Pregnant For The Royal Prince


SHE put up her left palm for him to see, and wiggled the fingers. He saw it, he could see the pearl in the ring glistening. His mouth fell wide open.

“Wait, you mean you used it on me? And it worked?” He asked out of astonishment.

She nodded.

“Yeah, I did. I didn’t even know it was gonna work, I just decided to try it, and it worked”, she explained.

“Wow”, a smile played on his face, he immediately brightened up, “I thought all The Guru said about the powers in our rings were just mere say, never knew he was serious”, he said.

“Me too, but now I know he was”, she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

“Wow! Alright, but why can’t we use these powers, and search for Rina’s whereabouts? I mean, combined with mine”, he asked.

Prisha brightened up.

“Really? You want to search for her?” She asked.

“Yeah, let’s just try it. Although she had said that I wouldn’t find her”, he said.

“Trash that, let’s do it then. I’m sure it’s gonna work, remember The Guru said it’s what we want, we set our minds towards it and through our minds, we connect with the ring, and let it do its job”, she reminded him.

“I remembered all that”, he replied and got up, about to walk to his closet to clothe himself.

“Hmm, big bro please go and put on something”, she said and looked away.

“That’s what I’m going to do huh”, he said.

“So what are you gonna do about Vidya? Tell mom? Punish her?” She asked.

“Neither of that, she is less of my problems now, once I get my problems all figured out, she leaves the palace immediately, once and for all”, he said as he put on his clothes.

“Oh, good”, she said shortly, not wanting to divulge her own plan.

As an adroit girl, she had already figured out that Vidya wasn’t just in the palace for marriage to the Prince, no, she had motives and so, she carried out her own action against Vidya undercover, just waiting for the time she was gonna fall into the trap.

He finished dressing and went to the dressing table, ransacked the table for his ring. There were a lot of them scattered on the table but he needed a particular one. He found it, put it on and returned to the bed, Prisha joined him and then they set out to work.

The siblings looked at each other eyeball to eyeball for a long time, then Prisha spoke up.

“What is that in mind?” She asked.

“To find Rina’s location”, he replied.

Then they brought their fingers which bore the ring together, side by side and turned their gaze to it.

Soon the light began glowing, just as it had done with Prisha’s, but now, the light seemed to glow and grow more bigger, and brighter, lightening up the little space between them, green. There were two rings involved.

As the light glowed up, their gaze followed. Then suddenly, a bungalow showed up in the light. The environs of this bungalow were full of beautiful flowers and shrubs around.

They looked more into the glowing light and they saw a man, dressed like a palace guard, standing at the verandah. They tried to make out his face but they couldn’t, it was blurry.

So they tried to cross their fingers in order to get a better view, but the view became more blurry, and the next thing, against their wish, the light went out instantly.

“What!” Prisha exclaimed and the next thing, she felt a sharp pain in that particular finger.

“Ouch!” She shouted, it was as if someone was piercing and piercing the finger with a pin.

“Ouch”, she screamed out again and instantly withdrew her hand.

“What was that?” Raghav asked and withdrew his hand too, ignoring Prisha’s yelps.

“I don’t know, we almost saw something. Why did it suddenly go off?” Prisha asked, still nursing the pains in her finger, it reduced.

“Damn! We can’t make use of these powers, I can’t even make use of my gift anymore, now that I mostly need it”, Raghav lamented.

Prisha looked at him.

“Your gift? Hold on, you do not discern thoughts anymore?” She asked.

He sighed.

“If I can, situations would have been better than this”, he replied.

Prisha thought for a while.

“Why not we go see him? He might have something to say about this”, she said.

“See who?”

“The Guru”, she replied.


??The Guru’s Temple ??Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Raghav and Prisha sat on the wooden seats in the temple of the Guru. They had left immediately to see him as soon as Prisha suggested they should.

The Guru wasn’t in as they came, his servant who welcomed them said he was in the inner chambers, and that they should wait for him.

So they were doing exactly that and a few minutes later, he walked out of the supposed inner chambers and walked into the temple, to his seat.

His long beards moved as he moved, and Prisha wondered if it was ever a disturbance to him.

As soon as he took his seat, he dropped his staff and looked at them.

“Bonafide offsprings of the royal blood, pillars of the great Shimla kingdom, greetings”, he said.

“Greetings great one, namaste”, they replied.

“What can I do for you?” He asked.

Raghav spoke up.

“We are in distress, the royal family is presently in distress”, he said.

The Guru laughed, startling them.

“You don’t call that distress, it’s part of the things you must have to go through in order to emerge as the Prince”, he said.

The siblings glanced at each other.

“How?” Raghav asked.

“Training my son, training”, he said.

Huh? Training? How? He was getting more confused.

“I understand you have lost your gift of discerning thoughts”, he said.

“Yes, and the powers in our rings as well. We tried to get somewhere with it, but it wasn’t working”, he said.

“Was it for fortification?” He asked.

They looked at themselves, and then back at him.

“No, but it’s for something important, we needed to find out something”, he said.

The Guru smiled.

“What exactly were you told about the ring? I remember telling you it’s powers are just for fortification, and not to find out things”, he said, “it was wrongly used, and that is the reason for the pain in your finger Princess, you misused the powers”, he explained.

Prisha subconsciously touched the finger, the pains weren’t there anymore, Raghav sighed, really? They had already forgotten it was just for fortification.

“Whatever thing it is you are facing now, is part of training my son, just face it squarely but know that in the end, victory shall surely be yours”, he said.

“So, would my gift be back?” He asked.

“Yes, but not now. Persevere son, persevere”, he said.

Raghav sighed deeply, and Prisha patted his shoulder.

“And my father?”

“The King is just gonna be fine soon. But you remember the taboo which took place in the palace years ago”, he laughed, “he was the unfortunate one chosen to suffer for what he knew nothing about, the calamity fell on him, and that’s what he is facing. But he will be fine”, he said.

Then he got up and walked to the fire lighting faintly in the middle of the temple. He took out something like a powder from a calabash close to the fire, and then he sprayed it into the fire. It glowed.

His face changed into different emotions as he looked keenly into the fire. Happiness, sadness, curiosity, surprise. Then he spoke.

“Treachery son, someone in the palace is planning treachery, take heed, and be more observant”.

“Who could that be again?” Raghav and Prisha lamented simultaneously.


“I don’t know, this shit isn’t just working anymore, I can’t tell why”, that was Vidya as she sat on the couch in her room, on call to her mother.

“What do you mean it isn’t working anymore? Don’t you have brains to scheme out how to figure this out? Aren’t you a lady? Can’t you seduce him?” Mrs Roshan ranted on the phone.

“Hey mom take it easy, it’s not as easy as you think. Raghav isn’t easy to get through. I have tried three times mom, three good times to get his seed inside of me but whenever I get the chance to, something unexpected would just shatter it to pieces”, she sighed.

Mrs Roshan hissed.

“That’s nonsense, that’s crap. Vidya don’t you know that time is running out on our side? Don’t you think that the Queen has been more than patient, waiting for you to do something, and yet you’re just there, speaking nonsense to me. You are a lady, do this thing”, she vibrated.

Jeez! Vidya was shocked, she has never seen her mother in such anger before, hmm.

“Fine mother, I will try one last time”, she said.

“Good, get pregnant for him and let’s know it’s marriage we would be talking about”, she said.

“Okay mom, fine”, she said.

“Infact, you know what? Just come over tomorrow to the house, I got a new plan”, she said.

Her eyes widened.

“Really?”, she asked.

“Yeah, trust me, you’re gonna love it. A new plan, just come over”.

“Fine, I will be there”, and she hung up.

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