Pleasuring the Maid

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

***Ava's POV***

'Stop pretending you didn't hear a word I said boys. ' Reynard spoke.

'This young woman here is my niece. ' He paused drawing me closer to him and draping his muscular

hand on my shoulder.

'She deserves the best, make no mistake boys you will have me to contend with. ' He lowered his

voice, allowing a warning tone to slip through.

'Ava, Ray, Bry. ' Renata called to us.

'I'm sorry for talking shit back at the hotel. ' She paused, swallowing saliva audibly.

'I accused you three of sleeping around even when I didn't know the truth. '

'But we are..' Bry interjected.

'No Bry, I didn't have the right to say what I said back there. I was frustrated about you people finally

knowing about my life as Ava's mum. ' She paused again.

'I am really sorry. ' She finished.

'It's okay mum, we forgive you. ' Ray spoke on our behalf.

'Right? ' He asked for confirmation, which earned him a nod from Bryson and I.

'Ava, ' Bry began.

'We have been wanting to talk about this for a while. I thought for a second there that Bryson had

ruined our chances of ever making you our girl. ' Ray explained.

'But it's even better if we do it in our parents presence. ' He turned to Bryson.

'Don't you agree Bry? '

'Totally. '

Both boys approached me, each one of them nervous to some extend. The amount of love and

adoration in their eyes had me almost agreeing to whatever they wanted to ask.

The over 6 ft men walked meticulously, both of them standing in front of me. My heartbeat increased in

anticipation of what was to come.

My palms began to sweat while my mind threatened to explode with excitement. I blinked my bright

innocently, the sparkle in them matching the smile that my lips gracefully formed.

'Ava. ' They both called me, each one of them taking either of my hands in to theirs.

'Only you have managed to make me feel like a man. ' Bryson began.

'For long, I wanted to act like one, I wanted to want a girl for who she was. Then you came along and

even though my stubborn nature didn't allow me to love you right away, your good heart and character

had me where I had let cowardice draw me away from. ' Bry praised.

'We don't want any other woman apart from you angel. We are very happy where we are with you.

These past few days have been extremely hard on all of us and yet we managed to stick together. '

Ray said.

'What we are trying to say is that, we are grateful to you baby girl. ' Bry added.

'So...' They uttered at the same time, nodding to each other before continuing.

'Will you be our girlfriend? ' They both asked.

'Yes my boys, yes. ' I spoke with a smile on my face and unshed tears. I was finally theirs as they were


Bryson pulled me for a small yet sweet kiss after which Ray did so too. The kisses sealed off our

relationship and I could never have been more happier.

'Now that's more like this. ' Reynard talked, pulling all of us into a group hug.

'Congratulations kids, all I ever wanted was to be there for every little step you took Ava. I'm glad I'm a

part of this. ' Mum spoke.

'Boys, you know what will happen when you hurt her right? ' Renata asked.

'Why does it have to be us hurting her and not the other way round? ' Bryson pouted.

'Stop pouting, you look ridiculous. ' Ray told Bry.

'And for the record, we all know you'll be the one doing the hurting. ' Ray added.

'Why are you even...'

'Cut it Bry. ' Reynard cut him off.

'Mum. ' I carefully called my mum, the name mum addressed to her feeling natural.

'Yes honey. ' She answered.

'Where is Uncle Rob and the kids? He was here when I came to see you before my men called me. '

'Stop right there angel, you just called us your men. ' Bry happily pointed out.

'I love the sound of it. ' Ray added.

'Okay, I was taking to mum now shut up. ' I teased.

'Your uncle left with a promise of coming back to visit me. I am still waiting for him to come. ' She told


'What about uumm...' I couldn't address them as such. I don't even know why I was asking about them.

'Aah yes, your grandparents haven't been returning my calls. They are apparently still mad at you for

causing the rift in our family. ' She gave me a sad look.

'That's what they think and they are allowed to as long as they don't hurt you in any way. I made my

self clear to them that they had lost me as their child the moment they asked me to choose them over


'They blame you for everything but I blame them. They should have loved you as their grandchild and

not let your fathers threats get to them. So just let them be, if they come around, well and good. If they

don't even better. I haven't talked to them for years and I won't force it. '

'I've lived wondering why they hated Renata. Now I know it's because they though that she had

replaced you. I could tell the dislike they harboured but I don't mind. As long as you are here mum. ' I

assured her, hugging her as she lay on the bed yet again.

'That aside, how are you doing though? '

'I'm doing better, I was this close( she demonstrated with her fingers) to dying. Ren and Rey really

came through, otherwise that bullet would have killed me.

'Bullet? ' I was shocked and ashamed at the same time. I hadn't even asked why she was in the

hospital and here I was expressing my shock.

'Yes, your father...He. '

'He attempted to kill you again, didn't he? ' I asked.

'Yes honey, the bullet however missed by much and hit my left shoulder. He was going for the

execution style but luckily he missed.

I don't know how he knew where to find me. I thought that after all these years that he had given up,

but I was wrong.

He had finally finally found me in my car after hours of shopping. I had my head rested on the steering

wheel, willing my body to relax after endless shopping at one of the malls.

The shot he fired was only one, one that was meant to kill me. I still remember how the windshield This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

shattered into pieces, some of the glass pricking me in the process.

The bastard was desperate and stupid enough to hit me around 9pm. It didn't matter how scarce

people were at that time, such a thing would attract a crown in no time.

He definitely used a silencer, but my screams had people running towards our direction. One patrol

officer was around the parking lot at the time of the incident.

He had reacted quickly, running towards my father in an attempt to disarm him. You would think after a

bullet launching itself on my shoulder that I would be laying there helplessly.

But no, I managed to remain aware of my surroundings while I still fumbled about my glove

compartment to retrieve my gun.

Just before I could fire a shot on the officer, I maneuvered my hurt shoulder, cocked the gun, aimed it at

him and fired the one shot that would bring him down to his knees.

He was very close to me and I could still see him struggling to fire at me. Only that I was more

determined than him.

I still wonder how a Mafia leader could be just stupid but after I fired a shot to his head, I knew how the

feeling of wanting to finish me off felt.

He was ready to risk everything just to satisfy his animalistic desires. He put the training he had behind

him just to kill me. His desperation clouded his ability to make the right decisions and it cost him.' Mum

paused after the detailed recap.

'Did he...' She knew what I was asking because she cut me off, looked me into my eyes and uttered the

words unemotionally.

'I killed that bastard of your father. '

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