Pregnant For The Royal Prince


THE room was white and smelt of medicines and penicillins, as she still managed to flicker her eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright light as well.

Finally, she fully opened her eyes and stirred, then noticed she couldn’t move freely, like she was tied down on a bed, huh!

She looked properly and found out she was on a drip, a catheter was fastened to her left hand.

Huh? What was all this? Still wondering where she was, the door opened and a middle aged lady entered, she was in a white gown, dressed as a nurse.

Her curiosity increased as she looked daggers at the woman entering into the room.

The woman looked at her and beamed, her eyes glistened, she noticed it and scoffed.

“You are awake”, she said and Vidya wondered if it was a question or a statement.

“Where am I? And who… who are you?”, she reeled out questions.

The lady smiled and began checking out the catheter.

“You are in the sick bay, and I am the nurse at the sick bay”, she replied.

Vidya scoffed, huh? What the hell is she talking about? Sick bay? At where? She wasn’t satisfied with the replies the woman gave.

“Sick bay at where?”, she asked.

The nurse turned to her.

“At the palace”, she replied shortly, then folded her arms.

What! She gasped lightly.

“Well you had passed out and some gurads rushed you here”, she added.

That was when it dawned on her, oh! Yeah, she had really passed out after the prince had…., oh my God! This wasn’t the time to talk about this now, she began crying.

The nurse was taken aback.

“What is making you cry dear? You are being taken care of here”, she tried pacifying her.

“What about his grace?”, she asked the nurse.

She exhaled deeply.

“Well I don’t really know, he didn’t come up here with the guards who had brought you”, she replied.

The cries increased as she continued whimpering, non stop.

The nurse shrugged and let her be, sometimes crying was necessary.

“Don’t worry dear, all will be fine. You will be out of here very soon”, she said and walked out.

Vidya cried the more, infact, she cried a river.

How could she have been so rude and arrogant to the prince that fateful day? Goodness, he was obviously disguised.

But Rina… my God, she remembered Rina being so nice to him, and she and Roshni laughing at them.

Crap! She felt like strangling herself to death right now, she felt like killing herself. She had lost it, she had ruined everything.

How was he gonna face him now? Knowing fully well he was the guy she had called pauper and laughed at, the prince! Damn!

The tears was so much that she feared it might fill a bucket, she let out her emotions.

Nevertheless, with the queen by her side, she felt she still have some chance though. She would plead for his forgiveness, whatever it is he wants her to do just to make amends, she was ready to do it now.

Yeah, once she leaves the sick bay, the first thing she was gonna do was to ask for his forgiveness, she concluded.

? Next Morning ?

Vidya woke the next morning energized and so strong, she had actually been discharged from the sick bay the previous night, she had insisted for the nurse to let her leave though.

She rushed through her morning routine, then patiently waited for Raghav to leave for work that morning, so she could begin what she had in mind.

She hadn’t waited for too long, when she saw his car drove out, and just then, a knock came on her door.

“Come in”, she said.

The door opened and her personal maid entered, carrying with her a tray, her breakfast.

“Good morning ma’am”, the maid greeted and walked to the dining to drop the tray.

Vidya grunted a reply as she watched her set the table, then a thought came to her, and she lit up.

“Davy, do you have the spare keys to the prince’s chamber?”, she asked.

Davy looked up from her work with a start.

“Mmmm no ma’am, I don’t”, she replied.

“Silly, don’t you know what I meant. Tell me who does?”, she was already shouting.

Davy shook in fear.

“Um, Alina does, yeah she do”, she replied with a rush.

She simpered.

“Call her”, she ordered and Davy nodded and walked out of the room.

Vidya relaxed more on the bed and smiled sheepishly, this was getting sweet for her now huh.

Minutes later, a knock came on her door.

“Come in”, she replied with a haste and the door opened, revealing Alina.

She walked in further into the room and stopped right in front of her, then bowed slightly.

“Good morning ma’am”, she greeted.

“I need the spare keys to the prince’s chamber”, she said stretching out her right hand.

Alina swallowed hard, like what audacity, the guts she has.

“Sorry ma’am, I don’t have it”.

“You dare not lie to me Alina, you so well know what I can do to you if you dare”, she snapped.

Jeez! This lady. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she nodded.

“Give them to me”, she ordered.

“Alright ma’am, let me go get them”, she said and turned, then left the room.

Vidya watched her leave and then bursted into laughter.

“You think you are smart huh? You must be joking”, she continued laughing.

The door opened again and Alina entered, this time, holding a bunch of keys in her hands.

She walked up to the bed where Vidya sat and handed the keys to her.

“Here ma’am”, she said and turned to leave.

“Hehehe…”, Vidya called her back.

“Ma’am?”, Alina turned.

“Do you take me for a fool or what? Who knows? It might turn out to be an automated door, how do you expect me to open it?”, she rhetorically asked.

“Let’s go together”, she said and got down the bed, then they walked out the room.

Alina led the way till they got to the prince’s chamber and the door.

True to Vidya’s guess, it turned out that the door was an automated one.

She inserted the keys into the locks and it didn’t open. She tried and tried, Alina as well, yet it didn’t open.

Then she found out there was a slot for a password to be inserted and decoded that Raghav must have locked the door with a password.

Little wonder the door wasn’t opening. She licked her lips and turned to Alina, who was still trying the door.

“You know he has used a password to lock the door, so why are you pretending?”, she asked her.

“Huh? Well … I… “, she stuttered.

“Shut the fuck up!”, she shouted and Alina jerked backwards, flinching.

“Punch in the password”, she said.

Huh? Her eyelids flickered, did she hear right?

“Ma’am?”, she called.

“You heard me right, don’t let me repeat myself”, she said, smirking.

Instantly and without ado, Alina punched in the password and Vidya turned the door knob, and the door opened.

Then she smiled and turned back to Alina.

“You can go”, she said to her.

Alina having begin suspecting the rude lady, dallied behind, not wanting to leave.

“I said leave, are you deaf?”, she ranted at her fuming.

Immediately, she scuttled away, looking back intermittently to stare at the rude and mad lady!

Vidya smirked and tuned the door knob, then opened the room and entered.

A ‘wow’ escaped her lips as soon as she entered, her eyes ran through the room, resting on everything possible.

“Jeez! This is posh”, she exclaimed closing the door behind her and walking further into the room.

The room was white all through. The 3D wallpapers, the gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the couches, the large bed with designer duvets, the dining area, the bar section, the television set, the wardrobe, everything was top notch. She swallowed hard.

She had intended going into the room to find out possible positions where she could drop flowers and apology cards for Raghav, but now, the whole thing was mesmerizing, and she had to put her initial plan on hold.

She walked up to the dining table and her eyes fell on the plate and plastic fruits which stood in it’s center as a means of beautification, she slightly smiled.

She felt the fruits with her hands, they were plastic in nature.

Then she left the dining area and walked to his wardrobe. Jeez, it was like a boutique of designer clothes, they were in their numbers and they smelt so nice.

Her eyes left the wardrobe and travelled to the shoe rack, God! It was better seen than described, she swallowed hard.

Different kind of shoes for different occasions, pure leather shoes, sneakers, canvases, name it. They were all there.

“Jeez! Maharana… this is too much”, she said in a whisper.

After admiring to her satisfaction, she left the wardrobe and walked to his dressing table.

Different kinds of perfumes, lotions, colognes, deodorants, assorted, they were in their numbers as they scattered the table.

She looked below the table and found out they were drawers, she smiled.

“Possible places to keep flowers and an apology card huh”, she said and tried opening them, but they were all locked.

“Hmm”, she growled and left it.

She was about moving away when her eyes caught something, it seems like it was hidden, but the silver surface couldn’t hide it, it glittered under the light.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

She stretched out her hand and picked it up, it was a small jewelry box, it’s surface was designed with glittering silver.

Putting the small box close to her right ear, she shook it vigorously and something made sounds inside, like there was something inside it, and she made to open it.

Using her finger nails, she opened the box and a wow escaped her lips, her eyes widened as she gasped.


It was a gold necklace lying peacefully in the box.

“Jeez! He must have gotten this for me, wow. This is obviously a female necklace”, she smiled and took it out.

Using her fingers, she studied it, it was designed with jades and pearls, all gold, pure gold.

“Holy moly! This must have cost a fortune”, she said.

The gold necklace had a locket as well and she proceeded to open the locket, she freezed instantly.

The locket contained two pictures, a male and a female. The male was him, yes, it was Raghav, and the female… oh God! Was her eyes deceiving her?

My gee, she cleaned her eyes with the back of her palms, then took a proper look at the beautiful lady in the picture, it wasn’t deceiving her, it was she.

Her legs wobbled as they couldn’t carry her again, and she collapsed on the seat facing the dressing mirror, still staring daggers at the picture.

“This is Rina!”, she gasped.

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