Pleasuring the Maid

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

What! My parents both asked at the same time, looking at the three of us. That is until Ava held out the

hyper realistic mask and the photo.

I swear mum gasped, her face turning pale as if she had seen a ghost. Dad hang his head in shame

running his hands on his hair repeatedly.

They both looked at Ava with pleading faces. As if feeling their eyes on her...she looked up at my mum

for the first time since she stepped feet in the hotel room.

'Is it true? ' Ava questioned, throwing the two items at my mother.

My mum blundered uncertainly with her words, eyes shifting in all directions. I had never seen my mum

shot of words, she always had words to say no matter what.

'It's time Ren, they deserve to know the truth. ' Dad squeezed he shoulders.

'Okay, follow me. ' She shamefully muttered.

'No, I want the answers here and now. ' Ava maintained her stand.

'Please Ava, you said you wanted answers. Come with us. ' Mum begged.

She stood, taking my hand and Bryson's. ' please don't leave me. ' I was happy that she finally

acknowledged us. She wanted to be with us through this, no way we would let her deal with it alone.

We piled into my parents SUV and in no time we were parked at the Nairobi Women's hospital.

'What exactly are we doing here? ' I questioned.

Were the answers in this hospital, this made no sense. I was filled with uncertainty and doubts.

'You'll see. ' That's all dad said making his way to the entrance.

Once we rode the elevator, we stood in front a metallic door and judging by Ava's reaction, this is

where she had been.

Mum didn't give us time to think before she pushed the door open. In one single glance, there on a

hospital bed, lay woman who was very much awake.

She looked so much like Ava, even when her face appeared to be bruised, the similarity was just too

much, only that she was older.

'Auntie Eve? ' Ava ran to her, pulling her into a hug.

'Mum, call me mum. ' Her aunt smiled at her. That's when I realised what was happening.

'Honey, that is not your aunt. She is your mum Ava, your real mum. ' Mum spoke. To say Ava was

shocked would be an understatement.

She slowly stood straight, lifting her hand to cover her mouth. Her eyes widened in a fraction, taking in

the words.

The shock turned into anger and her face showed it all and it became all familiar to me once again.

'How could you? you were exploring the world out there knowing so well that I was all alone? What kind

of a mother are you? You even abandoned me at the age of 4 to a fake mum. ' She then turned to

mum, fire in her eyes.

'And you, you fucking lied to me for all those years, she used you( referring to her real mum ) to lie to

me. What I don't understand is why?. ' She was now crying, finally she was showing some emotions.

'I've lived for one year mourning, missing you. And to think that you weren't even..' She couldn't even

get the words out, she just broke into sobs .

Bryson pulled her in his arms, hugging her like her life depended on it. He rubbed her back soothingly,

trying his best to calm her down.

'Ladies, now is the time. ' Dad addressed mum and Eve. Telling us to sit down for what was about to be


'All that we've done over the years was for your protection Ava. I couldn't lose you honey, your life was

in danger since the day you were born. I protected you for 4 good years, but when I realised I couldn't

do it anymore, I decided to do something.

Ava it was all my plan for Renata to put on that hyper realistic mask. I wanted so much for you to see

her for who she really was, I wanted so much to spend time with you, raise you up and make good

memories with you, but I couldn't.

Renata told you that she gave birth to you at the age of 18 right? Well she wasn't lying only that she

meant me.

Your father was a very bad person Ava, I didn't know that until you were born. When I got pregnant with

you, he had made it pretty clear that he didn't want us or the responsibilities that came along with your


I couldn't abort you honey, believe me it never crossed my mind even once. So I stayed with my

parents till you were two years old and that's when the problem started.

Growing up, my dad used to tell me stories about a well known and feared Mafia leader. His name was

Alpha Moreti, the man was a devil Ava. He killed people for fun, he enjoyed it all.

He was extremely powerful, with countless connections allover the world. He only had one child , a boy

named Mathew Kenyatta Moreti. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Mathew was my age mate according to my father and no body really knew him. His father kept him

hidden from people, training him to take over once he was of age.

So when you turned two, your father started forcing his way back into my life. I didn't want anything to

do with him and so I asked him to leave me alone.

He wouldn't listen and it reached to a point where he even threatened to kill me and take you. I didn't

believe him until he actually tried killing me.

He had fired a shot through my bedroom window, no doubt aiming at my head. You were playing at the

floor and I was bending over to pick you up just when the shot was fired.

It was a miracle Ava, one that I'll never forget. He knew that he had missed and he called me after that,

telling me that I was just lucky that one time and that he would be back for more.

He warned against involving the police saying that he would kill you too if I tried.

So I ran Ava, I stayed at different places for a few weeks before moving again. Somehow someway he

would track me and issue the threats again and again.

It continued for another two years until I couldn't take it anymore on your fourth birthday.

Renata was my best friend, she still is my best friend honey. She and Reynard knew what was going

on and decided to help me.

Our lives were in danger Ava, and as long as I stayed with you, your life would continue being in


That's when Renata volunteered to stay with you till you became an adult, she sacrificed spending time

with her children to raise you up honey.

Your father knew Renata and I were best of friends and so she needed to change her identity and I

needed to stay far away from you.

I couldn't keep in touch with you because he would catch on it and come for you.

My parents were rich Ava, they still are and so they offered to help too. Renata and Reynard were

wealthy too and they didn't mind helping us out.

That's when we learnt about hyper realistic masks and with thousands of dollars we were able to get

one for Renata.

One that looked like a real human face, it cost a lot Ava but as long as her identity was hidden, we

didn't mind.

We didn't want to risk your dad tracing her to you once he realised I was gone. She would be the first

one he'd go to.

So with my parents help I flee to Korea, I didn't stay long because he had already traced my location.

And that's why I never stayed in one country for too long, I was afraid of him honey.

I made sure to share my life with you by sending pics, it hurt me not to be there for you honey, it was

killing me but keeping you safe was all I cared about.

When you turned 17, we knew it was time and that's why Renata faked her death. That way she would

go back to her kids life for good.

She however decided to take you in as her maid once she learnt about the demise of your dad. She

knew you wouldn't accept help without working for it .

So she decided to let you work for them for some time before relieving you of your duties.

Dad and mum blamed you for my absence in their lives. That's why they didn't like you, they went as

far as planting ideas in your cousins heads.

But thanks to Renata you are all safe honey. I'm so sorry honey, I never wanted to hurt you. Running

away at that time seemed like the best idea, I wouldn't change a thing to compromise your safety.

Ava, I'm here to stay, I want to be in your life. Please, I know we lied to you honey for so long but now

you know the truth.

I will totally understand if you don't want me in your life honey, after all it's all my fault. ' By the time she

was done, Ava had cried till she couldn't no more.

'I have one more question for you, who is my father? ' Ava wiped her stained cheeks with the back of

her hands.

'Mathew Kenyatta Moreti.' Her real mum answered pulling her daughter closer to her.

'He wanted you to be the heir to his wicked Mafia organisation. I couldn't let him turn you into a cold

blooded killer Ava, I couldn't. '

Ava's mum was already crying, she kept on saying sorry over and over again. She hated her actions

but she didn't regret them. I totally understood her, she did what was best for daughter.

Ava wouldn't be here now if her mother and mine had just given up.

'Now that today we speaking the truth, Ren honey don't we have something to tell the boys? ' Dad

asked mum politely.

What was he talking about, had they been keeping another secret too?

'Go on Ren, let them know. ' Eve urged my mum.

'Mathew Moreti is my estranged brother'

Bryson sighed and I suddenly felt betrayed too, for the second time.

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