Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

The Real Xavier


Currently, I’m on my way to England to meet up with my king and my daughters. However, I made a stop on the way. According to the Seers’ last words to me, there is a rogue who was left alive from running like a coward after attacking my first mate and killing her. This rogue paid her alpha to keep quiet and disappear, though he didn’t do a good job of it. I found him, camping in the woods of North Carolina and knocked his ass out cold. I injected him with an herb that keeps him sedated until I was home. Samael will pick his brain with his powers. I will finally get the answers to questions I have been searching so long for.

Xavier Pov

She’s gone. She left with… him… I should have known somehow that they would find their way back to each other. Fate is a huge bitch. I can’t fail my father again. When I killed her before, he opened the earth and it swallowed me whole as his minions dragged me home. To my true home. Hell. I was chained to walls from all directions while his minions tortured me for pure pleasure for failing him. For almost 100 years, I suffered, until he found the prophecy of her being reborn. I promised him I wouldn’t fail this time.

I knew I shouldn’t have been with Zoe. The truth is, I needed Jasmine’s wolf, Lunar, jealous. I knew Lunar hadn’t accepted me yet. My powers would be in full effect if she had already. It was a funny coincidence that I happened to be re-born by Samuel’s now dead aunt. She died bringing me into this new world, as no mere mortal can handle the power of a birth by my kind. A true demon birth. Jasmine should know better than to think I’m letting her go so easily. She belongs to me! I’ll be damned if my old enemy, Stephan, or Samael as he is known in this life, comes in like a fucking knight and swoops her off her feet.

I’ve done too much planning. I’ve cleared every obstacle. I tore her down so much she needed me. I fucking manipulated her moon goddess into giving me a wolf and made her pair me with her this time around as her true mate. Even now, her goddess Selene is so oblivious to everything. Such a shame how easy it was to trick that bitch by hiding my demon nature and becoming the most powerful person close to Jasmine, ensuring she would bestow the mate bond on me. I feel as if she senses my true nature now though, not that it matters now, and that she plays a part in Jasmine leaving. Selene and Lunar are talking constantly. Jasmine is very simple-minded. To weak…. I will reclaim her. She already bears my mark, so whether she likes it or not, we are still linked, which is something she cannot even break. Very soon she will start transitioning. She will be coming back herself. As I watch the servants clean the blood from Zoe, a beautiful plan comes to my mind. One which I know for a fact will make her come to me instead of me coming to her.

For this plan, I’ll need my father’s help.

I go to our floor and take a hidden passage to my well-hidden room. A place to go as a sanctuary that holds an altar for my father. I perform the ritual, sacrificing one of the goats locked down there and cutting off their head. After I drew my father’s signature pentagram in the goat’s blood, I cut open my own wrists. The pain is nothing for me. I’ve done this many times before. As I let my blood flow out of me and into the pentagram, I feel a nagging presence in my head. I know it’s not fathers. This was too pure. I smirked. I know this presence all too well.

I turned around only to see a horrified Jasmine looking right at me. Her presence is almost invisible to the naked eye, though I can see her as bright as day.

“Enjoy your little vacation my little mate. I’ll be seeing you really soon”, I told her as I felt my eyes turn red and black mist formed around me. Her shadow vanished right after, but somehow, I knew she still heard me. I turned back to the Black Altar ahead of me.

“Father, I am close to having her power. But I need help from you. There are things I need you to do: I chant to him, sending him a mental picture of my plan. For a second, I didn’t hear a reply and then….

A huge gust of red smoke fills the cave rising from the pentagram. My father’s price for his help shows itself as a picture in my head. Thankfully, it’s nothing I can’t handle. Although, I will admit, it will hurt a bit.

“As you wish, father “, I tell him, and the red smoke dissipates.

It will be time soon to put my plan in motion, but first things first. Fathers price. I link my Cartise and Solom’s to meet me in the forest.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“On the way”, they all responded.

I arrive at the dungeons before them.

The forest is quiet around this time as it is almost nighttime. My Cartise and Solom showed up quickly.

” Alpha. We heard what happened to Zoey. Whispers say it’s the queen. Anyone who spoke the words has been jailed but we need to know. Was it?” Raymond asks.

” I’ll deal with them, but first. I need to let you know. Jasmine has left with Samael and his crew.”, I told them, causing them to growl. They never liked Samael anyway.

” Then what are we still doing here? Let’s get her”, Lamar said, getting ready to go back to the palace.

“In a moment. Trust me, you will all help me out”, I told them, walking towards them. I shifted into my wolf, letting my black fur shine in the moonlight as it was now dark.

” You have all known me for most of my life, and have stood by my side, but there are things in place that are being set up against what I need”, I linked them as I walked towards them slowly. My eyes are turning red, and my mist is rising out of the ground. The fear in their eyes is evident as they back away from me slowly.

“Yo… W…. what is this?” Lamar stutters.

” What the hell are you?” Lamar demands as they all continue to back away, but it’s pointless. I know they can sense what’s about to happen. Not that I mind doing this, but they are still the closest things I have to calling friends ever since I was reborn. However, my father hates the idea of me having any kind of happiness, so I’ve got to wipe the slate clean for him to help me personally.

” Say hello to your goddess”, I tell them as I dash them. Both of them are fast, but neither of them is that fast, so the last thing they see before they die is my red eyes and black wolf, carrying a streak of red.


Samael Pov

Jasmine. The light of my life. I have been in love with her from the moment she was born, which is why it killed me when she was separated from me. When I became King, I used all my resources to find her. Even Rynyxon was frustrated that we found nothing. He told me that there was a witch that placed a strong shielding spell on her and her mother. She was my everything from the moment I laid eyes on her. When Rynyxon told me he felt his mate die, I was afraid that maybe so was she.

I had almost given up hope until the day we heard of the white wolf known as the Lunar Dynamis. The one wolf to rule them all. The one from the prophecy. It was well known that the Lunar Dynamis was to be born from my old pack, which is when I heard she was still alive, I was overjoyed. Then I heard she had been mated to my own cousin. I found out about my cousin when I came to England. When we met, he just gave off this aura that sickened me, though I don’t know why. I could also tell it was vice versa. He hated me just as much as I hated him.

To hear that my precious princess was mated to the spot that is my cousin was the biggest slap to my heart. According to the half of the prophecy we have, she will do great things beside her mate. I’ve always felt such a strong connection to her, it’s crazy. I had even decided to come to America to take her to my home, where her family now resides, but Rynyxon told me she was happy now. He had seen her while in America and felt the love she had for my cousin. I could never take that away from her. Even though I couldn’t be there in person, I always wanted to make sure she was protected, so I sent Harmony to my cousin’s place to watch over her. Harmon kept me updated on her progress and training as a queen now. Every day I felt more and more proud.

When Ava was abducted, Rynyxon raised hell searching for her. After reporting her safe and sound, he explained to me that he learned the pack Jasmine was raised in. He was beyond pissed to learn Ava had been turned into a wolf. So pissed, he was going to raise hell and kill everyone on that packland, but I heard there were witches working with the alpha there. I would have preferred to be there myself, since any kind of magic does not work on me. Rynyxon is the closest person I have had to a mentor and father ever since I became King and even before then. Even though he is good at his job, he is not invincible. I told him to stay there and keep an eye on Ava until I arrived, not that he wouldn’t have anyway.

Harmon then called me before I was getting ready to come help Rynyxon and told me about Jasmine’s plan. Harmon wanted my help, but I knew she didn’t really need it. My sister is such an open book. It was clear more than anything that she wanted me to meet Jasmine. When I arrived, I had prepared myself to get some sleep and meet her in the morning, but then fate happened, and we bumped into each other. I didn’t think it was even possible for her to become even more beautiful, but I was wrong. I wanted to hug and kiss her the moment I saw her, but she was so sad, watching my idiot cousin with his dumb soldier.

I thought back to what Rynyxon said, seeing her happy with Xavier, so I did the only thing I could. I tried to convince her to give my idiot cousin a second chance. Which is why I confronted him about it later that night before he went back to his room.


I was on the way to my room as it was still early in the morning. Harmon had been awake training and wanted me to train with her like we did back home. I ended up bumping into Xavier, who looked like a sleeping mess with his hair all over the place.

” Samael” he greeted through his teeth. Most likely trying to start a fight with me, which is something he tries to do frequently, as if I can’t put him on his ass.

“Xavier”, I greeted him back, ignoring him as he watched me walk by him.

” Still a stuck-up boy I see” he says, taunting me. I turned around.

” Still a fucking idiot, I see.” I replied, causing him to smile slightly. He was gonna try to find something smart to say before I beat him to it.

” Nice night you seemed to have had. Really smart to do it in full view of your window, where your MATE saw you. Real smart, hurting her that way.” I growled at him, putting emphasis on mate. His eyes went wide realizing what exactly I had just said, and I left him standing in his spot before he could even say anything back.

I would have thought he would have stopped but the idiot just kept hurting her. It even got to the point where I could feel her pain somehow. I’m not sure, but a connection opened up in her own mind. I felt her mind calling out to me, though I could also tell she didn’t know what she was doing. I didn’t understand it. I still don’t. Somehow, since then, I can feel her emotions when they are heightened to an extreme, and I can use my powers to soothe her. My wolf, Damon, said he tried to contact Lunar to talk, but there was something blocking him, which was strange. He thinks it’s Lunar blocking him, but why would Lunar feel like she needed to block me?

I hadn’t thought my cousin would get any more stupid, but I was wrong. Damon told me to go after her when she went into the woods a few hours ago, to bring her back. He could sense something was about to happen and I always trusted his instincts. When we came back, I saw her, and felt her anger as she saw Xavier with his whore. I myself wanted nothing more than to kill them both and be done, but as a king, I can’t act on my anger, so I was able to persuade Jasmine to come with me. There was no way I was leaving her here for the idiot to keep hurting her repeatedly. I swore to protect her by any means necessary, even if it’s from her own mate.

I’m not one to go against the moon goddess’ wishes, but I refuse to have Jasmine constantly feeling pain. When she told me she killed Xavier’s whore, I was happy for her. She needed that chapter in her life closed, but that’s not why I feel the need to protect her even more. I saw the way Xavier looked at her before his eyes turned red and smoke enveloped him. I had such a weird sense of deja vu, like I had seen this before somewhere, but I couldn’t pinpoint it.

The last thing I heard before pulling through the clouds was his voice in my head.

” You won’t take her away from me again,” he said. Wait. Again?

I called my advisors to do some research on everything they had on Xavier. Red eyes and smoke were only common around one species. Demons. Demons are the vilest creatures who inhabit peoples’ bodies on earth. They exist purely to create conflict. Was it possible Xavier was possessed by the spawn of the dark one? If that is the case, how long have I not been talking to the real Xavier?

“We need to go back to save him”, My wolf Damon says, causing me to roll my eyes, but deep down, I know he is right. If my cousin is being inhabited by a demon, then I need to go back and exercise the demon out of him. There are many who could do it, but since we are related, and the fact that it involves Jasmines’ safety directly, I need to do it. Jasmine may want to go back to her mate, and I need to make sure it’s safe for her. I need to confirm it though. As we approached my castle, Jasmine was still sleeping. I picked her up and carried her to a guest room next to mine as Ava showed everyone to their new rooms. Harmon followed us and went to her room to get Jasmine some clothes. I kissed Jasmine’s head, telling her goodnight as I took in her beauty, before leaving to go to my own room. Rynyxon was almost here, so I laid in bed, waiting for sleep to take me, knowing I would talk to him tomorrow. We will have a lot to discuss.

The next morning, I checked on Jasmine, who was still asleep before I went to my office, where Rynyxon was waiting for me.

” I have a prisoner in the dungeons who killed her,” he says, getting straight to the point. I already knew who he was referring to as I was close to her too. Our beautiful Jessica.

” You need me to search his memories” I stated, already knowing.

” Yes. I need to know who the son of a bitch was that had her killed.” he says, leaning back against the wall and I nod.

” Yes, we do, and we will deal with them as well,” I told him.

” Where is she?” He asked. I texted him last night about what happened and that we were bringing Jasmine with us.

” Still sleeping” I told him, thinking about how peaceful and worry-free she looked. I thought back to last night.


Flashback to when everyone had already gone to sleep.

I was drifting in and out of sleep when I heard Jasmine talking in her sleep. Just like before, I could feel her unconscious self-calling out to me, but it was stronger than before. This one was almost…. primal. I hopped out of bed to go check on her but when I opened my door, she was standing there. I could tell she was still sleeping, but it wasn’t her in control. It was her wolf, as her eyes were a bright purple and directed at me.

” Who are you that makes us feel this way?”: She asked but I couldn’t answer. Her beauty stunned me. I wonder if she even knew. Her eyes were not only purple, but there was this dancing fire around her that was a bluish purple, and her hair was flying around in flames. I tried to find the words.

“What way?” I asked her, wanting to hold her but not moving.

” You make us feel things. Things that we should only be feeling for our mate. She calls for you, though she doesn’t know it. I feel it. I call for you too, though, your wolf can’t hear me” she said, coming forward. The next thing I know is I’m being pushed onto the bed, but she is still standing at the door. I could tell it wasn’t done to hurt me as I landed lightly, and I was fascinated. She came to me at light speed and ended up on top of me. Her fire wasn’t burning me at all as I looked around while it traced her.

” Why can’t I speak to your wolf?” she asks, but I tell her I don’t know, and that he couldn’t reach her either.

“You can see my aura” she asked questionably as she put a hand across my chest. I nodded

“Strange” she said as she trailed her hand from my chest to my face. “That’s something only my mate is supposed to do, but he can’t,” she said. I ran my hands through her hair. It was as if it was instinct. She was so close. I wanted her so much at that moment, but I had to resist. She was not mine. She didn’t belong to me. I had to save her mate, but her wolf wanted me. Lunar’s lust was so strong, but I wouldn’t violate Jasmine or Lunar this way, no matter how everything inside me screamed the opposite. I pushed her back.

” Lunar, we can’t. You may be her wolf, but this is Jasmine’s body. I can do this”, I told her. She looked at me questionably before her eyes went wide as she looked at me. It was as if she was noticing me for the first time.

” Oh, my goddess” she said as she scrambled quickly off me and started shaking her head. “What am I doing?” she said out loud, though I knew she was talking to herself. I stood up, ignoring the raging fire building inside me that was burning me for not allowing her to use me to her satisfaction.

I walked to her and thankfully she let me hold her. My arms went around her waist and hers around my neck as she buried her face in my chest.

” I am sorry Samael. I am not sure what is wrong with me,” she told me. I kissed her head.

” Don’t be sorry, Lunar. I love that you let your guard down around me. As much as I wanted to go further, this is also Jasmine’s body. She also has to decide what to do with it.” I tell her and she nods. I walked her back to her room and watched her get in bed before kissing her hand.

“Get some sleep, Lunar, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow” I told her. As I walked out the door, I heard her say Goodnight. As I got to my bed, I realized what she said.

” Goodnight, Stephan, My love”. I fell asleep with my thoughts swimming around.

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