Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 30 The Seeker Tale

Chapter 30 The Seeker Tale

N/A As I've promised.

This chapter is dedicated to.... pegasus1200 !!! Congratulations ???h

Artemis’s point of view

It turned out getting to Alaska wasn't simple. Thankfully to Lucien when he went south, he managed to leave some track and now the Olympians were scouring the northern states from New York to Washington and Canada. Therefore they stuck again in Virginia to seek further plans to pass the zone.

The passed few weeks Percy had found a lot since Lucien came south. When he was on a run away from Thalia's prank, after returning to camp, he learnt that three minor gods were bitten and Percy believed he was guilty. But now the truth was Lucien that bite them out of hatred. He also discovered that the full moon wasn't a curse or anything. Lucien told him that an event that had happened during the full moon and at each time, the memory was triggered that got him turned. Lucien said turning into wolf was all about the emotion, like when Percy usually got angry. When the point a specific was intensified, the true form would be released.

"There's your target" Lucien whispered as he pointed a deer in front of them.

The passed few weeks Lucien had taken him to practice turning into wolf with him still controlling himself. Yet it turned out badly that Lucine was forced to make Percy unconscious. Lucien told him a memory contained too much emotions that consumed him during the transition. But the more Percy tried to figure out what that memory was, the more blank he would get.

From the bush, Percy swallowed.

"Uh I think we should pass tonight" he scratched his head.

"Don't be a coward!" Lucien hissed. "You never improve unless you practice."

"I nearly killed you last time!" Percy hissed back

"Yeah you wish" Lucien just smirked at him.

Percy really wanted to turn, but the fear of him being the beast kept holding him back. For many years he'd tried to suppress that monster within him because of its destruction.

"Don't be afraid of who you are Perseus" Lucien squeezed his shoulder, his golden eyes gleamed with that wise, that knowledge. "Embrace it, let it flow. It's the fear that you suppress your self, to let that mere subconscious mind and memory consume you. Embrace your true self and you will have control over it."

"Talk like someone that can change every time he wants" Percy rolled his eyes.

"You're an Alpha!" Lucien reminded him. "Your father was Tamlin, one of the High Lords of the Grey Cliff. You think the title is just simply passed to someone? They must be worthy to obtain it Perseus, and since you've been carrying it for three thousands years, it's time for you to make your father proud."

"What if it doesn't work this time?" He asked.

"Then we try again" Lucien said. "We'll keep trying until you accept the real you, stop refusing it Perseus!" NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Their argument had made perhaps too much noise that the prey noticed them behind the bushes. Before the two could react, it started sprinting.

Then a sudden growl came out from the opposite side of their hiding and a mountain lion jumped out onto a deer. It pinned down the prey by its neck, blood spilled onto the ground and the prey let out its last sound before keeping quite.

Percy and Lucien was taken completely by surprise. They stood their in shock as the animal turned its attention to them. It growl, stepped back for a launch.

"Uh should we do something?" Percy said but instead only to see Lucien smirked.

"Perfect" the grey werewolf grinned. "Perhaps hunting to turn you may be hard. How about turning to defend yourself now?"

"No thanks but I think there another option" Percy swung Riptide as it gleamed in the night. Seeing weapon, the lion moved back.

Lucien span behind Percy as he swooped the sword out of his hand, then threw it to the other side of the lion.

"What the-" Percy turned to him.

"I guess there's only one option left now" Lucian shrugged with a smirk.

"You know it'll return to my pocket right?" Percy reminded him.

"The problem is so you have time to wait" Lucien said casually and pointed at the lion that was approaching them.

It came closer and closer, that fangs wanted to rip out their throat, its claws drew marks on the ground.

"Uh Perseus if there's anytime" Lucien said next to him, his gaze didn't leave the approaching thread. "Now is the time"

Percy stood there, sweats rolling down his cheek. He couldn't, he tried to push every emotion within him, but he couldn't intensified them. Without Artemis, things turned out to be more boring, even with Lucien cracking jokes couldn't help. He was afraid, perhaps that time he nearly killed her and the

hunters. What if he would turn into a blood thirsty monster again. The horror of him that day in the middle of a blood and monster dirt ground. He still remember that moment where he didn't know who he was. A monster or a person.

"Uh Perseus now should be the time"

He heard Lucien voice at his ears, yet he couldn't budge. His muscles stilled as the lion came closer.

"Percy turn right now!" Lucien at the point was yelling, and yet Percy couldn't move his nerves. He was afraid, that feeling of him hurting someone he loved pulled him back.

"Percy just get the fuck over it and turn!" Lucien yelled.

The look jumped, only a few more meters until it reached Percy and its image reflected on his eyes, Pedcy still couldn't move.

"Arggg" With a roar of irritation, Lucien let it loose.




"Stupid, coward" Lucien muttered bitterly as he clean the blood off his hands.

"How the fuck can I present you to our people" Lucien kicked the dead body of the lion away. "When an Alpha, son of Tamlin is afraid of turning into his true form?"

"I can't Lucien" Percy sighed.

"No, you can" He shouted. "But you are too afraid to accept it!"

"I don't want to hurt people ok!" Percy countered back with the same tone.

"You don't want to hurt your little goddess to be exact" he snapped. "How many time do I have to tell you. You and HER will never be formed. How hard does it take to get into your thick skull that a werewolf and a goddess can't be together."

"But I still have-"

"Forget your stupid feeling" he waved his hands.

"You're an immortal Perseus" Lucien walked closer and held his shoulder. "She's just a one day crush, you have a long life ahead. There are more suitable girls for you at our home, someone you may call your mate, someone can make you die if that person perished. And more importantly, they are our people, which mean you can carry on the bloodline of your father. We do not want to mix us with those common, greedy gods."

"Why do you recent them to much anyway" Percy at that point had enough.

The past few weeks were not the pleasant. The started feeling lonely. His ears felt empty without Artemis ranting and scowling. He couldn't sleep at night without her at his side, without that smell usually calmed him to sleep. Yet he knew he cousin return to her.

"It's because they're our enemies!" Lucian bellowed. "Don't you see the point Perseus. They are nothing put wanting power to themselves, they are nothing like our people. They killed many of us Perseus. The council may have gotten tired and did not discuss about it, but I still do. Not a single day I'll forget how they slaughtered us. And you! You are a disgrace to our kind! You tainted the reputation and legendary of your father! you..."

Percy didn't say, he didn't have words. Lucien had realised that he'd crossed the line and sighed.

"I think we both need some air" Lucien said quietly. "Me especially"

And with that he left Percy alone, playing with his sword while missing for the goddess of his heart.

Three weeks, three weeks without a trace of him. How could that nothing good of a male left her? She was furious, frustrated and yet, she couldn't abandon the search. She went out day and night, crossing across the country to find him. At night she would bury her head and cried. she had forgotten the taste of water, of food. She knew only sleep and keep searching.

Even sleeping became a trouble. At the first week, she couldn't even close her eyes. She missed that warmth, that scent and the arm around her waist. The bed was so empty, so cold. Artemis swirled on the bed, her mind kept thinking of where could he be. In the morning she'd think of how to get back at him when he returned. But when she returned to the bed, to where they spent their time together, all the feeling came back. Normals Artemis would cry to sleep, or wake the entire night.

She walked to the closet, opened it to find his belongings were still there. There was a blue shirt that she picked up and stared at it. The memory came back.

"Eww how long have you been wearing that shirt?" Artemis closed her nose.

"Hey it doesn't smell that bad!" Percy said after a sniff at the shirt. "Probably 2 days"

"No wonder why you males are all disgusting" Artemis said, winching her nose.

"Well considering you guys kept destroying be clothes." He countered. "I think my favourite shirt should be kept safe here"

And he continued sniffing it.

"You are impossible" she threw her arms in the sky.

Artemis smiled at the memory. She missed to yelled, to insult and scowl at him. Without his presence things were so boring.

Artemis looked at the shirt, his image of that goofy grin appeared as tears swelled up her eyes. She sniffed it, that strong scent was still there. Artemis hugged it close, her cheek pressed onto the fabric as she she kept inhaling the scent of her wolf. She carried it to the bed, wrapped it around her bolster and felt asleep with all she get to remind herself that he was there with her.

That morning she was awakened by her brother. Apparently there was some meeting in Olympus. She gave out her instructions to the hunters before flashing off to Olympus.

Somehow they managed to find some trace of him around Northern USA and Canada as Zeus had ordered full force digging through every corner to find him out.

She met Apollo along the way as he pulled her aside.

"What did you do this time sister?" Apollo asked her. "Father had been so enthusiastic about finding out this track after searching for nearly a year"

"I-I accidentally stabbed him" Artemis stuttered as she confessed.

"I knew you'd come to this point one day" Apollo sighed. "Poor guy"

"So now you actually showed some sympathy to him" Artemis looked at her idiotic brother in surprise.

"I just don't accept him to be my brother" Apollo told her. "But he still my race, a male and I know how unfortunate it is to be living with you"

"Not the time to insult Apollo" Artemis glared at him.

"Although I would trade that position since he gets to live with a bunch of hot girls" Apollo smirked as he glanced at her.

"Apollo I swear if you ever" Artemis brought out her dagger as she pointed it at him.

"Joke jokes" Apollo stepped back as he raised his hands in defeat. "I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit"

"Well definitely it wasn't" Artemis hissed as she glared. "Now if it's done with your nonsense, I need to get going because we're late for the meeting."

Artemis walked off without him.

She entered the room with all heads turned to her. Her father said booming with a pleased to see voice.

"Ah you're here daughter."

"Father may I asked why do we have a meeting today?" Artemis questioned. Normally meetings these days would just be about Perseus and that was never considered good.

"As we all know we have found some tracks of the werewolf after 10 months." Zeus informed. "I believed that with a little more effort, we can find out the culprit that murdered three of our people and about you Artemis"

The goddess swallowed as her father looked at her.

"I believe out of all of us, you are the one that capable to find him first" he said. "But considering confronting the werewolf would be dangerous, especially when you don't have assistance form other gods"

"Thank you father but I have got my hunters" Artemis reminded him.

"Yet they're still demigods." Zeus said grimly. "That's why I've decided to bring you a recruitment that surely will surely you in your hunting."

Artemis looked at him confusingly until Zeus ordered "come in!"

Out of the dark corner of the room, a figure stepped closer. Every gods leaned forward to see who the person was. As the mysterious person walked closer to the light, more gasps came as Artemis eyes widened more.

It was that unforgettable good looking face, that raven black hair. His metallic eyes with too points of lasers darted, scanning around the room. She thought he was dead, she thought he was... But she had to admit it, Orion was there in front of her. It was him without a doubt with the black bow at his hand, the raven feather at his arrows.

He stood in the middle of the throne room that taken every God and goddess surprise. Orion smiled, his attention at Artemis as he spoke.

"Hello Artemis, miss this old friend?"

Artemis’s point of view

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