Pure Perfection

Chapter 44- cold shoulder

Chapter 44- cold shoulder


I repeatedly punched the punching bag in front of me repeatedly, imagining it was Aleksei's face.

It had been about a week since Juliana agreed for me to marry Mila and ever since then she had barely uttered a word to me. She had even moved to a separate room to sleep in, which had led to restless nights for me. Every time I try to talk to her, she busies herself with something else to do.

I felt like I was losing her as the seconds went by and all I could do was watch.

I steadied the bag and rested my head on it. If Adrian was here, I would've called him by now and asked him what the fuck to do.

He probably would've told me to get my head out my ass and go get my girl.

So that's exactly what I was going to do.


I scrubbed the counter even harder, trying to relieve some of the pent up anger within me. This past week I had told the maids they could take some time off because I wanted to keep myself busy in order to avoid Tyberias.

It may sound stupid but I thought that if I began to distance myself from him now, it would hurt less when he would eventually get married to Mila. However, this was proving harder that I thought it would be.

I saw him enter the kitchen and my heart began racing at the sight of his sweaty body.

"Juliana, we need to talk" he said.

I know.

"I'm busy."

"I wasn't asking you, I was telling you. We need to talk."

"Okay then, let's talk" I said. He looked surprised that I gave in this time.

"Oh... Oka-"

"Let's talk about how you're getting married to another girl in 3 weeks or about how your brother was kidnapped and his kidnapper threatened to do the same to my 3 year old sister. Or about how everything is a mess and I don't know how to fix it." I let out and tear began forming as all my pent up emotions were coming out.

"And what about how I'm going to have to sit there and watch as you promise someone else that you're going to love and cherish her until you die. Or about how no matter how hard I try, I'm never going to be able to fully let go of you, Tyberias." I said and broke down. His arms instantly came around me as I sobbed.

"Just let it out. You can be angry at me and curse at me all you want but please don't ignore me." He said and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"I-I'm not angry at you. I'm angry that after everything we've been through, it's just going to get thrown away."

"It doesn't have to get thrown away. We could still be together."

"Be together in secret? So you want me to be the side chick?" I scoffed.

"You would never be the side chick. I just... I can't let you go Juliana. I won't."

"So you still want to be with me but then go back to your gorgeous wife and sleep in the same bed as her and wake up to her face and cook her breakfast."

"It won't be like that. I'll sleep in a separate room, I won't even talk to her. Please, Juliana. I'm begging you, don't leave me." He said desperately and cupped my cheeks so we were looking into each other's eyes.

"I-I need to think about it" I replied and I saw his face drop slightly.

"Okay." He sighed

•_• •_•

Get dressed and go to the first place we met. Said the post it note on the fridge from Tyberias.

It had been a couple hours since we both made up and I had left to do some grocery shopping. When I returned, I saw that Tyberias wasn't at home anymore and left a note.

I went to check on Estella, knowing she was probably sleeping but on her bed I saw another note.

Don't worry, I dropped her off at Leona's house. Now go get dressed!

I laughed and went to do as he said. He knew me so well.

I got dressed and drove over to the street where I had bumped into Tyberias when I had run away from my home.

There, I saw another note stuck to a lamp post.

Go to where we had our first date.

I drove to the Empire State Building, not sure of what to look for.

I smiled when I saw Daniel, one of Tyberias' bodyguards, stood outside the entrance waiting for me.

"Miss Hernandez, follow me" he said emotionlessly and I nodded.

He led me to another car and opened the door for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you, ma'am"

We had been driving for about 20 minutes now and I had begun to get impatient.

The car stopped and I looked around to see that we were in the middle of nowhere. I took my phone out to call Tyberias only to see that I had no signal.

I looked over to Daniel to see him text someone.

It's done.

I looked over to him anxiously. "Who are you texting?"

"You don't need to worry, ma'am. Can you put this on." He said and held up a blindfold.

I began to get skeptical. Ever since Anthony, Tyberias' driver, betrayed him and helped my parents kidnap me, I had become much more paranoid.

Without thinking, I slammed the door open and began to run as fast as I could. I wasn't going to wait around while Aleksei kidnapped me, again.

"Miss Hernandez, stop. Where are you going?" Daniel said as he chased after me.

Of course, I didn't stop. I only ran faster but stopped when I felt something heavy tackle me to the grass below me. I looked up to see Daniel on top of me.

"Miss Hernandez, calm down. It's not what your thinki- owww" He began but I kicked him in the balls, making him roll off of me.

"Help. HELP!" I yelled as I ran across the massive field trying to get away from the man who was trying to kidnap me.

"Juliana, what's wrong?" Tyberias said as he sprinted up to me.

Wait. Tyberias? What was he doing here?

"Daniel. He's trying to kidnap me. We need to run!" I said as I grabbed into his hand so we could run away.

"Calm down. He wasn't trying to kidnap you, I asked him to do this."

"You asked him to kidnap me?" I said and pulled away from him as if his touch had burned me.

"Not kidnap you. I- uh, I made a picnic for us." He blushed and stepped to the side so I could see the big blanket laid out with a picnic basket full of food and a bottle of wine. He had picked a couple flowers from the grass and held the bunch in his hand before handing them to me. There were also fairy lights hung up on the tree so it wasn't pitch black.

"I- wow. It looks amazing. Thank you." I said, overwhelmed that he planned this.

I saw Daniel begin to approach us in the distance but Tyberias nodded his head to the car, telling him he could leave now.

We both moved closer towards the picnic and I saw that on the tree were also loads of pictures of us together. My favourite, being when he had just finished fùcking me missionary and he reached for his phone to capture the moment. My hair was messy, I had hickeys all over my neck but the happiness in my eyes was evident.

"Please don't tell me anyone saw that one"

"Don't worry, baby. That picture is for my eyes only." he said and sat me down on the cushion

"I told Maria she could go home because I wanted to make the food" he said and pulled out some badly cut heart-shaped sandwiches but he looked really proud of them so who was I to tell him otherwise.

"They look really good" I complimented.

"Thanks. I did them myself and I even made some of the jam ones you like so much!" He said proudly and I laughed. It was adorable to see a big bad Mafia boss get so excited over a couple sandwiches. However, I was quite surprised that he made me jam ones due to his utter hate for the sweet goodness.

"I'll never understand how you could hate jam" I said and took a bite into the sandwich.

"It's not just jam, it's strawberries in general" he shuddered.

"But they're so sweet" I argued.

"Not as sweet as you" he grinned and lightly pecked my lips making me blush.

^-^ ^-^

"Finally!" He said as the skittle landed in my mouth and I chewed.

"About time. Maybe you should start working on you aim, it only took you about 50 throws."

"My aim? It's not my fault you would flinch and move your face whenever the skittle came near you." Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"You were throwing them too hard"

"You thought that was hard?" He scoffed.

"I've got sensitive skin" I defended and he handed me the bag so I could throw them into his mouth.

The first skittle I threw missed his mouth completely and was nested in his hair making him laugh at my poor attempt.

The second time went even worse as it didn't even hit him and landed straight into the ground behind him.

About 15 minutes had passed and I had yet managed to score.

"A for effort right?" I said defeated.

"Actually, I think you deserve a D" he said and waited for my reaction. I knew where this was going.

"I'd be happy with a D" I nodded and placed the bag down so Tyberias could scoop me up into his lap.

He looked around to see if anyone was around and when he confirmed we were alone, he began to rub our hips together creating friction.

"Yep, I would be really happy with a D" I confirmed with a smile.

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