Pregnant For The Royal Prince


? Kuru Kingdom ?


THE door to the dark red coloured Lexus opened and Zaina alighted. The atmosphere was cool as the breeze caressed her skin, she slightly smiled then looked around the place.

Wow, she couldn’t believe she was finally in The Bahwan Palace, in Kuru kingdom, to meet with the prince, she smiled deeply.

The driver who had opened the door bowed and she walked away. Two guards and a maid instantly approached her.

“Welcome ma’am”, they bowed.

“You are highly welcome to Kuru kingdom my lady”, they said bowing.

Zaina smiled.

“Thank you. So where is he?”, she asked.

“His grace has actually been waiting for you, you can come with us”, the maid said, and helped her with her purse.

“Alright, after you”, she said and they led the way. One of the guards walked behind her.

Zaina looked around the palace and nodded, it was like a small heaven, so amazingly beautiful.

The flowers neatly planted and trimmed, the interlocked floor neat. There was a fountain at the middle of the large compound and the parking lot stood distance away from them, it was filled up with cars of different models and kinds, she swallowed hard.

Guards and maids were all walking about the compound, carrying out their various duties. They walked to the palace building, it was an edifice on it’s own.

Two guards stood at the entrance and they bowed as they walked in, the guard on the lead opened the large door, and everyone entered.

Then they took the stairs, Prince Zashil was waiting on the third floor of the building.

They finally got to the place and entered, it was a large space like a balcony and well ventilated.

It was well decorated and beautiful, there was a table already set and the prince stood distance away, overlooking the kingdom. He had seen them come in.

The guards bowed and left instantly, the maid dropped her purse on the table and turned to her.

“Enjoy your stay ma’am”, she said.

Zaina smiled and nodded.

“Thank you”, and the maid left.

Zaina watched Zashil; her proposed prince looking out and she sighed. Finally, she has met him. Oh well, he looks so cute and dashingly handsome from behind, she wondered how he gonna look, aww.

But hold on, doesn’t he know she was there? I mean he must have seen them coming, so why still looking out?

She sighed and looked away, thinking of how to call his attention.

“Will you stay there all day drooling?”, Zashil suddenly asked, startling her and she flinched.

“Ugh… ugh…”, she paused.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Speechless?”, he finally turned to her and jeez, she almost freezed out.

Oh jeez, he is too dreamy.

“Um…”, her eyelids flickered and she looked away.

Zashil smiled and walked up to her, his hands behind him. He was dressed as a royal prince.

“You look beautiful”, he complimented walking up to her.

She blushed, did he really say that?

“More beautiful than I saw in the picture”, he continued.

“Thank you my prince, you… you don’t look bad as well”, she replied.

“Thank you for coming”, he said smiling.

“Huh?”, she looked at him, was he actually thanking her?

“Yeah, thanks. Prince Zashil, second prince of Kuru kingdom”, he said, offering his hand for a handshake.

Her eyelids flickered.

“Zaina… Zaina Sachin”, she introduced, returning the handshake.

Then he smiled and walked to the table already set, then shoved a seat backwards.

“Sit”, he said.

She smiled and sat down.

“Thank you”, she said.

“You welcome”, he replied and walked to the other side, then sat.

“So, before we eat we need to talk”, he said.

Zaina looked at him, he was looking at her too.

“Tell me about yourself”, he said.




?? Shimla Kingdom ??


The atmosphere in the throne room at that moment was so tensed, so pensive that the duo stood in shock and fear staring at each other, none was ready to move a thing yet.

Amaya’s heartbeat increased as he panted heavily like he had been running a race, the golden sceptre still in his hands, and the crown on his head.

This almost completed task was one of his many attempts to take over the throne, and now, almost at the verge of everything… almost, this damn lady ruined it with just a twinkle of an eye.

“Shit!”, he cussed. Damn this maid, damn her! He was so gonna deal with her.

Instantly the sceptre fell off his hand, and he dropped the crown, then with the agility of a wounded lion, he growled and plunged towards her.

Rina on her own part was still too scared and shocked to move a thing, she couldn’t even believe she had shouted.

Her heartbeat raced so fast, what has just happened before her. This strange man was holding the golden sceptre, and the crown was on his head…. my gee! Taboo!

She was still standing watching and thinking when she saw him rushed towards her and she turned instantly, then raced out the throne room, shouting.

“Help…. help… a stranger in the throne room”, she shouted as she ran, racing along the hallway.

A guard rushed out from the bend at opposite direction and she ran into his hands.

“What’s the problem? Why are you running and shouting?”, the guard asked.

Rina could not reply, she was just breathing heavily and pointing towards the direction of the throne room.

The guard looked up, and saw nothing then he turned to her.

“Calm down and answer me, what’s the problem?”, he asked again.

“A stranger… a stranger, in the throne room. I saw him… I saw him”, she paused, still panting and breathing heavily.

The guard widened his eyes in shock. What! A stranger in the throne room? How was that?

At this time, a lot more guards and about ten maids surrounded them, they had heard the commotion and had ran down to the scene.

“A stranger? Doing what in the throne room?”, the guard holding Rina asked.

A hush fell on the little crowd as they glanced at themselves, a stranger in the throne room? They all turned to Rina, their ears itching to hear more.

“He… he was… I saw him holding the golden sceptre, and the royal crown was on his head”, she spilled it.

“What!”, everyone exclaimed.

“Ye…s”, she said then pointed towards the direction of the throne room and all heads turned towards there, a figure ran passed immediately and they saw it.

“Stop right there”, one of the guards shouted cocking his pistol and went after him, the other guards followed.

The guard holding Rina turned to the maids.

“Take care of her”, he said and joined the others.

Fortunately, it was Tanu who had taken out the order, she was among the maids present.

“Hey girl, what you been to the throne room to do?”, she wrapped her arms around her as she asked.

“I… I was there to clean up”, she replied, looking downwards.

“Clean up? Are you even allowed to go in there?”.

Rina looked up at her.

“Alina”, she said.

Tanu sighed, she immediately understood the reply.

“Are you okay?”, she asked.

“Fine”, she nodded her head trying to release herself from her grips.

“Let’s go check it out”, one of the maids said and they all turned to her.

“Are you insane? Check what out?”, another asked.

The maid shrugged.

“I mean, are we supposed to leave like that? If we should be questioned what we gonna say?”, she asked.

Tanu sighed.

“I think that should be for the guards and not us”.

Just then, Alina with her cohorts rushed to them, all panting and breathing heavily.

“What’s happening? Why is everywhere in a commotion?”, Alina asked looking at everyone’s face.

Her gaze landed on Rina and she flinched.

“What’s the problem?”, she asked.

“A taboo in the throne room”, Tanu replied with a disgust face.

“What!”, they exclaimed and ran towards the room, the other maids followed, leaving behind Rina and Tanu.

“Let’s join them, come on”, Rina persuaded and they all ran towards the scene.


Two guards were under one of the umbrella trees in the little garden behind the palace building, their hands behind them as they stood erect, another walked to and fro, he was the boss.

His right hand was in his suit pocket, and in between the fingers of his left hand, a smoking pipe was stucked. His face was straight and he looked mean.

Suddenly, four more guards walked in, three of them joined the others who just stood while the other walked up to the boss. He got to him and slightly bowed, he was the one who had caught Rina in his arms at the hallway.

“We couldn’t find them”, he spoke in a hushed tone, putting his hands behind him.

He growled.

“They have escaped”, he said without looking at him.

The other guard nodded, concurring with his boss.

“Where the hell were the guards instructed to man the throne room? Where the hell were they?”, the boss asked.

He sighed.

“That brings us to another case boss, his sister, Davida spiked their drinks”, he spilled it.

The boss turned to him.

“She what?”.

He shook his head in sadness.

“Seriously I’m dumbfounded, whatever it is they had in mind to do, they really schemed out their plans well”.

“Mmmmm”, he growled fisting his right hand.

“Where are they?”.

“They are still sleeping, in the inner chambers”.

“So she took them to the inner chambers, before giving them a drink”.

“That is what it is”.


“If not for Rina who had screamed out, it would have been disastrous”, he said.

“Talking of Rina, what about her?”, the boss asked.

“She is in the throne room, they are all there”, he replied.

He nodded satisfactorily.

“I don’t want any harm to befall her, else, we are all dead men”, his voice was cold.

“I know that, so we are sure keeping an eye on her”, he nodded.

“Good”, he replied, then smoked his pipe.

There was silence for a while as their brains worked, suddenly the boss sniffed.

“We must find them, we need to”, he said.

“Sorry to interrupt boss, they are the queen’s nephew and niece you know”.

He sighed.

“True, but if they are innocent, they shouldn’t have ran away, think Dothan, think”, he said.

“You are right, then we have to tell this to her majesty”.

He turned to him.

“Tell? This is taking time, let’s prepare men to go get them, they need to be summoned”.

“They have actually done a great taboo, but do not forget the queen’s wish, they are her blood and she cherishes them so. It’s better we let her know first”.

The boss sighed, then put the pipe stucked in between his fingers into his mouth and turned to the other guards standing behind and watching.

“We call when you are needed”, he said.

“Dismiss, to your positions”, and he watched them leave.


The door to the king’s chambers opened and a guard entered, holding King Neel as they gently walked up to the bed, Queen Arya and two maids followed behind.

The maids rushed forward to the bed and began making the way for the king.

The guard finally helped him to the bed, then he bowed and walked away.

“Anything else to do your majesty?”, one of the maids asked.

Arya looked at her husband who laid weakly on the bed.

“Tell the nurse at the sick bay to be here in a jiffy”, she instructed.

“Your grace”, they bowed and left.

“You will be alright my Lord”, she caressed his cheeks, feeling his temple.

“I know”, he weakly said.

“But are you sure you don’t still want to see the doctor?”, she asked, raising his head to place on the pillow.

“Come on Arya, it isn’t that worse, it’s just a minor thing”, he splayed his right hand on his forehead.

She sighed, he was right though, it was just a minor stuff. They had already finished from the royal function, when suddenly he felt weak, complaining of headache.

“The nurse would soon be here though”, she said.

“What was the guard trying to say? I heard him made mention of the throne room… and Amaya and his sister”, the king spoke.

She rolled her eyes.

“It’s nothing serious my Lord, I’ll go check on that once I leave here”.

He placed his hand on hers and stroked it.

“It must be something serious Arya”.

“Honey, you don’t really need to know about that. What you need now is rest, or do you need something to eat?”, she asked, digressing.

Neel sighed, he knew his wife tactics. She has just digressed because it was concerning her late sister’s children. Well seriously, whatever the problem is, she gonna take care of it, he knew.

“I don’t need anything to eat, I want to rest”, he closed his eyes.

She smiled sheepishly.

“Good my Lord, let me go now. The nurse would be here soon”, she pecked his cheek and got up.


The throne room was still filled with the maids and some guards as they parambulated about, some stood in small groups talking in hushed tones.

The damages in the room was still there, none had made attempt to clean it up, the king or queen needed to see it first, one of them.

“What the hell?”, someone exclaimed from the entrance and they all turned towards the direction of the voice, it was the queen.

Everyone began adjusting, standing straight and taking their hands behind them.

Two guards walked in following the queen behind.

Queen Arya looked around the room in a haste, her heart suddenly became heavy, what the heck had Amaya done? What?

The little gypsy statue at the entrance had been splitted into two and pieces of the clay scattered around. Photo frames, pictures, flowers and calenders strewn all over the floor.

She looked towards the throne, the golden sceptre has been tampered with, she could see it. This was a great taboo, her eyes became watery, what had Amaya done? What?

“Noooooo!”, she shouted and all the maids shook in fear.

She began shedding tears, but it was a quiet and slow cry. One of the guards who had followed her into the room quickly brought her a handkerchief and she slowly took it, then dabbed her face with it.

The maids and guards were all quiet as they watched the queen in sadness, it was a pity.

“Call the janitors to clean up this place”, she suddenly said, talking to no one in particular, then she turned to the guard.

“You know what we discussed, tell it to the other guards and um maids, let’s meet at the meeting room”, and she turned and left.

They all bowed and the maids followed immediately.

? Minutes Later ?

The queen and the maids were all sitted in the meeting room, non was excluded. The queen sat in front of them, her face looked emotionless, straight and mean.

There was silence as the maids watched filled with anxieties, what does the queen wants to talk about now? What?

Rina on her own part sat in fear, she just hoped the queen doesn’t want to talk about her going into throne room without giving the authority to.

“I called this impromptu meeting…”, she began, “to clarify you all on the serious issue at hand”, she paused and watched them all.

“Something tragic has happened, we all know. In most times like this, it depends on how we react to it that makes it bad … or worse”.

“You see what happened, I want you all to keep shut on the matter, no one, I repeat no one should tell it to anybody, including my husband and children”.

Alina instantly glanced at Rina, their gaze met and she nodded. Rina looked away, what’s with this one?

“The Guru would be here soon, I am very sure of it. So when he comes, nobody, I repeat again, nobody should tell what happened to him. If he asks any question, maids, you don’t know, that’s the answer, you don’t know. Taken?”, she asked.

They all nodded in reply.

“Taken your grace”, they said.

“If anyone dares flaunts my order”, she paused to watch them all, “you will have me to contend with”, she said.

Rina looked away, she really wasn’t okay with this, what kind of speech was the queen giving? Hmm, she shifted on her seat.

Suddenly they heard a commotion downstairs and everyone glanced at each other.

“Check what it is”, Arya ordered Prag and she bowed, then got up and walked to the window.

She looked out and gasped. The others immediately looked tensed.

“What is it?”, Arya asked.

“He is here”, she slowly turned to them.

They looked befuddled.

“Who is here?”, Arya asked.

“The Guru”.

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