Pregnant For The Royal Prince


THE two ladies still stood at the window watching the killer car drove in, and then went beside the building till they couldn’t see it no more.

“Hmm, look what expensive car that pauper is riding on, jeez! It just doesn’t fit”, Vidya was the first to lament, walking away from the window.

Roshni bursted into laughter.

“Bad mouthed, idiot”, she continued laughing.

Vidya rolled her eyes.

“Who knows how much Raghav must have spent to get her that car? Ahhh, what a waste”, she continued talking.

“It’s enough please”, Roshni said, still laughing.

“I own it now”, she said and folded her arms, rolling her eyes.

“Huh? Do you think the Queen would let you have it?” Roshni asked.

Vidya simpered.

“Yeah, I think so. She has never said no to any of my demands, I’m sure she would”, she said and licked her lips.

“Oh well girl, you are made”, she said and they gave themselves an high five, laughing.

? In A Faraway Land ?

Their car drove into a very quiet compound and halted in front of a bungalow. Dean came down and proceeded to open the back door of the car where the Queen sat. He did and she alighted.

Another guard opened for Rina and her mother, and they alighted. The breeze that hit them was so cool, and fresh, as it caressed their skin.

Rina glanced at her wristwatch and her eyes widened in shock, it was exactly 12:00pm on the dot, for a voyage which they began at few minutes to six. Wow, so it’s been a six to seven hours journey. It must be a far place indeed.

Immediately, the guards began bringing out their baggages from the booth of the car while the duo began studying the environment. The Queen had already gone behind the house, doing her own scrutinisation.

The environment was indeed serene and cool, although it was quiet, there were just few houses scattered around, the next house after theirs, which was supposed to be their neighbour, was still a little bit faraway.

A lot of beautiful flower plants, shrubs, and a few trees were planted around the compound, they were the sole reason of the coolness of the air.

The bungalow, it was a small but beautiful one. It had a spacious verandah at the front with a short gate, big oak doors and bay windows.

Beside the house, Rina noticed another smaller house, looking like a boys’ quarters. She looked around again, she didn’t know where they were, they were in a strange land.

The last of the baggages was carried in and the Queen returned from her scrutiny just in time.

“We need to go in”, she said to them and went into the house, they followed.

They entered the living room and gosh! It was so beautiful, it had expensive interior designs, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, exotic chairs, beautiful side tables, infact, everything in it was beautiful, and expensive. A wall television set was hung on the wall.

Rina looked at the windows, it had thick long drapes hanging down. Hmm, she swallowed hard. This was a like suffering and smiling adventure they were about to embark on.

Arya cleared her throat and faced them.

“So this is where you going to stay till she delivers of the baby”, she pointed her staff at Rina.

“Like I told you earlier, everything is gonna be provided for you in here, so you have no business outside. Two qualified nurses would be assigned to the pregnant one, they would look after you, and make sure you stay healthy till your delivery date”.

“Whatever you need, ask them. Do not misbehave or do what I hate, I have guards here to watch you, so don’t even think of escaping, or finding a means to communicate with anyone outside here. Am I understood?” She asked.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes your Majesty”, they nodded.

“Good, there are enough foodstuffs in the kitchen. Even if it gets finished, I have told you who you going to ask. You can go check out the bedrooms and make yourself comfortable, that’s if you want to”.

Rina scoffed silently, comfortable indeed. As far as she was concerned, the Queen was taking advantage of them, because they didn’t have a say, or someone to speak up for them. It was her fate though.

“So I already assigned two guards here, they would be staying at the boys’ quarters beside, the nurses are on their way. I will be coming from time to time to see you guys. Do not try anything stupid”, she said and calling out to Dean, walked away.

Selena and her daughter were just speechless, they watched Arya walked out the house and into the car. Dean joined her and they drove off.

“What is this quiet place where the Queen has brought us to?” Rina asked as soon as the car drove away.

Selena just sighed, saying nothing. She went over to a seat and sat down, Rina joined her.

Then Selena turned to her and took her hands in hers.

“Look dear, I am sorry all these are happening to us, to you especially, you do not deserve this”, she said. Rina sighed, and slowly nodded.

“I have something to tell you, and trust me it’s the best advice for you now”, she said.

“Go on mom, I’m listening”, Rina nudged her.

“You need to really forget about him, maybe he isn’t yours, maybe you guys weren’t meant for each other, just maybe, and that is why it had to happen this way”, she said.

Rina listened, trying so hard to fight her tears from falling down her pretty face, she sniffed and sniffed. Her mother wasn’t deterred, she was determined to finish up what she had to say.

“But you have to be strong for this baby, for me, for us. I know you might not get hold of the baby after delivery but, it is yours. Be strong for him, or her, whichever one. Just be strong, you can do this I know”, she said.

Inspite of the tears trying to well up, Rina smiled, and hugged her.

“Thanks so much for this mom, thank you”, she said.

“You are welcome baby”, she replied.



?? Shimla Kingdom ??

| The BHAGYA Palace |

“Vidya!… Vidya!” Roshni called from the window side where she stood shouting.

“Yes, what is it this time?” Vidya answered, shouting as well. She was in the bathroom.

“Girl you need to be fast with whatever you are doing in there, Her Grace is back”, she announced.

“What! My gee!” Vidya shouted and instantly, the rushing of the tap was heard, and the next thing, she came out.

“Wow, I think it’s been done”, she said as she joined her at the window side.

“Sure it is. Why not go check out?” Rina persuaded.

“Of course I will”, she said and went to the bed to pick up her phone. Then she walked to the door, holding the knob.

“And if it turns out to be as we wish, what we gonna do?” She asked from the door.

Roshni snapped her head at her.

“We celebrate”, she shouted.

“Yeah, you are always on point”, she agreed, blowing her a kiss. She laughed.

“I will be right back”, and she opened the door and left.

Roshni sighed and then went to sit on the bed. Like, she has actually been here at the palace since the previous day, when she had come to divulge the news of Rina’s pregnancy to her.

She hasn’t returned home, although had called her family to tell them where she was. Well, if they were really going to celebrate this, she was gonna go back home and return again.

She really do hope they do, she had only just told Vidya that they would out of happiness, not that she was sure they were going to party. She hope they do.


Vidya went to the Queen’s chamber to see her. Like, for the past few weeks she had now spent in the palace with Arya, she wasn’t scared of getting close to her, they joke, they laugh, they talk, she sees her as a mother, and sometimes call her mom. But, she knew how not to cross her boundaries and limits.

She got to her door and met two maids at the sides. They greeted and one of them proceeded to open the door for her, she entered.

She met her sitted on a couch and being attended to by some maids. They were taking her royal robes off.

Arya looked up and saw her coming in. She smiled.

“Daughter in-law”, she called.

Vidya smiled.

“Hi momma”, she said as she walked up to her. The maids around greeted her.

“Welcome Your Majesty”, she bowed.

“Thank you dear. How was your day? Or should I say how is your day going? Because it’s not yet night”, she said and they both bursted into laughter.

“It’s going just well mother”, she shortly replied, grinning from ear to ear.

“Good. How about your friend, is she still around?” She asked.

“Yes Your Majesty, she is”, she sat down on the couch next to her. The maids were still rallying around, doing their job.

“And your dancing class, I see you didn’t go for it today”, she said, twitching her eyes.

Vidya couldn’t help laughing.

“Okay, okay, no hiding. Yes I didn’t. I was so lazy to go for today, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been progressing though”, she winked her eyes.

“Oh really? So, tell me. Someone wants to know the progress you have made”, she said.

Vidya cleared her throat.

“Actually Your Majesty, I have begun featuring in music dance videos. Although I’m not supposed to by now, because I just started recently, but following the connections I have, I mean, you, the Queen, I had to protest, and boom! I have begun featuring in music videos, with famous musicians”, she said, smiling.

A wow escaped Arya’s lips.

“And I didn’t know? How come I didn’t?” She asked.

“Well that’s because you are just too busy, and I always thought telling you about my dance progress was going to be like a sort of disturbance to you, so I had envisaged to keep it to myself till the Prince returns, and then I will gladly share it with him”, she shrugged.

“Oh no! Don’t think like that, bring them to me okay? Always tell me, I’m willing to hear”, she said.

“Alright mother”, she said and fixed her gaze on the maids’ work on the Queen.

“So like how many have you been featured in?” Arya asked.

She shook her head.

“About four, rehearsing for the next”, she said, twisting her lips.

“Wow, that is so good. So, you are on your way to being a celebrity huh?”

Vidya laughed.

“Can’t really say Your Grace”, she said.

“I know you are”, Arya said to her amazement.

Then there was silence, and in that period of silence, Vidya was just thinking of how best to bring up this topic. Finally, she did.

“Um mother, how was your trip?” She asked.

“Well, it was okay. Everything has just been carried out as planned, no hitches at all”, she assured.

Vidya heaved a sigh of relief.

“Wow, so mother can I?” She asked.

Arya laughed, getting her question.

“You can, he is yours now and forever”, she said.

“Awwwwn, thank you so much mother, thank you”.

“You are welcome”.

“So mother, we were thinking of celebrating, Roshni and I, celebrating at a club tonight”, she said.

“Oh, come on, it’s fine. Some maids and guards would go with you guys, you can”, Vidya began rejoicing.

“That reminds me…”, she said, “… I was supposed to gift you something. Um, I will send my maid later, just before you leave, to give you a credit card. Everything in that account is yours, just use it well, and wisely”, she said.

“What!” Vidya shouted out of shock.

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