REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 134 Knowing the truth

Victoria’s POV

I was awoken by a loud alarm from the table beside the bed. Slowly, I stood up from the bed, took off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

I took a quick bath, came back to the room, put on simple wear before leaving the room.

I went downstairs, passed the sitting room and made my way to the kitchen. I was almost in the kitchen when I caught sight of a lady who was in her late thirties coming out from one of the rooms.

“Good morning.” she greeted me with a smile.

“Good morning ma’am.” I greeted her, not knowing who she was. “Call me Grace, I’m the housekeeper here.” she introduced herself with a big smile.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Victoria.”

“I know, do you need anything?” She asked in a friendly manner.

“Not really, I’m just walking around.” I responded.

“Very well, then, tell me if you need anything.” She flashed a friendly smile before leaving.

I went into the kitchen, took out a bottle of water, drank a little before leaving the kitchen.

I was about to go back to my room when out of curiosity, I looked at the other end of the house, through the window, where Eric’s men live.

Curious, I left the house and walked towards the direction of the quarters. The more steps I take, the more noises I hear coming from the quarters.

I continued walking until I realized the noises were coming from the back of the quarters.

Eager to know what was the reason for the noise, I walked to the back of the house and saw six shirtless men wearing just shorts fighting each other, more like training.

They noticed my presence and stopped what they were doing. One of the men walked forward and stood before me. “Are you lost?” he asked in a deep voice, full of authority.

“No.” I replied in fear and took a step backward.

“You are scaring her.” Another man spoke up, “Did I scare you, I’m so sorry.” he apologized sincerely and took a few steps away from me.

We all stood there in an awkward silence until I spoke up, “Why don’t you guys continue training, I would like to watch.” I spoke nervously as I stared at the men in front of me.

Everything about these men speaks power and authority. It feels like they carry the same aura Eric carries, just that Eric’s Aura is much stronger.

“Come sit.” one of the men gestured in a friendly manner.

I left where I was standing and sat on the bench, with my gaze on everyone.

“If you are scared, you can tell us to stop.” the first guy advised, while I just nodded my head at him.

Each of the men took a partner and began fighting. I felt my heart leap in fear as I saw what they were doing to each other. They were throwing punches at each other like it was indeed a real fight. The strength each of the men possessed was unreal and strange.

One of the men was flung to the wall, but he did not flick or show any sign of pain, but rather he went on fighting.

With stunned eyes, I watched them fight each other with unimaginable strength and power. Each of the fighters possesses different fighting skills and I wondered if they could be a winner.

“Victoria.” I heard the deep husky voice of Eric behind me.

“Shit.” I grumbled to myself and moved my gaze to his direction.

“Good morning, alpha.” they all greeted, but he ignored them and walked to me.

“You shouldn’t be here.” he spoke in a serious tone.

“Why? I’m having fun.” I murmured, while staring at the men who wouldn’t meet my gaze.

With the way they were reacting, it’s obvious they were really scared of him.

“You are unwell, you shouldn’t watch my men fighting,” he muttered and stared at the men who wouldn’t meet his gaze.

“Let’s go.” he pulled me up on my feet and walked me away.

“Thanks, everyone, I was entertained.” I smiled at them and walked away with Eric. “Your men are badass fighters.” I announced happily as we entered the sitting room.

“Yeah, they’ve been training for years,” he replied, and made me sit on the couch.

“Can you fight like them”? I asked curiously.

He scoffed and took the seat beside me, “Way better.” he replied proudly with an annoying smug on his face.

“Really, will you show me”? I asked excitedly.

“No,” he replied firmly.

I hit my foot on the floor while I grumbled like a kid, “Stop it,” he pleaded and ran his fingers through my hair. “Come, let’s eat.

“I’m not hungry. I want to see my aunt.” I spoke with my arms folded.

“Fine, go change, and we can go see your aunt. She is already waiting,” he responded.

“Really?” I spoke happily and stood up from the couch.

“It’s almost ten am, we should be on our way.” hearing those words from him, I quickly left the sitting room and rushed to my room.

I took out a black jumpsuit from the closet and changed into it. I combed my hair and parked it in two places, before putting on sandals.

With a big smile on my face, I stared at the mirror one more time before leaving the room. When I got downstairs, I met Eric talking to someone on the phone, and when he saw me coming down and flashed me a weak smile before ending the call.

“Beautiful.” He did not let those words finish from my mouth before he pulled me to himself and sealed his lips to mine.

He kissed me so lovely and tenderly that I felt my legs becoming weak, but luckily, he was holding me from falling.

He broke the kiss and placed kisses on my face before pulling away.

I met eyes with him and saw that he was having a pale look on his face, which was really strange to me.

“Is something wrong.” I asked.

“No, why do you ask.”

“You look tired and scared.” I said while staring at him.

“I’m fine, you have nothing to worry about.” he flashed me a weak smile and led me out of the house to his car.

A few minutes into the drive, I noticed Eric was quiet and looked tensed. Slowly, I tapped him on the shoulder to gain his attention.

“What is it.” I asked while staring at him with concern.

“Nothing, everything is fine.” he muttered while avoiding my gaze.

I knew he was lying, and he wasn’t good at it.

“Something is definitely wrong…” I tried persuading him to tell me what was wrong, but he did not let me finish before he cut me off, “Everything is fine,” he said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Seeing that he wasn’t in the mood to speak, I decided to let him be.

With his gaze fixed on the road, He drove for a while before I noticed he was driving into a hospital.

“I’m doing well, why are we at the hospital?” I murmured.

“We are not here for you,” he responded and parked in one of the parking lots.

“Then why are we here?” I asked as we came out of the car.

“We are here to see someone.” he flashed me a weak smile and made me walk with him.

We took a few steps away from the car until I noticed two familiar faces smiling at me.

I took a better look at them and tried to remember where I must have seen their faces, but I couldn’t, rather blank vision kept flashing in my head. “Hey Vicky,” the familiar lady flickered a big smile and pulled me into a tight hug.

I could not remember her, but I knew she must be really close to me because I felt my muscles relax in her embrace.

“How are you?” she asked, after pulling away from me.

I stared at her curiously and tried remembering her, but I couldn’t.

“Hey!” The familiar man flashed me a big smile while he took my two hands and placed kisses on them.

“I’m fine, thank you.” I flashed her a friendly smile before moving my gaze to the familiar man.

“You look amazing.” he smiled widely at me and let go of my hands.

“Thank you.” I replied shyly and moved away from him.

I stared at Eric, the familiar man and lady, and wondered why we were all here at the hospital.

Seeing their reaction, one could tell they were really close to me, but why are we meeting here.

“So why are we here?” I asked while staring at everyone who couldn’t meet my gaze.

They stared at each other, but no one wanted to meet my gaze.

“Eric.” I called out with my gaze fixed on him. “Why are we here?” I asked, in a confused tone.

Eric took a deep breath, placed his two hands on my arms before speaking, “We are here to see your aunt.” he whispered, almost to himself.

“My aunt?, does she work here” I asked while staring around.

“No, dear, is just that…” I did not let him finish his words before I cut him off, “Just what?” I asked, as my heart thumped with fear.

“Eric.” I called out again, when I realized he wasn’t saying anything.

“Calm down, Vicky,” the familiar lady, walked to my side and softly tapped my shoulders.

Seeing everyone reacting this way, I knew something was wrong, but I couldn’t get a clue about it.

“Maybe I should tell her, I will be in the right position to explain it to her,” the familiar lady suggested.

I watched both Eric and the familiar man nod their heads to her suggestion.

“What is going on? Where is my aunt?” I demanded in fear.

“Listen Vicky, your aunt is here but there is something else,” she murmured.

“What is it?” I asked impatiently.

She stared at both Eric and the familiar man before moving her gaze back to me.

“Your Aunt has been hospitalized for almost five years now,” she whispered.

I felt my head spin around, and my heartbeat increased the moment I processed her words in my head. “What are you saying.” I asked, confused.

“You and your Aunt were involved in a car accident. Your case wasn’t as serious as that of your aunt’s because you were putting on a seat belt, but your aunt wasn’t putting any on, so her case became complicated.” she explained slowly.

“No, no, you are lying.” I moved away from her while my heart throbbed in fear.

“You are lying, Eric, tell me she is lying.” I pleaded to Eric, who couldn’t meet my gaze.

“It’s alright Vicky, the good news is that she is out of a coma, but she can’t speak for now because of the shock from the accident, but the doctors are working on that.” the familiar man assured me.

“No, no, you are lying to me.” I yelled angrily,

“It’s true, Vicky, all what they said is the truth.” Eric finally spoke up.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

The moment I heard those words from him, I felt my legs becoming weak, but Eric was fast enough to hold me.

“Let go of me.” I yelled bitterly and moved away from his grip.

“I want to see her.” I muttered in tears.

“Alright, let’s go in.” the familiar Lady agreed and led the way.

The more steps we took, the more my legs became weaker, while I felt my heart throb with fear.

We walked for a while and stopped at a door.

“She is inside, she has been using her eyes to search for you, I know she would be delighted to see you.” My supposed friend explained to me before opening the door.

I watched her open the door, and we all went in. The moment I got in, I felt my heart pounding in fear that I couldn’t move away from the door.

“Come in.” Eric flashed me a comforting smile and pulled me away from the door.

I left the door and walked in with him. I met my aunt lying on the bed with her gaze fixed on me. “Aunt.” I cried out and rushed to her side. “Aunt.” I cried out and hugged her, even though she was lying on the bed.

I felt my body shaking uncontrollably, and I couldn’t control myself from crying. “I’m so sorry, aunt.” I cried as I tightened my grip on her.

The more I think of what I’ve been told, the more tears I shed.

After a series of mumbling how sorry I was, I moved away from her and wiped the tears from my face.

I made eyes with her and could notice my aunt was staring at me with stunned eyes as she tried to move her lips, but no sound was coming out.

“I’m here, I’m so sorry for coming late, something happened.” I pleaded and took her hands.

Seeing my aunt this way, I felt guilty and bad. How could I leave my aunt in such a condition and leave the country.

“When you left, she was still in a coma.” the familiar man uttered like he was reading my thoughts.

I took the seat beside her while I locked eyes with her.

“She is glad you are alive, she thought we were lying to her when we told her you were alive.” The familiar man spoke up again.

Tiredly, I took a deep breath and flashed my aunt a comforting smile before speaking, “I’m fine, aunt, don’t worry about me.” I muttered and kissed both her hands. I caught a smile on her face as she tried to speak, but no sound came forth.

“It’s okay, don’t force yourself.” I begged. She flashed me another smile and closed her eyes.

“I think she just took her medication, and it’s having an effect on her, so we have to leave.” The familiar man explained.

“What medication?” I asked, confused.

“The one she has been taking for some weeks now, will help her with moving her body and gaining her voice. “He explained.

Hearing those words from him, a great deal of joy came to my heart.

“Thank you.” I muttered and stood to my feet when I noticed aunt was already asleep.

Curious, I stared at everyone in the room before moving my gaze to the familiar man. “And you are” I asked curiously.

“Kelvin,” he replied.

“You are Eric’s friend,” I concluded,

“Let’s say I’m also your friend.” he flashed me a big smile and was about to touch my hair, but stopped halfway.

“And I’m Sonia, your friend and roommate.” She moved closer and gave me another hug and pulled away from me. “I’m so sorry Vicky, hope you can forgive me,” she pleaded.

“What did you do?” I asked with raised and confused eyebrows.

“It’s okay, Sonia, that will be all for today.” Eric cut her off before she could say anything.

“I’m still living alone, and your things are still in the room if you want to have them back.

“Thank you.” I flashed a weak smile at her and moved my gaze to Eric. I wanted to say something to him, but I decided it was best I ask him when we are both alone.

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