Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King


Noelle ran happily to her parents’ room and she opened the door, barging into the room.

“Mommy!!” She squealed happily as she jumped in the bed. Layla was asleep.

“Yes, dear…” Layla groaned her eyes stuttering. She just finished serving Noelle her lunch a few minutes ago and decided to have some rest. What on earth did she want again? Layla thought as she slowly sat up from the bed.

” Baby mommy needs to sleep.. ” she yawned as Noelle immediately sat in her lap, wrapping her little hands around her neck.

” You know mommy is pregnant with a little brother, so I need maximum rest. What do you want? ” Layla asked knowing the only reason Noelle would come was because she wanted something from her.

She was taking some lessons with her governess before Layla left her.

” I want to go the the park!” Noelle announced her face beaming with smiles and Layla groaned tiredly.

” Come on Elle. Not today..* she pointed out.

“Please, Mommy. Take me to the park, you need and daddy..” she requested putting on the puppy face.

“Oh, Elle. Not that..” Layla uttered, there’s no way she could ever resist those blue pretty eyes of hers.

She looked a lot like her father, if not his replica and her father was extremely good-looking.

“All right, All right..” Layla raised her hand in surrender, knowing there was no point in arguing with Noelle. She’ll win it at the end of the day.

“Go to your Nanny and dress up. I’ll put in something..” Layla informed Noelle, who came down from her lap happily.

“Okay, Mommy. I love you!” She yelled happily and the next moment she dashed out of the room.

… ..

Layla who was already dressed waited patiently for her little girl to climb downstairs with her Nanny, she was already dressed.

“I’m ready” Noelle announced climbing down the stairs with joy.

Malcolm was behind them and he was dressed also.

Malcolm had become like Layla’s first child and lived with them in the past palace.

His family was doing well and his sister Millie was already a high school student.

Malcolm was growing into a fine young man.

“cam we go now? ” Layla asked as Noelle shook her head gingerly.

” Malcolm is coming with you too..” Noelle informed as Layla shook her head

She guessed she was bored alone in the house. Kira and Keisha were currently not around. They all went for a little family outing with their father, Darren.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

” Okay good. Let’s hit the road.. ” she was about to leave when Noelle stopped her.

” Mommy, what about daddy? He should come too…” she requested.

” Your daddy is busy right now. There is a meeting going on with the elders and he won’t be free today… ” Layla informed as Noelle frowned. She really wanted her father to come along with them…

” Okay.. ” she muttered softly.

“Well come on. Malcolm.. ” she called and the three of them walked to the garage.

Layla got into the car as she didn’t feel the need to take a guard along with her. She was spending only a little time there, so there was no need to take a guard with her.

Malcolm and Noelle made themselves comfortable in the back seat and she drove off.

… …

Layla made sure Noelle and Malcolm had fun to their heart in the pack. They basically played all the games they were to play.

Layla watched with a smile as Noelle and Malcolm ran around the playground, shrieking with delight.

It was clear that they were having the time of their lives, and Layla was glad to be able to provide them with such a fun-filled experience. She felt a sense of pride and satisfaction as she watched them play.

“Mommy, let’s try the Ferris wheel..” Noelle waved her hands happily as she ran to Layla who was sitting on the bench. Malcolm was also with her.

“Yes aunt..” Malcolm rejoined.

“Of course, we can try the Ferris wheel!” Layla replied with a smile, standing up from the bench.

She took Noelle and Malcolm by the hand and led them over to the giant wheel. Noelle and Malcolm both looked up at it in awe, their eyes wide with excitement.

“Join us, mom..” Noelle tugged her mother’s hand but Layla wasn’t in for it. She was pregnant.

“Oh, sweetie, I would love to join you, but I’m not able to go on the Ferris wheel right now,” Layla said, giving Noelle a gentle smile.

“I’m pregnant, remember? I need to take it easy.”

“Oh, right!” Noelle said, her face falling slightly. “I forgot.”

“It’s okay, honey,” Layla said, patting her on the head.

“You go have fun on the Ferris wheel with your brother. I’ll be here waiting for you when you’re done,” she informed them.

A few minutes later, they were done. They were both sweating profusely.

“Alright, that’s enough for today. We have to get back home..” Layla stated that she didn’t inform anyone of their little expenditure.

Noelle and Malcolm both looked a little disappointed, but they knew better than to argue with Layla. They followed her back to the car, still chattering excitedly about their adventure on the Ferris wheel.

Layla was about to reach out for the car door when two men dressed in black suddenly stopped in front of her.

“Who are you?” Layla was alerted as she held Noelle and Malcolm close to herself.

Layla’s heart pounded in her chest as she saw the man standing in front of her. He was tall and imposing, with a cold, hard look in his eyes.

Before she could even say anything, they both began to drag Noelle with her.

“Stop!! Stop it!!” Layla yelled as she began to hold Noelle back.

She packed her car in a secluded place and no one was around.

“Stop!!” Malcolm joined her in struggling with Noelle but it seemed like they were intent on taking her daughter from her.

“You seriously don’t know who you’re dealing with. Let me daughter go this instant or I won’t spare you. This is a Luna’s order!!” She threatened in a stern voice but none of them heeded to her pleas and they finally managed to drag her daughter away.

Malcolm tried pushing them off but they were too strong for him as they pushed him aside like some rags doll.

“Please don’t… please..” Layla begged in tears as she fell weakly to the ground, leaning against the car.

She watched helplessly as her daughter was taken away against her will.

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