Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

Lunar Takes Control

Xavier Pov

Watching a member rip the head off Sabrina was sad, but only because of what she meant to my queen. She had been found guilty, but she wasn’t. This whole trial was bullshit, but she knew something would happen to her. She somehow knew she would die. She made me promise her that whenever they did, that I would get both Jasmine and her parents away from this place. She promised me not to do anything to save her. Jasmine and her parents were the priority. Based on who she told me Jasmine was, she wouldn’t be wrong. I must keep her safe at all costs. She is the one, after all, who I have been looking for.

Sabrina’s body dropped and it was silent. No one said a word. My eyes were trained on Jasmine. She had somehow broken free of her robes but had dropped to her knees on the spot. I started to walk to her and pull her up, but a wave of pure power rushed out of nowhere, causing me to stagger back and fall.

Jasmine Pov

Hell. Pure Hell. That’s what my life has become ever since that day. The day that changed my life forever. The day my parents died, and I thought I lost everything, but I coped. Now, this, my Sabrina. My sister. Gone from me. I had just gotten past the death of my parents, and now her. I don’t know-how, but somehow, I had broken free of my restraints, but I couldn’t do anything. All I could do was drop to my knees. I felt… broken. They had finally broken me. I could feel Luna Leena’s eyes on me as she smirked at my defeat. She promised she would break me. In a way, they all promised they could, and now, they have.

I felt my vision spinning. It was too much. It was all too fucking much. She’s gone. They’re gone, and it’s all my fault. They would all be alive because of me. I dropped my hands to steady myself. People move in circles. Why are they moving in circles? I can hear someone calling my name, but I can’t focus. I can’t focus at all. My head hurts. My head hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much?

“Jasmine,” Lunar says, but I don’t want to talk to her. I feel like I’m freaking the fuck out.

“Let me in, Jasmine. Let me take over”, Lunar says, but I don’t listen. I can’t listen. I needed to wake Sabrina up. Yes, that’s right. I need to wake up Sabrina. She is just sleeping. A funny place for a nap though. There is a pool of red stuff around her. It’s probably just juice. We need to wake her up before she gets sticky. Why is no one waking her up? She will wake up soon. I know she will.

“No, Jasmine. She won’t. The pain is too much for you. You need to retreat and rest. I will control your body right now to get you away from here. Let me take over. I will help the pain. I will help you. We must keep our promise to her. Lunar says and I can’t help the tears. I looked at her parents. Lori is crying and Adam is holding her, with his eyes on Sabrina.


I made her a promise….

” I will keep her promises. Sleep now, Jasmine. Sleep”, Lunar says, and I feel dizzy, but I give into it. I will deal with my pain while I’m inside, but for now, Lunar must be given control. I sink to the back of my mind and Lunar takes over.

Lunar Pov

My human is in so much pain, as she should be. She lost so many people and she blamed herself. She will heal. She needs time to control her feelings. Until then, I’m in control, and A LOT of people are about to know just who the fuck I am.

I stood up and let out an ear-piercing growl. My growl is filled with power. Pure power. All of these wolves are on their knees instantly. They ALL look at me in fear. As they fucking should. I am the queen after all.

I heard a gasp from my stupid ex-mate’s mother. I should kill them right now. You know what, I think I will. I walk up to them as they all cower from me. I raise my hands and they all start choking. They are all lifted into the air holding their throats.

“Who… Are…. You?” My human, stupid brother asks, trying to break my hold. I know my eyes are purple. My hair holds a warm purple aura around it. I look around, making sure all eyes are on me. They ALL need to hear me.

” I AM THE LUNA DYNAMIS OF THE FORETOLD PROPHECY AND JASMINE IS MY HUMAN” I growled. I can see the wide eyes of everyone as I say this. I know they have heard of me. Fear is in their eyes. Good. I love it there. I felt each time one of these fuckers hit my human.


” YOU HAVE ALL COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST MY HUMAN. YOU WILL ALL FUCKING PAY”, I tell them, and I raise my other hand. At once, they are all lifted in the air and they are choking too, minus the visitors and Sabrina’s parents. Just as I am about to snap their necks, a smell of rainwater fills my nose. Everyone drops to the ground in an instant as I follow the smell.

Xavier Pov

I watched in wonder as my mate lifted everyone into the air. Her eyes were purple, and her hair glowed. I knew at once who it was. My other half is my mate and the wolf of the prophecy. The one I had been searching for. She was going to snap their necks and I had to decide quickly if I would let her. I should. They deserve it, but Jasmine is so delicate. She would never forgive herself for being responsible for so many deaths. Best to leave it for now. Her aura was so powerful that even though it wasn’t aimed at me, I still felt the effect of it. I’m sure we all did. Jasmine is in so much pain, I know she must be healing herself right now, so I released my scent to her. I knew it would draw her to me. She would act on instinct. I was right. She put them down instantly and she followed the smell, pushing people out the way until she came in front of me and paused.

“Mate” She growled and smiled.

Lunar Pov

I had a feeling Xavier would be our second chance mate, but I decided to keep it from Jasmine. She was in enough pain as it was, and I didn’t want to hurt her more. Also, for my own reasons, I feel off when it comes to Xavier, but I can’t put my finger on what it is just yet.

“Mate” I growled at him. He smiles and pulls me in, sniffing me. I could hear Jasmine in the back of my head. She was shocked. I wanted to mark him right here on the spark, but I knew Jasmine would want to make it special for her. I, on the other hand, didn’t care, but I loved my human. I’d never force anything on our bodies.

“Thank you, Lunar,” she says in the back of my mind. I heard a growl behind me, and I recognized it as the sound of my ex-mate. I turned around.

” No. I am your fated mate, not him. I didn’t realize before how strong you are. I am sorry I hurt you. I love you Jasmine”, he said, coming towards me. I growl at him, and he stops. I smirk.

” You love her hung. Bull shit. You love her for my power. I find you fucking hilarious. You were mated to me, the strongest fucking wolf of all time. My humans lost feelings for you long ago, and so have I. You’re pathetic. You’re nothing! ” I growled at him. I look to everyone else.

“You’re all nothing! You abused my human for thinking she was wolf-less, but I have been with her since she was 13 YEARS OLD. The day you all rejected her together, as a pack.” I growled at them and all of them hung their heads. I can feel the guilt pouring from them.

I turned back to Xavier, whose face was beaming in admiration. He is so fucking hot, and I know we have a lot to talk about, but Jasmine made some promises to Sabrina, and I intend to keep them for her.

” We need to go,” I tell Xavier and he nods, agreeing. I look at Lori and Adam, who are both looking at me in fear. They bowed to me. I growled in annoyance.

” You two will never bow to me again as long as you live. You have more honor and respect than any of these assholes. That’s why you will be coming with me.” I commanded, and they nodded with small yet sad smiles on their faces.

” You both never have to answer to anyone, other than me,” I tell them, and I know they feel the bonds they have with their pack break. New ones, form with me. I know Oliver felt it too, as well as his wolf. He growls at me and shifts into his wolf, walking to me. I see this as a big sign of disrespect, and I will not allow it. I ran to him, jumping, shifting mid-air into my pure form. His wolf is black and stands around 6 feet tall, but I am 8 feet tall. I tower over him and growl, which makes him cower instantly and show his neck in submission. Good. Let the pack see their puny alpha. I look towards my human brother, and he only hangs his head in shame. I look towards my ex-mates’ parents. His mother has fear written all over her face, but his father doesn’t. He is looking at me knowingly. I don’t trust him. I don’t like the way he looks at my human either, with his side smiles and knowing eyes. It’s time to get my human away from this shit show. I growl one more time at Oliver’s wolf and he cowers again. He shifted back to human. I did too.

“That’s what the fuck I thought, bitch”, I spit at him before turning to Xavier, who had a slight smile at the aggression I’d shown. I looked at Lori and Adam.

“Before your daughter passed, she made my human promise to take care of you both. I am leaving with Xavier, and I would be honored to bring you with me.” I tell them and they nod.

” We will be honored to follow out our daughter’s wishes. We made promises to protect Jasmine at all costs, which we would have done anyway”, Adam says, and I nod.

“Then let’s get to your home and pack,” I told them.

We leave Oliver and his pack behind us, staring at holes in our backs as we walk to their homes. Everyone is silent as we walk. When we got to their house, Xavier and I walked to Sabrina’s room and recovered the letters. One is from Sabrina herself, and the other seems to be from my mother. Well, Jasmine’s human mother. I put them in my pocket and went to help Lori and Adam pack up. Lori started to have a breakdown in the living room while she held a photo of Sabrina. I went up to her and touched her head. I then touched Adam’s. I could feel their emotions start to mellow out. Apart from my powers is the ability to take away some pain, whether physical or emotional, and heal it. They would still feel heartbroken over the loss, but for them, it would be more bearable to deal with. That’s why I put Jasmine on the back of my head. I am sharing her pain with myself, since I can’t take it all. It will make it more bearable for her when she wants to take back control.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

Xavier commands some people to load our stuff into their cars, which happen to be limos. Both limos have drivers. Xavier and I get in the first limo, while Xavier’s Cartise, with Lori and Adam, get into the limo behind us and we all pull out.

” Thank you for taking charge, Lunar. I am ready to come back now. ” Jasmine says. I can feel that she is tough. Her emotions have calmed down a lot.

” Yes. I need to face it if I am to overcome it, and I can’t hide here”. She says and I agree with her. I turned to Xavier.

“Our human is ready to come back. Be patient with her”, I told him, and I kissed him on the cheek.

” You have my word,” he says. I closed my eyes and I felt Jasmine come forward.

Jasmine Pov

Peace. When Lunar took over my body and tossed me into my subconscious, I felt peace. I could still feel the pain and the pain, but it was lessened. I realized she was sharing my pain so it wouldn’t break me. When she growled, I was somehow pulled back further into my subconscious and I ended up on the ground with sand, overlooking a beautiful ocean. The sun was beaming off it, sparking.

” So, I die, and you forget everything I taught you,” a voice says from behind. I turned around only to see Sabrina. She is dressed in a white shirt with blue jeans. Her hair is cut short. She looks refreshed.

“SABRINA”, I yelled, and I tackled her to the ground in a hug.

“Goddess Jasmine, kill me again,” she says, but she has tears in her eyes.

“How am I here,” I asked her.

“Selene has allowed me to talk to you, but you can’t stay long. Your spirit is needed back in your body.” She says and I nod.

” Sabrina, I am sorry for what they did. It was my fault. It was all my fault”, I told her with a tear coming down my face. She holds me by my shoulders.

” You know I fucking hate it when you say this shit. It was NEVER your fault. If I could do it all over again, I would. Jasmine, I was still with you even though you couldn’t see me. I don’t fault you for shutting down. Your pain overwhelmed you, but I have trained you better than this. You will go to your body. You will become the queen that I know you are. Yes, it will hurt, but know that I will still be with you. ” She says

“What do you mean by queen Sabrina?” I asked her and she smiled.

I can see a mirror appear out of nowhere. It’s like I’m looking through my own eyes through Lunar. She is saying mate to Xavier???

” Jasmine, he is King Xavier of the USA, and you are his true mate. Not only that, but you are a queen by birthright. The letters you will retrieve from your promise will explain everything you need to know, but for now, you need to go back.” She says and she hugs me. I hugged her back with everything I had, feeling her warmness.

” I will miss you, Sabrina,” I tell her and another tear falls.

” If you want to make me happy, then live your life, Jasmine. Embrace your mate and rule your nation. Bring light to dark packs like ours. Be the queen you are meant to be”. She says, she starts to swirl.

“I will” I promise her. I intend to keep this promise too.

“Tell my parents, I love them,” she says. I nod and I drift back to my dark subconscious.

When I arrived, too, I realized I was in a car with Xavier.

I tell Lunar I am ready to regain control of my body. She asks if, I am sure. I know she is worried; I am a mess right now and I need time, but I made a promise to Sabrina, and I will make sure I keep it. Lunar pushes me back to my conscious part.

Xavier Pov

My mate closed her purple eyes. When she opened them, they were the hazel ones I had already fallen in love with.

“Xavier,” she says, and she grabs me and hugs me tightly. I felt relieved.

“I knew you would come back to me,” I told her, and I kissed her head. She breathes in my scent.

“So, you were my mate all this time and didn’t tell me” She murmurs in my chest.

” I didn’t want to overwhelm you and have you rejected me. I’ve waited so long for you”. I tell her and she pulls away, looking into my eyes. I push a lock of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. She is so beautiful. She took my hand in hers.

“I know I am dealing with a lot right now, but I will never reject you. You must give me time to heal because I feel I will be a mess these next few weeks, but with you with me, I know I will make it through”. She tells me and I nod, kissing her hand.

“I will be with you every step of the way,” I told her, and I saw her eyes droop a little. My queen is tired. I pull her to me, and she cuddles around me, relaxing. I rub my hands through her hair.

“Sleep now, my queen. Sleep now”

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