Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

The Champion

Samael Pov

After Ava fell unconscious, Rynyxon took her out to the hospital. I was furious with her, but my worry outweighed it. I knew she channeled a massive amount of power that would have killed her, and even she knew that, but she tapped into it anyway to find my beauty. I knew eventually, she would start to come into her full power soon, even though Rynyxon keeps her in the dark about who she is. What I didn’t expect though, was her power to be as raw as it was. Untapped. What I also didn’t expect was to feel her power almost rival mine.

I sensed something off with her when it came to Jasmine, but I knew she would come to me when the time was right. I never thought she would try to kill her. It pushed those thoughts of helping her away, but I will help her later. Right now, I need to find Jasmine.

With this thought in mind, my eyes landed on the map she pointed out, and I beat myself up for not realizing this sooner. Of course, she is there. Pythia told me the answer herself through Jasmine, as I recall what Jasmine said when she woke up from her coma.

“Bring the Amethyst Jewel to the Silver Gates.” She said Pythia told her. I avoided that realm on request from Rynyxon, but it was where Jasmine is, so that’s where I’m going. I linked my top soldier to watch over the palace once more. It was time to go get my girl.

“Katie, tell Rynyxon he is coming with me. You stay here with Ava.” I told her and she nodded, leaving to go to them.

“Harmon, Brandon, you’re with me. Ava’s stones drew towards the map of the realm of Sion”, I told them.

“Sion? I thought that realm was a myth”, Harmon said, and I gave a slight head shake.

“No, it is very real, but I have my reasons for avoiding it, but we must go. Pythia sent me a message through Jasmine’s dream to be the Amethyst stone with me, and I trust her visions, so that’s what I’ll do.” I told them and they nodded.

Rynyxon met us in the forest. A clearing where I usually go to focus my energies inside of me.

“Is Ava, okay?” I asked.

“She will be fine” he simply said, avoiding it. Even though he blames Ava for Jasmine, I could see him each day for the past few weeks beating himself up over how he was treating Ava. She is his daughter too and it was causing him great pain, since they were very close. He would make it up to her.

“Of all the places, why the hell would she be there? ” he said, sighing in frustration after I told him where we were going. Rynyxon has his issues with the realm.

“I don’t know, but we are about to find out,” I told him as I finished gathering my energy. I used those energies to open up a tear through the universe, creating a portal to Sion. I had the Amethyst jewel in my pocket.

As we came through the portal, it closed behind us. At once, many guards in metal battle armor surrounded us, pointing spears crackling with lightning on the tips, ready to strike. I looked down and saw we were standing in what seemed to be clouds, though it felt like ground.

” NAME YOURSELVES” One of the soldiers yelled as we all braced for a fight, if it came to that. I started to speak but Rynyxon beat me to it.

“Prince Rynyxon, son of Queen Amara,” he said, and the soldiers backed away quickly in retreat. As they should.

“OPEN THE GATES”, one of the soldiers yelled.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

As we looked ahead, two very tall Silver Gates that stretched out endlessly started to sparkle with majestic energy, unlocking them as they pulled apart, wide enough for us to go through. Troops formed a formation in front of us as they marched in front of us as an escort as well as some behind us. It was a royal welcome, given who Rynyxon is. After we passed through the gates, a buzzing started in my whole body and erupted as the soldiers stopped and paused instantly, looking at me in awe. My whole body was enveloped in a bright white light traced with blue, and I felt my powers as strong as they ever were. Rynyxon just looked at me knowingly. Soldiers stopped marching and looked at me directly, feeling my power as I somehow knew they did, and instantly bowed, which confused me. Why are they bowing to me? The light then faded around me.

A horn sounded and a man and a woman both came flying out towards us. They dropped to the ground light on their feet in front of all of us.

Rynyxon bowed, in which case Harmon, Brandon, and I did too, even though I was just getting bored too. I could feel raw power from this couple, letting me know instantly that they were in charge, but for some reason, I was not as threatened by it. It was…. peaceful, yet strange. The queen had light brown hair and purple eyes like Rynyxon, with smile lines that framed her heart-shaped face and rosy cheeks. She wore a beautiful silver dress that clung to her body like a second skin. She looked so young, it was hard to tell if she was Rynyxon’s mother or his sister.

The king, however, had a sterner look on his face, which showed just as equally with Rynyxon as he rose from bowing to them. He too had brown hair, but the ends were spiked with silver, and his eyes were not only purple but a hint of orange in the iris. He was dressed in bright white robes.

“Son” Queen Amara said, smiling, embracing Rynyxon warmly, who equally returned it.

“Mother, I’ve missed you” he grinned.

His father gave a slight grunt as he looked at Rynyxon, who pulled back from Queen Amara and looked at him. He reached out his hand.

“King Daniel” he greeted, waiting for the king to return his handshake. I could tell he wasn’t going to, but one stern look from Queen Amara and he did. I scoffed slightly at it as she reminded me of Jasmine, who I was hoping was here. That scoff wasn’t low enough as both the King and Queen both turned to me and gasped.

They were both bowing to me now. It was all getting strange. All this damn bowing.

“Please, your graces, get up. You should not be bowing to me”, I told them.

” It has been a long time since we have felt the presence of his grace, least of all his descendants” Queen Amara spoke, rising with King Daniel. So did everyone else.

His Grace? Descendant?

“Come”, King Daniel beckoned, and we entered the gates. The sight beyond the gates was beyond anything I had ever seen before. There was a huge stone-white castle that spread out as far as the eye could see. Soldiers were flying around the borders and were posted along the castle walls as well. There were creatures of myth walking amongst everyone as we walked in. We were greeted with a bow, head nod, or curtsy from any man, woman, or beast that we passed. The sky seemed to vibrate power itself as it glowed a bright blue. Suddenly, the soldiers around us formed a formation apart, allowing us to walk through them.

“Brace yourselves,” Queen Amara said warmly. The clouded floors created pillars for us to hold on to and we did. The clouds rose high over the great white and silver stone castle, and we flew over what seemed to be a huge waterfall that would put Niagara Falls to shame for its beauty.

We landed in a clearing. King Daniel snapped his fingers and around us, a building started to magically form. Inside it, appeared what looked like a large stone hall with actual white granite floors and a grand staircase that led up into what looked like a library.

“This is the Hall of Sepia. Speak freely here, no one will overhear us” Queen Amara said, smiling as we walked up the staircase. Harmon and Brandon were looking around in awe, as was I. Rynyxon just looked annoyed, but since he grew up in this realm, that’s to be expected. We came to a halt in front of a large silver table that had white sand on it. The sand would rise now and then and would create different shapes. I realized it was creating the sky of different realms as it rose, took shape, and then fell.

“This is the table of prophecy”. Our greatest weapon against the forces of evil. It tells us when strong evil takes place and in what dimensions. Our forces pair up to eliminate them. A never-ending battle, it seems.” Queen Amara said to us, noticing my fascination.

“Earlier you called me a Descendant?” I asked her.

I had always wondered where my lineage came from as well as my powers. My mother died before she could.

“Yes, Descendants. Do you truly not know yourself?” King Daniel asked me, and I shook my head. I looked at Rynyxon, who didn’t seem fazed by any of it. He wouldn’t even look at me. What did he know?

” You didn’t tell him, Rynyxon? Surely you can feel who he is” King Daniel said in annoyance towards Rynyxon who simply looked at me. I could see the gears clicking in his head, analyzing the situation. He knew there was something I’d found out here. My eyes narrowed at him to which he slightly smirked at me.

“I had my reasons” he linked me before shutting me out.

“Who am I?” I asked them.

” Your Grace, you are a direct descendant from the original members of our race. Not just the original member, but one of the two most powerful ones. Not only that, but he has also claimed you as his champion”, Queen Amara said.

“What champion? Who has claimed me?” I asked.

“His majesty, The Archangel Michael. The very first of our species.

“Angels!” Harmon shouted in my head, shocked.

The Archangel Michael? That would explain the glow I felt. I read stories about the first angels, and their power was a legend, but never in a million years did I think I was a descendant of one.

“What champion has he claimed me to be?” I asked.

“We can find out later. We cannot stay for long.” Rynyxon warned me, but I ignored him. I was finally getting answers. Something he seemed to not want to give me. He was keeping it away from Ava that she was half-witch, half-angel, which is why she is so powerful. Not only that, but a royal princess, who I knew, but to keep my identity from me? Knowing I had been searching for it. Wondering why my powers are so strong.

It all started to make sense. Why do demons always seem to come after me? Why did they want me dead? They knew somehow. They knew.

“They knew because it’s who we were in our past life,” My wolf told me.

“Even you knew,” I asked him, getting upset.

” Michael asked me just like he asked Rynyxon not to tell you about it until it was time for you to know. Rynyxon’s Wolf has communicated this to me. We have a big destiny ahead of us, that includes our mate by our side, much bigger than the demon Xavier, and we must be ready. Find Mate! ” He explained before closing the link.

” Champion or not, I came here to find my mate, who was reported to be here. Where is she?” I asked.

They looked at each other, before looking back at me.

“Your mate?” Queen Amara asked, confused.

“Yes, we had gotten a message that she was here,” I told them.

“Where is my daughter?” Rynyxon asked now, getting frustrated. ” I can feel that she is here”.

“Your daughter Ava is not here, Rynyxon. Is Ava your mate?” Queen Amara asked me, and I shook my head.

“No, Jasmine is my mate and Rynyxon’s oldest daughter. He says she was here. Where is she?

“She is not in this realm any longer. I have seen it. She has the destiny to fulfill and so do you” a woman’s voice said from behind us. We all turned to her. Pythia.

Pythia pointed at my pocket and said something in Latin. At once, I felt the jewel in my pocket leave it, as its weight suddenly felt empty from my side.

“Where did you put the jewels, Pythia,” I demanded to know. Pythia and I crossed paths years ago during my training when I found her in a forest badly beaten. She wouldn’t tell me who did it, only that she was running away from someone and protecting someone. After I helped her, she helped me by telling me of my fated mate with purple eyes.

“Safe, with its rightful owner,” she said, dismissing the question. She bowed to the king and queen.

“It seems you have finally learned who you are,” she said matter of factly. Her eyes raked everyone in the room until they widened on one person.


Brandon, whose eyes looked just as equally shocked, looked at her too. Harmon, every bit of the warrior she is, stepped in front of Brandon, scowling at Pythia, but Brandon kissed her shoulder and pulled her behind him. He whispered something to her, and Harmon’s eyes went wide as well as she looked at Pythia and I could tell she no longer felt threatened. Who was Pythia to Brandon?

He walked up to her until he was right in front of her, and tears started to fall out of her eyes as well as his. He reached out and grabbed her hand. At once, both Pythia and Brandon both gasped and their eyes became white. I recognized this as a vision Seers have. We all listened in fascination as they saw what they saw before breaking apart and falling to the floor. Harmon went to Brandon, and I went to Pythia.

“We need to go now,” Brandon said.


“What’s wrong?” Harmon asked as I helped Pythia up. Brandon between me, Harmon, and Rynyxon.

“Your palace was under attack, and Ava… Ava has been taken” he said, his eyes fluttering.

“Taken by who?” Rynyxon growled. Brandon gathered himself before he spoke as he looked at Pythia, who was breathing heavily from her vision.

“Taken by Xavier”

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