Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 

With each step back to my cabin, the night air seemed to grow colder, its icy touch sending shivers down my spine. Nadia’s words carried a heavy weight, hanging in the air and echoing in my mind like a haunting melody that persisted long after she spoke. Clutching my body tightly, I hoped to shield myself from the biting chill that relentlessly infiltrated my bones, leaving me shivering uncontrollably. 

Upon reaching my cabin, a feeling of emptiness overwhelmed me, the quietude of the night broken solely by the gentle whisper of leaves swaying in the breeze. There was a moment of hesitation as I stood at the doorstep, my hand hovering above the doorknob. Eventually, I mustered the courage to push it open and cross the threshold. 

Stepping into the cabin, I immediately felt the comforting heat embrace me, though the coldness in my heart remained. 

The once cozy and inviting atmosphere of my cabin had faded, leaving behind a hollow home that lacked its former warmth. 

With a heavy sigh, I made my way to the fireplace, feeling the warmth radiating from the flames and watching them dance hypnotically in the darkness. I sank down onto the plush rug in front of the crackling fire, relishing the comforting warmth that enveloped me and eased the persistent ache within. Despite my fixed gaze on the flickering flames, I remained restless and unsettled, unable to find solace amidst the turmoil within. 

As I sat in the quiet cabin, the weight of the night’s events settled heavily on my mind, the sharp words from my argument with Nadia echoing in my ears. Like a cruel taunt, her words reverberated in my mind, intensifying the ache and disillusionment that seemed to be my constant companion. 

“Stop thinking, Maya,” Trying to escape the flood of memories, I closed my eyes, hoping for a moment of respite. “Just stop it, please- 

There was no relief from the ceaseless barrage of my thoughts, not even in the darkness behind my closed eyes. 

It felt as though I was suffocating, overwhelmed by the heavy burden of my own insecurities and doubts. I clenched my fists, feeling the pressure of my nails digging into my palms, desperately trying to stay rooted in the present. 

And then, almost instinctively, a thought darted across my mind, a fleeting whisper of an idea that hinted at a temporary respite from the turmoil engulfing me. Rising to my feet without a moment’s pause, the sound of the creaking floorboards echoed through the room as I swiftly made my way to the door. 

Stepping outside, the night air engulfed me, its icy touch penetrating my skin and causing a shiver to run down my spine. 

But I paid it no mind, the only thing occupying my thoughts was the relentless pursuit of solace amidst the encompassing darkness. With each stride, the knots of tension in my muscles loosened, and a feeling of relief replaced the weight of my worries. 

Finally, I reached the edge of the woods, and the darkness seemed to swallow me whole as the trees loomed ominously. 

In an instant, I stripped off my clothes and shifted into my werewolf form, the transformation wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. My bones crack and pop, the sound echoing in my ears, but instead of pain, it feels strangely comforting, like a gentle embrace, 


Letting out a deep growl, I darted into the darkness, the leaves rustling and twigs snapping under the weight of my swift steps. A the wind whipped through my fur, I caught the invigorating scent of pine and earth, and in that fleeting moment, I experienced

20:18 Thu, 20 Jun G 

Chapter 73 

sense of freedom, unburdened from the weight that had oppressed me for ages. 


The sound of my howl filled the air, reaching far and wide, impossible to ignore. I’m not sure if Blackacre had a curfew, or a set of rules against shifting, but I was too absorbed in my own thoughts to be concerned. The only thing that counts is the small moments of peace I find, despite being on my own. 

I pushed myself harder, running faster and faster, determined to leave behind the worries and doubts that had consumed me for so long. With every stride, the tightness within me started to dissipate, the surge of adrenaline sweeping away the numbness that had engulfed me. 

And then, as my legs started to ache with fatigue, as my breaths grew shallow and turned into desperate pants, I came to a halt, my chest rising and falling heavily with exhaustion as I took in the sights around me. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

The forest was hushed, not a single sound except for the gentle whisper of leaves swaying in the breeze. In that moment, I embraced the tranquility and surrendered to the serenity that enveloped me. 

In my wolf form, I inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the surrounding wilderness, before retreating back into my cabin. 

Exhausted, I trudge back to my cabin, each step feeling like a burden. 

With a sense of relief, I finally reach my cabin, its sturdy wooden door standing tall, separating me from the bustling outside world. Without a second thought, I seamlessly transition back into my human form, leaving behind the ripped garments from my werewolf transformation. When tomorrow morning comes, I’ll make it a priority to clean that up. 

With a heavy sigh, I push open the door and step into the cabin, instantly feeling the embrace of its comforting warmth. 

Exhausted and naked, I stumble towards the bed, feeling the weight of my limbs as I collapse onto the mattress. As I lie on the bed, the blankets beneath me feel incredibly soft, offering a much–needed relief. I press my face into the fluffy pillows, seeking comfort 

and solace. 

Like the last time, I find myself unable to sleep, my mind overwhelmed with a cascade of thoughts and fears. Restlessly tossing and turning, I can’t escape the suffocating darkness that engulfs the room. I try to push aside the worries that threaten to consume me, but they persist like stubborn shadows, refusing to be cast away. 

Hours crawl by in suffocating stillness, the seconds dragging on like an eternity as I lay wide awake in the pitch–blackness. As the moonlight filters through the curtains, a gentle glow fills the room, adding an otherworldly touch and casting intriguing shadows on the walls. I close my eyes, hoping for peace, but my mind refuses to silence, its constant chatter echoing through the room like a symphony of sound. 

In the end, fatigue consumes me, pulling me into the depths of sleep. I can feel my breath becoming slower and deeper, as the weight of sleep begins to pull me under. At long last, I am immersed in a pitch–black sea, where the troubles and apprehensions of the day become insignificant and vanish. 

Even in sleep, I am haunted by the relentless turmoil that consumes me. Haunted by dreams, their distorted shapes flicker in my mind like elusive specters in the darkness. 

Suddenly, my sleep is shattered by a loud, persistent knocking at the door. 

Startled awake, my heart race 

in my chest, and I am instantly alert, pulled from the depths of sleep. I blink sleepily, my head feeling heavy and confused, as the loud knocking reverberates through the room like a thunderous boom. In the room, the sun’s 



Chapter 73 

gentle glow seeps through the curtains, casting eerie, dancing shadows on the dimly lit walls. I rub my eyes, attempting to clear the foggy remnants of sleep that linger in my mind like cobwebs. 

My temper flares at the interruption to my much–needed rest, a surge of frustration coursing through my veins. 

I let out a frustrated sigh and roll over in bed, desperately trying to drown out the noise by pulling the covers tightly around me. With each passing moment, the knocking becomes louder and more forceful, reverberating through the silent cabin like an unyielding drumbeat. 

Frustration bubbles up inside me like molten lava, threatening to spill over, as I let out a groan. Who could possibly be knocking at my door at this ungodly hour? And more importantly, why won’t they stop pestering me? 

I let out a grunt as I toss the covers aside and place my feet on the cold wooden floor, instantly feeling a jolt of awakening. I glance around the room, trying to gather my wits and muster the energy to face whoever is on the other side of that door. 

But as I make my way across the room, every step feels like trudging through quicksand, my limbs burdened by exhaustion and listlessness. With each passing moment, the knocking becomes increasingly louder, echoing through the room like a deafening drumroll. I grab a random shirt from my drawers, relieved that it’s long enough to provide me with some modesty. 

Finally, I reach the door and throw it open with more force than necessary, my temper flaring as I glare at the figure standing on the other side. Irritation and exhaustion seep into my voice as I snap. 


The last person I want to see was standing outside, casting a shadow on the doorstep. Instead of subsiding, my anger escalates, adding to my growing frustration. 


With each passing second, my frustration towards Axton intensifies, but I manage to hold back the eye roll that threatens to escape. His familiar face sends a tidal wave of conflicting emotions crashing over me, causing my heart to clench painfully in my 


“What do you want,” I retort, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “I was sleeping, in case you couldn’t tell.” 

Sympathy flickers in Axton’s eyes as his expression softens, and he takes a step forward, closing the distance. 

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Chestnut-” 

“I came here to talk, Chestnut,” Axton’s smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. But then he cleared his throat and said, “I wanted to apologize.” 

I couldn’t help but scoff, feeling the bitterness rise up in my throat like an unwelcome guest. 

“I don’t want to hear it,” I snap, my words laced with venom. “You’ve said enough already.” 

Axton’s face falls, the corners of his mouth drooping as hurt and disappointment wash over him. 

“Please, Chestnut,” he pleads, his voice barely above a whisper. “I know I messed up, but I just want a chance to make things right.” 

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Chapter 73 


I shake my head, feeling a surge of determination coursing through me. My voice quivers with suppressed emotion as I say, my words barely escaping my lips. 

“It’s too late for that,” I snapped, my voice filled with frustration. “Just go away and leave me alone.” 

Axton takes a step forward, his hand outstretched towards me, but I recoil in fear, as if his touch carries an intense heat. I can see 

any the pain in his eyes, but he understands and respects my need for personal space, so he takes a step back, refraining from further attempts to touch me. 

“Please,” he says, his voice pleading. “I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry-” 

Bitter laughter escapes my lips, echoing emptily in the room’s silence. 

“Look, I’m exhausted, all I want is to crawl into bed and drift off to sleep. Axton, I want none of this, absolutely none. I’ll be out of your hair if you simply let me be and leave me alone. If you don’t believe me, go ask Sammy and have her keep an eye on me.” 

As he spoke, Axton’s eyes filled with a mixture of pain and remorse. 

“I was stupid. I didn’t mean that-” 

With a forceful push, I slam the door shut, the sharp sound bouncing off the walls of the empty room. Overwhelmed with emotions, tears streamed down my face, stinging my eyes, as I collapsed onto the floor and buried my face in my hands

Talk about déjà vu. 

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