Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 33

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 33

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 33 Runaway

Tanya’s POV:

The chilly temperature is what wakes me, and I peel back my eyelids to the cold and impersonal small room that I’m in. The soreness of my body suggests I’ve been on the ground for a while, and I try to move my hands but they’re uncomfortably restricted as tight rope bounds my ankles and wrists. The slow rhythmic pulse of my heart now escalates in a race, I begin to panic, and I no longer can find the air in my lungs to breathe. I’ve been kidnapped.

And I start to fear the worst.

Title of the document

However, before my body goes into hyperventilation, I spot another body to my right. Cathy. And realizing it’s my husband’s sister calms me enough to crawl over to her. “Cathy. Cathy wake up!”

I shake her with my tethered hands till I detect movement from her and can see that she’s beginning to stir. Her eyes blink frantically before she is conscious enough to speak. “Oh god, where are we?”

“Cathy, do you remember seeing who captured you?”

She shakes her head. “No, all I remember was being hit with something from behind, and then I passed out.”

Nothing else can be said however as we both jolt with terrible alarm. The door heartlessly slams open with a bam, shuddering against the wall it’s bashed against, and in walk two sizable males. Instantly they are both

recognizable to me. It’s the Alpha that I have witnessed being tossed out of the palace. With him is another male, the one that has been arguing with him the day Marco and I prayed under the Blue Moon Tree. And while before, there was a comical nature to Alpha’s yelling and anger, now, the circumstances leave me vulnerable, and incredibly fearful as he glares fiercely at me and Cathy. “Good, you’re both awake. You’re here because the royal family gave me no choice! I’m Caspian, Alpha of a pack and this is Dylan my Beta,” while the Alpha can pass as a human to an untrained eye, to me, he looks truly wild. Eyes feral, brows and hair untamed, a beautiful form of savagery that lies untouched by the expectation of civilization. And the Alpha’s next declamation reveals why. “My pack lived in peace and serenity for generations. We pride ourselves on being surrounded by nature and our connection to it.”

And like any wild animal, he does not filter articulating his feelings with composure. He talks with loud hand gestures and expressive movements in his facial bones. “But the Royal Family wants to modernize my pack by building a ridiculous dam. Apparently, the economic output of my pack is backward. Ha!” his resentment clearly runs deep, I sense that his dominance and Alpha nature is nothing but pure, unable to submit to the Royal Family’s authority.

“What those pompous wolves don’t understand is that my pack is more eager to live in nature, the industrialization and modernization will completely destroy the beauty we’re surrounded in. And the building of the dam will have unforeseeable consequences for the environment, which will affect the lives of the inhabitants very much.”

Even in his upset, the Alpha sounds very intelligent, and

in tune with his pack and what they need. “I’ve raised several objections with the royal family, but they were all dismissed, so I’ve had to resort to a more barbaric strategy. I heard that the prince recently had a girl, so when he realizes I’ve kidnapped his love and his sister, he’ll have to change his mind to free you. Now all you must do is call him. Convince him to change his mind, and then I’ll release you both.”

I cower on the ground as the Alpha moves towards me, f*orc*efully shoving the cell phone in my face. “Now call him!”

Induced fear compels me to senselessly reach for the phone, but I slowly grow conscious as my fingers seize up, unable to press the number keys. I haven’t suddenly lost my motor skills, something far worse. I have only known Marco for such a short period of time, the quickness of our marriage, moving in together, I have never bothered to ask for his number… With this realization, I fumble with my words under the Alpha’s menacing expression. “I-1 don’t know his number,” I say timidly.

My words obviously exceed the man’s expectations as he reveals a childlike daze for a moment, even diminishing his ferocity. But the next instant, he stares into my eyes, clearly unconvinced. “How can you not know his number? You’re lying! Aren’t you! Are you that foolish to come up with such a lie? Do you really believe you’ll escape without the prince’s help? Hmm?”

“But it’s true,” I say weakly. “I’m not lying, I really am telling you the truth,” my lips quiver as they advocate for my honesty, and I’m on the verge of tears as the Alpha grows impatient.

“I don’t have time for this nonsense! It’s good you brought the sister Dylan, this one is useless!” he snatches the phone from me and whirls round to Cathy. “You then. You call him!” Cathy also hesitates to reach for the phone, but he doesn’t let up, thrusting the cell into her tied up hands.

Suddenly a terrible amount of pain erupts in my belly. It feels almost as if something sharp is carving its way beneath my skin and piercing certain areas of my stomach. The throbbing is immense, and I cry out as I curl up on the floor. “Please! Please help! It hurts!” this gets the attention of both men who turn to me.

“I’m pregnant. It hurts please help me,” I close my eyes tightly as if shutting them will keep out the affliction and clench my clothing to the point that the ends of the fabric are now crumpled and

distressed. It’s enough that the man at the Alpha’s side quickly kneels next to me, placing a hand on my stomach probably listening out for my unborn baby’s heartbeat.

“She’s telling the truth, she’s pregnant,” I watch over the man’s shoulder and see a flicker of panic cross Caspian’s fierce expression.

But he continues to bluff, despite a stutter, “Even, even if she’s pregnant, are you sure she’s not just messing with us, Dylan?”

“No, the baby could be suffering from all the stress she’s in. This could be serious,” Dylan glances back at the Alpha, and they exchange something between them that slowly thaws away the aggression in Caspian, and his expression slowly shifts into severe apprehension. “Oh- oh god. Oh god. We could have hurt the baby!” he paces back and forth in a panic-stricken state, hands pulling at the ends of his hair in hysterics. “Dylan we must go now and grab the doctor! We must help her and the baby!” he then looks at me. “Just hold on, will be as quick as we can. Come on Dylan!”

The two men rush out of the room, and I am once again left alone with Cathy. “You’re pregnant?” there is justifiable disbelief in her tone, but nevertheless she comes up beside me. But before she can, I sit up, no longer buckling over from pain as I carefully eye the door to ensure the two men are gone.

“What- Were you acting just then?” Cathy asks, further perplexed by my actions.

“I really am pregnant Cathy, and I was having real stomach cramps at first. But then it stopped, and so I just acted like I was still in pain,” I wink gently. “But that’s not important now, we need to use this opportunity to escape.”

Cathy nods her head in agreement, and I watch her fingernails extend into sharp wolfish claws that she uses to cut the rope that restricts me, and I help her undo the rest. We then start searching for a way to escape. First we try the door, key hole on our end has been sealed, so we can’t pick the lock, then we

try to undo the hinges, but they have been bolted by heavy-duty metal that neither of our fingers can pry. And finally, we begin kicking it in utter desperation, but the metallic, vaultlike door is impenetrable, and obviously is sealed tightly shut.

But we carry on searching for other methods of escape. No windows limits our options but that doesn’t stop me and Cathy from pressing our hands against the bricks in the four walls that imprison us. We’re hoping there’d be a loose brick somewhere that we can maybe nudge out of formation to reveal the outside world. But the construction has been solid and well-done and makes our efforts futile. Together we sit on the ground now in exhaustion, and I gaze up at the ceiling to try and stop my tears from obeying gravity.

My brows scrunch in concentration as I notice a ceiling panel that looks out of place, making me quickly stand up to try and get a closer look. “Cathy, there! That might help us get outside,” she looks up too, realizing what I’m talking about. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Let’s use the tables and chairs to get higher up,” she says. I nod, helping her stack the furniture before climbing up, with very little distance left to reach the skylight I let Cathy climb up on my shoulders so she’s able to reach it and pull herself through.

A tense pause hangs in the air before she mutters disheartened “It’s actually just the third floor,” this makes my heart sink. Just as Cathy’s about to pull me up, the door to the room suddenly opens, revealing Caspian and Dylan’s sullen faces.

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