consider the decor, however. The staggering stench of sex, blood, and bile nearly toppled me, my stomach threatening to expel what little I’d eaten at breakfast. By sheer force of will, I stifled a gag.

The lump of blankets on the bed moved with an anguished moan, the sound of a chain rattled with the motion. My feet were already moving, dragging Evelyn along with me as I barked orders to Regina.

“Close the door and lock it from the inside. Do it now!”

Once she’d complied, I waved her over to take a seat next to her partner in crime and turned my attention back to the atrocity I was sure to find when I peeled the layers of blankets away. Had I known what I would find, I might not have had the courage to face it.

“Darcy?” Her name left my lips on a gasp.

It was most definitely a question, because although I thought the woman in front of me resembled her, the damage to her face rendered her nearly unrecognizable. The sight was so disturbing, I didn’t know whether to vomit, cry or scream. Instead, I crawled into the bed beside her.

“Go away.” She rasped, rolling onto her side, away from me.

“Darcy, it’s Mallory. I’m going to get you out of here. I’m going to try anyway.” I mumbled the last part under my breath.

She turned back to look at me, a discerning glint in her eye. At least I thought it was, both eyes so swollen only the barest hint of brown irises peering through the slits. Her entire face was a collage of bruises, some newly minted in bright purples and blues, others fading into yellows and greens. Her lips bled, split in several places, and I could see a flash of red in the shape of a handprint around her neck, peeping out above the covers.

“Why are you here? And why would you give two fucks about me?” She croaked, flinching away when I raised a hand to brush back her ratted hair.

“I presume I got here the same way you did. And why wouldn’t I care about what’s happening to you. Any decent person would.” I replied.

“Right.” She scoffed. “Even decent people hate women who try to take their mate.”

Her face was so inflamed, any changing expressions were difficult to detect. But if her tone was anything to go by, I was sure hers would be a mix of disbelief and intense dislike. I couldn’t concern myself with suspicions though, because she’d just reminded me I had more pressing problems.

“Darcy, where is Colton? He’s not-, Alpha Quade didn’t hurt him, did he?”

“How would I know where Colton is? He let Quade drag me away without a backward glance. Colton left me a long time ago.” Her words held so much hostility and bitterness, I almost believed they were true.

“That’s not true, Darcy. He loves you. He gave up his Goddess-given mate for you.” I used a soft, appeasing tone.

“Is that what you think?” She snorted, shaking her head delicately. “He hasn’t loved me since the day you returned to Black Moon. I’m not sure he ever did.”

“I can tell you’ve been through hell so it’s understandable that you’re not making sense right now. Let me get you somewhere safe and we’ll call Colton to come get you.” I reasoned.

But she just rolled away from me again, turning her back on me and my offer.

“Just let me die. After what my mate, Alpha Quade, did to me,” She spit his name like sour milk, “No one will ever want me again, least of all Colton Collins.” She muttered.

A wave of nausea roiled through my gut again at the implication of her words. Quade was her mate? And he’d allowed her to be harmed in his care? In fact, I could only assume most of her injuries could be attributed to him. What had she ever done to deserve such a fate?

I would ponder that likely unanswerable question later. But at the moment, I had greater concerns. Foremost being convincing Darcy to help me help her.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No one’s letting you die!” I argued, turning my full fury on the women who stood by and let this happen. “Find the fucking key to this handcuff and unchain her now!

My voice took on a menacing quality that scared even myself. Regina rose quickly and rounded the bed, deftly locating the key and popping open the lock. Darcy rubbed at the torn flesh on her wrist while I lifted her to a sitting position.

“Can you stand?” I prompted, easing her to the edge of the bed.

“I think so.” She said, rising gingerly to her feet but her knees immediately gave out.

“It’s okay. I’ve got you. Lean on me for support.” I encouraged.

“I really don’t deserve your help.” She whimpered as she limped along beside me.

“None of this is your fault, Darcy.” I tried to reassure her though I knew for victims of abuse, that was a difficult concept to come to terms with.

“Yes it is.” She whispered.

I ignored her in favor of rolling off commands to the two Omegas in the room.

“Give me the keys!” I held out my hand until my fingers curled around the cool metal keyring. “Now sit down and stay put. I’ll lock you in from outside. You can tell your Alpha I overpowered you and hope he believes you.”

I reached for the door, heaving the heavy steel open with one hand while supporting Darcy’s weight with the other. But every shred of hope was replaced with terror at the obstacle in our path.

“How lovely! My mate and Luna, together in one room.” Quade sneered. “It hadn’t crossed my mind until now. But finding you both here fills my head with all sorts of enjoyable ways the three of us can spend the afternoon together.”

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